Daddy Unknown.... For Now

By ashleyjilten12

227 10 2

They say your first time is always memorable. That is so not the case for 17 year old Avery Wilson. Not only... More

Author's Note
One Good Night
Why Me?
Great, Just Great
Why the need for a monitor tho?
Ultrasound Pt.1

Ultrasound Pt.2

13 0 0
By ashleyjilten12

Avery's POV,

The slap of my stomach against the concrete resounded through the cafeteria.

I saw Kara stand and scream but hear I never did. The only thing in my mind at the moment was if my baby was okay.

Rough hands reached around my back but from I registered who they belonged to I kicked out and just kept kicking.

I already couldn't breathe properly but the pain that hit me at that moment made me curl up in a fetal position and black dots clouded my already blurry vision.

I wanted to fight them. For me, for my baby, my mom and Kara because I never knew what could happen once I closed my eyes but the fight left me and another round of tears escaped my eyelids before they closed.


Beep, Beep, ,Beep, Beep, Beep, Beep

I heard somebody shout something but it sounded like I was underwater and my vision was blurry. I blinked twice because my eyelids were so heavy but it helped, a bit.

Somebody handed me a glass of water after another person put mi in a slightly elevated position. As I took a sip I couldn't help but wonder who are these people and why they are taking care of me.

A woman I did not recognized held my hands and sobbed while another girl was full blown crying. Who died?

I opened my mouth to speak but it came out hoarse and gusty. I took another sip of water then spoke.

"Who are you?" It was a bit better than before for me but for the girls let's just say they could now be competition for Niagra Falls.

"Where is my mom?, Where am I?" I questioned. As if on instinct my hand flew to my stomach which felt empty for some reason. I started to cry too. "What happened to me?"

Abruptly the short girl turned around and glared at something I couldn't see.

"This is all your fault!! I trusted you! I trusted you to take care of her and keep her safe. To keep her baby safe and all because of you she does not remember me. She doesn't remember her mom!"

Whoever it was sat and put their hands on their face. Remembering something I voiced out. "Baby?"

She shook like a volcano ready to explode but didn't she explode already?

The obviously older, no offense, blonde woman grabbed both my hands and somehow through her tears said she was my mom. I believed her because it was like my heart knew she was not lying.

I needed more water so I turned to get it from the side table and that was when I noticed the two doctors looking to be taking notes on a pad.

After my drink both approached me and started to talk at the same time, saying the same thing. Freaky much.

Doctor male went first and produced me with a picture. I guess my confused face prompted him to explain. " That is your baby."

My stomach still felt quite void.

Doctor female chose this time to start her long talk in a very much loud voice.

"You were scheduled for an ultrasound so when you were brought here we conducted it. Thankfully there was no internal bleeding however you need to be more careful. If you had fallen any harder you probably could experience placental abruption which could lower your baby's chance of survival. Before I leave I just want to tell you to schedule another ultrasound with your Ob-Gyn in 12 weeks. This time you can find out the gender of your baby."

Before I could say anything my mom asked the question which has been swimming around in my brain. " What about her memories? Why can't she remember me or anything?"

"Oh that" She looked me deep in the eyes then hers twinkled. " Her memories will be back very soon." With that she left.

Mom looked troubled with that response that explained nothing but settled down into the chair beside me.

A VERY hoT with a capital t boy came close to me. "Do you remember me?"

"Am I supposed to?" I sent back. He also looked troubled but just continued staring at me. Soon I found myself lost in those grey orbs.

A tremor ran through my body and I blushed and looked if anybody saw. Everybody's except grey ones were elsewhere so I was safe.

A nurse came in and told them visiting hours were over but they were keeping me under observation for 48 hours then she can sign me out.

As the trio were leaving another tremor shook my body very painfully and I couldn't hold it in anymore.I shouted and stopped them halfway through the door.

"Kara, bring me a box of pizza will you."

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