I don't need Magic to kill

Oleh _KingWolfie_

648K 32.6K 19.4K

"he's so weird" "I heard he can't use Chakra" "how did he Graduate?" "poor soul he'll be dead after his first... Lebih Banyak

Who needs Magic?
The perfect swords
Days With the Uchiha
so bothersome
Death comes with life
Just a day
New Roomate
A new member joins
New discovery
Team player
First C-Rank
Time at Suna
A Friend in Suna
Therapy Session
Remember to Trust
500 follwer special
Hyuga Adventures
Team 7 and 8
A blast to the past
Blood Shed
A/N Shiro!
A Funeral with 1
Yet another C Rank
Liars are pissing him off
Training and Meeting old friends
The Bridge Battle
Yet another Idiot
Short: Sakura's Mindset
pt 1: Chunin Exams
Pt 2: Chunin Exams
Pt3: Chunin Exams
Memory Lane
Problems and Soloutions
Konoha Crush
A Plan made
Leave the Leaf behind
How it Begins
Peace of mind
Defend the Sand
Loss of a Pillar

The Dangers of a Soldier

24.9K 1.1K 1K
Oleh _KingWolfie_

Swing, crash.

Swing, crash.

Levi was in the training fields, he had just brought bran new weights to put on his arms as they wouldn't stunt as much of his growth now that he was officially 9 years old.

It's been a while since Naruto moved in with Sasuke and him when they were 7 and the blond had easily adjusted to living with the two.

Naruto would never admit it, but he loved it.... sometimes, when he doesn't clean up his mess, or Levi finds his room untidy it becomes a very traumatic experience.

Sasuke has also grown used to Naruto... well he had no choice if he wanted to stay with Levi, the two of them actually got along very well.

Despite all the arguing Naruto and Levi are some of the only people that Sasuke will listen too.

The same goes for Naruto, sasuke and Levi are the only ones he would listen too, especially when he finally told the two about the beatings he's received from the villagers.

That day was horrible and pissed both Sasuke and Levi off to no end, so they've been doing their best to make sure Naruto is protected, or can attest protect himself.

Swing, crash.

Levi however needed today to release some of his pent up energy.

Swing, swing, crash.

He's never gone for so long without fighting someone, or something, and his need to fight is growing ever stronger...

Swing, swing, swing, crash.

He can't help it, it's a small erge that has been growing with time, sparing in the academy does nothing to sooth this, because he doesn't gain satisfaction form fighting kids who barely know the A, B, C's.

SWING, swing, swing, crash.

He needs a challenge, all those years of fighting Titans had forced his body to get so used to going out on expeditions that he came to call it completely normal.


It's normal to attack.


It's normal to go endless nights without sleep.


It's normal to harm enemies.


It's normal to kill.... kill.. kill. Kill,killkillkillkillkillkill.





deep and heavy breaths... Levi took deep and heavy breaths.

that was actually shocking, he's never had that before, allthough he's never been forced to stay in one spot for so long before...

As much as he trusts those two boys at his home, he was their pillar... so he decided tk stay strong flr them and keep this to himself...

it's not like he's harming anyone but himself.

He was leaning his seat covered head against the tree, as disgusting as it was he needed to lean on something, and he highly doubted the air would work...

He was tired, which was good, if he was tired that random erge would be unable to reveal itself.

He is a soldier, he used to be a soldier and he will become a soldier, that is the path that was chosen for him.

To expect one to come from hell without a few flaws or even a few screws loose was impossible, people just had their own way of coping.

Like those few Ninjas who smoke, drink, gain an addiction to some type of food, the Kunochi's who go on shopping sprees, that same silver haired Ninja as before who reads that filth...

Yes Levi knows what it is, he doesn't need to read it to know, he just made an educated guess from the reactions of the civilians around the man...

Not the point, the point is that Training is Levi's way of coping, training and cleaning, he needs them, they help him stay calm and focused..

If he were to go without either one of them, well... the few Civilians that decided to harm Naruto would have never seen the light of day.


Still taking heavy breaths Levi opened his eyes, not that he knew when he closed them.

"Tsk, what brat" Levi muttered, he was tired, yet the edge to attack something was still strong... he needed to calm himself, maybe he could try meditation, that could work...

"You ok?... Shiro and the Dobe are worried..." Sasuke said.

Levi turned to look at the boy to see his head turned to the side slightly and a light blush on his cheeks..

"*sigh* I'm fine... I just needed to release some pent up energy" Levi explained.

He hated explaining himself, but how do you explain to a 9 year old that your having sudden edges to be very destructive thanks to your past?

Simple... you don't.

Levi is supposed to leave his past behind him, he is no longer a member of the survey corps, he's is as of right now, a Ninja in training... and he needs to get used to that...

But it's hard.

It's hard not to see himself as Captain Levi, no matter how many years have passed, but he's getting used to it.

He looked at his damage hand with a scowl, he had harmed it while practicing with his swords...

"Tsk, come on... let's go home, I'm making dinner..." Levi stated, he marched his way back to the apartment with Sasuke right behind him.

"Tomatoes!... umm.. *ahem* I mean are you making tomato soup again?" Sasuke asked, although he knew Levi wouldn't forget his shout of excitement.

"Hmph, as long as it's not Ramen, I've made that for three nights in a row and I'm sick of it" he said.

"Hn, that's what happens when you let the Dobe stay with us" Sasuke said, but Levi smiled ever so slightly at the small pout making it's way onto Sasuke's face.

Levi was glad that Sasuke kept some of his childish tendencies, he wasn't 100% sure, but Levi believed that the day he brought Shiro home and had that talk with Sasuke really got him thinking.

Hopefully it would only be a matter of time before Sasuke confessed to him, Naruto or Shiro, (that dog could blackmail them all) about how he would now tackle his Itachi problem.

Naruto hasn't been back to his dump since Levi dragged out of it, and He has told him that the Hokage has been ignorant about it, which made Levi twitch in more ways than one.

Levi also discovered while reading through the mass amount of books he had taken from the academy... that the fourth Hokage looks scarily like Naruto.

Tanned skin, ocean blue eyes, blond hair so bright it looks yellow... the were dot on the same, the only difference being the whisker maeks on Naruto's face... which was a mystery for another day.

Levi had asked Naruto about this before but Naruto always gave him the same response.

"Gramps says I'm not supposed to ask about my parents"

Stubborn old bastard, he dare keep his parents a secret from him, There are so many people who would kill to even have a picture of their parents and Naruto isn't even allowed to know their names?

The pair walked into the apartment, and Levi immediately went to have a shower, he could feel his sweat drying on his skin... it's not a pleasant feeling.

It's one he's gotten used to thanks to living with Naruto, as Naruto's chakra make him feel like he's stuck in fire, so the constant sweat was a problem, but it was a problem that he was used too.

So used to infact, that the one time he couldn't feel Naruto's chakra it actually scared him a bit, Levi could feel Naruto's chakra even if he stood on the other side of the village, so when he could barely feel it, he went into a state of slight panic and rushed to where it was last felt...

It was only then Levi realised that he was placed in one of the illusion, Magic things, and since then he hasn't hated this weird sensing ability as much as he used to.

However it was the next day that Levi discovered how dangerous his urges could get.

Levi was once again in the training fields although this time he was just looking out at a lake...

He hadn't seen many lakes in his past life and all the ones he did see were brown from the dirt, but the sparkling blue lake caught his attention... he never knew water could look so satisfying.

He could hear the noise of someone training behind him, (as well as feel their chakra) but he chose not to acknowledge them, as they weren't acknowledging him.

Although he could feel their Chakra getting agitated that he was there, so he guessed that they did acknowledge him but refuse to act upon it...

"Tch, if your not going to train leave, your presence is distracting" the voice stated, it sounded around aged 9 to 10. So he couldn't be much older than him.

Turning around Levi came face to face with a pair of plain white, pupiless eyes....

Was he blind?

He had long, straight brown hair and wore an outfit on the more traditional side of the scale.... wait he had read about these people before, when he did more research on the Uchiha.

He's a Hyuga, known for their Paul, white eyes, that second as a Dojutsu known as the Byakugan.

There wasn't much information on the Byakugan itself, but at least he is able to recognise a clan member.

"Tsk, you don't own the field, if I wish to sit here I will" Levi stated.

He didn't care what pompous clan this brat was from, it's rare for him to see such a calming sight, and for it to be ruined made his hand twitch towards his swords ever so slightly.

"I don't have time for this, leave or I'll make you leave" the boy said.

"Tsk, and how are you going to do that brat, fight me?" Levi asked, he was annoyed now and had his left hand on his sword on his weist.

"If we must, however I must warn you that to accept means you accept your defeat" the boy said, he stood back from Levi.

"And why is that?" Levi asked, he had stood up now and was circling the boy like a tiger preparing to pounce.

"Because, it is in your destiny to lose..." he replied.

Levi's glare grew colder.


"When did destiny decide that you should be the winner" Levi stated, he didn't care to ask, this was more about proving a point than anything else.

"The day I was born, I'm from a prestigious clan with a strong Dojutsu and a powerful defense, there is nothing these eyes of mine can't see" The boy said.


We that answered Levi's question, so he isn't blind, good then he will have no qualms with burying him 6 feet under the ground.

"Tsk, does that include your ego brat" Levi stated, he held his two tantos tight, this fight would get real ugly real quick.


The boys eyes Narrowed in anger.

"It is in your destiny to lose to me, there is no possible way I could lose" he stated.

"Tsk, that just sounds more egotistical than anything else" Levi replied, he was getting real sick of this kid, he wanted to put him in his place... ...I..ll

4, 5

5, not including The boy infront of him Levi could sense 5 different chakra signatures. 3 he knows for sure. Naruto, Sasuke and Shiro.

One he recognises, the silver haired man he keeps coming across.

The last one however he doesn't know, although it definitely feels familiar, he can't put a face with it.

Not the problem right now, the issue is his roommates, and a Jonin, are witnesses this fight... so if he does the damage he planned to....

Would they ever look at him the same??


The boy entered a stance and Levi pulled out his swords.


The training ground was silent.


They both Charged at eachother, Levi used the blunt end of his swords and was both blocking and attacking while the Hyuga seemed to only want to attack.

As if he could fathom a reason to defend.

Jumping into the air Levi spun around before swinging the sword down onto the boys head, however it hit what seemed to be an invisible force.

One that sent Levi flying away,.even though he landed on his feet.

"This is the power that comes with being a Hyuga, this is why destiny decided I should win" He stated.

"Tsk, your destiny crap is really starting to piss me off. Destiny doesn't control my life nor will I let it, stupid brat, it's my life after all, I'd be dammed if I let some deity rule it" Levi growled.

He hates this kid, he really does.

"What is your name?" The Hyuga asked.

"Levi" he responded.

"No last name?" The boy asked.

"None for you to know about brat" he replied.

"Hmph, I am Neji Hyuga" he said.

"Tsk, I didn't ask" Levi replied dashing at the boy once more.

He once again hit the invisible force that he now recognised as Chakra.

The kid was using chakra as some sort of defense.

Neji then decided to attack once more and landed a couple hits on Levi, whose eyes widened slightly and jumped back, he glanced at his left arm before glaring at the boy.

His left arm was shaking, it was struggling to hold onto his Tanto so he released it and let it drop to the ground.

"I see... you can block my Chakra points." Levi assessed. He may call the Jutsu's magic but he decided to learn everything he could about this world.. including how Chakra works.

In the body of everyone in this world you have 361 Chakra points that help your body move easier, but can also help your Chakra system flow smoother.

When hit with enough force and with a bit of Chakra expelled, one can very easily Shut these Chakra points, causing your body at those sections to spasm, have mass amount of pain or stop working as a whole as Chakra can no longer flow to those areas.

It was really fascinating for him to read... he didn't know that there was an entire clan dedicated to shutting them down...

"So that's what you meant, when you said your eyes see everything. You can see my Chakra points" Levi assessed, and by the sudden silence form the destiny boy he would take the strong assumption that he was correct.

Tsk, how annoying.


Levi put one Tanto away and grabbed the other with his right hand, before aiming it at the boy infront of him.

This had not been his first time fighting with one arm, he had broken his arms many times before... this was nothing new... but his enemy was...

He charged forward, and threw his sword at Neji at the last minute before jumping into the air.

Neji reflected the sword with his Chakra defense, (he doesn't know what it's actually called), but Levi pulled his other sword out from its sheath and had it aimed dangerously close to Neji's neck the second he Landed, so close that Neji was actually bleeding.

Neji however had his hand over Levi's heart.

But neither dared to move.

The pair heard loud claps before they both turned to see the silver haired Ninja walk out with what Levi could only assume to be a closed eye smile.

"Amazing spar boys, now make the Unison sign" he said.

The two glared at eachother before looking away.

There was no way in heaven or hell that Levi or Neji would make the Unison sign with the other.

Sasuke, Naruto and Shiro all charged out of the bushes.

"That was AWSOME Believe it!" Naruto yelled, before he decided to reenact the fight.

"Hn, that was pretty good I guess" Sasuke said, but Levi could see he was bouncing on the spot, he was hiding his excitement.

Neji walked off choosing to not to acknowledge others, while Shiro decided to hop onto Levi's shoulder.

As soon as Neji left Levi looked over to the tree where the other person had been hiding.

Sensing that they had been caught, a girl with dark blue, short hair, almost black, came out and walked towards Levi, before giving a small bow.

"S-s-sorry a-about n-n-neji." She stuttered, she then stood up an ran off.

"Hey I've seen her before!" Naruto shouted.

"Hn, Dobe, she's in our class, Hinata Hyuga I believe" Sasuke stated.

"You remember names of girls?" Naruto asked.

"Only the ones who don't chase after me" Sasuke responded.

The pair walked off but before Levi could join the the Jonin grabbed his shoulder, which made the boy cringe.

"Tsk, don't touch me, I don't know where your hands have been." Levi growled. He hated filth and right now he was covered in dirt, so he wanted to shower badly.

"I just wanted to let you know... learn to control your bloodlust " He whispered in his ear before dissapearing in an swirl of leaves.

"LEVI! I'M HUNGRY!" Naruto shouted... he was so loud and he was no where near them.

Levi and Shiro looked up to see Sasuke on the ground covering his ears but glaring at Naruto.

It seemed like being a Soldier before still had just as many downs as it did ups.



So someone wanted to see Levi with bloodlust so here you go. There wasn't much I could do as they're are 9.

However to make up for this when He meets Zabuza, because it will happen, trust me his urges will get a lot worse.

This is to give you a level to place Levi on, he is strong, but since he refuses to use Jutsu's he can only be so strong.

There will come a point where Levi will be forced to learn some Jutsu's but it's not like he'll be happy about it....

Although it's rare the guy is happy anyway.

Hope you enjoyed.


Let me know if I have made Levi at any point, way to OOC.

I want his change to actually seem possible and not like he swallowed 10 pounds of crack.

Anyway I've rambled enough!

Ja ne!!!

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