
By NaylaDoodles

2.1K 69 24

Cross is not okay. More

Chapter 1: Rough Start
Chapter 2: Enter Error
Chapter 3: After Dinner Discussion
Chapter 5: Take Me Into Your Loving Arms
Chapter 6: F I N E
They said what needed to be said

Chapter 4: Spa Day

129 8 2
By NaylaDoodles

Dream and Nightmare head to the Spa for their decompression day. The other boys go on missions to follow up on leads Nightmare received from Blue.





The next morning Cross is at breakfast looking like he'd barely slept in a week red mingling with the dark circles under his sockets showing he'd been crying. Dream bites back a comment afraid it will send Cross running again.

"You boys will be doing solo missions today. Make sure to keep a low profile. I am not sending you to these AUs to start conflict. Only fight if completely necessary." Nightmare tells his crew as they eat receiving nods or grunts of acknowledgement from the others. "I will give you orders after breakfast is cleaned up.

"I'll do the dishes Boss." Cross says quietly surprising everyone because he spoke without being spoken to.

"Very well Cross." Nightmare replies hiding his shock and gently nudging Dream to look less floored. Dream schools his expression to be more neutral despite wanting to hug Cross simply for speaking. He and the other converse quietly and Cross remains quiet eating his omelet. Dream keeps himself from being outwardly disappointed at his lack of input. After they finish eating Cross clears the dishes going to wash them while Nightmare hands out the day's missions to each member of his crew even asking Error for help combing for troublesome AUs to which the glitch gladly agrees. Soon only the twins, Killer and Cross are left in the castle. "I assigned your AU Killer. Why are you lingering?" Nightmare asks narrowing his eye at his right hand.

"Aw are you excited to have sunny boy all to yourself Boss?" Killer teases

"Yes actually." Nightmare replies smoothly pulling Dream into a one-armed hug making his twin smile and blush. "Cross when you are finished go to Lust-Fell Swap. Observe to see if the lead I received last week is accurate." Cross confirms that he heard Nightmare before going back to the mountain of dishes. He sighs as he washes dishes hoping the twins won't push him for answers. Killer meanwhile realizes that Nightmare is not going to humor him so, he opens a portal to the AU.

"Don't have too much fun without me." He winks making Dream's blush deepen.

"Killer." Nightmare warns an edge to his tone even as his cheeks dust cyan.

"Have fun letting off steam." Killer replies with a salacious smile. Nightmare growls his face flushed cyan. Killer laughs leaving before Nightmare can attack him for teasing.

"Night he just wants a rise out of you." Dream says gently despite his own cheeks burning. "Today is supposed to be about unwinding not worrying about his taunts." They walk into the kitchen finding Cross finishing the dishes. He dries the last few plates turning around when Dream pats his shoulder gently, "Good luck and be safe Cross." He says quietly and Cross blushes.

"Have a good d-day." He murmurs before jumping through the portal to Lust Swap Fell. Nightmare squeezes his hand knowing how hard it must be for Dream not to explode with happiness.

He leans over giving him a kiss and Dream melts into it. Nightmare pulls away a low purr rumbling in his chest. Dream smiles letting out a purr in reply. Nightmare pulls Dream closer with a tentacle nuzzling his face causing his purr to kick up a notch. He purrs back just as loud before sweeping Dream into his arms as he walks towards a portal leading to the AU that had a spa they'd always visited together. Dream looks excited when Nightmare sets him down outside the lobby doors. They go inside and check in with the staff looking more than happy to help the guardians decompress. While they wait Dream looks over at Nightmare his emotions sparking in equal parts joy, relief, and sadness. Nightmare understands where the sadness comes from as Cross is still being distant. Their names are called and are led into the back area where they change into the robes and undergarments, they brought with them. Nightmare steals another kiss before they head to the massage room where they get onto the tables that sit next to each other. Dream looks over at Nightmare and his stress becomes ten times more obvious in the low light. He has stress lines and circles under his sockets even though he is giving his lover a grateful smile he looks very tired. Nightmare slides a tendril into his palm squeezing it lightly making Dream smile more as he squeezes back as the masseuses enter the room with the girl who does their mud masks.

"Full decompression treatments todays gentlemen?" The masseuse asks and Nightmare nods,

"We both need it." Dream makes a soft noise of agreement making Nightmare worry more about his brother's stress level being too high lately. Dream reminds the sweet bunny monster about the sensitive areas of his spine as it had been fractured in three places by a group of thugs that believed they could sell his blood as a drug. They had cornered him in the ruins and pushing into one of the flower traps causing him to fall about 50 feet. The initial fall cracked his spine, but it was still in one piece. The thugs had then beat him black and blue making the cracks in his spine fractures. He woke up to Nightmare crying at his bedside covered in dust and blood. For once Dream wished he could've watch Night pay the thugs back for hurting him for their own selfish gain. He hadn't been able to walk without pain for over two months and his healed injuries still flared up from time to time.

Riley promises to be very careful and asks what kind of oil he would like while inquiring about allergies. Dream ends up choosing cedar which is a favorite of his. Nightmare chooses lavender and pine settling his tendrils over the edge of his table so Bernard can massage his back. Two hours later the two are in the hot springs for a relaxing steam soak mud masks painted onto their faces as they lounge in the private spring. Nightmare feels something cool hit his hand and looks over seeing that Dream is crying.

He floats over to him, "What's wrong sunshine? Is your spine bothering you after the massage?" Dream shakes his head to soothe his brother's fears.

"He...he talked to us! C-Cross actually without...he..." Dream tries and fails to get the words out as Nightmare pulls him close resting their foreheads together.

"Your emotions are not ridiculous." Nightmare wants to end that thought before Dream works himself up. "I'm glad he talked to us even if it was small it is progress."

Dream cuddles against him trying to get his riotous emotions under control, "I know my emotions aren't ridiculous." Dream murmurs. "I'm just overwhelmed I t-think?"

Nightmare nuzzles him gently, "I think we both are. I still can't understand why Killer is acting like a spoilt child. I...I don't like it at all!" Nightmare trembles a little himself finally letting his own emotions out. He feels his eye burn as his own frustration boils over into despair knowing Cross is avoiding them both because of Killer. "I made it worse switching the teams but." Nightmare feels Dream touch his cheek and looks at him as Dream wipes away the tears that had started rolling down his cheek. He nuzzles into Dream's palm, "But I know leaving them paired would be much worse. I...I..."

Dream stops him from forcing the words out. "Night don't force yourself to talk. I know you're frustrated but please..."

Nightmare turns his head kissing his brother's palm glad Dream stopped him. "Thank you, sunshine." He mumbles pressing a kiss to his cheek blushing lightly when Dream returns the gesture. Nightmare notices that Dream is still crying and brushes them away looking worried. "Are you still stressed?" He asks his lover.

"I t-think this is catharsis Night. I'm not overly upset right now." He replies and lets his lover comb through his emotions to see that he's fine. Nightmare nods seeing that Dream isn't distressed and rubs his shoulders causing Dream to start letting out soft raspy purrs. Night hums glad Dream isn't crying out of frustration and realizes he is also crying. This really is cathartic. He thinks as the tears flow. Dream rubs their wet cheeks together still purring He nuzzles back very glad he suggested a spa day.

Once they finish their soak they dry off and go to get a late lunch. Dream surprises his lover by ordering something that had a super sweet spicy sauce. Once their food arrives Nightmare tries a bite of Dream's plate and his tongue burns. Dream puts a dark chocolate milk mochi on his tongue to soothe the burning. Night chews it gratefully watching Dream eat the plate with disbelief. "H-How?" he wheezes softly.

"I've ordered it before when I came here alone to decompress before...well..." He looks away and Night grabs his free hand under the table. Dream squeezes his hand gently grateful that they made up. "Ink and Blue freaked out when they tried it the one time, I invited them along." Nightmare wishes he could have seen the other stars panic as their mouths burned. "It took me 10 minutes to calm them down enough to down a glass of milk each." Nightmare swallows his food before laughing at the mental image of Ink and Blue freaking out while Dream looks done with the situation. Dream smiles back at him. "The sauce has ghost pepper flakes in it and there is a trick to eating it. Here," Dream gathers a spoonful for Nightmare, "Try it now." Nightmare eats it and his eye widens at the burst of flavor.

"Damn that's good." He murmurs and Dream nods. Once the bill is paid the twins head back to their room for the night. Once inside with a Do Not Disturb sign on the door Nightmare pulls Dream into a deep passionate kiss. Dream kisses back with a soft hum snuggling closer to his twin. The kiss breaks and they head back to the hot spring for another soak before bed. Dream curls up next to his twin in the spring resting his head on Night's shoulder. Nightmare rubs his skull with his tentacle as he relaxes with Dream. He is a bit worried about what will happen when everyone returns from their missions but focuses on his beloved Dream for the moment. He leans over and kisses Dream's neck making him giggle softly as his neck is sensitive. Night nuzzles him turning Dream's giggles to soft purrs of contentment. Dream kisses Nightmare's neck in reply nuzzling him after. Nightmare hums his cheeks flushing slightly as Dream cuddles against him. They sit in silence until Nightmare gently nips at Dream's neck causing him to let out a soft squeak of surprise his cheeks flushing. He looks at Nightmare who smiles innocently despite them both knowing he did in fact nip him.

"Night..." Dream whispers which Nightmare reads as an invitation to do it again. Dream whines softly as Nightmare nips at his sensitive vertebrae squirming slightly his leg unintentionally grinding against Nightmare who lets out a deep purr in response. Dream feels Nightmare pull him onto his lap his entire neck and shoulders flushed. "Nighty...wait..." Dream protests as Nightmare kisses his sternum and nips at his neck some more. When Nightmare grinds up against him Dream shivers because he's not in the mood at the moment. The grinding is beginning to hurt his pelvis as magic is not gathering in his pelvic cradle. "Night!" Nightmare rumbles in reply his own inlet full of unformed magic. The moment he gently bites Dream's neck the smaller guardian pushes against his chest sliding off his lap and into the middle of the spring where he stumbles to get out of it. He slips on the steps on his way up bracing for impact when he feels a tentacle grab his waist keeping him from falling. He can't look at Nightmare feeling sick for ruining his fun. He slips free of the tentacle rushing through the door. He drops his bathrobe leaving him to try to cover himself with the smaller towel. His eyes burn as he feels Nightmare come up behind him; the other has covered his pelvis with his towel as he wraps his arms around Dream from behind. Dream almost chokes as he struggles to keep his tears in. Nightmare nuzzles his neck and Dream pushes him away gently still unable to look at his brother. "I'm sorry I just...not..." Dream picks up his robe wrapping himself in it before running back towards their room leaving a very confused Nightmare behind.

He goes back into the spring figuring he may have teased to much for Dream's taste even with his exhibitionist streak. When Dream does not come back to soak with him Nightmare realizes he read Dream's signals wrong and immediately gets out to find his lover. He dries off wrapping himself in his robe before going back to their room. His heart breaks when he hears soft sobs coming from under the kotatsu table. He goes over kneeling beside it, "Sunshine?" He gets a muffled sob in response breaking his heart further as he lifts the edge of the blanket seeing Dream's teary eyes looking back at him. Dream won't look at him as sobs rattle his smaller frame; Nightmare carefully reaches under with a tendril pulling Dream out and into his arms. Dream sniffles hiding his face in Nightmare's robe as he weakly clings to him. Nightmare doesn't like the bitter emotions that are radiating from Dream making his goop prickle. "Sunshine please look at me?" He whispers. Dream finally looks at him his eyes full of regret and fear.

"I...I'm sorry I just don't want to make love tonight and...and...!"

Nightmare shushes him with a soft kiss. "Dream you have nothing to apologize for. Please NEVER think you have to apologize for not being in the mood for sex sunshine. I'm more upset that I pushed you until you felt uncomfortable." Nightmare replies settling Dream against his chest properly. Dream hiccups nuzzling into his chest clearly still struggling not to feel guilty for not being in the mood. Nightmare rocks him gently until Dream's sobs have tapered off in the occasional sniffle. He looks up at his lover who kisses his nose making him blush. "I love you sunshine." Nightmare whispers making Dream's blush brighter. They change into pajamas and Nightmare tucks Dream under the cover of the kotatsu as he makes them both a cup of lavender mint tea. Once the tea is made, he settles across from him giving Dream his cup. "You know I'm not mad about you not wanting to make love, right?" Nightmare asks wanting to make sure Dream knows he's not upset.

"I know Nighty I's hard t-to..." Dream stammers and Nightmare waits for him to gather his thoughts watching Dream have a small war with himself before he takes a shaky breaky muttering, "Fuck it." He pauses taking a sip of his tea his hands starting to shake slightly rattling against the fine china.

"Sunshine?" Nightmare asks concerned by the shaking. "Are you cold?"

"T-this isn't from c-cold Nighty. I...," He takes another breath, "I...was in t-three relationships b-before us...and now Cross and Killer. T-they were t-toxic relationships as I now realize looking back..." He takes another shaky sip of tea, "The third was the w-worst of them. He...he..." Dream's eye water as his shaking gets worse, "I thought he c-cared about me...b-but he was JUST like the others! He just wanted me for my aura not for m-me! He made everything m-my fault and...and..." His grip has tightened around his cup as he cries and shakes, "and...and... I..."

"Sunshine." Nightmare says worriedly.

"...and I...I wasn't...he always...every t-time I..." Dream stammers.

"Sunshine." Nightmare says louder ready to get up.

"I...tried so hard but... but...he and...I...I..." Dream is unresponsive to his pleas, so Nightmare gets up going around the kotatsu to stop his lover from hurting himself mentally and emotionally. Nightmare takes the tea out of his hands setting it down as he grabs Dream's shoulders feeling a bit of panic when he sees the hundred yard stare instead of his lover's usual bright eye lights.

"SUNSHINE!" He yells and Dream flinches back curling his hands around himself.

"I s-said no!" He pushes Nightmare away looking terrified. "L-leave me alone!" He sobs hyperventilating heavily as he shrinks away from Nightmare.

"Sunshine?" Nightmare whispers dismayed at his reaction. "I...didn't mean to scare you..."

"Stay away! I s-said...I..." Dream begins to falter looking even more panicked as Nightmare carefully approaches him. "I... I s-said..." Dream stutters as he cries. What did this asshole do to my precious sunshine that he reacts this way? Nightmare thinks to himself. If, I ever find out who did this they will regret being born. "I'm s-sorry... p-please..." Nightmare's eye widens as Dream stops trying to escape deflating against the wall he backed into.

Nightmare can't stand seeing Dream this upset and goes closer to him pressing their foreheads together in the way he does when Dream has a night terror. Dream blinks a few times tears dripping off his cheeks still clearly frightened his breathing shallow. "Just breathe Dream like we practiced." Nightmare takes a deep breath despite wanting to cry himself. "Match your breathing to mine." Dream shakily begins to match Nightmare's deep breathing slowly coming down from his panic attack and after ten minutes his eyes look glassy but have focused again. He realizes that Nightmare is close to tears and looks ready to bolt but Nightmare stops him by pulling him into his arms. "Dream it's okay now hush." Nightmare carefully picks up his lover and tucks him under the futon's cover before going to get Dream a fresh cup of tea. He watches Nightmare walk away still sniffling and shaking. Nightmare returns with a fresh cup of tea for him sliding under the covers beside him, "No more talk of this tonight for your own good okay?" Nightmare tells Dream who nods still shaking enough to make the cup rattle against his fingers. "I'm sorry for yelling like that sunshine I got scared when you didn't reply to me and kept pushing yourself."

Nightmare murmurs wiping Dream's tears away with his thumbs.

"T-thank you for c-calming me N-Nighty..." Dream stammers and Nightmare pulls him closer telling him to drink his bedtime cup of tea. Dream finishes the cup going to put it on the counter before sliding back under the blanket with Nightmare. Nightmare pulls Dream into his chest with a soft purr as they settle for the night. Nightmare is internally livid that three people hurt his brother this badly but puts it aside to comfort his lover who is clearly vulnerable and emotionally drained after his confession.

Dream snuggles closer to him letting out a weak purr of his own as they cuddle under the blanket with him being the little spoon. "I love you Nighty." He yawns making Nightmare's purr kick up a notch.

"Would you like me to read to you?" Night asks Dream whose eyes light up a little as he nods meekly. Nightmare pulls his new book from his inventory settling Dream to be resting against his chest so he can feel the vibrations of him reading knowing it lulls his lover to sleep as much as his voice does. Nightmare begins to read and doesn't stop until he feels Dream's emotions level out as he enters deep sleep. He marks the page as Dream snuggles closer hugging him like a teddy bear his face buried in Nightmare's chest. "Goodnight Dream, I love you." He turns out the lights silently swearing vengeance upon those who dared hurt his brother.

End Notes:


Nightmare and Dream have messed around in public in the past but only when they both feel up to it.

Dream has been in 3 relationships in the past where he was NOT allowed to refuse their requests without there being severe repercussions. As a result he feels immensely guilty refusing others even if it makes him uncomfortable. He never told Nightmare out of fear and being bullied by one of his toxic exes to keep his mouth shut. This is the first Nightmare hears of it and even though he wants to help he won't allow Dream to force himself to talk about it in the same way that Dream stops him from forcing himself to talk.

To be a bit more clear Dream is struggling through the aftermath of his third toxic relationship with Ink which was the worst of the three. Nightmare is horrified when Dream reacts in fear to him but puts his anger aside to comfort Dream who is extremely emotionally vulnerable after his panic attack.

Nightmare knows that Dream needs a lot of time to heal from his last toxic relationship as merely bringing it up took a lot out of him even though Night still has no idea who is responsible for hurting his brother.

Stay tuned to find out what happens when they return to the castle.

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