
By s4crilege

877 68 48

Years of competing made it easy for Alinna to resent Mason. As they decide to push their hatred aside and wor... More

authors note
chapter 002
chapter 003
chapter 004
chapter 005
chapter 006
chapter 007
chapter 008
chapter 009
chapter 010
chapter 011
chapter 012
chapter 013
chapter 014
chapter 015
chapter 016
chapter 017
chapter 018
mason. 19

chapter 001

58 3 2
By s4crilege

Damn it starts raining?! Seriously? ugh.

GRIPPING THE STEERING WHEEL, I finally pull into my designated destination.

The Cantley House's...driveway.

Seeing that his parents' cars aren't home I take this time to look over his home. Beautiful cream pillars supported the three-story brick home, with contrasting black windows and doors against the pearly southern belle like exterior, it was beautiful in the mornings. Can't really say the same at night though, especially since it's raining. It looks...eerie.

Huh, seems fitting for the Cantley's.

Don't say that! That was rude.

Okay fine... not all of the Cantley's but Mason Definitely.

Shaking my head from the weird banter in my head. I stomped up the stairs, grinding my Louboutins heels into their marble stairway. The sound of my heels resonated against the light patter of the rain. Making my way up, I reach their doorstep and struck the door, once. The loud bang of the wooden door could've been heard five houses down. I had enough of these games.

The devil himself opens up the door and I automatically roll my eyes.

"Alinna Windham... to what do I owe the pleasure?" Gesturing me inside his evil lair.

HA! Evil lair, good one Alinna!

I know I'm really funny right?

Snapping out of my thoughts, I turn to him and raise my voice, 

"Mason James Cantley do NOT play nice with me!" Pushing him further inside his home, I step forward, getting closer to him, all while holding eye contact. 

A mischievous look glimmered in his eyes, throwing me a smirk he raises his hands up defensively,

"Woah Alinna! Look, if you wanted to touch me, you could've just said so. I mean 17 years is a lot of time though, no?"

Raising my eyebrow, I snap back "Mason I'm not interested in bickering with you, I am here to MURDER YOU TONIGHT– so count your goddamn blessings Cantley!"

"Okay, okay,  Alinna I've done a LOT of things to you, mind specifying so I can NOT apologize?"

"You idiot, you know EXACTLY what you did."

Walking over to me, he places his hands firmly over both my shoulders.

What is up with everyone and my shoulders?

 "Okay honestly? Tell me what I did because I wanna do more of it to piss you off." 

Overwhelmed, I place my right hand over my chest, trying to calm down my heart rate. Getting too upset or angry tends to make me cry, and all of these negative emotions makes it hard to breathe. Mason, starting to notice my distress, starts backing away from me. Confused, he gets behind me and rubs my back in circles, hoping that it would comfort me. Just...just like the he used to when we were little kids. Tilting his head into my ear he starts whispering apologies.

"Alinna I'm sorry okay? What'd I do?"

Alinna get your shit together, you have a mission!

Show Mason that you are NOT to be messed with, don't get vulnerable with the enemy.

Wiping my eyes from the tears threatening to spill, I spin around so that I'm facing him.

"You sent in an application to Sicily's Sbocciare Academy." Pressing my finger against his chest. 

"Yeah so..?" Giving me a puzzled look. But seeing right through it, I know he knew that I was applying.

"You RUINED MY CHANCES!" Nearly screaming at the top of my lungs, my voice echoed throughout the enormous house. 

Smirking, he replied, "What, did they choose me?"

"No you idiot, we're fucking "tied", even though I don't understand because I busted my ass to get to where I am."

Well you're rich Alinna, other people don't have the same opportunities AND still worked harder than you.

True, but regardless at least I TRY in school.

Who's to say he doesn't try?

Shaking off my thoughts, I cross my arms. Staring directly into his eyes, waiting on whatever he had to say next. Being honest I'm kind of scared, he does NOT look like a happy camper right now. Did I strike a nerve? Did I cross a line? The glare he's giving me makes me feel all sorts of uneasy. How long does it take for a man to think of a reply? Nervousness runs through my system, fidgeting around with my fingers and hair, and not-so-patiently waiting for a reply.

Gosh I can FEEL the anger, why can't I just shut my mouth?

Should I apologize?

"I didn't mea-"

"Alinna... what is your purpose of being here right now?" All the playfulness vanished from his face and tone. It was all business now.

Cmon Alinna! This is what you were here for! Don't chicken out now.

"Drop out of the program." 

Stepping closer to me he scolds, loud enough for me to hear but quiet enough for his voice to not resonate throughout the house. 

"What? No why the hell would I do that? Alinna, not everything revolves around you, they have a phenomenal aerospace engineering program there for me. Plus, it gives me a reason to leave this dreadful town, to get away from everything, especially from people like you." 

Okay well I deserved that to be honest.

Lowering my head, my eyes directed to his dark hardwood floors. I can't bear conflict, I don't even know why I did this, Why couldn't I have just sucked it up and dealt with it. 

Picking my head back up, facing him I stare back into his piercing green eyes.

"Okay, fine. But you realize they're only allowing one person in from our school, right?"

Leaning forwards, our heads almost touching, he whispers,

"Then may the best student win."

author's note: omg I kinda hate this already, jumping straight into the story I hope I don't make this too fast-paced LOL

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