Deku Oneshots

By 212writer

55.5K 395 75

Mostly romantic involving different partners More

Children of Deku
Grab the Bull by the Horns(Pony)
Half of My Life for Half of Yours
Team Xtreme(Fem Kirishima)
Time Space Continium?! Whats that?!
Say it brat!
Is this considered gay?!
When it all crumbles away
Did we just!? Yeah we did!

Is this really what you wanted?(Dark!)

4K 17 2
By 212writer

     Why? Why did you do it? I thought you were stronger than that? All these years. All the pain I put you through. You kept fighting. So why? What made you jump? Was it me? Did I kill you, Deku? No....Izuku.
     I did it. I killed him. Little by little, I choked out his ambition. His will to keep living. My fate is to live knowing I'm a murderer. A cold blooded killer.
    The once hallowed ground of UA doesn't have the same appeal. It hurts too much. The childish dreams we shared of being great heroes together. A real dynamic duo. Now that's all gone away. I can't believe I ever dreamed of being a hero. Or that UA would accept a rotten killer like me. I can't seem to find a reason. Why? Why me? Why not a real hero? Why does he look at me like that? Why did he choose me? Why not Deku? He was a hero. I'm nothing. He was a real hero. So, why? Why All Might? Tell me damn it.
     I smashed my fist into the glass. The shards blasted in various directions. The sound alerted Mom and she crashed through the bathroom door.
    "Katsuki, what the hell happened?" Mitsuki said while cradling his bleeding hand. She glanced at his face. She hoped to find some sort of reason, but was surprised to see a blank, fractured gaze. Katsuki turned his head away and yanked his hand back.
    "Leave me alone, Hag." Katsuki spoke gruffly. Mitsuki slapped him across the head. She continued to chastise him until he started his walk to school. He paid her no mind. Not anymore.
     "Shut the fuck up. I don't give a shit. Leave me alone Shitty Hair." Katsuki exclaimed. His angry yell echoed throughout the locker room. Iida made his way over.
    "Fighting is highly unbecoming of a hero student. Calm yourself Bakugo." Iida robotically spoke.
    "Screw you. I don't give a shit what the fuck you think. I'm here me number one and you're all in my way." Katsuki rudely slammed past him.
     Aizawa had a hard calculated stare aimed at Bakugo as he seemingly zoned out. When the class dismissed, Bakugo walked until he found his spot. He loved to sit here. It was a ledge and a window in a corner of a hallway. No one really walked down this way, so he was free from the stares and pitying words. Like all the times before, Katsuki opening his bento and noticed the childlike look a glee. On the window, staring back was Deku. Just like the last time he saw him, wearing his black school uniform and red sneakers.
    "Hey Kacchan. It been a while." The reflection spoke.
    "Ya, I guess it has, huh." Katsuki chatted.
    "You know, it's not nice what you call Kirishima." Izuku reprimanded him.
    "I know. I just can't believe he still hangs around me. I wish he would just leave me alone." Katsuki stated with a sigh.
    "I think he's being really nice. Even if your a pain, you're a really good friend." Izuku continued
    Katsuki tried to stop the tears from coming again "How can you say that? After all that I did to you. Aren't I disgusting? You should hate me. I killed you."
    Izuku smiled "Maybe I should. But I can't bring myself to hate you. You were my only friend." Katsuki silently cried. All the emotions he's held in, the pain, the fear, and the self hatred. They boiled over and forced tears down his cheeks. After crying, he said his goodbye to Deku. He went back to class and joined the idiots.
Bakugo sat down across from Aizawa. Aizawa spoke "You're doing a really good job at making them hate you."
    Bakugo huffed "So what. I don't care what those extras think." Aizawa rolled his eyes.
    "You care a lot. I see it in your actions." Aizawa continued.
    "Those shitty extras could go to hell for all I care." Bakugo spoke. Aizawa countered by activating his quirk and leveling him with a hard glare. Bakugo held his stare.
     "Say that again I dare you. Come on Bakugo. I would love to expel you. If your trying to make me hate you too, it's working." Aizawa angrily stated. 'Maybe that's what I want. For everyone to hate me just as much as I hate myself. They need to see how awful I am. If they knew my sins, they would surely see the real me. An arrogant piece of shit that killed his own best friend.' Bakugo thought.
Just as everything settled, the villains attacked. They were split apart and picked off. The water section had murky red water. The steps of the plaza had a broken Aizawa. His limbs were facing the wrong directions and his neck and above crushed into a smudge on the concrete. The hand guy made move toward him. Katsuki stood there just basking in the calmness. The villains hand was coming closer. The villain was intercepted by a pink mass. What are you doing idiot? Why put your life on the line? It's just me. Ashido wrestled with the villain. Finally, the villain connected his hand to her exposed neck. Before his eyes, his classmates head and body disconnected. They both hit the floor and broke apart. Pieces of her body were laying in a pile of ash. Why can't you just let me die? Stop hurting other people? The villain brushed off his shirt and pointed at him. His attention was caught when the villains form disappeared and became someone else. Stood there in the distance was Deku. His hand stretched out towards him. Almost inviting him to take it. All the pain and worry melted away.
     Deku opened his mouth and he heard him loud and clear "It's okay Kacchan. It's okay to let go. Stop hurting yourself for my sake. Get some rest." Katsuki felt a serene peace cascade over his mind and body. Despite the massive punch he took from the Nomu, he felt....happy. His body crashed into the rock wall. In his daze he felt someone pull his body up. In his hazy vision, he saw him again. Deku was cradling his head in his lap. "It's okay. I'll hold you until it ends. There's no need to be afraid." Tears slipped down Katsuki's cheeks. His vision was beginning to fade to white. The sounds were jumbled by his jostled brain. The only sense was the feeling of Deku's hand holding his aching head.
     Suddenly, he was a child again. Innocent and naive. In front of him, Deku had a hold on his hand. Unlike before, he was being led by Deku. This time, he was following his lead.
    "Wait Deku. What's happening?" Katsuki worriedly spoke.
    "Don't worry Kacchan. I'll lead you. There is so much I want to show you." Izuku comfortingly replied.
    "Izuku...I'm sorry." Katsuki sadly spoke.
     Izuku pulled on his hand and spoke "It doesn't matter anymore a Kacchan. You can spend all of eternity making it up to me. Come on. I've been waiting forever to play with you again."

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