Make Me Beg [BL]

By morgansluvbot

821K 39.5K 39.6K

Being in love with your roommate wasn't exactly ideal. Being in love with your roommate and a stranger you m... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Extra : Chapter 1

Chapter 24

17.8K 932 943
By morgansluvbot

Chet was being odd. Not a bad odd, but odd.

Ever since a few days ago, when he woke up startled, he's been acting different. It was hard to explain to someone who didn't know him. His smiles were just as bright as they normally were, his touches just as shy, and he was just as talkative as he normally was.

But it's like he's going backwards in our relationship.

I thought he'd started feeling better- or more secure in our relationship but the past few days tells me otherwise. He's been acting clingier. I was used to it, but it was even more now. Especially with Rylan.

If Rylan could tell, he didn't say anything. He didn't seem to mind if he did notice the slight difference. He responded to every one of Chet's calls when he could, he texted him back within minutes, and went out with us as much as he could.

But it never seemed like enough for Chet.

Like now. Chet usually always kept his door open so I was easily able to peer into his room and see what he was doing. He was in the same position he was in last time I checked, which was over an hour ago.

Laying on his side, his phone was held close as he waited for Rylan to text him back. Rylan probably wouldn't for a while, at least- not until he went on break.

"Hey." I called softly and watched his ears perk. He turned to me and I watched as his whole face lit up. I fought a small, fond smile off and tilted my head towards my bedroom door. "Come sleep with me."

If possible, his face got even brighter. "I can?"

"Mhm, you're gonna be my pillow so c'mon."

Sammy jumped off his bed first- more like flung- before Chet got up too. They both followed me, tails wagging happily in unison. This time, I couldn't stop the soft laugh threatening to escape. Cute.

I clicked my door shut and locked it so Sammy couldn't get out. He, apparently, could open doors now. I've yet to see him do it but Lucas insisted he could. Whenever he tells Chet to confirm it, he simply ignores him.

When the three of us were settled in my bed with my lamp as the only source of light, I found it was no different from being in his room. He was still laying on his side, phone close to his face, while he waited for a text.

I watched him for a moment. He used to always be giddy about texting Rylan but he's never waited on him like this. "Aren't you bored just watching your phone like that?"

"No." He mumbled softly.

"Not tired?"

He denied again. "Not yet."

Raking a hand through my hair, I wondered if I should just take his phone. He was clearly tired. His eyes fluttered every now and then before he forced them back open and stared at his screen. "He's working, baby. He probably won't answer for a few hours." I told him.

His lips pursed into a subtle pout unknowingly. "You think?"

"Mhm, you know he'll text you when he can."

He titled his head towards me. "Has he texted you?"

"Not since he got to work."

Casting one last hesitance glance towards his phone, he shut it off, only after turning the ringer on, and turned towards me. "Can I sleep in here again tomorrow?"

"Depends how good of a pillow you are."

"I'm a good one." He sniffed. "Really good- so you should let me sleep here more."

"Oh? But I haven't even tried you yet."

He suddenly laid down completely flat. "Go ahead. I'm perfect."

"Perfect, huh?" I laughed as my hand snuck up his side. "Then I guess you can sleep here more."

"Every night."

"Almost every night."

"Every night." He tried again.

"You kick in your sleep." I told him. Still, my arm slid across his torso so I could pull him closer. He happily rolled over so he was only a few inches away. I wanted him closer but would wait until we actually went to sleep.

"You snore and I never mind."

"I would never snore." I denied.

"You do. It's super loud."

Pinching his side, "Stop lying."

He squirmed around until he was pressed against my chest. "I'll record it and show you."

"Mm? Gonna watch me while I sleep?" I drawled and pinched his side again. "That's weird, babe."

"I wouldn't watch you." His back arched, trying to avoid my hands. I stopped, only when he was flushed against me- right where he should be. "I would just.. observe. No- appreciate."

"Let me know if I look hot, okay?"

His eyes flicked up to mine before hesitantly mumbling, "..You always do."

I leaned closer to him. "Hm? What was that?"

"You heard me." He insisted shyly.

"I'm an old man. My hearing is bad."

"You are old." He mumbled thoughtfully and I quickly pinched his side again. "Ah- Okay, okay. I said you always do."

I leaned back, satisfied. "Mhm. You have a hot, older boyfriend. You should appreciate me more."

He quickly looked up as his eyebrows pinched. "I do." He assured hurriedly, almost afraid I wouldn't believe him. "I like you a lot. Like-" He cut himself off, trying to think of what to say. Finally, "Just.. a lot."

"I was just teasing you." I rubbed his side soothingly. "I know, I like you too."

"And not just because you're hot." He added on. "You could be really ugly and I would still like you. Maybe I'd like you more."

"What?" I laughed in confusion. "Why would you like me more for that?"

"Cause then people would stop talking to you all the time. Then we would spend more time together."

"I don't think we could spend more time together if we tried." My hand slid under his shirt and felt how warm he was. "I see you all the time. You might start getting sick of me soon."

"Never." He quickly denied with a shake of his head. "Even when we're together, I wanna see you more."

"Mm?" I drawled. "Sounds like you love me~"

His lips parted but no words spilled out. Instead, he went a pretty shade a pink and slapped a hand to my cheek. It stung but I still let out a huff of amusement from how flustered he was. "I didn't say that- You did."

"How do you even have muscle in your hand? You working out behind my back?"

He held his palm up and wiggled his fingers in my face. "Sculptor hands~"

Seeing the opportunity, I bit his finger. Who wouldn't if they were in my position?

He made a startled noise and immediately retracted his hand. "You bit me." He accused, like I hadn't just done it.

"I did." I nodded casually.

"Why?" He turned his finger towards me and had me stare at it. I had to go crosseyed to do so. "Look, there's a mark."

"Because I bit you." I told him.

"Well- Yeah, obviously." He mumbled, eyebrows furrowed. "Why?"

"Why not?" I slid my hand out from under his shirt and offered it to him. "You want to? You can bite any finger you want."

He eyed me for one second, and then two more. "..Rylan said you were weird and I told him you weren't. Now I'm a liar."

A laugh bubbled up my throat before I could stop it. "He called me weird? When?"

"Last time he came over. When you were sleeping he said all kinds of things about you~"

"Yeah? Like what?" I asked, already knowing he was teasing me.

I watched him try to wrack his brain for a proper lie. "He said you have a foot fetish and that you text like an old man."

"Really~ What else?"

"Um.. He said you look like Tarzan."

My mind went blank before, "Tarzan?" I exclaimed. "Take it back."

"I didn't say that." He quickly denied with a shake of his head. "Rylan did."

My hand snuck back under his shirt and before he could squirm away, lightly pinched up and down his side. "I don't believe you."

"Ah-" He tried wiggling away as expected but it was useless. Considering his laughter, I was tickling him more than pinching.

"Take it back." I demanded.

"I didn't say it." He insisted, still laughing. He didn't cave until my hand slid even higher. "Kyler- Okay." He gasped through his laughter. "I take it back, I take it back. He only said the foot fetish thing and how you're weird."

My hand paused. "I don't have a foot fetish."

"He said it."

"I bet you agreed." His silence said everything. "Wow~" I rolled over on my back and tsked. "My own boyfriends."

He rolled onto his stomach and lifted his head to stare at me. "He's wrong, you don't." He attempted to fix.

"It's too late." I tilted my head away from him. "You two already said it."

"Kyler." He urged, trying to get me to look at him. When I wouldn't, he got on his knees and looked over me. As I twisted my head this way and that, he easily followed me. "..I'll give you a kiss." He bargained. "As an apology."

"I don't know.." I trailed off. "My feelings are deeply hurt."

"Two kisses?" I silently held up my hand and his ears flicked. "Five?" Seeing my curt nod, he leaned down and pecked my lips once. It was much too quick and could hardly be counted as a kiss.

Before he could give me another, I reached up and pulled him down by his nape. He made a soft noise, not expecting his lips to suddenly be pulled down on mine, but he wasn't upset about it.

His hair tickled my fingers softly. A few weeks ago this wouldn't have been possible but his hair was growing longer with each day. "Mm." I quickly stopped thinking about his hair when he moaned softly.

His lips parted, just the slightest, but it was enough for me to deepen the kiss. He reacted beautifully by leaning down and pressing even closer. My other hand found it's way to his waist, rubbing up and down his side soothingly.

I pecked his mouth a last time before letting my head tip back against the pillows. "That's one."

"One?" He blinked and I noticed his eyes were darker. "That was, like, a million."

"Two at most." I brushed off. "The first one didn't count."

He nibbled at his lip and I liked how it was wet with traces of our kiss. "..So four more?"

My fingers pressed into his neck, urging him down. "Four more." I confirmed quietly. His eyes were heavy as he stared down at me before he leaned down again.

He didn't wait to deepen the kiss this time. His lips parted with a soft sigh that rang beautifully in my ears.

I pressed my hand into his waist, wanting him even closer- as close as he could get. He didn't disappoint. His lips hovered over mine while he readjusted and only a moment later, they were pressed right back where they belonged. Except now, he was snuggly in my lap- straddling me.

His hair slipped between my fingers as my hand slid down his back to cup his waist. I felt him shiver from the sensation.

His body was a familiar weight in my lap, one I was growing more and more used to every day. He felt nothing like Rylan. Rylan was all soft edges with little muscle while Chet was all muscle and hard edges.

I couldn't pick a favorite- I didn't have one. I wanted to hold them both just the same.

I didn't expect his hand to slide under my shirt and lightly trail over my stomach but was definitely not disappointed. "Three more?" He mumbled, voice quiet in the silent room.

My hands were already pulling his shirt up. "Three more."

Too distracted by each other's bodies, we lost count after seven.


Me: Hey

Me: I slept with your boyfriend.

I completely forgot I even texted Rylan earlier. It wasn't until two hours later that I was reminded.

Rylan: pics?

My eyes quickly read his text when it came across the top of my screen. I wasn't able to sleep, not in the position Chet was currently sleeping in, and have been scrolling through my phone mindlessly.

Chet was curled into my side with his head on my naked chest. He was painfully cute and I'd already taken a picture of his cheek smushed and lips parted, but he was taking up the entire bed for no reason. It was probably Sammy's fault in fairness.

He was sprawled out as far as he could which was more than expected. If I didn't know any better, I'd say it was revenge for kicking him out earlier.

Dog or not, he's not gonna watch me fuck his dad.

Me: None, sorry~

Rylan: u teased me and didn't even have pics to make me feel better?

Rylan: ur mean

Me: I'll take some next time.

Rylan: u better

Rylan: i wanna be scared every time i open my phone at work, not knowing if it's a nude or not

On the other side of the bed, I saw Chet's phone light up and sound with a text from Rylan. He didn't stir so I texted Rylan that he was sleeping.

Rylan: then wake him up

Me: No?

Rylan: yes?

Me: Why would I wake him up?

Rylan: well let's think

Rylan: why the fuck else would u wake him up for me baby <3

The heart he added had me letting out a puff of amusement.

Rylan: unless u just want me for yourself~ then it's okay. that's completely understandable

Me: Ah, you caught me. I've been waiting by my phone until you got off work.

Me: I can't sleep knowing you're not home safe~

Rylan: oh yes. i'm a damsel in distress

Rylan: i need a big strong man to take care of and protect me <3

Rylan: so wake chet up

Me: Ouch~ Was I not enough?

Rylan: I'm greedy. I need two

Only because I know he'd be upset if I didn't, I slowly shook Chet until he moaned sleepily into my side. "Wha?" He slurred.

"Rylan wants to talk to you."

It only took a matter of seconds before he was fully awake and reaching for his phone. His ears perked happily when he saw a text waiting for him. "He told you that?"

"Mhm." My arm unwound from his shoulder. "He told me to wake you up a few times."

I shouldn't have been surprised when he skipped texting him and went straight to facetime. Rylan answered within seconds and Chet laid down so we both could see.

He was in the car, looking like he just got in. "Hey, baby~ Sorry I had him wake you up."

"It's okay." Chet rushed out. "I wanted to."

Wanted to was an understatement. He was waiting by his phone for over an hour for a simple text from Rylan. "Where's Kyler?"

Chet pulled the phone away so it wasn't so close to his face and tipped it towards me. I simply stared at Rylan and he laughed quietly. "Don't look too happy to see me~"

"I am." I denied- because I was. I was happy to see him. "Chet told me you still think I have a foot fetish."

Rylan made a noise of protest. "Chet. That was a secret. You weren't supposed to tell him."

"But he asked.."

"He called you Tarzan." Rylan told me and Chet went still.

My head titled towards him. "I thought you were joking?"

"I was.." Chet trailed off.

Rylan made a soft noise while setting his phone up. "He was dead serious."

"I don't have a foot fetish and I don't look like Tarzan."

"Ah." Rylan nodded in understanding. "So you just call any person's feet pretty, I see."

"Not any person." I denied. "Just you."

Chet tipped his head up. "Did you see mine?"

I thought about it and couldn't recall what they looked like. "Let me see."

Rylan laughed, almost in disbelief. "You're not making it look like you don't have one."

"He wants to show me." I brushed off. "I'm not gonna say no."

"Right, right." Rylan hummed while pulling out of his parking spot.

After Chet managed to pull his foot out from under the blanket, I examined it under the soft glow of my lamp. "It's cute." I eventually decided on. Rylan eyed the camera but said nothing. His face said it all.

The three of us talked while he drove home. Rylan talked about how work went and his day. Chet filled us in on every little detail that happened today while I mainly just listened. 

As he grew closer and closer to his apartment, I grew even more tired. Rylan must've noticed. "You haven't slept, right babe? You should sleep."

Chet tipped his head back to check and I had to move out of the way so he wouldn't head butt my chin for the third time. "I already told you. I can't sleep unless I know you're home safe."

"Mm?" Rylan drawled. His eyes flicked towards the camera for a couple seconds before looking back to the road. "You're gonna be tired for work tomorrow."

Chet's lips parted as he stared at me. I subtly raised my eyebrows in question. "You really said that?" At my nod, "Wow." He mumbled and turned back around. "That's so cool."

When Rylan pulled into his apartment's parking lot, he was getting ready to hang up. "Chet~ Make Kyler take pictures next time you guys fuck, okay? I want to see."

Chet blinked and grew a familiar shade of pink. "Huh? We didn't! I mean.. we did- but it wasn't planned!" He rushed out. Almost afraid to hear his answer, he hesitantly asked, "..Are you mad?"

"No, I don't care." He assured. "We're all dating now. It would be weird if we asked permission each time." He thought about it, "It's actually pretty hot."

Chet's ears grew even darker. "You're really not mad? You're not just saying that?" And then he asked me, "You don't think he's mad?"

"He only seems upset we didn't take pictures." My arm slid back around his shoulder and pulled him against my chest so he'd calm down before he worked himself up.

"A video~" Rylan added. "That's better."

"See?" I mumbled into his hair. "He's not mad, baby."

"I'm not mad." Rylan confirmed. "I am tired though~ And I'm pretty sure you are too so I'm gonna hang up, okay? I'll pick you up from school and call Kyler tomorrow though."

After that, Chet said a lengthy goodnight and I said a much shorter one so he could go to bed. He looked extremely tired and I felt a little bad. I know he's been covering more shifts recently plus he's been picking Chet up every now and then in the mornings.

"Goodnight~ Love you, bye." The line went dead after that and Chet and I sat in stunned silence.

Not even a few seconds went by before Rylan's name lit up on his screen again. Chet silently answered. "Wow-" Rylan's laugh filtered through the phone. "I did not fucking mean that. I mean- I like you guys a lot but, wow, that was weird, huh?" He laughed again and it was painfully awkward and forced. "Um, I'm tired so just ignore that. I like you both a lot- Um, yeah. I'm gonna hang up now. Goodnight."

The line went dead again and we both sat there quietly.

"He's so into us." I finally said.

"You think?" His tone was hopeful.


And maybe I embellished a little but if it would stop him from acting obsessively to get Rylan to like him more, I'd do it again. "It could've been a mistake." I pressed him further into me. "But he probably meant it."

I felt bad when his tail thumped against the bed and his ears perked. "Really? You think he likes us that much?"

There was no way he loved us yet. But still, "Yeah."

If it would make him feel more secure in our relationship, I'd say whatever he wanted to hear. I didn't think it would harm anyone if I did. We were all dating, it would eventually lead to something deeper one day.

He turned in my arms so he was pressed into my chest again. "I hope so." His eyes trailed up to mine. "And.. you still like me too? You haven't stopped?"

"Mhm." My hand threaded in his hair. "I like you a lot. Nothing's gonna make me stop so don't worry, okay?" I scratched behind his ears and felt his head tip into my palm.

"I like you too." He mumbled.

Chet needed a lot of reassurance, almost all the time, but he always made sure to give it right back. I never needed it, but it was still nice to hear.

If it were anyone else, I would've stopped after I reminded him once. I wasn't the most affectionate person when it came to words. I liked talking through touch and expressing myself that way.

But Chet wasn't like that. He needed to hear you say that you liked him to believe it. And even then, it was hard for him to. I wasn't sure why and I don't think I'd ever ask why he was this way.

So instead, I'll say it as many times as he needs. "You better~ I like you too much for you to stop."

"I won't." He promised.


i'm supposed to be sleeping idk what happened 🧍 i'm gonna respond to comments tomorrow i promiseee, ik i been slacking 😔

anywaysss ily goodnight,

madddie <3

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