Chapter Four: The Dreaded Train Ride

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 Aurelia's POV
       It took me looking a while to find Blaize. I had to walk from the Hufflepuff section in the front to the far back where all of the Slytherins sit. They did not assign us sections on the express but we all just sectioned ourselves off by houses. I honestly hate how separate all the houses are. I wish that people could understand that just because we aren't in the same house that we could still like each other. However, I do not see that division ending any time soon.

       I walked through the Gryffindor and hoped to see Ginny to say goodbye to her and make sure that Fred gave her my message but when I passed the compartment she was in, she was sleeping so I did not want to disrupt her. Then a little bit further I got a glimpse of the twins, but I did not want to bother them because they seemed like they were deep in conversation, so I just went to the section where I was supposed to belong and found my best friend. 

Just as I imagined Blaize was sitting in a compartment all alone reading a book that looked just as old as we were. I walked in and his nose did not leave his book, I took that as a hint that he was really into that chapter so out of respect as another book lover I just sat down and grabbed my own book. After a little bit of comfortable silence, Blaize finally looked up ready to have a conversation with me.

"Did you have any luck finding Draco?"

"No by the time I left your dorm, he was nowhere to be found and neither was his luggage. Must have left earlier than I thought he would."

"Makes sense Draco has always woken up so bloody early i don't know how he does that ."

"Me neither, but Blaize you have no room to talk because I think it's more of the fact of how late you wake up and think it's acceptable."

"It's not my fault my parents don't make me get up every morning at the crack of dawn."

"I guess you've got me there."

"Speaking of the crack of dawn I went to your room last night at like two to see if you wanted to have a snack with me and you were no where to be found, care to explain."

Shit, I can't tell him that I was up in the astronomy tower with a Weasley. He would surely not support it because he knew what my father would do to me if he found out I was friends with blood traitors. I do not think personally he would care too much but he would surely not approve. What if he decided to tell Draco? No, he wouldn't do that to me, would he? I'm so torn, I wish I could just tell him exactly what happened but then he would get mad at Fred for what he said even though he apologized. I guess i'll just wait to tell him the truth i doubt Fred will even write to me over the summer and will probably just pretend that we never even hung out in the astronomy tower so why tell Blaize when there is nothing really to tell.

"Oh, Blaizie were you worried about me?" I laughed because I could tell he was worried and just wanted an answer. "I just went for a little walk around the corridors to clear my mind, have you forgot that i'm going to be stuck at The Manor for three months? Three bloody months Blaize!"

        He laughed a little so I hit him on the arm. And that was the end of our conversation, from then on we just sat in silence together while reading. He was near the window sitting straight up, while I sat with my legs on the bench and my feet in his lap. To most people Blaize appeared as this hard core guy who never showed any emotions he barely ever smiled. That was not the case for how I saw Blaize, I knew the real Blaize and he was nothing like that. He just grew up in a family like mine where showing emotions meant you were weak and that happiness was a weakness that could always be used to hurt you. So we grew up guarding our emotions like our lives depended on it, and hid our happiness because we believed that the lives of the ones we love depended on it. However, when it it just us we can both be who we really want to be and we do not have to hide our emotions from each other. 

The Raven // A Fred Weasley FanficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora