By TwoDimensionalSphere

74K 2.8K 2K

The story of 192 tributes in nine different Games, the special twist for this 150th year of the Hunger Games... More

Announcing the Quarter Quell
District 1 and 2 Reapings(18)
District 3 and 4 Reapings(18)
District 5 and 6 Reapings (18)
District 7 and 8 Reapings (18)
District 9 and 10 Reapings (18)
District 11 and 12 Reapings (18)
Capitol Update: Tributes
The Train
The Remake Center
The Opening Ceremony
The Training Center (Day 1)
The Training Center (Day 2)
The Scores
The Interviews
The Bloodbath (Also Day 1)
Day 2
Day 3
District 1 and 2 Reapings (17)
District 3 and 4 Reapings (17)
District 5 and 6 Reapings(17)
District 7 and 8 Reapings(17)
District 9 and 10 Reapings (17)
District 11 and 12 Reapings (17)
Capitol Update: Tributes
The Train
The Remake Center
The Opening Ceremony
The Training Center (Day 1)
The Training Center (Day 2)
A brief input from...
The Scores
The Interviews
The Bloodbath (Also Day 1)
Day 2
Day 3
Some Notes
A/N: 2. k. Oh. my. gosh.
District 1 and 2 Reapings (16)
District 3 Reaping (16) (yeah sorry District 4 coming soon)
District 4 Reaping (16)
District 5 and 6 Reapings (16)
District 7 Reaping (16)
A/N: 135!!!!!
District 8 Reaping (16)
District 9 Reaping (16)
District 10 Reaping (16)
District 11 Reaping (16)
A/N: 3k
District 12 Reaping (16)
Capitol Update: Tributes
A small chapter
The Train
The Remake Center
A/N: I forgot
The Opening Ceremony
The Training Center (Day 1)
A/N: Oh my.
The Training Center (Day 2)
who is he?
The Scores
The Interviews
A/N: 5 k
The Bloodbath (also Day 1)
Day 2
Day 3
A/N: I am literally screaming.
Another A/N
The Aftermath
District 1 Reaping (15)
District 2 Reaping (15)
District 3 Reaping (15)
District 4 Reaping (15)
District 5 Reaping (15)
District 6 Reaping (15)
A/N: I was just blown away.
District 7 Reaping (15)
District 8 Reaping (15)
District 9 Reaping (15)
District 10 Reaping (15)
District 11 Reaping (15)
District 12 Reaping (15)
Capitol Update: Tributes
Haley and Victor
The Train
The Remake Center
A/N: Slow Updates Coming....
The Opening Ceremony
A/N (part 100!)
The Alliances
The Training Center (Day 1)
The Training Center (Day 2)
The Scores
The Interviews
The Bloodbath (Also Day 1)
Day 2
Day 3
Form for y'all again
District 1 Reaping (14)
District 2 Reaping (14)
District 3 Reaping (14)
District 4 Reaping (14)
District 5 Reaping (14)
A/N: Serious Talk.
A/N: part 2
District 6 Reaping (14)
District 7 Reaping (14)
District 8 Reaping (14)
District 9 Reaping (14)
District 10 Reaping (14)
District 11 Reaping (14)
District 12 Reaping (14)
Capitol Update: Tributes
The Plan
The Alliances
The Opening Ceremony (..forgot about this)
The Training Center (Day 1)
The Training Center (Day 2)
The Scores
The Interviews
The Bloodbath (also Day 1)
Day 2
Day 3
The Aftermath~part 1
The Aftermath~part 2
District 1 Reaping (13)
District 2 Reaping (13)
District 3 Reaping (13)
District 4 Reaping (13)
District 5 Reaping (13)
District 6 Reaping (13)
District 7 Reaping (13)
District 8 Reaping (13)
District 9 Reaping (13)
District 10 Reaping (13)
District 11 Reaping (13)
District 12 Reaping (13)
Capitol Update: Tributes
The Train
The Remake Center
The Opening Ceremony
The Training Center (Day 1)
The Training Center (Day 2)
The Scores
The Interviews
The Bloodbath (also Day 1)
Day 3
The Aftermath
District 1 Reaping (12)
District 2 Reaping (12)
District 3 Reaping (12)
District 4 Reaping (12)
District 5 Reaping (12)
District 6 Reaping (12)
District 7 Reaping (12)
District 8 Reaping (12)
District 9 Reaping (12)
District 10 Reaping (12)
District 11 Reaping (12)
District 12 Reaping (12)
Capitol Update: Tributes
The Train
The Remake Center
The Opening Ceremony
The Training Center (Day 1)
The Training Center (Day 2)
The Scores
The (long, boring) Interviews (nobody cares about)
The Bloodbath (also Day 1)
Day 2
Day 3
The Aftermath
District 1 Reaping (All Ages)
District 2 Reaping (All Ages)
District 3 Reaping (All Ages)
District 4 Reaping (All Ages)
District 5 Reaping (All Ages) (part 200)
District 6 Reaping (All Ages)
District 7 Reaping (All Ages)
District 8 Reaping (All Ages)
District 9 Reaping (All Ages)
District 10 Reaping (All Ages)
District 11 Reaping (All Ages)
District 12 Reaping (All Ages)
Capitol Update: Tributes
The Train
The Remake Center
The Opening Ceremony
The Training Center (Day 1) (REVISED)
The Office of Jumbalya Hawk (also The Training Center, Day 2)
Our First Insight Of District 13 (also The Scores)
The Interviews
An Alarming Update
The Bloodbath (also Day 1)
Day 2
Day 3
The Aftermath
To Thirteen(or not)
District 1 Goodbyes (part 1)
District 1 Goodbyes (part 2)
District 2 Goodbyes
District 3 Goodbyes (part 1)
District 3 Goodbyes (part 2)
District 4 Goodbyes

Day 2

310 14 20
By TwoDimensionalSphere

Aria Johanson's (District 1) P.O.V:

Allistar and I decided to make camp by the shore of the water. On the morning of the second day, I'm digging out a sleeve of saltines from one of our two backpacks for breakfast when Allistar says, "Hey. Storm's coming."

I glance up, and see dark gray clouds gathering in the distance. I shrug. "Shouldn't be much trouble. Just more rain." A steady drizzle has been falling since we first rose into the arena.

Even so, the two of us anxiously watch the clouds intimidatingly draw closer and closer. A wind picks up, and it gets stronger quite quickly. My hair is whipped in my face, and I push it away to glance at the water, where the waves are getting bigger. Like, taller than I am. "Maybe we should move more inland!" I shout over the wind to my ally.

With that, the wind picks up one of the backpacks and carries it toward the water. Allistar stands up and begins to jog after it. "Be careful!" I call out, but I don't know if he can hear me over the gusts of wind. The waves would be strong enough to sweep him off his feet now. I watch as Allistar reaches the backpack, slings it over his shoulder, and...

Have a wave knock him to his knees.

"Allistar!" I shout, and run toward the water. "ALLISTAR!"

I see his hand surface above the water. Determined to try and save my district partner, I dive into the water. But I quickly realize, not only because I'm not the greatest swimmer, the waves are extremely strong, and I'm fighting against the current for my life. Screw Allistar; there's no way I can help him. The waves are huge now, and I catch a glimpse of water engulfing the shack on the shore. At least one person was in there. BOOM. The cannon sounds faint with the roar of the water in my ears.

My strength slowly wanes. Another cannon goes off, probably Allistar drowning. Another huge wave pushes me under the water, and I push up toward the surface, but then another wave bears down on me before I can even take a breath of precious air. Water fills my lungs.

I wonder when people drowning decide to give in.

Naomi Young's (District 8) P.O.V:

As the hurricane descends upon the arena, I take shelter in a tree. As long as it doesn't fall, I'll be fine. I do feel like killing someone, though. Maybe I should take advantage of the situation.

My opportunity comes actually quite quickly. The two tributes from twelve run past, the boyfriend and girlfriend. I arm myself with a spear I had grabbed and casually chuck it at the girl's head. It hits its mark perfectly, and she falls to the ground face first whilst a cannon goes off.

The boy, after a shocked yelp of, "Maya!" glances around to see where the spear that just killed his partner. Our eyes lock, and his alight with fury. That's when I notice he has a throwing knife-

Would've been nice if I'd observed that two minutes ago.

Joshua Beacon's (District 12) P.O.V:

Maya and I were heading to the Cornucopia for shelter. We figured it'd be better than the forest, where the trees were at risk of falling down. Now it's only me. Little devil from 8 killed her. I don't want to believe it. But I have to face the facts. Maya's dead. I'll make her and myself proud and win.

I run through the trees quickly when I catch a slight movement in my side vision. I chuck a second knife behind me, hoping it'll either hit or intimidate the tribute or animal hiding there. Apparently it does better. BOOM. I don't go back to check who it was, I'll find out tonight.

The ground opens up to the flat landscape in front of me, and I slow to a jog. The Cornucopia is straight ahead, and so is the hurricane. I duck under the roof and come face to face with the girl from 4. Her eyes widen when she sees me, and for a moment I see Maya there, in her face, for some weird reason. "Sorry," I apologize, and punch her in the head. At least she won't feel the knife sinking into her heart when she's unconscious. It's the least I can do for her.

The hurricane passes after a few hours. By night, no more cannons go off. I stare up at the night sky as the Capitol anthem begins to echo and the fallen flash in the sky. Both tributes from 1, the guy from 3, the girl who was in the Cornucopia, the devil in the tree, the lovestruck girl from 10, and... Maya. I tear my eyes away from my dead girlfriend and try to forget her beautiful face.

All Day 2 Deaths:

Aria Johanson, District 1

Allistar Mento, District 1

Del Tech, District 3

Ameria Well, District 4

Naomi Young, District 8

Luna Dove, District 10

Maya Skylark, District 12

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