From discord to saving azur l...

By Bloodynein

13.8K 383 403

Well this just got interesting for some reason one person was taken but he had a choice. He was going to be b... More

Helens benson class
Skippy's manfred
The legends are true
The base and the mission
Already things are going wrong
Timeskip and a story
The first disturbance and friends
The russian duo
Mission complete, towing, a american and japanese
Blagoj montana
Barri Harugumo
Boss fight part 1
Himmels H-class form
Boss fight finale: The battle between beasts
you gotta do what you gotta do
The akagi class
The other lexington
The second essex class
The third essex class
The unholy thunderer
Marky the suby
Ori the origin
Actions, consequences and truths
Aftermath, discoveries and new problems
Very big problems and new people PT. 1
Very big problems and new people PT. 2
Bloopers and behind the scenes PT1

Return, review and repair

477 16 2
By Bloodynein

Out loud talking: ""
In their heads: ''

Himmels ship has a fire on his forward bow near the second turret. His ship was still afloat and it was still fighting as well with it able to able to with near pinpoint accuracy take out the remaining planes.
TIME LEFT: no time
Skippy: 80% HP, 79% Equipment
Himmels: 68% HP, 50% Equipment
Helens: 95% HP, 75% Equipment

Enemy Destroyed:
18 Catalina's

Unlocked flying boats

Any and all supplies withheld inside the convoy has now been transferred on to the ship that took part in the mission.

Riggings active

Even with the reward skippy and Helens quickly dismissed it and headed straight for himmels to check on him. Helens was the first to get on with him running from the bow to the bridge avoiding the fire that's on himmels right bow. Skippy got on from the stern and jumped on the turrets to get to himmels quickly. When they both got to the bridge they can  it's somewhat intact with items scattered. But they find Himmels who is laying on the back wall of the bridge seemingly have crashed into it.

They both run to him and check on him at a closer look himmels has blood coming from the back of his head the shockwave from the explosion knocked him straight into the wall.

Skippy: "Blunt trauma the blast from the explosion must of launched him and hit the wall really hard." He explained a bit.

Helens: "Damn and that Fire doesn't look like it's going to lessen anytime soon." He pointed out.

As soon as he pointed that out another smaller explosion rocked the ship from inside fire. Currently they are moving back to base at full speed with himmels ship seemingly on like a autopilot since without  himmels is knocked out. Sadly, himmels ship isn't going as fast as it's supposed to skippy's ship was able to catch up.

Skippy: "Looks like we may have to slow down himmels ship isn't going very fast." He stated.

Helens: "We still also need to take care of that fire before it explodes anything else in the ship." He also stated pretty quickly.

That's when skippy noticed something as his ship came up beside himmels ship water started spray at the fire from his ship.

Skippy: "Helens lower your speed and stay beside himmels ship." He said pointing out what's going on.

Helens immediately see what's going and quickly does it with his ship seemingly doing some kinda of break check then going at himmels ship speed. Once it got beside himmels ship it did the same thing skippy's did and started to spray water on the fire. The fire did start to lessen with the help of Skippy and Helens ship but was still raging on.

While that was going on they continued to check on himmels finding some medical supplies on his ship and start fixing up the wound the best way they know how. While they did stop the bleeding and put a bandage on it they knew that would probably not be enough.

When they actually got to the edge of the storm their ships never stopped. Cause like Moses and the Red Sea skippy parted the storm so they can move through with no problem.  Which they did and when they gotten to the base something unexpected happen. Right as they started to get near the docks about 20 tugboats came outta nowhere

The tugboats were going full speed at them and with their small size was able to slip between their ships. As soon as they got close enough they started to spray their own water on the fire while others started to push himmels ship into a certain direction. Some of the tugboats even started to push Helens and skippy's ships as well.

The tugboats were all pushing and basically shoving their ships to the floating dry docks it seemed that as soon as they get from a mission tugboats would come out to help them dock.

Each of their ships went into three different floating dry docks which happened pretty quickly too. Most of the tugboats surrounded himmels dry dock still trying to put the fire that was there.

While that was going on skippy and Helens already had picked up and took himmels to the medical area. They put him on the bed as a screen pops up in front of them right over himmels.

———————————————————————————patient name: himmels
Age: 18
Class: heavy cruiser

Hp: 60%
Blunt trauma to the back of the head

Current condition:
Medium bleeding from the open wound

Currently healing
Time till ready:
30 mins

Both Helens and skipster sighed in relief he was well alive of course but it looks like he wasn't seriously hurt.

Skippy: "Come on him," he stops and looks down for a bit before looking back up, "Let's go check on our ships then come back he should be up by then." He said to helens.

Helens: "Yea lets go I want to know if there doing anything bad to our ships." He stated.

Skippy: "I mean what will they do explode our ships they seem to belong here so I doubt they would." Skippy explained.

After that little talk they both went back to the dry docks to see their ships elevated out of the water with weird energy flowing around where they have hit. The fire that was in himmels ship has been doused, the hole the was on skippy's ship from the torpedo seemed to slowly closing and the well there's nothing to go off from Helens ship since he only has a scratch on the bow.

Skippy: "Didn't they say that if we helped the repairs would go quicker?" He questioned to no one in particular.

Helens: "Um I don't know I may have fallen asleep at that point." He said somewhat embarrassed (not).

Skippy sighed and walked closer to where their ships were docked. Once he got close enough the space screen came up but this time there were three one for each ship.

Ship: Benson
Class: destroyer

Hp: 98%
Slight scratch on the bow from a 4 in gun.

Current condition:

Time till ready:
5 mins
Ship: Admiral hipper
Class: heavy cruiser

Hp: 70%
Massive hole on the bow near turret 2
Fire burns writhing and on the ship

Current condition:

Time till ready:
1 day
Ship: HF-42
Class: Aircraft carrier

Hp: 83%
Torpedo hit on the right side
Slight Fire burns on the ship

Current condition:

Time till ready:
4 hours

It not only told how much health the ships have but it also told what damage it took. It also told how long it will take to repair the ship as well. But, they still don't know how to help in repairing the ships.

Helens: "How do we repair it cause I'm pretty we have no knowledge of this." He asked to skippy.

Skippy: "No idea maybe we should let it the repair happen naturally it's only a day for himmels for some reason." He stayed back to helens.

Helens: "Ok but now the rewards we earned didn't we earn like building materials or something?" He asked to skippy.

Skippy: "Yea we did we are able to produce tanks, planes and ships." He answered Helens question.

Now of course helens was surprised by this since well what purpose would making stuff have especially tanks for that matter.

Helen: "Why would we need." He started to say before being interrupted by another voice.

???: "It's so we can take other islands, provide support or help people defend certain areas." Someone stated.

The two turned to see himmels was the one who talked which surprised them since he is supposed to be in the medical area.

Skippy: "Hel," he stopped once more then continued, "Himmels shouldn't you be laying down and resting?" He asked the now up wolf boyo.

Helens: "You had a serous crash and injury it seemed so you should be healing up back in the medical area." He stated to himmels.

Himmels: "It take a lot more than four bombs and a bang to the back of the head to keep me down." He told them while slowly walking up to them.

Skippy: "Whatever you say oh great leader." He playfully said.

Himmels: "shush anyway seeing as our ships or well my ship will be needing a day to really well get ready again let's talk about the rewards." He stated like he was the one in charge. They pulled up the screen of their rewards from the first mission.

Building materials
Factory materials

The factory and building materials is what they focused on. But then skippy explained what he had learned from the R&D area. With himmels not helens cause he was being sleepy, himmels was about to know what they need from what they might not. Now at this point skippy and himmels started to plan out what they should make and use first. After a bit of debating an airfield and shipyard was decided to be made.

The reason being that with the airfield skippy could test more aircraft which would be their main firepower at this point and time. With the shipyard they could make cargo ships and destroyers that would carry back any supplies they earn from missions.

They also decided that they would make Cruisers after a bit mainly light cruisers. Since they would be making destroyers light cruisers would also help in their fleet if the need comes for it. The only thing they find out that made them understand the concept was the fact that the ships that are made will be somewhat weaker then the shipgirls which makes sense.

It was also found out that any ship that is built would actually take resources to maintain and use. The bigger the ship the more resources which makes sense again. Everything else they found out was pertain to the base as a whole. More people would actually be coming after a certain amount of time and they would need to find them. Meaning this base would not only get bigger but have more people and ships.

Pretty soon if they get enough people they could take on fleets maybe siren fleets. But, that remains to be seen as the construction process starts.

10 percent in construction

Time: 2 days
5 percent in construction

Time: 4 days
1 percent in construction

1 week

Pretty soon they will have their own army and fleet but the question is.

How long will they stay hidden for and if they can't when will they discovered?

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