By Misablossoms

33 0 0

Fear. It consumes everyone, causes us to hide from ourselves, causes death. Most of all fear stops us from fi... More



15 0 0
By Misablossoms

I woke up in a dull coloured room with a single light bulb on one of the walls. Other than the bed I was laying on there was nothing else in the room so I was left staring at a few walls and an old wooden door.

The last thing I remember was having dinner with my friends when all of a sudden the living room was torn apart. Something went off. I don't know what exactly but there was this high pitched sound then I blacked out. I had no idea who did this to us but I had to find out.

I stood up and headed for the door but my legs gave in right underneath me and my chin met the floor. I realized that they had probably given me something to keep me asleep. I tried to stand using the bed to hold myself up then I put my hand against the wall and walked towards the door again.

My initial plan was to bang on the door and scream until hopefully, someone showed up but I was feeling too weak and reached for the door handle instead. Admittedly I didn't think they would just leave the door open but it was all I had. They actually did leave the door open which I guess was lucky for me.

"Weird", I said as I took in my currently strange and scary situation.

I stepped out into the longest hallway ever being greeted by the same greyish walls from the room and started to walk with my hand still on the wall. I was worried about how I had no idea where I was or if my friends were even alive.The door behind me seemed further and further as I moved forward and I couldn't really tell how long I'd been walking for but I eventually reached a larger room.

This room had some cabinets, a fridge, a dusty looking couch and a table in the middle. There was some food on it so I sat down to eat trying to push away the feeling of a mouse being lured into a trap with cheese. Once I was finished I looked around the room and noticed two cameras hanging from the walls. Immediately after a man walked in through the door on the other side of the room and sat down.

"Who are you?", I asked him as my eyes wandered to the fancy gold watch on his wrist and the logo on his lab coat. "My name is Dr. Sean and I am the..."What is bloom labs?",I asked cutting him off.

"Oh umm that is who I work for", he said with a nervous smile. "You've probably been wondering where the others are". He stood up and led me towards the door he had walked through and although I was reluctant to follow a stranger who was probably part of my kidnapping I really did want to see my friends. I stood up and realised that I felt a lot better than when I woke up. We stepped into another hallway that looked exactly the same as before although not quite as long.

"Greaaat", I said sarcastically " Another beautiful hallway".

"This is the last one you'll see today", Sean said with a smile as we reached a modern looking elevator. We stepped inside and he placed his thumb on a scanner and typed in the number six. "Fancy", I muttered to myself.

During our very quiet ride in the elevator I noticed a little more about Sean other than his watch.
He wore glasses and a blue tie that matched his eyes. He also had a weird scar near his left eye but I didn't think I should ask about it.

We reached the sixth floor and it was the complete opposite of the room I had woken up in. It was a lab with bright white walls and had multiple lights shining down from the ceiling. There was a range of desks with computers and other equipment as well as some bigger machines. Best of all there were windows! Lots of windows. I saw a clock on one of the walls which read 11:00am.

"How long was I down there?", I asked Sean when I finally snapped out of my amazement of my new and fascinating environment. "Almost 8 days", he answered

The sun was just beginning to set as I walked up to the door of my sister Kel's house. I walked in to the smell of delicious food and wondered if they had started without me. "Sorry I'm late people, I tried", My sister gave me a serious look as I apologized. "Where were you?", She asked. "I'm here now okay", I was starting to get a little bit frustrated and I think she could tell because she didn't continue with the questions."Let's eat, I'm starving", Manny shouted from his seat. "Okay, okay calm down", a voice answered "let everybody sit down first". I smiled as she did. "Thanks Prec". As I sat down Prec and Kel talked about what they had been up to lately while the boys were focused on their food. "Slow down there boys, leave some for the rest of us", I joked. Leaf rolled his eyes as I did and I tried to remember how we had come up with that nickname. It was good to laugh and enjoy the company of my friends but I couldn't help but feel uneasy about my conversation earlier with G. He told me something was coming and that we should get ready but I shrugged it off and told him to relax. His words still ran through the back of my mind...

"Misa!", I felt somebody shaking me. All I could see was my friends lying on the floor and furniture lying everywhere. A small fire burned where the table was standing just a second ago. I tried to move but I couldn't. The ringing sound was so loud that I could barely think. Then everything went black.

"Earth to Misa", someone was shaking me again. I was back at the lab looking at the clock. "Hmm, what was that ?" , I looked back at Sean. "I said you've been out cold for 8 days".

"Oh yeah I heard you", I said. "Can I see my friends now?".

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