The Ocean Arrow

By milkyxrose

329K 8.5K 5.1K

When Percy, his mom, and step-dad go to Star City for his mom's author expo, Percy meets the Green Arrow when... More

Star City
The Statue
Gorilla on the Loose
See Ya Later, Losers
Magical Rags?
Thea Fangirls like a Fangirl
Nightmares suck
The Card Game
Abandoned Warehouse
Guys, I Swear I'm Not a Metahuman
Exposing Oliver
Star-throwing Killer
Great, He's Not Dead
Im Dyslexic, You Idiots
You're Like- Twinsies
That Wasn't Part Of The Plan
Definitely Not Tyson
Bad Timing
Cool Codenames
Saving the Dog
All He Wanted Was A Breakfast Burrito
Chaotic Dead People
Ugh, a Suit
He's Definitely Related To Post Malone
It's Happening Again
Percy, un-knife yourself
Mr. Grumpy Pants
Nonexistent Maternal Instincts
1 minute
He Wants His Bow Back
Cliffhanger Number....5?
Have I Said How Much I Hate Planes?
The End of a Journey
Authors note

No, I'm a Unicorn

11.4K 306 182
By milkyxrose


I couldn't help but feel bad for the Terrific guy. He was left alone here in the Green Arrow's secret lair by himself, to keep watch on me. But it was a shame that these handcuffs didn't work on me. I knew I had to get out of this cage, but I didn't know how to deal with the guy.

I channeled some water from the pipes in the building, and I shut my eyes as I pulled it towards me. Within seconds, I see a blob of water float over to the cage. I willed the water to turn into a shape of a key ,and I pushed it into the keyhole. Once I turned it, the padlock made a quiet click and the cuffs dropped to the floor. I rubbed my wrists that felt oddly raw without the handcuffs. Red marks stained my hands from how tight the cuffs were, I was glad that they were finally off. I stood up quietly, eyeing Mr. Terrific in doing so.

I used the same water from before, and willed it into the keyhole of the large cage. I could hear the water slosh around until it shaped into the correct key shape. It twisted, and the cage clicked open with a loud click. My eyes flew up to Terrific, fortunately for me, he was too distracted  tinkering with some tools to have heard me. sighed. I stepped out of the cage and onto the dark-stoned floor. I quietly tiptoed towards the main room where I was finally able to get a better look at where I was being kept.

A giant stage-like thing was in the middle of the room in a circular shape. I remembered the first time I was here, that this was the place everyone was crowded around. There were probably ten computers in here, if not more. If Annabeth were here, she'd love this stuff. Besides the fact there's a high possibility that monsters would be able to smell our scent if we used them, Annabeth would still drool over all of this.

Behind the platform stage thing, there were some mannequins that were dressed in the vigilante costumes. I saw the Green Arrows, Wild Dog's, Mr. Terrific and I few others I couldn't name.

A look of amusement passed on my face. Does that mean the person underneath Mr. Terrific's mask is here at the moment with no mask on? Oh, this will be fascinating.

My eyes scanned over the room and there he was, hunched over a table filled with lots of stuff. I was wondering how I should surprise him. . . should I just wait until he realizes I escaped and then scare him? Or should I knock him out? But if I knock him out, I won't be able to see the look on his face when he realizes I escaped. I know the best option would be for me to simply walk out, I doubt he'd even notice I left until someone else would point it out. And if he did manage to chase me, I could easily evade a man like him.

But I'm having too much fun with the idea of this. It's just that whenever I try to prank Annabeth, she always finds a way to not get pranked. Whether it be intentionally or not.

So now that I have a chance to have a little fun with someone, even though he's a total stranger, I'm definitely going to do it. So I decided on a much simpler idea.

I walked over quietly behind him, and I was surprised that for a vigilante, he wasn't very aware of his surroundings at all times. He barely even stopped in his work to look around for just a moment. It was like right now, the only thing on his mind was his tools and his tools only.

I tapped his shoulder. "Huh, what?" He spun around, his eyes bleary. However, once his eyes landed on me, they widened in pure fear.

"Whatcha doing?" I asked, leaning closer to him. In respond, he leaned back and grabbed for the nearest object. It seems that out of all the tools on the table that were available for him to grab, he grabbed the one thing that would cause the least damage: a book. It was thin, and I doubt I'd barely feel a thing if he hit me with it.

"I don't think that book will help you very much."

He scornfully looked at the book, and set it back on the table. He then tried to discreetly grab for one of his weapon ball things, but I blocked his way before he could see me move.

"How did you escape?" He turned back to me, a bead of sweat already ran down his face. Was this guy seriously scared of me?

"Oh, that old thing? It wasn't hard really. All I did was you know, grab some water, shape it into the keyhole, unlock the cage, use the water to unlock the cuffs, walk out of the cage, look around, found you, surprised you." I shrugged, while pushing my arms up so I could sit on the table.

"But how were you able to use your powers. Unless you aren't a meta?" He pointed to me. And in response, I shook my head. "Then what are you?"

I sighed, rolling my eyes, "Oh, I don't know. A unicorn."

He blinked, letting my joke soak in for a moment. Thats when I realized he looked much different than I thought he would. He had glasses and Afro hair. While his costume doesn't have glasses and his hair is slicked back. "You look different without your mask on," I craned my neck and I looked at him, examining his features.

"Can you stop staring at me," He frowned. He opened his mouth to say something else and then touched his face, as if he was just realizing he didn't have his mask on. He suddenly put both hands on his face and started touching it weirdly like he couldn't believe he didn't have his mask on. "You okay?"

"Oliver's gonna kill me."

"Oh, well. Sounds like a you problem," I bring my lips into a thin line.

"Okay, first off, you're very annoying. I think I like you better unconscious. Secondly, I obviously didn't know you left your cage, and you could've easily escaped. So my question is why didn't you leave?"

I shrugged. That was a good question. "I don't really know. I just know that your friend is being accused of a crime he didn't commit, and I'm your only backup. And I just want to help."

"You want to help us? Even after we, you know,  kidnapped you? Twice?"

"Yeah, I mean, why not? I understand why you did it. Besides, it's not like I have any other plans this week. It'll be fun."

"Fun?" He repeats in a monotone voice, as if he couldn't believe such things could be entertaining for me.

"Fun." I stated. I slipped off from the table and turned towards what he was making. "So, anyways, what were you making?"

"Hm, this? I'm just fixing it."

"Well, what is it?"

"Oh!" His eyes twinkled. "These are my T-Balls, I mean, T-Spheres."

I choked on a laugh. "T-Balls?"

"You act just like Rene sometimes, and it's really annoying."

"Who's Rene?"

"Wild Dog."

"Why are you telling me this?"

"I have no idea."

"Good enough for me."

"As I was saying. These T-Spheres took forever for me to make. After many trials and errors, I finally got it. But it malfunctioned a few days ago, and I'm having trouble figuring it out why it's not working."

"I'd offer to help but I know nothing about that kind of stuff. But I got a friend who's super good at this kind of stuff."


"Yeah. His names Leo. I can call him if you want-"

"No, no, it's okay you don't have to."

"Too late," I said while turning to him. "Where did you keep my golden coin you found in my pocket?"

"The golden coin? Oh, it's probably on Felicity's desk."

"I don't know who that is, but okay." I nodded and went up the stairs to the computers. I found the coin gleaming in the light and picked it up.

"Okay. So I'm gonna do something. And I need you not to freak out okay?"

He nodded, but his eyes seemed to betray his face. A small glint of fear was in his eyes. I wonder how he ever became a vigilante if he's so scared all the time.

"Great," I grinned and I extended my arm, using my powers to spray water around and from the corner of my eye, I saw him gasp at the sight. I threw the coin in the water and said the words, "O, Fleecy, do me a solid and show me Leo Valdez." I said while thinking of that time Hazel, Frank, and I met Fleecy, who sometimes took over for Iris. And also that time I ate that horrid wheat germ.

And in seconds, Leo appeared. I heard Mr. T squeak out. And I smiled, "Leo!"

Leo was too startled by my voice that he fell off his chair. "Bajeezus, Percy." He looked up and noticed a guy was next to me. "Leo, this is um- I don't know your name."


"This is Curtis. And Curtis, meet Leo."

"What's up, my dude!" Leo grinned. "So why'd you call?"

"Need a favor. Curtis, explain please."

Curtis explained what was wrong with his T-Spheres, or T-Balls, what a funny name. Something about the circuit board frying or something. But I was glad that Leo was able to help because once I slashed my hand through the call, Curtis seemed satisfied that he able to fix it. "Thank you. Your friend Leo there is really talented, how does he even know all that at such a young age?"

I paused. What am I supposed to say? Huh? 'Oh, his dad is the god Hephaestus, so, like, he inherited his talents.'

"Um, his dad is a mechanic. And engineer. And um- super good with tools. So yeah. . ."

Curtis didn't seem to realize I was lying because he perked up and said, "Sounds cool!"

I laughed awkwardly. "Yep. Very cool. Super cool."

Curtis and I started talking some more after that, and I really got to know him so more. He also apologized for kidnapping me. So I like him even more now.

About an hour later, I was in the middle of explaining why I like blue foods so much when we heard the elevator door open. We spun our heads around and saw Oliver Queen standing there.

"What the hell is going on here?"


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