Oh Sangwoo X OC [killing stal...

By DonnaMeow0-0

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" you love me? ~ " He's murderous, merciless, monstrous She's innocent cheerful kind quiet She loved his ma... More

There's someone here i want you to meet
Hug me back little girl
don't worry I got u I got u
Have you ever been in love Mela?
Have you ever had a boyfriend before?
Go away ...
Are you okay?
don't look inside the basement
Let's dance ... shall we
Good luck ... Mela ...
Congratulations shorty
Are you okay?
Do you love me?
We are not alike at all
Can i ask you something?
what if I was some sort of a serial killer and kidnapped you~
I love being with you ...
You never raise your voice
Ummmn ... hiii
This is all because of you
I'll be your new friend
Don't act foolishly
Come down stairs
aah shorty ....
Did you get in the bassment?
Who are they going to believe
Tell me
Help me pretty please
Im back shorty~
Im right behind you
You know what makes me laugh?
Does it hurt?
The regret
You want me to stay ?
Wazzap Wazzap Wazzaaaap!
You dont have to lie to me Mela
Are you sure Mela?
If you ever loved me let me go


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By DonnaMeow0-0

Karen hired a lawyer to make sure he proves it that Sangwoo is a murderer. So did Sangwoo, he hired a lawyer as well.

The two of them were preparing for court. Mela Dan, Barbra, Jieun, Kim and Nick as well as nicks mom came to the court. They sat in the front

At the court:

" All rise for the honorable judge Brown. "

Everyone stood up, as the judge came and he sat down " thank you, please be seated "

( hello my readers it's author San *as one of my lovely readers called me* just want you to know that I don't know much about courts and how they work and how they start their speech or who speak first but I read a few things and watched some movies so I'm trying my best so please overlook if there's some mistakes Kay? )

Karen's lawyer said:

" The defense calls mr Dan Johnson to the stand "
Dan walked to the stand as he made an oath to say the truth and nothing but the truth.

" Mr Dan, where were you when the whole incident happened? "

" inside the house "

" did you hear the entire conversation that happened between both Sandra and Sangwoo ?

" yes I did "

" tell me what you heard in the part where they talked about the photos "

" Professor Garcia told him to hand over the photos if he wanted Mela to live and Sangwoo told her they were at his laptop and he was willing to give them to her "

" did she or him mention anything about children's photos? "

" ... no but he has pictu-"

" Mr Johnson please answer only the question and I will repeat it, did you hear any of the words children, naked children, pedophile ? "

" no I didn't, just 'the photos' "

" that's all I want to know thank you Mr Johnson "

Dan just stared at the lawyer like a sleepy lost dog before he returned to his seat.

The judge said " they do have proof Mr Davis, the photos of the children that Mr Oh found in her phone "

" your honor Mr Oh " he said as he pointed at Sangwoo who was sitting beside his lawyer.

" your honor Mr Oh CLAMED he found thouse photos in her phone and downloaded them.
Which leads me to a bunch of question marks!

First : these photos were found in Sangwoos laptop and never in Professor Garcia's or Ms Karen's. There is no proof they took them.

The real photos that Sangwoo has are the naked photos of Professor Garcia. But he claimed he was hiding photos of naked children just to show the police how noble his goal was but secretly harassed her to keep her mouth shut about him raping her and kidnapping her "

Mela listened to the conversation shaking she wanted those two to just disappear from sangwoos life. She didn't believe a single word this lawyer has said.

" wait a moment Mr Davis please repeat why did Mr Oh claim that she's pedophile? "

" your honor! He simply planned for the whole thing. Professor Garcia once paid a visit to the kindergarten that Ms Karen runs and Sangwoo was with her. He was the one who took photos of those naked children at the kindergarten. Because he his self is the pedophile your honor. "

Melas hands turned to fists as her eyes widened. How could he say something like that about Sangwoo!! She was furious.

" When he kidnapped the professor he took naked pictures of her to make sure that when he release her she would keep her mouth shut.

But now that the police was involved he knew they'll be questioning about the photos professor Garcia was talking about and he took this chance and used them to defend himself with a ridiculous reason that he wanted to get a free A+? Really? "

" OBJECTION! " Sangwoos lawyer Mr Williams loudly said

" on what grounds? " asked the judge

" your honor, Mr Oh never went to the kindergarten "

" yes he did!! " Karen shouted

" Order! Ms Karen you may not speak without being permitted to, Am I being clear! "

Karen glared at him " yes your honor " she growled

" Mr Davis, do you have any evidence Mr Oh went to kindergarten with The professor? "

Mr Davis sighed " no your honor I'm afraid not, the kindergarten didn't have cameras to proof it, it's based on what Karen had witnessed "

" then ... I will not consider this true Mr Davis "

" ......... some kids recognized him your honor
The defense calls Walter Wilson to the stand "

A little boy walked to the stand slowly he was just so cute ...

" Hello Walter You saw Mr Oh at the kindergarten didn't you why don't you tell everyone ? "

" OBJECTION! Leading the whiteness! "

" Mr Davis, I found you leading the witness as well "

" I didn't mean that your honor my apologies, allow me to rephrase:   Walter, I want you to look at this man over there, do you see him? "

Walter looked at Sangwoo who smiled kindly at him, Walter nodded.

" tell me have you seen this man before? "

Walter nodded

Mela gasped

" I want you to talk out loud for the people to hear you young man, have you seen him before? "

" Yes " Walter said making Sangwoo frown in confusion.

" thank you Walter you may go back to your seat ... your honor, ladies and gentlemen of the jury as I said before Sangwoo went to the kindergarten with Sandra Garcia while she was paying a visit there, being a pedophile he took photos of these children Naked while Sandra talked to her sister alone. after a few days Sangwoo invited her to his house, locked her in his basement for 3 days abused her heartlessly, he then mentioned it that he was sick of killing people and decided to let her free but took naked photos of her to keep her mouth shut and threatened to post them for the college principles and students to see. And when she showed up  at his house she said out loud and clear for him to retrieve the photos not mentioning anything about children. And when he woke up and realized that Sandra is dead and that Karen will eventually sue him he used the children photos to justify Sandra's claims "

He said finishing his speech.

" Mr Williams? " the judge called

Sangwoo lawyer sat there without saying a single word he was deep in thought

" Mr Williams " the judge called again

Mela looked at Mr Williams with hope

Sangwoo looked at his lawyer in confusion tapping him in the shoulder as if waking him up before the lawyer suddenly said :

" May I have 5 Minutes with my Client your honor " he asked

" I'll allow it " the judge said

Mr Williams entered a private room followed by Snagwoo. He stood in front of a window giving him his back to Sangwoo ...

" Mr Oh .... did you lie to me? "

Sangwoo smirked as he approached him from behind ...

" never~ " he Whispered

His lawyer turned around quickly

" Mr Oh, have you or have you not visited the kindergarten with Sandra "

Snagwoo frowned " I have not " he confirmed

" then how did that boy recognize you? "

Sangwoo sighed " I found that strange as well "

Mr Williams kept looking at Sangwoo for a couple of seconds until Snagwoo snapped out of his thoughts and looked at his lawyer.

" Mr Williams, I am not lying to you, I never saw that kid in my life. I don't know how he knows me. There's a chance that they may have coached this child "

" there is actually a chance that this kid knows you without meeting you ... "

Sangwoo observed his question before he asked

" How ? "

" First of all, I would like to begin with the child Walter, I must say my Client confirmed to me that he never step foot inside the kindergarten.

I need to know, is Walter the only child who recognized Sangwoo? " Mr Williams asked

Mr Davis answered " yes, between all the three kids he was the only one to have recognized him "

" I call Walter Wilson to the stand " said Mr Williams

Walter once again approached the stand slowly walking in a cute way

Mr Williams smiled at his walk and smiled at him friendly as Walter smiled back shyly

" hello " Mr Williams said

" hello " Walter answered With a cute voice

" how old are you son? "

" 4 "

" wow, so brave of you to come here "

Walter nodded as he hid his lips inside his moth

" so Walter son, you said you have seen this man before, can you tell me how many times did you see him "

" ..... A lot "

" a lot! I heard he only came ONCE  at the kindergarten "

" no he didn't come at all "

" he didn't you say ... then where did you see him ? "

" at the phone "

" really~ whose phone? teacher Karen? "

" no the other one her sister  "

" ahaaa ... so Walter you mean you have seen him on the screen but he never came to the kindergarten with that other woman? "

" yes "

Everyone at the court was amazed as new things start to unravel

" tell me one last thing Walter ... how did you see his photo on the phone but the other kids didn't "

" because I stay late and she lets me play with her phone "

" thank you so much Walter, good boy can you show now how you can get back to your seat like a brave young man! " Mr Williams asked motivationally

Walter nodded and ran back to his seat beside his mom who hugged him and flared at Karen.

" May I please have a look at professor Garcia's phone "

They handed him the phone and opened it and they saw Sangwoo's photo sat as a wallpaper for home screen.

" your honor, ladies and gentlemen, I have now confirmed to you that Sangwoo never went to the kindergarten like Ms Karen claimed, confirmed by this innocent little child Walter Wilson their witness. Not only that I have proved that she lied but also proved that there was no way Sangwoo had taken the photos of the naked children which only apply that one of the sister if not both were the ones who took them and deleted them once Mr Oh started harassing ... "

Mr Davis was speechless so was Karen, he was furious she lied to him. About Sangwoo coming by with Sandra.

" with that I am sure that my client is innocent from the accuse of pedophile act "

Sangwoo smirked, he liked his lawyer and was so proud he hired him ...

" Second: My client says he was harassed by his professor and Ms Karen says they were dating
I went to check the history of complaints against professor Sandra Garcia and found there were actually 2 complaints of harassment against her. One in 2008 and one in 2013. A professor who has a history of harassing, I consider that to be evidence supporting my clients claims " he said holding 2 papers.

Sangwoo's face was amazed and shocked he wanted to laugh. He made it up that she harassed him but in fact she did have Precedents. How lucky he is that guy.

" a person who molests innocent young kids, won't have a problem with harassing college students. I would like to cal Mr Karen to the stand please "

Karen was sweating from head to toe she froze in her seat she had to be shaken by her lawyer to actually go there. She took the oath and sat down.

" you accused this man of being pedophile true or false " he asked as he walked in the hall

" false "

" I'm sorry? "

" my attorney said it! I only said he took photos of my sister! "

" that's fair, you also said he entered the kindergarten when you know he didn't "

" .... "

" true or false ? "

" ... true ... "

" you lied ... also you said he kidnapped your sister for 3 days and you didn't call the police for a missing person for 3 days? "

" he did kidnap her!!! "

" and you didn't call the police "

" I didn't know she was missing she lives alone! We both do! "

" when your sister came back, what happened "

" she called me ... she was crying I quickly came and picked her up and went to my place she told me how he locked her in his basement *crying* that son of a bitch! " she cried

" mind your words Ms Garcia! " the judge said

Sangwoo chuckled secretly ' I couldn't disagree with your about my mom '

" I want you to say again what she told you about : how or why Mr Oh released her "

" She said he said he was confused and didn't know wether he should kill her or keep her alive he said he was happy very happy that day and wasn't in the mood to hurt anyone and decided to set her free ... "

" and you also accused him of being a serial killer am I right? "

" he is a serial killer " she growled

" your honor, I will do this, I will pretend my client is a serial killer, let's assume he was a serial killer who kidnaps girls and kills them in his basement. I'm the history of serial killers, unstable killers, psychopath killers, never have I ever heard about one releasing their victim and go through taking photos and harassing and taking a risk just because! ...
they weren't in the mood? Because they're happy? That doesn't make sense at all. "

Snagwoo Listened carefully to his words, he was right it didn't make sense even to Sangwoo but he did it when he felt love. That's how love works, it makes the impossible happen.

" my client said she came home drunk crying locked herself in his room, that leads me to conclude she has gotten into trouble or gotten her heart broken or done something big.

That sounds way more reasonable than a serial killer releasing his victim for being happy.

Another point to prove him innocent ... my client assuming to be a serial killer he kills girls that he meets but what about the girl he has been spending time with for an whole month?"

He pointed at Mela who was sitting there between the crowds.

" who visited his house more than once, who became his girlfriend, who rides in his car, who sleeps in his arms, who welcomes him to her home, who trusts him blindly ... "

Sangwoo looked back at her emotionally before ah spooked back at Sangwoo smiling warmly with tears in her eyes ...

" wasn't she just the easiest target for him. Why haven't he killed her yet? Why haven't he hurt her? "

Sangwoo looked at her small figure sitting there with hope in her eyes that he'll be alright

" Not because he wasn't in the mood ladies and gentlemen it's because This man is innocent! "

Great silence filled the court 

" Ms Karen ... "

Karen gulped

" what were you doing that night? Inside the car? "

Karen froze in her seat

" When I read the testimonies, your sister told Sangwoo by quote : ' come closer ... slowly~ or I'll rip open this girl's throat! '

Why did she ask him to come closer to her?
She made him stand in the middle of the street right in front of the car that you were inside.

What were you doing inside? "

" .... "

" why were you inside the car Karen! "

" I ... I was inside the car to ... give my sister a ride that's it! "

" YOUR sister said quote ' before I kill you ... I'm gonna make you see your lover die in front of your eyes '

Before I kill you she said, Ms Sandra could easily kill a fragile young girl but how can she kill a muscular man? That's why you were there Karen. Your sister kills the girl with a knife and you kill the man with a car.

You were there, the two of you were there to commit 2 murders. It wasn't unintentional killing ... it was an attempt of murder, if Sangwoo died you would have been a murder but instead your sister died so what does that make you? I'll leave it to the judge to decide that ...

Most importantly I've proved my Client Mr Oh
- is not a pedophile
- is not a rapist
- is not a serial killer

That is all I've got your honor, I'm done "


" Order! Order! Ms Karen if you cannot control your behaving I will exclude you from this court room! Am i being clear here Ms Karen!! "

Karen just sobbed

" you lied before Ms Karen and I don't have one reason to makes believe me any word that comes out from your mouth " Mr Williams said as he returned to sit next to Sangwoo who was there enjoying the whole thing with a wide smirk.

" Mr Davis do you have anything to say ? "
The judge asked

" your honor, My client lied to me and it is clear to me now that nothing she said was the truth just a play and she used me to finish it, I have nothing to defend her anymore ... "

Karen's eyes widened as the judge smiled

" Mr Williams do you have anything more to add? "

" No your honor "

" very well "

The judge excused the jury to go behind closed doors and discuss their verdict after 10 minutes they came out ready to announce their verdict.

" you may read the verdict " the judge said

" the jury found both Ms Karen and Ms Sandra Garcia guilty with pedophile act and both attempt of murder and second degree murder and misdemeanor. "

Karen's jaw dropped

" so say your all? "

" yes your honor " they all said

The judge sentenced Karen to ——— years in prison.

" Case dismissed " he finally said

All Sangwoo's friends cheered, Mela  jumped from her seat and ran to Sangwoo. Sangwoo opened his arms and she jumped to him as he wrapped his arms around her. She hugged him tightly and happily.

" see? I told you everything will be be fine " Snagwoo said as Mela wiped her tears before looking at the lawyer beside them Mr Williams watching them happily.

' thank u ' she mouthed smiling warmly with tears eyes

He lowered his head in response.

Sangwoo's friends gathered around him as they congratulated him. They went and celebrated the night.

After a long night Nick drove To Melas place

" goodnight " Snagwoo told her. She shook her head smiling. Sangwoo looked confused at her.

" get out of the car man, Mela prepared something for you " Nick said

They helped him out of the car waking slowly since he has broken bones and everything.

He walked inside the house and they helped him up the stairs.

And she opened a door to a room, he saw his things all inside the room.

" I'll leave you too alone " Nick said before leaving

" I won't sleep here, unless you sleep with me "

Mela blushed smiling and nodding she helped him sit on his bed she helped him take off his clothes and dress pajamas.

" Mela ... " he called she looked up at him

" I love you "

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