Tueur De Rêves (DreamSmp Au)...

By AliceUnova

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[Wilbur's Perspective.] "You won't do it" ['Your hearts a vine that I've bled trying to climb'] The hooded ma... More

"An unexpected job" (Ch'1)
"Dream him dead" (Ch'2)
"Night turned nightmare" (Ch'3)
"Secrets" (Ch'4)
"Information, old friends" (Ch'6)
"Found him" (Ch'7)
"Sundown" (Ch'8)
"Date with the devil" (Ch'9)
"Wings" (Ch'10)
"Positions" (Ch'11)
"A Raven's Advance" (Ch'12)
"Those Times Of Heartbreak" (Ch'13)
"The Next Morning" (Ch'14)

"A shadow in the window" (Ch'5)

1.3K 57 36
By AliceUnova

Dream's Perspective

Well, he's awake..

Oh shit.

"Who the bloody hell are you fuckers?!" The kid instantly got aggressive, and loud. Trying to rip himself out of the rope keeping his hands tied. He only ended up falling over as he yelled angry jiberish.

I could hear George sigh in annoyance as he grabbed my arm, dragging me to the entrance of the cave again.

"Explain." He said in a harsh tone, his arms crossing. I crossed my arms back, trying to think of a way to explain this. It wasn't an easy thing to explain! What was I supposed to tell them?

"The kid... Saw my face." I let out simply, I really didn't wanna bother with some long explanation.

"How? You wear a mask, Dream! He's a kid too! How would he have even gotten the mask off? You need to be careful when you take it off!" George let out, clearly annoyed with me.

"I didn't take it off! The little shit knew how to fight!" I huffed out, glaring at him a bit.

"Still! You weren't careful enough!" George got a little louder, in the background Sapnap and the kid seemed to be arguing and going back and forth.

"Can you guys stop fighting like an old married couple and hold me back before I punch this kid in the face?" Sapnap yelled out to us.

I just sighed and ran a hand through my hair. This wasn't gonna be fun..


Third Person Perspective.

"He's... What?" Phil said after a long silence from the group, Fundy and Wilbur both puzzled and shocked by Tubbo's statement.

"It's... It's... Really hard to explain.." Tubbo laughed nervously, scratching the back of his neck.

"Are you sure he's... Your brother? I mean- You nor your mother ever mentioned having a brother..! You could have mistaken him for someone else, too.." Fundy let out, looking to Tubbo.

"I just... Know.." Tubbo trailed off a bit, biting his lip as he looked away, his nerves rising more.

"I.." Wilbur started, but quickly shook his head and stood. "We can focus on that later, what's important now is getting Tommy back, and me beating that bastard's ass." Wilbur said with confidence.

Fundy and Phil nodded in agreement, Tubbo shakily nodding after a moment, taking a deep breath.

"How... Are we gonna find him? Who knows where he is!" Fundy said as he also stood, looking to Wilbur.

"I... I don't know, we can ask people around town, search, I'll figure something out." Wilbur said as he started to walk off.

"Where are you going?" Phil asked as he watched his son walk towards a doorway.

"I'm gonna sharpen my damn sword, who knows what could happen, I have to be prepared, I also just... Need to think on this." Wilbur then left the room, the others being able to tell how shaken up Wilbur clearly was.

None of them seemed to notice a shadow listening through an open window.

(Small updates and changes were added to better the stories quality.)

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