get you the moon | d.m.

By ethereal-asfck

34.3K 901 853

- if i could i'd get you the moon - draco malfoy has never known how relationships work and he never thought... More

00. get you the moon
01. us
02. first date
03. studying lips
05. mornings & pumpkin juice
06. sandwich shop
07. hold me close
08. candy land
09. to be or not to be
10. confess
11. too far
12. conversations
13. hot water
14. another piece of toast
15. dragons blood
16. emotional distress
17. potter
18. boring
19. only you
20. valentines +
let's catch up
21. birthday dinner
22. some change, some stay the same
a favor
23. blood

04. possesive

1.5K 45 61
By ethereal-asfck

January 14th

  The Ravenclaw doors shifted closed behind the group of four. Winnie took a deep breath; the smell of sweat, alcohol, and muggle weed invading her nose. The party was already in full swing and it had started 30 minutes ago.

  The center of the room was full of sweaty teens dancing on each other, cups in most of their hands. Winnie smiles widely, reaching to grab Jonathan's hand. "Let's get drinks," Winnie says to her friends before dragging them towards the table full of alcohol.

  "You're gonna start drinking already?" Clara asked with judgement lacing her voice. "It's not even nine yet," she continues, eyeing Winnie as she picks up a bottle of fire whiskey. Winnie rolls her eyes, releasing Johnathan's hand.

  "Come here," Winnie says, pouring the drink into a red cup. Clara complies, stepping next to her and sighs as the drink is placed in her hand. "Have some fun with me, please?" Winnie asks with a pout as she pours her own drink.

  Clara lifts up the cup almost immediately, "Anything for you." The other two grab drinks as well and it's not too long before they're lost on the dance floor.

  Two hours later, Winnie feels as though she's vibrating. She lost count of how many drinks she'd had a long time ago. She laughed, stumbling to the side after George Weasley spins her around. He grips her hands and the pair continue to dance with no coordination.

  "You're terrible!" Winnie exclaims as George flings her opposite of him. George lifts his right arm, dropping her other hand and ducking down to spin under their arms.

  "I think you have it flipped, Monet," George laughs at the short drunk girl. Winnie throws her head back in a laugh as Fred comes to join their dance.

  "We could do one of those fancy ballroom moves," Fred shouts over the music. Before Winnie can ask him what he means, Fred's hands are on her waist and he lifts her up into the air. A squeal leaves her lips as Fred and George laugh at her before she is placed back on the ground.

  Winnie turns around to quickly swat Fred before turning to continue dancing. Right next to her, Johnathan and Poppy were screaming the words of the current song at each other. All of them were covered in sweat, but truly they didn't care.

  An arm shot out, gripping Winnie's elbow and pulling her away from the twins. Winnie looked for the culprit, finding herself being pulled into Clara's skinny arms.

  "Dance with me," Clara yelled, pulling Winnie's body flush against hers. Winnie giggled, resting her arms on Clara's shoulders as their connected hips swung to the song in sync. Clara laughed along with her, hands clasped against Winnie's lower back.

  "Am I supposed to be mad at that?" The particular blonde asked, raising his cup to his lips. His eyes stayed locked on Winnie, not enjoying how her body was plastered to a girl who acted like she wanted to kill him.

  A chuckle leaves Theo's lips. "I say relax and enjoy the view like me. Shit, Draco, you could probably get Winnie to bring Kneed back to your dorm," Theo says, his eyes trailing the two girls' bodies.

  Draco smacks him hard in the stomach. "Ow," Theo groans, "I'm just saying I'd enjoy that scene a lot more privately with a lot less clothes." Draco's head whips over to him, his gaze murderous. He opens his mouth to make a remark, but Blaise is faster.

  "Theo, are you stupid? Stop fetishizing them, they're just having fun," Blaise barks from the other side of Draco. Theo looks over to the two and a bit of guilt begins to tear at him.

  "I'm not fetishizing-"

  "You are. It's gross," Draco cuts in. "Especially when one of them is very obviously your best friend's girl," Draco continues.

  "M'sorry," Theodore mumbles, looking into his cup. "I didn't mean for it to be bad," Theo says and drinks.

  "Mate, you really have a long way to go with respecting women," Blaise says and shakes his head. Blaise was raised solely by his mother, and she taught him from a young age how to respect women and treat them like queens. Narcissa wasn't far behind, teaching Draco to not be like his father. Theodore though only had his dad, and he treated women like magazines, throwing them away when they got boring.

  Draco sighs, knowing that Theo was trying. "Also, Winnie isn't technically yours," Blaise teases, nudging Draco. Draco stiffens and looks back to her.

  "I know," Draco says, watching the girl he cared for look so care free. He wondered if she even knew he was there.

  Theo speaks back up, "Just ask her out, it's obvious you like each other."

  Draco shakes his head, watching as the two girls separate and make their way to get more drinks. "It's not that easy," he says.

  Winnie leads Clara to the drink table and they each pour themselves a cup. Before they can walk away, Winnie's cup is removed from her hand.

  "Hey there, beautiful," a gravelly voice rumbles in her ear. Winnie furrows her eyebrows and turns around to look at the culprit of the voice. Her eyes meet the face of a sixth year Ravenclaw she couldn't remember the name of. He looked at her hungrily, scanning her body and stopping where her tight skirt showed off her thighs.

  Winnie just stared at him in her drunken state, not having enough mind to immediately walk away. "What's a sexy little thing like you doing at a party all by herself?" The boy asks, taking a step closer.

  "I'm with my friends," Winnie says, reaching back to grab the cup from him. He jerks it out of her reach and steps even closer. Winnie yelps as her bottom hits the edge of the table.

trigger warning: sexual harassment

  The boy places down her cup and puts his arms on either side of Winnie. Winnie looks over to Clara but she's no longer there. The boy chuckles, brown eyes ravaging her face. "Stupid girl, I mean with out a date. No one to take you back to their dorm and fuck you," He says in an attempt at a sensual voice. Winnie puts her hands on his chest and attempts to shove him back.

  "Please, I-" Winnie begins.

  "Shh," the boy whispers and moves closer to her ear. "Lucky for you, my dorms just right upstairs," He says, lips brushing her ear. He lowers his head to kiss her jaw, ignoring her persistent, weak shoves.

  Before his lips can meet her soft skin, he's being yanked off of her. Winnie sighs in relief, looking up to see who helped her. A head of blonde hair fills her vision, his body blocking hers. She smiles and reaches out to touch his back, maybe even wrap him in a hug

  "Malfoy?" The boy asks, looking at the raging blonde and his clenching fists.

  "Garrington," Draco speaks, glaring at the boy.

  "What the fuck? I was just about to take her for some fun-"

  He's cut off by Draco launching his fist into the side of his face. Winnie flinched back at the movement, stepping to the side. She peers around Draco to see the Ravenclaw holding his jaw. Draco throws another punch, square in the middle of his face. A crowd has formed, watching as Thomas Garrington stumbles and falls to the ground.

  "Mine," Draco growls and spits on Thomas's fallen frame. A small hand grabs his bicep causing him to turn.

  "Dray..." Winnie trails, looking down at the boy on the floor. Draco glances around, seeing a good number of students with their eyes on them. Draco turns to Winnie and grabs her wrist.

  "Let's get you back to your room," Draco mumbles and begins pulling her towards the door.

  "But- but Dray, my friends," Winnie says, looking back to try and find them.

  Draco sighs, grabbing her hand and interlocking their fingers. "They'll be fine. Come on, you're so drunk you can barely walk," he says softly, watching her stumble behind him. Winnie huffs, but follows him anyway. He slows down once they're in the hall, and instead wraps his arm around her waist.

  He looks over and leans down to press a quick kiss to the top of her head. "You okay?" He murmurs, holding her tightly so she doesn't stumble.

  "Yeah," she gulps, "I can walk fine, just slow." Draco shakes his head.

  "That's not what I mean," Draco says, rubbing her side with the arm wrapped around her.

  Winnie looks down, "Oh."

  "I'm sorry," he says, doing his best to squash all his rage deep down.

  "It's not your fault, you-" Winnie hiccups, "you saved me." Draco smiles lightly at that. He felt warm inside, he saved her. The rest of the walk was in a comfortable silence. When they got to the stairs, Draco decided to just pick her up and carry her the rest of the way despite her claims of being too heavy.

  By the time Draco pushed open the door to her dorm, she was almost asleep in his arms. He carefully sat her down on the bed and watched as she rubbed her eyes.

  "Where are your pajamas?" He asks softly while kneeling to take off her shoes.

  "Bottom drawer," Winnie yawns and slips her feet out of her shoes. Draco nods and stands, moving over to her dresser. He picks out a pair of fluffy blue pants and a t-shirt and sets them on the bed next to her.

  "I'll turn around," Draco says and bites his lip. Winnie nods and begins pulling at her shirt once he's facing the wall. Draco tried not to laugh as he hears her shuffling and huffing. All of a sudden the sounds come to a halt.

  "Dray?" Winnie asks sheepishly. Draco hums in response, his eyebrows furrowing. "I'm... I'm stuck. Can you help me change, please?"

  Draco's eyes widen. "Uh," Draco coughs, "Are you sure?" He asks and scratches his neck. It wasn't like he'd never seen a girl naked before, but Winnie was different.

  "I-I can't get it," Winnie's voice cracks and Draco hears a small cry leave her lips. This is all it takes for him to whip around and squat in front of her. Her shirt is stuck on her elbow and her arms are in the air, her face covered. Draco wants to laugh but he wastes no time grabbing the edges of her shirt and pulling it all the way off.

  He frowns at her tears and reaches to wipe them away. "Why are you crying?" Draco asks, forcing his eyes to stay on her face.

  "I'm like a baby," Winnie frowns, reaching her arms behind her to try and unhook her bra. After fumbling for more than ten seconds she huffs and looks at Draco expectantly.

  He bites his lip before slowly reaching his hand back to simply undo her bra with a pop. He lets his eyes travel down as it falls to her lap. He sucks in a short breath and commits the image to his memory before quickly throwing her bra to the floor. He grabs the t-shirt in and looks back to her face. "Arms up," he says quietly and she obeys.

  He slips her into the shirt quickly and then stands. He grabs her arms to pull her to her feet and she stumbles slightly. "I'm gonna take your skirt off, okay?" Draco tells her, asking for permission as his hands rest on her hips. Winnie looks into his eyes and nods. Draco sucks in a breath and hooks his fingers in the waistband of her skirt. He quickly pulls it off and replaces it with her pants before standing back up to face her.

  Winnie smiles and grabs his face within her hands. "You're perfect." She slurs and feels Draco's cheeks warm under her palms.

  "Let's get you in bed," Draco mumbles, going to push her back.

  "No, let me talk," Winnie persists, stroking his cheeks with her thumbs. She looks back and forth between his eyes.

  "I love your eyes. They're beautiful," Winnie begins. "I can see how you feel in your eyes, did you know that Dray? When we first talked in Astronomy, your eyes were more silver and hard. I couldn't see anything in them but annoyance. That's what I see when you're concentrating or when you're around other people."

  "But when you look at me, I can see everything. Your eyes get bluer when you look at me. I can see what you feel through them when you're with me. It's what makes me think you feel the same way I do," Winnie says, one hand now resting on his chest while his arms snake around her hips.

  "What do you mean?" Draco asks, looking into her thoughtful brown eyes.

  "I really like you, Draco. I've never felt like this before. You-you make me so happy. I like to be around you and I always feel safe with you. I want this to be a long time thing and- and based on your eyes. I think you want that too."

  Draco smiles at her, his cheeks redder than hers for once. "I really like you too, Winnie," Draco says, pushing a strand of hair back from her face. Winnie smiles big at him, and reaches up to place a slow kiss on his lips. Draco smiles into the kiss, pulling her closer by the back of her head.

  The kiss lasts long, as they enjoy being in each other's arms. Draco finally pulls away and presses a short kiss to her forehead. "You should go to bed, you're going to have a killer hangover in the morning."

  Winnie nods and sits down on her bed. She scoots over to the wall and gets under the blankets. Draco smiles at her and how small she looks. His heart is soaring. He turns to leave but only makes it three steps.

  "Why don't you stay?" Winnie squeaks. Draco looks back to her. "Please?" she asks. Draco looks between her and the door before kicking off his shoes. He quickly peels off his clothes and folds them. He's just left in his boxers as he pulls back the covers and scoots in next to Winnie.

  Draco wasn't used to cuddling. He wasn't even quite sure how it worked. But Winnie curled into his cold chest and his arm draped around her almost immediately. It was there that Winnie felt safe.

  For the first time, Draco felt like he might be loved by someone other than his mother. Winnie cared about him, and that was more than he'd ever had. Winnie was all he wanted, and probably all he would ever want. Draco didn't believe he would feel so strongly for anyone else in his entire life.

  The rest of his life, he would protect Winifred Noelle Monet. He would protect her, because she was all he would have. She was the only one who would care for him. So, he would make sure he was all she could want. "Mine," Draco whispers, stroking down Winnie's hair. She was already fast asleep.


oops it's been over a week since i updated i'm so sorry

anyway hope you like this chapter, i cant decide if i do lol

always i know winnie's sensitive, i made her that way and it's going to be worse when she's drunk

love you my darlings


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