Not Your Typical Prom

By northofinfinity

6.3K 267 42

'Because I know that there is strength in the difference between between us and there is comfort where we ove... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven

Chapter Twenty Four

106 9 2
By northofinfinity

Dedicated to the lovely @frothy_ for always making me smile and being such a brilliant friend! Also bc the discussions we always have make me laugh!

The song to the side is Love Me Like You Do by Ellie Goulding who is my favourite singer (her voice is like liquid gold!!!! how??)



“I was hoping we could talk,” I said and Cole frowned.

“What about?” he asked stiffly and I sighed. I didn’t want Cole to act all indifferent and careless!

“About the whole Brandon situation,” I took a seat beside him, cautiously. The low hanging leaves of the tree brushed my hair when I had bent down.

“Okay. Talk.”

“Don’t be like that,” I pleaded softly. “I don’t know what to do.”

“How about expose Brandon for the jerk he really is, instead of bowing down to him just like any other person,” Cole’s voice rose in anger and I looked down at my feet.

“He- he apologised. Last night,” I took a deep breath and continued when Cole didn’t say anything “after I left your place and came home, he was there, waiting on the doorstep. He said he was sorry and he didn’t mean to and-” I was cut off by Cole.

“I bet he also said he didn’t know what came over him,” Cole laughed bitterly and I felt myself shrinking.

I don’t know why I was being all quiet and passive. No one other than Cole could make me feel like that.

“He didn’t mean to,” I whispered.

“Bullshit,” Cole roared, standing up, running his hands through his hair aggressively. “I know what I saw. He was going to hurt you Scar!”

I felt myself shudder when Cole called me ‘Scar’. It was the first time he ever used my nickname. It wasn’t a bad kind of shudder, like the one you get when creepy old men stare at you, it was the kind of shudder that I liked, warm and fuzzy.

I pushed it to the back of my mind.

“He wasn’t going to hurt me Cole! Maybe you saw wrong!” I yelled the last part and Cole stopped his pacing and turned to face me.

Coming very close to me, he looked straight into my eyes. “I know what I saw, Scarlett. And don’t you dare try and convince me otherwise.”

I took a step back and slowly slid down the bark of the tree, slumping on the ground.

“I don’t know,” I whispered “I just don’t know.”

Cole sighed and sat down next to me. “I’m sorry.”

There was a long moment of silence before he spoke again.

“I wasn’t trying to be pushy or break you guys up. I just don’t want him to get away with what he has done.”

“I know…Can we talk about something else now?” I asked hesitantly and he nodded. “How is your sister?”

“Good. She’s good,” Cole said hesitantly “but she was asking about you the other day.”

“What did she say?” I turned to face Cole and he stared back at me, blinking slightly after a while.

“She asked when she will see you again.”

I laughed lightly. “She’s so cute!”

“She likes you.”

“I like her too.”

“I know.”


I was just about to climb into my car and begin driving home when I saw Cole running up to me. I frowned and shifted my eyes around, hoping Brandon couldn’t see. Or anyone else.

“Do you want to come over tonight?” Cole huffed.


“To my house. For dinner, I mean,” he clarified and suddenly looked extremely nervous “I mean, you don’t have to, of course. It was just a suggestion.”

Cole began to back away from me slowly and I acted before I could even think properly.

“Yes,” I blurted “I would love to.”

“Really?” he blinked, surprised “okay, come over at 8.”

Before I could say anything else, he ran back towards his bus and boarded, disappearing from sight.

I guess I wasn’t going to be having dinner alone today.



I smoothed down my skirt and tights, to make sure there were no wrinkles. I, for some reason, felt extremely nervous.

My hands were clammy and I was sure that the plastic of the box of chocolates I was holding had become sticky.

The door flew open and Cole stood inside the frame, staring at me. He was wearing his typical dark jeans but instead of his overused hoodie, he was clothed in a dark grey t-shirt and a beanie. It covered his entire head, only leaving the fringe hanging out.

He looked…amazing. Beautiful. Handsome. Any other adjective to describe how attractive he looked right now.

I choked, coughing a little.

“You okay there,” he asked, amused, his dark eyes twinkling as if he knew exactly what I was thinking.

“I’m fine,” I said stiffly, blushing. “These are for you,” I shoved the chocolates towards him and he laughed lightly.

“Thanks Scar,” he said, his voice making me shiver. “Come in.”

I entered and toed of my boots near the door, walking behind him as he led me to the kitchen.

“You must be Scarlett!” a voice exclaimed and I turned to see a sweet, motherly figure walking towards me. She gave me a light hug and pulled back, looking into my eyes. “And you’re even more beautiful than I imagined.”

People called me beautiful all the time but Cole’s mother looked like she really meant it, and wasn’t just saying it to impress me or for her own selfish sake.

I smiled. “Thank you, Mrs Jackson. You have a beautiful home!”

“Oh my, thank you,” she kissed my cheek and grinned. “I’m so glad you came! I’ve been trying to get Cole to invite you for ages now! Especially because he-” she suddenly stopped and shook her head. “Especially because you guys are partners in that project,” she said vaguely and I felt a crushing sense of disappointment.

He invited me because we were partners? Does he invite all his project partners for dinner?

“Yeah we are. For psychology.”

“Aha, I see. Anyway, would you two please call Abby down for dinner?” Mrs Jackson asked us and we nodded.

I followed Cole as he headed upstairs and down a corridor, to a door on the right.

“Abby? Time for dinner,” Cole said softly, poking his head through the door.

“Is Scarlett here yet?” Abby asked sweetly and I stepped out from behind Cole and smiled.

“Hey sweetie!”

Abby came running to me and hugged my legs tightly. “Scarlett! You came!”

“I wouldn’t miss out on an opportunity to see you, now would I?” I asked Abby, bending down to her height and giving her a proper hug.

“Now why don’t you head down for dinner and help Mom set the table. We’ll come in a sec,” Cole instructed and she nodded, running down.

I suddenly felt very self-conscious as her footsteps faded away and she could no longer be heard. I was in a room alone with Cole. Dammit.

“I want to see more of your paintings,” I blurted out.


“Please! I really love your work. I would love to see it again!”

“I- I don’t- “ Cole looked really conflicted.

“Please!” I pleaded, “I’ll let you come to my dance rehearsal.”

As soon as those words came out of my mouth, I wanted to slap myself on the head. Why would I say that? He probably didn’t want to see me dancing and now I’ve just put him in a really awkward position.

“I- well- I…okay then. Deal. I will show you my paintings and you let me watch you dance.”

“That sounded so creepy,” I giggled slightly and he smiled.

“I realised.”

“Come on then! Show me!” I urged and he rolled his eyes.

“Fine then. Follow me.”

He walked into his bedroom and I followed, taking a moment to look around. There were many paintings already hung on the walls, artful pieces of delicate detail and an utter beauty that took my breath away.

“Are those yours?” I asked, indicating the ones that hung.

He nodded.

“I made them a few years ago.”

I shook my head. I couldn’t fathom how someone could make such beautiful works of art at the age of 17 let alone, younger than that.

Because I had been distracted by his art, I hadn’t looked around his room. His bed was made neatly, with many pillows placed against the headboard. His sheets were dark and a lamp stood on a nightstand.

He had his desk in the corner with a few school books and a book shelf. The rest of his room was dedicated to canvases, paints and an easel. I walked around, from the back over to the front to see what he was painting. It was a beautiful little dog, with the most soulful looking eyes. He was staring back with knowledge and sadness and I could feel myself choking.

“How?” I asked.

Cole looked self-conscious. “How what?”

“How can you make such beautiful works of art?”

“It needs a lot of improvement,” he muttered and I ignored him.

“Is that your dog?”

“No. I saw it once, on the street when I was walking and I took a photo. He was such a smart little dog. He would always lie under his rusted, rotten old park bench, every time I walked through. One day, when I saw him, I decided to go home to ask my mother if I could bring him home and she said yes. I went back for him but he was gone. I looked everywhere and sat on that park bench for hours but he never came back. I was looking through my camera a while ago and found the picture. I couldn’t resist painting him.”

“Your work is amazing Cole,” I told him honestly.

He looked away and pretended not to hear. “I don’t quite think I captured his eyes properly. Maybe I should start over,” he mused.

I let out a soft growl of frustration and sighed. I guess some people just couldn’t accept compliments.

“We should go to dinner now,” he suggested.

“Yeah, that’s probably a good idea.”

We headed back down the stairs and into the dining room where Mrs Jackson was putting out the last plate.

“Good,” she turned to smile at us “you guys are here just on time.”


A/ N : helllllo! this chapter was originally gonna be longer but then i wanted to update sooner and i figured it would end up being way too long so i decided to end it here! how are you guys going? i don’t feel like ive ever really asked this and that makes me feel terrible!

and are you guys excited for valentines day? i’m just looking forward to eating tons of chocolate tbh :))))

don’t forget to vote and comment if you enjoyed and a quick spoiler: there is going to be some deep cole and scarlett stuff in the next chapter so make sure to stay tuned! 

bye you lovelies and ill see you in the next chapter! 

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