Creature Of A Broken Past (Un...

By LadyOfTheUnderworld-

60K 1.9K 674

(Y/N) Phantomhive is the older sister of Ciel Phantomhive. She had sworn to protect her baby brothers from ha... More

Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Captured
Chapter 3: Marketed
Chapter 4: Reunited
Chapter 5: Explaining
Chapter 6: Confession
Chapter 7: Greetings
Chapter 8: Fitting
Chapter 9: Marquessate of Midford
Chapter 10: A New Case
Chapter 11: The Undertaker
Chapter 12: Finding Out The Truth-Undertaker
Chapter 13: His Secret
Chapter 14: An Evening Out
Chapter 15: The Unexpected News
Chapter 16: A Resolve
Chapter 17: The Reveal
Chapter 18: Meeting Unexpectedly
Chapter 19: Stalkers
Chapter 20: Beginning Of A New Relationship
Chapter 21: A Party
Chapter 22: My Love
Chapter 23: My Nightmare
Chapter 24: Our Date
Chapter 25: The Fire
Chapter 26: A Crazy Love
Chapter 27: A Surprise
Chapter 28: Lemon
Chapter 29: An Omen?
Chapter 30: Phantomhive Gardens
Chapter 31: Heartache
Chapter 32: Wedding Dress / Lemon
Chapter 33: His Death Scythe
Chapter 34: Problems
Chapter 35: Soul Love
Chapter 36: Foreboding
Chapter 37: The Other Dress
Chapter 38: Broken Love
Chapter 39: Dispute
Chapter 40: A Challenge
Chapter 41: My Silver Knight
Chapter 42: His Admissions Part 1
Chapter 43: His Admissions Part 2
Chapter 44: Revelation
Chapter 45: Memories Part 1
Chapter 46: Memories Part 2
Chapter 47: A New Life
Chapter 48: Hunting
Chapter 49: Exposed
Chapter 50: A Healing Love
Chapter 51: The Special Night
Chapter 52: The Perfect Night - Special Night Part 2
Chapter 53: A Gift From The Universe?
Chapter 54: The Soul's Dream
Chapter 56: Loved No Longer
Chapter 57: Hurt By My Future
Chapter 58: Creature Of A Broken Past
Chapter 59: Unveiled
Chapter 60: Granting Concessions
Chapter 61: One Last Date
Chapter 62: Goodbye
Chapter 63: Scavenger Hunt
Chapter 64: One Final Surprise
Chapter 65: Home
Chapter 66: Sweets
Chapter 67: My Fairytale, Our Dream
Chapter 68: My Husband, His Wife - Mr. And Mrs. Crevan
Chapter 69: Late Night Unwanted Surprise
Chapter 70: Poisoned
Chapter 71: A Romantic Love
Chapter 72: Built For Pleasure
Chapter 73: Let the Games Begin
Chapter 74: Show Time
Chapter 75: Our Final Night

Chapter 55: The Flower Of The Reaper

188 5 8
By LadyOfTheUnderworld-

“Luna, what are you doing being so loud for?!” I question as we enter into the kitchen. She turns to me and gives me an annoyed look. “Oh look, sleeping beauty is finally awake!”

Did I just hear that right?! Or is my mind playing tricks on me?!

I turn to look at Adrian, and he gives me the same shocked and confused look as I have. I then turn back to Luna. “Excuse me?!” Adrian suddenly pulls me into him and holds me to him as he has me completely facing him.

“Luna, what is going on? You knew she was sleeping! She has been having a rough day-”

“Sleeping all day?! That’s having a rough day?! Amora, you have your man here! You should be spending time with him while he is here-”

“You haven’t the slightest clue what she has been going through all day, Luna! She hasn’t slept! She hasn’t eaten! She hasn’t been hydrated! And you know what? She didn’t look like the girl I’ve known once I got here!! Today has been hell for her, and it broke my heart seeing her condition when I arrived! I managed to get something in her, even though it wasn’t much! I finally got her to get some rest maybe an hour before you decided to wake her up by doing whatever the hell it is you are doing in here! Then you want to get mad and accuse her of sleeping all day?! No, there’s something else going on with you...

Is it because I didn’t meet you in here once you got here? Because if it is, I am sorry! But I have been nothing but concerned over her well-being! Luna... Amora told me what you thought what was going on with her. Guess what? It does make perfect sense! But even if she is, she is at high risk right now because... Well...

She doesn’t get her cycles!” I tighten my hold on him after hearing him say that. High risk? I’m... High risk?? Of course. That would make total sense! I was struggling not to cry. I can’t. I can’t be crying! I should be doing everything I can to keep myself under control. I don’t want to lose this baby! That is... If I am really pregnant. I tighten my hold on him even more, and I feel him tightening his hold on me as well. “Why isn’t she the one telling me all this??”

“Because I was the one who told her to take it easy! You and I both know how she can get when she is upset, and this is the last thing she needs to be getting herself worked up over! Especially right now.” He adds the last sentence quietly as he brings a hand behind my head.

He must be sensing my nausea. It was starting to worsen as I was listening to everything that was being said. “Amora, sweetheart. Are you alright?” He asks quietly as he brings my face up to look at him. My eyes were watering as I was fighting to keep the tears from falling. I was becoming nauseous as all hell.

I lightly shake my head no at him. Opening my mouth to say something, I realize that was a bad idea, and I make a run for it to the bathroom once again.

Rushing into the bathroom yet again, I quickly close the door and make a bee line towards the toilet. This hurts. Everything hurts so much. My stomach muscles. My throat from all the puking. Every single muscle within me were completely strained. Or so it felt like.

Then, there was a knock on the door. I knew it could only be Adrian. “Mind if I come in, doll?” He asks softly. His voice held nothing but concern and worry. I couldn’t bring myself to say anything, as I was in a complete nightmare. I wanted nothing more than for all the puking to stop.

When he didn’t hear a response, he carefully opens the door and steps inside before closing the door once again. The second he sees my condition, he quickly makes his way over to me and kneels down beside me.

He carefully pulls back my hair for me as I continue to throw up, even though I’ve already thrown up what little I was able to consume earlier. He then begins to rub my back for me until I was finally finished.

“Everything is going to be alright, honey. I’m here to take care of you, alright? I’m not going anywhere.” He says soothingly. When I was completely finished, he carefully pulls me into him, but I end up collapsing.

“Amora!” I was barely able to keep my eyes open. Everything was now a blur, and all I could feel was all the pain I’ve been having.

I can tell he was trying to speak to me, but I couldn’t understand a word he was saying. I was beginning to go in and out of consciousness. “Amora?” It was Luna. But I couldn’t turn to look at her. I didn’t want to. Not after the way she decided to treat me, in my own house!

I suddenly feel myself being placed onto something soft before I barely hear Adrian’s voice. “She’s... Severely dehydrated...” Was all I was able to hear before I completely lost consciousness.

When I woke up I didn’t know where I was. I was hooked up to a machine, but I didn’t have any at my manor? I try looking around, and with the few candles that were lit, I was able to see I was indeed in my bedroom. So where did this thing come from?!

Trying to remember what had happened, I remembered I was throwing up yet again, then I ended up losing consciousness. I just barely remember hearing Adrian saying something about severe dehydration. That must be why I’m hooked up to this...

I then realized something. I’m... Feeling completely normal... No nausea. No nothing. This could only mean...

I needed to distract my mind. I look over and saw Adrian sleeping soundly next to me. I slowly and quietly crawl out of bed, only to realize I had been changed into a new nightgown. Where did this come from? Was it Luna’s?

Freeing myself from the IVs, I exit out of my room as quietly as possible and head downstairs. I didn’t know what to do. This was the very reason we shouldn’t have gotten our hopes up. To avoid any heartbreak in case I really wasn’t pregnant.

But then... He seemed so confident that I was. He promised that he was always right when it comes to his senses...

I facepalm myself as I let myself outside. Don’t you even dare blame this on him, Amora! This is not his fault, I was the one who said I could be pregnant! I was the one who got our hopes up...

My eyes suddenly widen. Adrian... He’s definitely going to be crushed... As the tightness in my heart worsens, I continue to walk away from my manor, and into the forest. I just wanted to be far enough away and be alone.

Being around either of them will only cause problems. I don’t want to end up blaming either one of them and end up hurting them in the process. No. I’m here for a reason. To work on and fix myself.

Once I felt I was far enough away, I sit down in the field and ended up crying into my knees as I brought them to my face.

I knew this would happen! I knew I would just end up heartbroken if I got my hopes up! How could I be so stupid?! To think I could actually be pregnant... That I could actually be carrying the love of my life’s baby, when it is clearly impossible right now!

Stupid, Amora! That was so, so stupid! I suddenly hear someone sitting down beside me. “What on earth are you doing out here and all alone for, my lady?” They ask. Just as I look over, I see them handing me a few of my favorite flowers. What?! Even more confused, I look up to see who it was, and it was Adrian. Or more so, in his disguise as ‘Undertaker’.

“How did you... What?!” I say out as I take the flowers. “What are you doing here?” I say more quietly as I look down at the flowers. “I believe I’ve asked you that very question, my dear...” He says as he continues to look at me.

“It is rather cold out here, and you have nothing keeping you warm but that nightgown. You don’t even have shoes or socks on! What were you thinking?” He adds as he wraps his cloak around me.

When he notices my expression, he lets out a sigh. “You being all the way out here with such little clothing can only mean one thing... What’s troubling you, sunshine?” He asks as he begins to rub my back.

I immediately look away. I couldn’t bring myself to tell him. He’s been so excited, I can’t... I can’t hurt him! I can’t...

He suddenly has me turning to look at him with his finger. I was waiting. I was waiting for him to figure it out, since he is able to tell what’s on my mind, so he says. I was painfully waiting to see his expression turn into a frown. As I anticipated his reaction, my heart was only breaking more and more, and I was fighting with all I could to keep from breaking down.

But what he does next completely throws me off. He smirks. How can he be smirking?! Or is it... Could he just be pretending he’s not hurt over it just to help me feel better??

Then, his smirk turns into a light and sincere smile before leaning in to give me a comforting kiss. He deepens the kiss as he carefully leans me back to where I am laying on the ground with him above me.

He pulls away just slightly, and I give him a confused look. “I-I don’t understand?” I say in almost a whisper, and he smiles again as he runs his fingers through his hair and out of his face. “Amora, my beautiful love. You really want to carry my baby so badly, don’t you?” His eyes were glistening so much, they were almost illuminating in the darkness.

My heart seemed to become stuck in my throat as my eyes were starting to water once again. I thought I wasn’t ready, but the short time of thinking I really was... I never realized a part of me was actually hopeful. Actually excited and wanting to be having a baby.

He smiles even more as he places a hand underneath my nightgown and on my lower stomach. “You’re feeling better, aren’t you?” He asks. I didn’t want to answer, but I slightly nod my head.

He then leans down into my ear before speaking softly. “It’s still there, baby girl.” My eyes widen, and he looks back into my eyes and continues to smile.

“You’re only feeling better because I got you rehydrated, sweetie. That’s why you were hooked up with IVs. You were so severely dehydrated from being so sick, your body couldn’t keep up. It’s also very dangerous when you have a little bean growing in you.”

I couldn’t help but let out a small giggle at his term “little bean”, making his smile turn into that wonderful grin. He then takes my hand into both of his and places a kiss to my fingers before looking back into my eyes. “And just because you’re feeling better now, doesn’t mean you won’t continue to get sick. Stress isn’t good, my love. And you know you do tend to jump to conclusions.”

“I know... That’s why I came out here. My mind wanted to blame you and Luna for getting my hopes up, but I knew that was wrong and completely unfair. I needed to get away and be alone to keep myself from doing or saying anything stupid. It would have been my fault and my fault alone for getting my hopes up. I was only stopping myself from being the... Asshole I am when I’m... You know.” I answer quietly and ashamedly.

“Amora, I just want to say that I am proud of you. You may not realize it, but you’re already taking big steps on bettering yourself. And you did this all on your own. Now, that doesn’t mean I’m very pleased that you came all the way out here with very little clothing, and in the middle of the night all by yourself... But you’re making progress. And I am proud of that. I’m proud of you.” He says before giving me a kiss.

“Thank you.” I say once he breaks the kiss. “Absolutely, my dear. But with that said, I don’t ever want to see you come all the way out here alone, and vulnerable as you are again. Not being armed, that is. Especially at night. And especially when you’re carrying little bean.” He teases as he playfully and lightly pokes my tummy. But I knew he was still very serious. “You’re right, I’m sorry. I promise I won’t.”

“Good, because I don’t ever want to see anything happening to you or our baby. I now have two treasures I hold very dearly. You are both my world. And I will protect the both of you with my very life, alright? But you have to do your part as well. Make sure you don’t get yourself in any sort of danger. Like what you did tonight. Got it?”

“Yes, Adrian, I’m so sorry-” He interrupts me with a warm kiss. “It’s alright, doll. I forgive you. Just don’t...”

“Do it again, I know. I swear I won’t.”

“I’m sorry. I’m worrying twice as much now, but in a caring way? Close to 700 years and you are the one who managed to carry my first baby. But, like I said I wouldn’t want it to be with anybody else but you.” He gives me another kiss.

“How did you know where to find me?” I ask after a moment. “You had me worried, dear. Can you please stop leaving when I’m around?” He chuckles, but I can tell he was hiding how he really felt... Worried and hurt.

“I’m so sorry for hurting you! But I needed to, to keep myself from-”

“You could have just sat on the front steps and not leave into the middle of a field in a forest.”

“I was heartbroken. I didn’t want to wake either of you up from me crying.” He was quiet for another moment.

“After you leaving me Sunday night / Monday morning, I’ve become an even lighter sleeper, but I don’t need you working yourself up over it. Once I realized you went outside and were completely leaving the manor, I quickly got dressed and came after you...

When I found you crying so badly, all alone, it made me think back to when you were younger. Except there are no flowers around for you to look at. Well... Your favorite that is. I may have a few tricks up my sleeve and made a few appear, and that was when I sat next to you.

Remembering very well all those years ago, I wanted to cheer you up the same way.” He says as he stands himself up and helps me onto my feet. “I really do appreciate the flowers. They are beautiful.” I smile.

“Just as you are to me. They suit you just perfectly. But I think we better get you back home. It is very cold out, and you are not dressed for outside, love.” He was clearly concerned. “Yes, of course.”

“Oh, and one more thing.” He says as he leans into my ear once more as he places his hands to my hips. “Don’t ever call yourself stupid again. Or even put yourself down!” He then straightens himself up and looks down at me with a serious expression.

This would be the type of look he is giving you. Sorta-

I was beyond confused. “But I didn’t...” My eyes widened as I realized what he was talking about. He read my mind!!! “You...”

“Yes, I knew exactly what you were thinking before I made myself known. I can sense those, Amora. I do not like it when you think so negatively about yourself! It really hurts me.”

“I guess I’ve just been-”

“Amora! No you haven’t!” He suddenly picks me up and I quickly wrap my legs around his waist. “Enough. Let’s just get you home. I don’t want you walking barefoot with your condition. I’ll happily carry you home, alright?”

“Okay.” He lowers my body slightly and I rest my head into his neck as he walks us home. But what should have been at least a 10-minute walk, we arrived home within about 1 minute!

We get up to the door, and he turns us around, causing me to look at him confused. “You know, you look absolutely gorgeous in the moonlight.” He says as he looks up at me adoringly, and I blush a little. “I-I do?” I question sheepishly.

“You do. While I was waiting for you to wake up, I decided to play with your hair some. Put some curls in the front if you hadn’t noticed. And the braid.” He smiles, and I bring my hand up to my hair feeling for the braid. When I do, my eyes widen a little.

“Amora, I love you so much. More than you can ever know. You are beyond beautiful. Beyond gorgeous. There is just no word to describe it. But just know you will always, always hold my heart. And of course little bean as well.” He says, and I again giggle.

This IS my drawing 💙💙💙

“I love you too, Adrian. More than you can know as well. You are everything to me, and you are beyond handsome. There isn’t quite any word that can describe you either. Also, I love your little nickname for our baby.” I say as I’m cupping his face before giving him a passionate kiss.

He soon opens the door without breaking the kiss and walks us inside. Closing the door and locking it, he carries me upstairs and to my bedroom, still without breaking the kiss.

Laying me onto the bed, he crawls on top of me and continues to kiss me for another moment before pulling away. “So... You really truly believe that we are having a baby?” I ask as I look deep into his eyes.

“Like I said, I am unable to officially know until it develops a heartbeat. But even so, I know there is something different. The only explanation is a baby. I am at least 95% positive, my love. I would never tell you anything if I wasn’t sure. Especially when I know how much something means to you. I hate seeing you hurt, and the last thing I would ever do is tell you anything that would be untrue... So in other words, yes, I do believe we are having a baby.”

He then begins to shower my stomach with kisses, causing me to laugh as it was slightly tickling. He stops as he begins to giggle, himself. “I just adore your laugh, my princess.” He says as he gives me another kiss.

“I’ve been meaning to ask... Where did this nightgown come from? Is it Luna’s?”

“No. I will inform you I had a... Little word with her after putting the IVs in you. I did not appreciate the way she was talking to you when we went into the kitchen. You can’t be getting put under any kind of stress. Not when you’re high risk.

But the nightgown was something I got for you. I know you don’t have much, and hardly any clothes here. I brought the rest of your dresses and nightgowns here so you’ll have more clothing. I’m still going to let you keep a shirt or two of mine, because I do know you love to wear them.”

“You... Got this nightgown for me?”

“Of course. You’re my love, I’d get you anything... And I do like what you did with the locket I made for you, my dear.” He smiles. “It’s a special gift from a special someone. Of course, I’m going to do something, so I can keep it on me easily. Because I love it that much. Just as I love you.”

“Mm, I love you too, sweetheart.” He says as he kisses me once more. “We should get some more sleep, honey. And see how you’re doing when you wake up.” He says softly.

We get ourselves situated into the bed after he undresses himself, and he covers us up with the blankets as he holds me into his arms. “Goodnight, my love.”

“Goodnight, my darling.” With one last kiss, I close my eyes and soon fall asleep.

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