Behind The Scenes

By suziegabriel9

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He turned and faced me completely, towering over me. "You have a sharp tongue there midget." He smiled, his e... More

Author's Note
Author's Note


157 5 2
By suziegabriel9

What's strange about the way my brain functions is that the only thing that has ever made me feel calm is knowing clearly what I want ~ Emma Stone

I sat on the sofa with a glass of juice on my hand and the script sprawled before me. When I got home, I called my parents and told them the good news. My mother was beyond excited for me but did warn me about the acting industry and told me to be careful. The twins were going on fine with the school but kept insisting on coming to see me. My mother promised to bring them over soon. They wanted to give me time to adjust to the new life I had going on here before they came to visit. My friends also happy for me. I promised to keep them posted on any updates about my acting.

The series I was auditioning for was called 'The Life Of Jennie'. It was about a girl who wanted to be a model since she was in high school and finally got signed by one of the world's top modelling agency. The movie surrounded the ups and downs of the girl dealing with a life a top model and her new love interest. The role I was auditioning for was for the secretary of the owner of the modelling agency and I was also to be a close friend of 'Jennie' in the series. I went over the lines I was needed to learn over and over again. Trying to get the facial expressions right and the tone of the lines.

"You will definitely get this part Aya don't even stress too much. You are sooo good." Kaili insisted from her side of the sofa. She has been helping me rehearse all afternoon since she got back from her gig.

"Thanks for the vote of confidence. I feel ready for the audition. I will just carry this script with me tonight to go over the lines when I'm not mixing drinks." I stated folding the script.

Kaili stood up from the sofa, "Tonight won't be as busy and you can get Leon to help you read the lines." She called out as she headed to her room to get ready to leave.

I needed to keep my nerves in check. I couldn't afford to mess up this audition. If I just nailed this, I would work my ass off to be recognized more by the important people. This was going to be a show in the limelight and I needed to be featured in it. Even though the role I was auditioning for wasn't big, it was big enough to be noticed.

At the club, I changed into my uniform which I was starting to get used to and pinned my name to my shirt. Max came at the lounge to congratulate us for the good work we did at the event. He personally congratulated me and told me if I went on like how I did at the event, I could be assured of a job at the club for a long time. I didn't plan to work at the club forever but it was a good place to work at for now. I did get a few sour looks for some girls which I ignored. Kaili gave me a thumbs up before she went off to her usual stage.

Just as Kaili had told me there weren't that many people the club. I got a few moments to myself to go over my lines. Leon offered to help me go over them which I really appreciated.

"Yes, ma'am I have the files of the new model right here. She really does seem like a sure thing, Ms Leila don't you think?" I read over my lines, "She is a natural beauty."

Leon nodded looking over at the script, "You got this Ayana. Just don't be too nervous or the producers will sense that. You need to keep your nerves in check babe." He remarked with a wink handing me back to go serve a customer who had sat at the bar. Since the event Leon resorted to calling me various pet names which I didn't mind. He knew I wasn't looking for any sort of relationship at this point and was more than glad on being the flirtatious friend.

"You're an actress." A voice that I could now know from anywhere called out from the end of the bar. I looked away from my script to find Zavian staring at me. He did look as scrumptious as always. His curly hair was now falling on his face and neck.

Of course, he's here.

I walked over to him with a smile playing on my lips. "Trying to be one. I have my very first audition tomorrow." I told him proudly. I don't know why I told him but I just did.

He gave me a toothy grin, "I didn't know that yet again I don't know you at all. You're first audition, meaning you haven't been here long?"

"I've been here literally less than a week. I'm seriously fucking stocked that I got an audition this quick." I chimed, my excitement clear on my face and voice.

"You must know some important people to land an audition this fast. Let me see the script, I might know the movie or better yet be starring in it." He smirked his obnoxious smirk that I've wanted smack out of his face since I first saw him.

I handed him the script I was holding, "It's not a big role but I really love the character. She's sooo me you know. Not so bubbly but extroverted at the same time. I really hope I get it."

He skimmed briefly through the script before handing it back to me, "I also really hope you get it." He stated with a suspicious smile.

I narrowed my eyes at him, "Is there something you want to tell me? Do have a role in this movie or something? I can't imagine having to work with you every single day for God knows how long but I might not even get it so who cares."

He took my hand in his gently holding it. "I just know that this is a big movie, based on some known novel or something. And I do know the people working on it, they are big deals. If you get it, it will for sure be your ticket into the industry because the role your playing isn't that small. The character is actually a close friend of one of the lead roles so that's something." He informed in a somewhat serious tone, "Also don't knock yourself down that much. Have some faith in yourself, I know I do."

I rolled my eyes jokingly at him. "Thank you Zavian." I placed the script down next to the register, "Anyway can I get you anything to drink?"

"Yes, a bourbon neat please." He requested politely, "And I told you I'll be coming here more often now that I know you will be here every night."

I poured him the drink into a glass and placed it in front of you, "That doesn't make me feel good. I don't want you turning into an alcoholic on my expense." I said to him with a small laugh.

He just laughed and walked away with his drink. From the stage I could see Kaili smirking at me even Leon was looking at me with a suggestive look. I brushed them off and went back to serving drinks. The bar had a few more people who needed attending to.


It was the morning before my audition. I stared at myself in the mirror trying my best to calm myself. I hoped that my outfit was appropriate enough. I wore a deep brown suede skirt which reached just passed my thighs with a black deep V-neck top which long-sleeved tucked into it. I had never loved my small breasts more than I did today. The cleavage was just the right size of decent. I wore my black heeled ankle boots to finish off the outfit. My braids, which luckily were still neat, were up in a high ponytail. Kaili had graciously offered to do my make-up which made me look even more ready for the audition. She currently seated on my bed as I was about to fall into a puddle of nerves.

"Stop panicking Aya. You'll do great." She assured me, "Now come I'll drive to the audition. It's a little far from here so we have to leave now. I'll go hang around at the studio with Bailey as I wait for you to be done."

"Thank you. I need to get my own car soon. I can't have you driving me to every audition I have." I stated putting a note to get that point to my parents to see if they can help me get a car as soon as possible.

As we drove to the audition I went over my lines once more. My agent was waiting for me at the entrance of the building as I walked out of Kaili's car. She hooked her arm round mine and lead me into the building.

"I hope you are ready to kick ass in there. You will be going in in a few so let's get you ready my superstar." She said to me leading to a room full of many other girls, "Ignore them. One of you will leave this place with that role. And that person is you."

With everyone's boost of confidence I felt ready to go in. I excused myself to go to the washroom. With the directions Hillary gave me I headed to the washroom. I washed my hands after and dried them before walking out. I bumped into someone on my way out.

"We have to stop meeting like this." The voice said.

"Zavian. What are you doing here?" I asked not surprised cause who was I to think he wouldn't have role in one of the biggest shows.

"I am starring in the movie of course. As Trey......"

"Jennie's love interest." I completed for him, "Why didn't you tell me when I asked you yesterday?"

He leaned down to my level. "I wanted to surprise you." He whispered, "Now you will get to work with me every single day. So, go and get that role."

"Now I don't even want it." I snapped not believing a word I was saying.

"I know you want it. Now go, I don't want you missing your audition." He pushed me in the direction of the audition room. I shrugged his hands of my shoulders and walked back into the audition room.

Most of the girls who were there had already left. We were just three girls remaining. Hillary was at a corner of the room talking to the phone when my name was called out. She gave me a thumbs up as I went into the room where the audition was being held. Seated on three chairs were two women and man who were probably the cast producers. They smiled when they saw me enter so I took it as a good sign.

"You must be Ayana. Feel free to begin at any time." One of the ladies told me politely. The nerves I had that morning was left at the door. I began reading through the lines I was needed to. Pouring all my heart and dedication into them. The producers were listening intently to me, following my every move. Observing my emotions as I talked.

I read my last line and I looked up at them with a wide grin, "Thank you." I said to them once I was done. They looked at each other smiling and nodding.

"Expect to hear from us real soon Ms Martins." The man with them informed me, "We will communicate with your agent she's Hillary, right?"

"Yes, she is. Thank you so much." I thanked them once more as I started to move out of the room.

"Hillary always seems to snatch up the good ones in the crowd. She has brought us some amazing actors......." I heard one of them say as I walked out. I couldn't help but feel confident about my audition.

I might actually get it.

Just as she promised, Kaili picked me up from the audition together with Bailey. Kaili informed me that she had called Max and asked if we could have a night off. The fact that he accepted was clear show how she had him wrapped around her little finger. We stopped at the store to do a bit of shopping for the night. Kaili offered to prepare dinner for all of us to apparently celebrate 'my first of many auditions'. I sure felt lucky that I had landed such amazing friends in a totally new place.

Once in the apartment, I took the small chance to go take a shower and change before Kaili starts forcing drinks down my throat. After changing into an oversized t-shirt with sleeping short I went to join my friends in the living room. There was guy with Bailey on the sofa that I hadn't met before. He didn't look like Bailey's deadbeat boyfriend. He looked of Latin decent with his long dirty blonde hair up in a messy man bun.

"There you are Aya. Come meet Juan, Kaili's fantastic neighbour." Bailey called to me once she noticed me in the room. I walked to the sofa, taking a seat between the two of them.

"You must be Ayana. We were all waiting to meet since Rosette told Bailey about you." Juan chimed with a charming smile, "You are a pretty little doll, aren't you? You will take everyone by storm and leave these guys panting behind you!"

I flipped my imaginary hair over my shoulder dramatically, "Why thank you."

"I loooove you." He called out, "Kaili I love your roommate. Thank God we got rid of that bitch of a person. She was so annnoooyyiiing."

"I told you, you'll love Ayana. She's just loveable." Kaili shouted from the kitchen.

We all sat around the kitchen island to eat the delicious meal Kaili had prepared for us. She also took it upon herself to pour for us drinks announcing we need to start the night soon. It was shots after shots with Kaili. With her tiny body I wondered how she took in all the alcohol she consumed. After the fourth short I got to know Juan was gay. I always wanted a gay best friend and he brought himself to me. When I declared him my best friend it began a debate between him and Kaili about who was going to be my best friend. We reached an agreement that we would all be best friends.

I offered to make them cocktails since it had become my area of speciality. When we were at the store, we bought all the things I needed to make them a killer margarita. With my second glass on hand, I used my other hand to scroll through Instagram on my phone. I was seated with Juan who had his head on my shoulder looking through my feed with me. Kaili and Bailey were cuddled up together on the sofa secretly kissing each other. If there was something, they wanted to keep from me it was definitely in the open now. They were just fuelling my suspension even more. I decided to let them come tell me instead of questioning them about it.

"Zavian is one fine guy. If only he was gay, I would have jumped his bones already!" Juan exclaimed as we went through Zavian's page.

"He isn't that bad when he is not being an obnoxious jerk." I told him. I liked one of his photos and followed him. I didn't expect him to see or even follow me back either way.

"You know him?! Tell me you know him!" Juan slurred.

I shrugged, "I bumped into him in the club. He was so rude but I guess it's cause he was drunk or something. Then he made me dance with him even after I turned him down. Nooow I might get to work with him on the upcoming movie, 'Life of Jennie'." I rumbled out to him sipping my drink.

"You lucky whore! Maybe now I might get to meet him. You better bring him around here sometime." Juan insisted.

"I can't stand the guy but maybe if you come with us to the club you will meet him." I told him logging off my account.

Kaili and Bailey decided to go to bed after the sixth shot and third glass of margarita. Juan also went to his place when I left for my room. Once again it wouldn't stop spinning and I regretted taking that sixth shot of tequila. Every time I got drunk and wanted to sleep, I always put some soothing music. I placed my phone at my bed side table with music flowing from it. After finishing my bottle of water, I let myself drift off to sleep. 


Hi there!!! Another chapter, another banger!!! 

Don't forget to press the little star to vote for this chapter. Your single vote goes a long way to putting my story out there. 

Leave a comment or two of this chapter was. I always enjoy reading feedback from my amazing readers. 

Thank you for reading...cheers!!!!

XoXo S.Gabriel

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