𝙂𝙚𝙩 𝙒𝙞𝙡𝙙 ☾ 𝘴.𝘩𝘺𝘥𝘦

By -astrobaby-

39.5K 920 86

❝ Why don't you ever say my name? ❞ ❝ Because I'm terrified of the words that might come after it ❞ ➪ Kara Pi... More



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By -astrobaby-

25k reads special

Kara Pinciotti's bedroom

I mindlessly glided into my room, letting my thoughts jumble with each passing moment. I was confused. There's so much going on and I can't seem to grasp the reality of my life; Being stressed out wasn't a fun emotion to accommodate to.

As I padded my feet across the bedroom floor, my heart nearly jumps out my chest. I scream hysterically, stumbling backwards a few steps before gaining balance again. Jackie and Donna sat comfortably on my bed, flipping through magazines and gossiping about Pam Macy. Their heads shoot up quickly as my screams fill the air. I watch as they both snicker down at me.

"Holy shit," I breathe, "when did you guys get in here?" I tighten my pink towel around my torso. Jackie shrugs, clearly unbothered that she nearly scared me half to death.

"I swear that bitch is trying to steal my man," Jackie slams shut her mag, quickly hopping up from my bed, "You should have seen her today Kara, she kept touching his shoulder and laughing like an idiot! Yeah, I'll give her something to laugh about," I giggled as she shoved a pointed finger in my face, "this isn't funny!" She pouted. I simply nodded, moving over to my closet in search for something decent to throw on.

I share a guilty look with Donna as I step away from Jackie. We both knew how our dill hole best friend was clearly cheating on Jackie with anything with legs, especially Pam Macy, but we also knew we couldn't directly say anything about it.

Jackie rolled her eyes as she sat back down on my lilac blanket, "break up with the asshat," Donna jokes rolling onto her stomach. Jackie mocks her in a lumberjack voice in which I can't help but laugh at.

I stroll over to my vanity, quickly opening a secret drawer I've had for a little over a year now. In the secret compartment laid my glass bowl, two brown lighters, my stash, pre-rolled joints, a grinder, and some rolling paper. I tie my hair up before pulling out my bowl and quickly packing it. A short conversation about the poor state of my room is being had behind me which I simply ignore.

Pulling out one of my lighters, I turn to face the girls with a giant smile on my face, "Who's ready?!" Jackie and Donna look at me with a questioning look on their face. I roll my eyes dramatically, "Come on it'll be fun!"

"We're about to go skating, on wheels, In front of many people, do you really think this is a good idea?"

I purse my lips before jumping on the bed in between the two with an even bigger smile plastered on my cheeks, "hell yeah."


"Hey, are you feeling okay?" A voice hummed to the right of my being. I glance in the direction of the sound to see Dylan staring at me with worried eyes.

We had arrived at the roller rink only a few minutes ago and my high was at it's peak. The ride here was crowded and noisy, which was good for masking me and the girl's uncontrollable giggles in the backseat.

I stare down at the dusted roller blades that I had yet to put on as I managed a small nod in Dylan's direction. I didn't want to cause too much attention to myself, but I guess my silence was doing that for me anyway.

I look up at his big hazel eyes, "Just a little nervous," I lie.

His lips press together in acknowledgment as he knelt down to one knee, his eyes never leaving mine as he slipped my foot into each roller blade, lacing them up tightly. I couldn't help a small smile from pulling at the corners of my lips at the simple gesture.

"Don't worry if you fall I'll catch you," he smiles, quickly knotting up my laces before standing up to face me.

I raise my eyebrows playfully, looking around to see all our friends crowded around in chaos trying to get on the roller rink. The place we arrived at was filled with vibrant colors and bright lights.

My eyes wander around and fall on Hyde as he slips away from the others towards me.

"She's lying, Blondies high as a kite," Hyde smirks, as he pats Dylan on the shoulder. I stare Hyde down, my eyes narrowing. "Yeah you can see it in her eyes, they get all watery and crap," he continues.

Dylan shrugs Hyde's hand off of him before shooting me a look and walking away. My heart drops a bit as Hyde holds out his hand for me. I quickly slap it away.

"What the hell is your problem?" I mumble, standing up from the small bench I was sitting on. There was absolutely no need for him to act the way he just did.

He holds his hands up in defense, "What? Tonight's a big night, I need you all to myself,"

I roll my eyes Ignoring the feeling of my pulse speeding up from his sentence. I knew he was talking about tonight being the last night for our competition but for some reason I reveled in him wanting me all to himself. I walked away from him before I could allow my mind to think any more irrational thoughts.


Everyone was gathered on the slippery floor rolling around for awhile now. I purposely avoided the boys, hand and hand with Donna and Jackie.

I had meant to go apologize to Dylan but with Hyde consuming my thoughts, It seemed impossible. I couldn't help but want more from my childhood friend. Maybe I just needed to give it a chance. All this time we've been tiptoeing around each other and the tension was killing me.

"Kara, you've been really quiet," Jackie comments, more concern than I've heard come from her in while.

My high had dissipated the moment Hyde had outed me to Dylan. Since then I'd been filled with guilt and annoyance. I knew I shouldn't have lied to him, but God why did this non-relationship have to be so hard.

I nod my head, "Honestly, I'm just a little confused."

"Because you like Steven and Dylan?" Jackie laughs. My eyebrows immediately raised, shock spreading throughout my body.

"Yeah right, she wouldn't even think about Hyde," Donna cuts in, "He's like a cockroach you can't get rid of while Dylan is everything she's ever wanted," A few moments of silence pass before she speaks again, "Right Kara?"

Just as I was about to muster up some sort of half assed reply, we began approaching the boys who were chatting to one another. They all look in our direction as we glide to a stop in front of them.

"Right so, Nachos anyone?" Eric asks, gesturing toward one of the tables outside the rink. I nod eagerly, needing some sort of comfort food with my mind as scrabbled as it was.

"I'm freaking starving man, hell yeah." Kelso exclaims as everyone makes sounds of agreement.

Everyone begins to roll toward the table just as a hand falls in mine and pulls me away from the others. I look up to see Hyde dragging me around the rink with a smirk.

"Let go of me, Hyde." I attempt to yank my hand from his but he just grabbed my other one, now skating backwards with both palms captured in mine as I faced him.

I couldn't help but take in his features. His aviators were off as I watched his dark eyelashes blink over his piercing eyes, they were intense compared to the pillow soft brown curls that fell over his face perfectly. He was rough, rugged, and sexy as hell. I rolled my eyes as he gave me a sly wink. He knew I was staring and he knew I liked what I saw.

"You're feisty today," He stared at me intently with a smug face before it then softened, "something wrong?"

I tried to keep from the tears threatening to spill over. I was pathetic. Just two minutes ago I was fine and now I'm on the verge of tears.
His thumb grazed over my cheek. The soft pad of his finger so comforting. No tears had fallen yet but his hand remained on my face. I subconsciously snuggled into his palm that rested on my cheek.

He could see me. One look and he could see right through me. I freaking hated it. I hated how vulnerable he made me feel with his stupid blue eyes staring through me.

I could feel the coolness of his breath as he inched toward my face. Electricity pulsed through my veins as his lips lingered close to mine. He stared into my eyes, his gaze flicking down to my lips that were now slightly puckered. I wanted him to kiss me.

I was held in place by his hand. It felt as though if he let go of me, I'd crumble to the ground. He moved closer, if that had even been possible. My breath hitched as I felt the skin from his lips graze mine. Just for a split second, but that was enough for me to feel my core tighten. He then grimaced as if in pain, then backed up again. His hand remained on my face, his finger now lightly caressing my bottom lip as he placed a gentle kiss on my forehead. I nearly yanked him back to me, but somehow I had the strength not to.

When my eyes met his again, I hoped this wasn't just a competition,"Is there.." I paused, knowing I'd regret my question but I needed to know. His irises stared into me, hanging onto my words as if they were made of glass, "Is there something, something going on between us?"

My eyes still held water as his face scrunched up. Not in disgust or annoyance but something I couldn't quite read. I held my breath as his face returned to the same smug expression he held minutes prior and he dropped the hand that had been on my face.

"Just one hell of a competition, goldilocks," He spoke coldly and my heart felt heavy as I stared at him, trying to see through him the way he looked through me, but I couldn't. There was nothing more to see. Just a cold dry response.

I ripped my hand from the one he'd still been holding, "Well, congratulations Steven, you've won," with that I left.

I don't really know what I was expecting but I didn't want to play his games anymore. If I did that there would be no coming back from the feelings I had developed for him. I needed to take time away from Hyde and learn to be his friend again. The feelings I felt around him were just too strong, too dangerous.

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