The Raven // A Fred Weasley F...

By MoonyWeasley09

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She grew up thinking she was a monster until one day a boy with fiery red hair show her what a real family is... More

Back Story
My life at Hogwarts
Chapter One: The Night We Met
Chapter Two: The Astronomy Tower
Chapter Four: The Dreaded Train Ride
Chapter Five: The Letters
Chapter Six: Unforgivable
Chapter 8: Send Off

Chapter Three: Little Things

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By MoonyWeasley09

Aurelia's POV

I started to stir, waking up to the sound of the wind and much more sunlight than I am used to. Then I turn a little more and feel the weight of a comforting and protective arm around my waist. It was weird, I am not used to being touched and for the most part, do not like it. Over the years of being friends with May, she has helped me with that issue by slowly giving me small touches of friendly affection like hugs or a comforting hand to hold. However, it is still odd for me to have someone touch me, especially someone that I do not know. But for some reason, his touch did not bother me as much as it normally does. His did not scare me or make me feel threatened, it made me feel protected and warm.

Besides the nice feelings, I had to get out from under his arm and away from his touch. I slowly moved away from him trying to not wake him, thankfully it worked. I stepped up to look out at the sky and felt the wind hit my face welcoming me to a new day. Sadly today was a day I was not essentially looking forward to because I have to return to The Manor for the summer. I looked over at the boy who was always energetic, loud, and fun, sleeping peacefully and quietly. He looked so serene I could not bring myself to wake him. I knew that I had to go to my room to retrieve my bags to leave Hogwarts, but I did not want to. I did not want to leave the place that for the most place was my safe haven. It had some of my favorite people and I was safe from people like my father and Aunt Bellatrix. I also did not want to leave a new friend that I made just last night. After our hours of talking, I could feel that we could become close friends. He gave me a feeling of safety and steadiness which is something that I do not feel often. So I decided that if I were not going to wake him I should at least leave him a note for when he wakes up.

"Accio quill", I whispered as quietly as I could, "Accio paper."

And soon enough I had the supplies that I needed to write the boy sleeping soundly beside me. So I began to quickly write my note to him.

And with that, I ran down the stairs of the Astronomy tower as fast and quietly as possible making my way down to the dungeons to the Slytherin common rooms. I entered through the large wall and went up the stairs to my dorm room. I made sure that I packed the book that I am currently reading. Then sat on my bed to pet Reggie, he calms my nerves when I feel stressed and the idea of being at home later today sure had my nerves all worked up. I stood up after spending time with Reggie and walked out of my dorm room over to the side where the boy's dormitories were. I walked up the stairs and walked passed Blaize's dorm room. 

The door was slightly open so I peeked inside to see if my best friend was awake, and to my luck, he was wide awake standing at the window of his room that looked into the Black Lake. I tried to quietly walk in without him noticing that I was there so I could scare him. But as soon as I was about to jump up and scare him, without even turning around and looking at me he said, "I know you're there Aurelia." I did not care that he knew I was there, I still jumped on his back making us both burst into laughter while he held me on his back. I finally jumped off and he turned around and looked at me.

"How did you know I was there? I made no noise and I am not even supposed to be on this side there is no way you knew it was me." He gave me a look like I should know better than to sneak up on him which made me smile a little wider than I already was.

"Rori, how long have we been friends now? I can just sense your presence when you come into a room."

It was true, Blaize and I have been inseparable since the first day we met when we were seven years old when we ran into each other in Diagon Alley. I was making a trip with Mum to get some new books for me to read and while looking at the books in a window, a skinny yet fairly tall boy ran right into me knocking me over. I looked over at the boy sitting on the floor who just ran into me and we exchanged some rather dirty looks for two seven-year-olds. But then when we made eye contact for too long we both burst into a fit of laughter so loud that it alerted both our mothers that we were not right by their sides. After that, they came over and went for tea while Blaize and I explored this amazing bookstore in Diagon Alley. Books are one thing that he and I connect with, we both use them as our way to escape our realities and when we were younger we would pick characters to be and pretend we were living their lives. Our parents believe that one day we will get married because of how close we are. And while Blaize and I both find the other attractive we could never be anything more than friends. We relate to each other in ways no one else can and I could never imagine not having my other half in my life. I know that he feels the same way and that just makes our bond that much stronger.

"Blaizie you never let me have any fun, why can't you just let me scare the bloody hell out of you just once and not be some big detective who detects my amazing presence."

I pretended to pout as soon as I was done speaking which led to Blaize throwing me over his shoulder and tickling me telling me to stop acting like a baby.

"I swear if you do not put me down this instance I will cast one of the unforgivable curses on you."

"Okay, okay did not realize that I was dealing with Bellatrix Lestrange today," Blaize said while throwing his hands up in surrender. I hit him a few times before we started laughing so hard that we were both rolling on the floor laughing and clutching our sides.

"Well Blaizie I have to go make sure that Draco is all packed and ready to head back to our happy loving family," we both laughed a little, "make sure you save me a seat on the train with all the other boys in our usual compartment if I do not see you before then I want to make sure to go say bye to May before I have to leave."

"Will do Rori, see you in a little."

I left his dorm and walked up a few more stairs to Draco's room and realized that he was not in there and neither was his luggage so that only meant that he had already headed downstairs to the great hall to get ready to leave.

Fred's POV
I woke up to the feeling of warm summer air hitting my face softly waking me up. I expected to feel a smaller body to my left but when I moved my arm there was no one there. When I opened my eyes I saw a piece of paper being weighed down by a figurine of a blackbird. I reached for the note and read it.

'Dear Fredrick,
I am sorry that I left before you woke up, I was in a hurry to retrieve my bags from my room and make sure that Draco was ready to leave Hogwarts. I will be spending my summer break with my family at The Manor and assume that you will happily be spending your break at the Burrow with your family. I enjoyed your company last night, as well as the little time that I spent with Ginny. She is one amazing young lady and can already tell she is going to be feisty and brave. Make sure you tell her that she can write to me whenever she wants i would love nothing more than to write to her over the summer. I hope that you have an amazing break with your family, they all sound lovely. Especially that mother of yours I would love to meet her one day. Do not be a stranger, if you would like to I would love to write to you as well but I understand if you and George will be busy coming up with new items to sell at the joke shop the two of you are planning on opening. I can not wait to hear about the pranks you both have played on people over the summer. See you once the summer is over and we all return to Hogwarts.
Sincerely, Aurelia L. Malfoy'

It made me laugh when she called me Fredrick, no one other than Mum calls me Fredrick it was strange. I wish I could have been awake to hear her say all this to me instead of in a note. I wanted to be able to walk her back down to the dungeons myself since I was the one that got her so frustrated she came up here in the first place. It made me smile when she talked about Ginny and Mum. I think Mum would like her and I know George would have a blast getting to know Aurelia. I already know Ginny is going to be so excited to hear that Aurelia wants her to write to her over break. Ever since the beginning of the year, Ginny thought that Aurelia was this cool older witch who was so strong and powerful. I guess I should have listened to Ginny's intuition instead of being blinded by my hatred for her last name. Ginny tried to make me go talk to her one time because she wanted Aurelia to help her with some of her classes, but I told her that she was just as bad as her brother and that we'd be wasting our time. If only I would have gone and talked to her and I could have realized that she is the exact opposite. Oh well, the past is in the past and now I have to go and make sure that Georgie is awake and tell him everything that happened last night. 

I walked into the common room and looked for the boy who looked just like me but just slightly less attractive. I finally found him over on the chair in the corner writing down some plans for our business and told him everything.

"So you're telling me Freddie that Aurelia is not a git just like her brother?" He was confused by the whole story but also gave me a good punch on the arm for treating a lady like that even though she is a Malfoy.

"Yeah, she surprised me too you could even say she put me in my place a little. I mean when she started yelling at me it was like she was looking into my soul and tearing it apart, it was kind of scary. Don't tell anyone I said that."

He started to laugh at me for saying that but then told me he would have been scared too, "I mean Freddie how could you not be scared have you seen the looks she throws at people sometimes i mean if she yelled at me I think I would just run."

"Trust me I wanted to but I felt bad because I just assumed who she was and with every word she was proving me wrong. She may have yelled at me but it was not a mean and aggressive yell it was more of a frustrated sad yell. So after I put Ginny into bed I knew I had to go after her and apologize. Then we talked and it was surprisingly easy, almost like we have been friends this whole time we've been at Hogwarts. Not to mention when I started to tell her about our joke shop plans her eyes lit up. I know she has some mischief in her George we just got to bring it out of her."

"That's crazy if anyone else was telling me this I would think they were speaking straight rubbish but I know you could never lie to your dear old brother."

"Hey remember I'm older than you!" We both started laughing about our standing argument that had been going on since the day we were born and I was born a little bit before little Georgie was.

"Seriously Freddie, you were only like five minutes before me."

"Yeah, and those were the best five minutes of my laugh."

And at that, George lunged at me and pushed me on the floor to wrestle until little Miss Granger came over and yelled at us. That only made us laugh harder but it did make us stop wrestling.

Now we had to go upstairs to grab our bags and head to the great hall to leave for the express in a little bit.

Aurelia's POV
I was on my way to the great hall when I looked up to see a girl whose smile lit up any room she was in and her personality caught everyone's attention. At the other end of the hall I saw my favorite person, well I should say my favorite girl. Just as I was about to walk up to her Wren excused herself from her group of Gryfindors friends and ran over to hug me. She took me by surprise and at first I did not react but once I reminded myself that it was my best friend May I let her hug me and I even hugged her back. That made her hug me even tighter because normally I just pat her back when she does this but this time I gave her a genuine hug.

"Oh Aurelia I haven't gotten to see you for days and now I am going to have to be separated from you for three whole months while we're on break. How am I going to survive?" With her usual dramatic flare, she put her hand up to her forehead and used her other hand to fan herself.

"Don't be silly Wren I will so sneak out of The Manor to come see my best friend. I do not think I could go more than three days without seeing you. Plus I have an owl at home that is just mine so we can write to each other all the time. You do not think that you could get rid of me that easily did you."

"Thank goodness, but just so you know maybe we should use cool code names so that your family doesn't know you're talking to a filthy half-breed." She said that with a laugh but it still made me frown that she knows that is how my family is but it also made me appreciate her even more.

"Okay, what should our cool code names be?"

"How about I call you Lizzie and you call me Izzie! You can tell them that I'm that on Slytherin Izzie McKinnon who's in her third year."

"Sounds like a plan Miss Izzie McKinnon, now let's go catch this express before we miss it. Actually, on that note can we be a little slower."

"Aurelia Malfoy you are not making me late for that train do you know who I get to see when we get on and get off?"

"Let me guess Wren Riverton do we get to see the one and only Ronald Weasley who you have been crushing on since your first year yet you've never made a move or told him that you like him." I knew that I was in for it once I said that but I did not care. I knew that her talking about how in love she was with Ron would occupy our time as we walked down to get on the express. And lucky enough once we got down there we ran into the Golden Trio. At first, none of them noticed me. They just looked between Ron and May who were just staring at each other like they would never see each other again. I gave Elle a little nudge and she was ripped out of her trance.

"Oh yeah hi, Ron...... oh, and Hermoine and Harry." I snickered a little. "You guys know Aurelia right?"

They all looked over at me, well except for Ron he was still staring at May but I mean who could blame him? Harry gave me a nasty look which I do not blame him for my brother is a git to him so I take it and wish him the best.

"Yes hello Aurelia i haven't seen you in the library in a while when we get back we will have to catch up on the recent books we've read, have a nice break!" Hermoine said all of that with a smile so I could tell that she was being genuine.

"Yes I know I miss my favorite place but I've been busy, we will have to do that when we get back. I hope you have a nice break as well." They all started to walk away and I pulled May onto the train and bid her goodbye until we were to meet over break once we both got settled in at home. Now all I had to do was find Blaize and rest before I had to spend three straight months with my family.

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