The Transcendent Sky

Bởi chu1luc

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After her father "became a star," it became a miserable week for Tsuna. She felt like something is wrong with... Xem Thêm

8 years later...
Meeting Reborn
Complications Galore
More secrets
Smoking Bomb
Gokudera and UMAS


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Bởi chu1luc

A little brown haired girl sits on a swing forlornly as she looks at the ground.

She hadn't been having much fun these past few days.

Ever since her dad had vanished one day, and her mom told her he "became a star" Tsuna literally thought he was gone.

While teachers thought that she actually lost her father whether he left or he died, kids made fun of her by not having a dad. As a 5 year old, she never understood why they would make fun of her for that.

But she would also stumble a bit sometimes as the other kids pushed her around.

Her thoughts were interrupted by Miss Haruna, one of the kinder teachers at Namimori Preschool.

"Tsuna, are you okay? I saw those other kids kept picking on you and I reported their parents about it. Why didn't you tell me or any of the other teachers?" She asked with concern.

"I...I don't want to be a bother. The other kids said they wouldn't feel sorry for a useless girl with no daddy." Tsuna quietly said.

"Well that's not true. I lost my father when I was ten myself, but my uncle always gave me and my mom support. That's proof that I was not useless, and neither are you honey." Haruna said with a smile.

Tsuna gave a small smile, then had a look that wanted to ask a question.

"Miss Haruna. When people die, do they become stars?"

"Well, there are some people who believe that, but the more accurate term is a guardian angel. I was once told that great people of the past watch over us from the stars, guiding those who feel lost, and to help them discover their destiny. They also say if you wish really hard, they will help their loved ones achieve their dreams." Haruna smiled.

Tsuna looked amazed at her statement.

Later that day, Tsuna was in her bedroom looking at the night sky from her window.

Remembering Haruna's words, she thought if what she said was true, maybe...............

Looking to a the first star in the sky, the little brunette clasped her hands together and closed her eyes.

'Guardian Angel, if you are up there, I only wish for one thing. I wish to be the person I really want to be. Sweet, smart, strong, a person anyone would want to love and befriend.'

Little did she know, her wish was heard by six individuals.
Tsuna found herself drifting on a cloud, as she thought she was asleep.

"Are you the one that called us?" A male's voice said behind her.

He was tall and looked foreign with his aristocratic looks, black hair and green eyes.

"Oh, she is adorable!" A woman with long silver hair in odangos and a white princess dress said.

"Now, now, don't frighten the little bunny." A Chinese man with Heterochromia said.

"Sorry, they are excited that someone actually contacted us." A brunette in a pink cosplay dress said.

"Let's introduce ourselves then. I'm Hinamori Amu." A pink haired female in pastel goth clothing said.

"I'm Harry Potter."

"Princess Serenity, or Sailor Cosmos now."

"They call me Count D, but just call me Count."

"I'm Sakamoto Sakura."

"And I'm Momomiya Ichigo. It's nice to meet you Tsunahime." The last figure with pink hair and cat ears said.

"Wow, are you my Guardian Angels?" Tsuna asked.

"You could say that. We heard your wish and decided to grant it. But first you must help us." Count said as Harry placed a hand on Tsuna's forehead.

While she didn't know it, Tsuna was sealed by Vongola Ninth when he first visited her. He was requested to do so by her father as he wished for his daughter to have a normal life, but they made one mistake. They did not have her consent, otherwise the Ninth wound up sealing a part of her mind that helped in her mental work and such.

As Harry removed the seal, Cosmos talked. "We all fulfilled our roles in our time, but we need a Successor. And because your wish is pure, we are choosing you to inherit our wills and powers."

"Powers?" Tsuna said as she suddenly felt lighter.

"Yes, and they are unique. We all have different levels of Magic. I have Character Change." Amu said.

"I can turn into a cute black cat. Oh, and I use a power pendant." Ichigo winked.

"My powers rest entirety on the Cosmos Crystal but I'm also giving you the abilities of my old allies of the Sailor Scouts." Cosmos said.

"My Star and Clear Cards will be passed to you as well as the Sun and Moon Guardians of the Cards." Sakura smiled.

"Count and I will be passing down Inheritances to you. Mine will include my family legacy and Count's will be a special pet shop. You will get a letter regarding them in a while." Harry said as the seal was gone.

With that......the dream was over.
At 5:30 in the morning, Tsuna woke up to feel something, or many things were in her bed.

There were a group of eggs, a pendant, a large book, two beings that looked like plushies and a beautiful crystal.

The eggs each had a different pattern. A pink heart, a blue Spade, a green Clover, a yellow diamond, an Indigo rose with a cressant moon, a violet cross, a Sakura flower, two lace eggs, one being black while the rest magenta, and the other being light pink lace pattern on the bottom half, while the top half is just pink, and the last was orange with a sword and a crown on it. With them looked to be a crystal locket.

The book was pink with the name "SAKURA". A small crescent moon to the right and a small star to the left can also be seen on the front, with a winged-star emblem sits just beneath the "SAKURA" banner and it had a curled white wing. On top of the book looked to be two plushies. One resembles a lion cub or rather a stuffed animal or a plush toy with yellow-orange fur, big ears, and small, white wings while the other looks like a small black cat with butterfly-like blue wings. 

The pendant was a simple yellow piece with pink designs.

And the crystal looked like a beautiful multicolored prism silver lotus.

Tsuna first picked up the crystal as it glistened beautifully, then suddenly it floated and to Tsuna's surprise it vanished inside her, but she did not feel any pain.

"Did it...enter my body?"

"Yes it did."

To her surprise, the plushies were alive!

"So it would not get lost, it's become part of you until it is needed." The black cat said.

"Hey there! I'm Keroberos Sun Guardian of the Sakura Cards, and that's Spinel Sun, Moon Guardian of the Cards. We'll be teaching you how to use the cards and how to control your other powers." The yellow plushie said.

Then Spinel Sun gestured to the eggs.

"These are Heart's Eggs and not everyone has them. Is an artifact that exists within everyone's heart but remains invisible from the naked eye. It contains a tiny fairy that is called a Guardian Character. It is preserved by the owner's confidence and hopes of fulfilling his or her dreams. If the owner's confidence and hopes are strong enough, it will turn into a Guardian Egg like these.

As the child becomes an adult, the egg will disappear without a trace. However, it can be assumed that if the child stays attached to his or her hopes and dreams, the egg will stay even through adulthood. Basically they will help you become the person you want to be."

"The pendant will help control your new animal abilities so wear it at all times. We'll help you understand along the way." Keroberos said.

Tsuna looked on with wonder and touched one of the eggs.

"They're warm. It's like they are ready to hatch." Tsuna said.

Then she realized it was almost six, and hurried to get to breakfast since her mom would be up by now.
Kero and Spinel both hid in Tsuna's backpack as well as had Tsuna take the pendant and locket which are now around her neck. She also took the orange, Heart, Spade, and Clover eggs as they assured her the other eggs and the book will be fine for now as they were hidden under her pillow.

Tsuna ignored the other kids as she got to the gate and she was surprised as she did not trip the whole time, even when she got to class.

After Harry removed the seal, she felt like she could focus more. She felt happy when the teacher asked her a question and she got it right.

Now she was on the playground when she spotted another kid being made fun of by some of the bigger kids.

'I need to help him, but I'm too scared to tell the teacher...' She thought.

'Then why not change?' A new voice appeared in her head. 'From a girl without courage to a girl that does have it, Character Change!'

Suddenly, the tunafish hairpin in Tsuna's hair turned into a sword and crown as she went to the teacher and pointed to what was happening.

The bullies taken care of, Tsuna turned to the boy in question.

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah, thank you. I'm Mochida Kensuke by the way."

"My name is Sawada Tsunahime!" Tsuna smiled.

Kero and Suppi smiled from the bag.

Yup, this is a new beginning for Tsuna.
After school, Tsuna had talked with Kero and Suppi of her cards and her first Guardian Character Reina, a small orange headed knight who represents Tsuna's courage and strength.

She learned as time would go on, her power would get stronger and her eggs would also hatch over time.

Meanwhile, Nana got a telegram from a lawyer.

"Dear Sawada-san, so-and-so, your 3rd cousin, once removed has died, so-and-so, please bring your daughter for the reading of the will. Oh my!"

She went to Tsuna's room to share this news.

"Tsuna-chan! Cousin Louis left something in his will for you. We have to leave for England." Nana said as she called the school to inform them.
Timeskip, London, England
A lawyer was at a desk with Tsuna, Nana, and one other person.

"To my ex business partner, Andrew Crouch who tried to rob me blind, I leave absolutely nothing."

"What?! He didn't leave me anything?!" The man said.

"To my cousin Nana, I leave my collection of good China and array of crystal antiques."

"Oh! How sweet! He always knew I loved them!"

"And finally I leave my vast fortune of wealth, stocks and bonds, treasures, my mansion, country chateau and my most sentimental possession, my pet shop, to Nana's daughter, Tsunahime." The lawyer said as the Deed was presented.

Tsuna was shocked! Was this the Inheritance Harry and Count mentioned?

"Wow! Tsuna-Chan! You're rich!" Nana exclaimed in excitement for her daughter.

"This is an outrage! I was his partner, and I should have that Deed!"

"The will says the girl gets it and the girl gets it. Besides you were his ex partner." The lawyer frowned.

The crooked man did try to off Tsuna but he was intervened by Kero and Suppi who transformed to protect Tsuna and left him traumatized.
As Tsuna got back to school a few days later, she was then met by a horde of kids.

"Oi Sawada! Is it true your cousin left you a fortune?"

"Um, yes, why do you ask?"

"Let's hang out! You should take is to your new house!"

"Yeah, I heard that you can do what you want when you are wealthy."

Tsuna found her old bullies trying to be friends with her, but then....

"Oi! Leave Tsuna alone!" Mochida suddenly spoke up.

"You teased her because she has no dad but now you just want to be friends because she has money!" Mochida said blocking Tsuna from them as the bullies were about to attack only for Miss Haruna to intervene.

The bullies dealt with, Tsuna turned to Mochida.

"Thanks Mochida-kun."

"It's alright."
Whew! This is one plot bunny that would not leave me alone for some time.

Now I'm going over considerations.

Should Tsuna be able to sense Reborn's curse and remove the part that makes him a baby with the Silver Crystal, and in turn the others become adults? The curse will still be there keeping them at the age when they were Cursed, but it also eliminates the Sky Arcobaleno short lifespans clause so they can live longer.

Yeah, I'm making Mochida a real good guy in this one. And no he won't be a love interest, he'll be more of an older brother figure.

And whoo boy, Reborn will have his work cut out for him when he learns of her powers and Inheritance.
Fortune from Harry (Louis):


Country Chateau:

Plz comment

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