A Time For An Heir

OloEopia03 tarafından

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[A Percy Jackson FanFic]. The Daughter of Time. No one knew. No one even believed.  It was - after all... Daha Fazla

- Chapter 1 ~ An Heir is Rising -
- Chapter 2 ~ To Meet a Monster . . . Not Fun -
- Chapter 3 ~ He's Worse Than a Cyclops -
- Chapter 4 ~ Taken -
- Chapter 6 ~ And We Keep Running . . . -

- Chapter 5 ~ Stop Running! -

16 1 0
OloEopia03 tarafından

Hi guys :] sorry I haven't been posting :P

*Important: I would kind of like to change the setting here a little. It doesn't affect any previous chapters btw. It is around 75 to 80 years from the current Percy Jackson World - however - I would like it just to be a normal setting that doesn't have to concern with Romans or technology.

Good Luck
-Olo Eopia03


Chapter 5: Stop Running!


"They've caught up to her, Master. What of it now?"

"Just wait, my pet. It seems that there might be an interference coming very soon."

It was that voice again. It brought chills down my spine. His voice sounded amused, as though finally distracted from long hours full of unrelenting boredom. The air around me, though pitch black, felt powerful, yet suffocating and full of tension.

As though alerted by something, the iron-scraping voice asked, "Is it almost finished?"

"Oh yes, Master. They are very near to completing it. Soon, you will be ready."

After a few moments the atmosphere seemed to relax, though only slightly. "Good. Sit back and watch, my pet. You might learn something."

In answer, the smaller voice replied, "Ah, Y-yes Master."

The voice emitted a soft laugh. "This is going to get . . . quite interesting . . ."

Eyes still closed, Kalley could feel the throbbing pain in her shoulder. She could tell she was the only one in the room and could hear herself breathing; calmly, deeply. Already coming back into consciousness, and she was greeted by this annoying ache. She could feel her head rested against . . .

A pillow?

She bolted right out of her bed, and immediately wished she hadn't. Kalley couldn't stop the cry from escaping her lips. Pain erupted in her right shoulder and instantly she flopped down onto the bed again.

Kalley looked at the new room that she rested in. It looked like quite a comfortable room, with a soft bed that she laid on, a chair next to the wooden nightstand, and even a small television near the front. The walls were painted a light peach color, giving it a most natural and friendly appearance. There weren't any windows, but there was a bathroom over to the right. Next to the foot of the bed was a small table, with bandages and other first aid tools scattered all over it.

Gently testing her right shoulder, Kalley slowly sat up, thinking.

Where am I? She thought.

Scanning the area, Kalley noticed the door near the left corner stood slightly ajar, revealing another room next door. Vaguely, Kalley tried to recall anything that had happened to her in the last few moments. I . . . I was unconscious . . .

Kalley felt horrible. She wished she hadn't woken up. Her head ached almost as much as her shoulder, and she didn't know where she was. Even worse, memories of the encounter with the terrifying monster were starting to come back to her.

Who took her in? A twinge of panic filled Kalley's mind. If they knew what she did to Pierce . . . What of the police? They'll take her in if they knew. She can't stand to think of the consequences.

Only one thought ran through Kalley's mind.

I need to get out of here.

Slowly, Kalley got out from the bed, wincing as she rested her weight on her right leg.

As she opened the door that led to the next room, she saw another television, but it was switched on to some channel about the weather. Huge storm coming in tomorrow here in Carson City, Nevada. Oh joy.

Wait -

Kalley's eyes widened. Nevada? Last time she checked she was in San Diego.

What's going on?! How can I be in a different state? Kalley thought, the panic rising in her.

Against the wall there was another bed, but smaller than the one she had been sleeping in, with a folded blanket and pillow rested neatly on top. Next to the bed on the ground were two other blue colored blankets spread out on top of each other on the ground along with another pillow, where the TV remote control. On the night stand was a digital clock and a radio positioned next to it playing . . . classical music?

Interesting taste there.

One, two . . . Kalley counted silently. Two other people here?

The clock indicated that it was 1:43 in the afternoon. Walking to the window next to the television, Kalley saw that the room she was in was high up, maybe twenty stories or so. Cars were buzzing past by below her, with people flooding the sidewalks.

I'm in a hotel, Kalley figured. How can I be in here in the first place? I - I need to get out . . .

Not far away from the nightstand, hanging on a hook, were Kalley's bag and her jacket.

Quickly wearing the maroon colored jacket and placing the bag over one shoulder, she made her way out the door and saw a long hallway that broke into two paths. A dozen doors lined the hallway, their golden numbers plastered on all the surfaces.

Left or right? Finally making up her mind, Kalley decided to just take the left. If she got lost she can always retrace her steps and find the right way.

As soon as she made the turn, however, Kalley saw a little girl a meter or so away from her.

It was the same little girl she saw at the old store, with the same yellow water bottle in her hand. Her jet black hair that contrasted with her fair skin was tied up in a pair of little pigtails that swished around when she walked toward Kalley.

The girl wore a baby blue colored jacket with an orange shirt underneath, with red checkered Converse shoes and ripped jeans. She looked to be around 11 years old or so. A simple necklace hung around her neck, with a miniature conch shell hanging at the center of a dark colored string.

She was licking a fairly huge and colorful lollipop - like the ones you buy at Disneyland but can never finish.

If she hadn't bothered to look up, the girl would've been perfectly happy in her own little world while licking her sweet lollipop in happiness.

For a second, she didn't notice Kalley; she was only minding her own business, closing her eyes and humming a sweet tune as she strolled forward. Her water bottle was empty and perched on her shoulder was a white and furry mouse who seemed to look straight at Kalley.

As if things were not getting weird enough for Kalley, next to the small girl was a floating orb of water that looked as big as a basketball. It was just . . . floating there . . . following her around and bobbing slightly up and down. The water that it consisted of was swirling around in smooth and calm patterns.

Maybe it was Kalley's presence that the girl might've felt, or the small squeak that the mouse made, or just plain coincidence, but within a moment's notice, the girl looked up and saw Kalley, revealing a pair of brilliant and innocent sea green eyes.

Jumping up in surprise, the girl's eyes widened and words soon spluttered out of her mouth.

"Uh - um - ? Oh, h-hey! You're awake! Whoa, gods, you really scared me there -"

Before the girl could say anything else, Kalley had already made a couple steps backward. Making that left turn had been a mistake.

Suddenly, the girl almost ran toward Kalley and reached out a hand.

"W-wait! Don't go! We're only here to help - !"

Before the girl could touch her, though, Kalley did it again.

Kalley couldn't control it.

It was as if the girl in front of Kalley was the only one who had slowed down in time for a moment. The girl just froze there in mid-run, her left foot hovering in the air behind her. Her face held a confused expression, then changed to a sudden urge of struggle to break free of the power that restrained her from moving forward.

Abruptly, the atmosphere changed, and everything turned back to normal. The girl collapsed onto her knees, gasping for breath. Her orb of water broke and splashed down next to her and shattered, soaking part of her hair and clothes. The lollipop had fallen and hit the mouse, poor guy, and might've stained him just a little. The mouse fell and landed in front of her, scurrying in circles and squeaking in fright with the lollipop still stuck to its back.

Time to go, Kalley thought quickly.

Still coughing from shock and exhaustion, the small girl looked up, only to see Kalley retreat backward and race back to where she came from, taking the right turn that was just down the hallway.


Allen strolled past all the doors, looking down at the carpet. He'd just had a long talk with the hotel manager, saying that he didn't need a doctor to come over. The manager had just seen him and Elli drag an unconscious young girl between them as they entered the hotel, with Allen asking for any available room with the cheapest cost possible. They were only staying for a while until the girl woke up. After seeing the wounds that were done to the girl by that Stymphalian bird, Allen knew he could already heal them himself.

Elli had gone off in the other direction, insisting that his patient wouldn't "run away" or anything. Elli convinced him that she also take Gus with her and talk to the clerk at the desk that the water wasn't running and the electricity wasn't working. Of course, Allen knew she was lying. Eqlll just wanted to run around the hotel for the fun of it.

She also said that Gus needed some cheese. He did look hungry . . . or maybe she just wanted to get something sweet for herself at the cafeteria.

As Allen walked through the hallway, he remembered the Stymphalian bird that looked ready to strike the unconscious girl, ready to kill her. He saw those same eyes at the store.

They looked so different from anything he'd seen before.

The girl's eyes were a deep amber brown, but they flickered softly, brown to gold, brown to gold. It looked like a mixture of the two colors that almost blended together but were still held separate, swirling together in one dimension.

The gaze was so intense that Allen couldn't tell whether her eyes were actually real or they were just part of his imagination. When she walked away abruptly after he felt that mysterious connection with her, Allen nudged Elli, wondering if she could really be a demigod, or perhaps . . . the one?

For a moment there, Allen remembered how Elli just stood there, deep in thought, and her hand immediately crept up to her neck and grabbed her necklace, and Allen knew something terrible was about to happen.

Almost nothing can compete with her powers, even if Elli can be a bit childish sometimes. Chiron was right, Allen might need Elli to finish this quest. One of the only things that can really take Elli out is surprise and . . . A few other secrets that Allen didn't even know completely about.

Allen had looked at the century with shock and concern hours before their departure.

"Elli's only ten and a half years old, Chiron! She's way too young to come along!"

"And will be turning eleven quite soon," Chiron said gently. "Don't worry, she'll be fine. You'll actually need her more than you think. She's well trained and very strong."

Allen had finally decided to let it go. Maybe he had been underestimating Elli for too long.

Despite his last sentence, Chiron looked at Allen with a mixture of feelings. Maybe he was thinking of exactly the same things Allen was thinking of? Never had Allen seen Chiron look so . . . Conflicted.

"Allen, please take care of her. It's been a while since someone like her came around these past years." Chiron looked at Allen, his face filled with determination. "Promise me. Do not fail this mission."

I won't, Allen thought. Ever.

Allen closed his eyes after a glimpse at that memory.

Allen and Elli had run out of the store looking everywhere, until they found the girl across the street faced with six huge gangsters. They were just in time to see the monsters transform, bursting out of their human form, while the girl was already far ahead of them, running away in terror. By the time Allen and Elli reached the woods where the birds entered and split into several directions, however, it was almost too late. The leader of the Stymphalian Birds had found her only a few minutes later.

Already, the girl was wounded, collapsed in front of an oak tree, losing consciousness. Allen made it just in time, using one of his sonic arrows (thank gods Elli told him to use the less affective one) and hit the bird right in the center of its body. Stymphalian birds hate hate hate loud noises, just like in the myth where Hercules had to fight them. Allen was lucky Apollo had given a couple of sonic arrows to him on his birthday.

It was also a good thing Hermes gave them a huge supply of drachmas along with wads of cash. The taxi driver who took them in did not even bother to ask about the hurt girl in the car, zooming as fast as he could to the East until the car ran out of gas in Carson City.

Elli complained that she wanted to stop at a hotel with a swimming pool, no doubt wanting to practice and make real whirlpools for "fun."

Don't worry! I'll play at night! She said.

Notice the word "play."

Allen shook his head in amusement, and his thoughts traveled back to the wounded girl.

Is she really the one? The true and rightful Heir to the Lord of Time?

She looked so weak, Allen thought in disbelief, remembering her crumpled form and the fragile state she was in. Then he remembered what Chiron had told him before he left on the journey here.

"Allen," he said, the centaur's eyes looking at Allen with concern and warning. "The heir may not look powerful just yet. His or her identity hasn't been revealed to even themselves. The moment the heir learns of his or her heritage, their powers will only grow. It's best that it stays that way until you are at least there to protect the heir."

Chiron was right. That girl not knowing who she really is was already bad enough. Not only that, but if Allen told her, it would also increase her godly aura, and Allen didn't want any more monsters at the moment . . .

Suddenly, a familiar voice cried out, jerking him out from his train of thought. He could hear Elli's voice just around the corner of the hall.

"W-wait! Don't go! We're only here to help!"

Was she awake already?

Recovering so quickly, Allen thought. Well, if she's really the heir, all she needed was time, after all.

He needed to help Elli. If something went wrong, the whole quest would be ruined.

Allen broke into a run and was slowly reaching the sharp turn he needed to make to see what was happening. Only a few more meters left . . .

As Allen bolted around the corner, he was slammed hard in the chest, falling backward so abruptly he fell on his back.

He heard a yelp and a girl stumbled and fell right next to him, gasping in pain. It was the girl he and Elli had taken in.

Okay, so maybe her wounds aren't completely healed yet, Allen thought as he looked at the girl's pained expression.

Allen had just enough time to stand back up and see the girl clamber to her feet, her back facing him. She spun around, her hair whipping behind her, and Allen was quite amused by what he was seeing, taking note of the haughty expression on her face and the fact that she was at direct eye length with him, looking at him with the same intense gaze.

He couldn't stop looking at her eyes.

"What do you guys want with me?" She said fiercely, with an emphasis on every word, every syllable. Before Allen could even answer, she spoke again. "Who are you?!"

Her auburn hair was loose around the length of her shoulders. Allen took note of every nicety, now that she was awake and flaring with her personality; the nicely carved face, the hair that was swept behind her left ear, the faint, dark circles under her eyes even though she'd been out for two days already. She wore a dark red jacket with a blue t-shirt underneath and torn and dirty jeans. Her skin was a nice tan, and she looked to be almost exactly Allen's age.

Now that her eyes were open, Allen saw something else besides the weak and tired girl that had masked her appearance earlier. They showed a glint of rebelliousness, and a small but bright and distinct gleam of pure darkness.

It was that same, intensifying look he'd seen a few days before. The colors in her irises proved Allen's previous observations correct. It had the same swirl of gold in them, like she was part . . . Titan . . .

"I guess I might ask you the same question." Allen answered honestly. Then he remembered back at camp how sometimes he had to take a few newbies and show them around while he introduced himself. Here we go again. "The name's-"

"Allen! Allen Allen Allen!" he couldn't help but sigh in annoyance as he turned around and saw Elli come running around the corner to meet them.

One thing unusual: Elli was soaking wet. Her hair and part of her clothes were drenched in water. That rarely happened unless she had been too excited or surprised to dry off.

But this time as she got closer, Allen saw that she also looked a little shaken and exhausted.

Another scary thing: Gus was pink, yellow, blue, and a whole motley of other colors other than white. Allen's poor mouse looked like he just went through a great amount of colorful spray painting and had resulted in becoming a fluffy little walking rainbow for no apparent reason at all.

"She's the one! She really is! I told you so!" Elli squealed. Allen stared at Elli in consternation, finding things very hard to take in after just seeing everything that took place in front of him.

Before the girl who had run into him could escape again, Allen's own hand shot out, catching her by the arm. Turning back to face her, he said,

"Hey. I don't know what it feels like to be in your shoes right now, but just hear me out." The girl stopped struggling for a minute and looked straight at Allen. He gazed right back, taking note of the feelings that he could read in her eyes - still cautious and a bit stubborn, but with a hint of new curiosity and acceptance. "Okay?"

"Fine." she muttered, yanking her arm away from his grip and crossing it with her other arm. The girl continued to glare at him.

Elli came to Allen's side, panting. Gus, who was in Elli's hand, leaped up to Allen's shoulder, looking quite colorful, but otherwise alright.

Allen, Elli's right! The mouse said in between squeaks. Mice were a few of the sacred animals of Apollo and were known to be his little messengers. Allen just nodded back.

Gus . . . I never knew you liked pink! What happened? Allen couldn't help but smile, trying hard not to laugh at the mouse's appearance.

Oy, I don't like pink! the mouse protested, I'll tell you later. Hurry, talk to her! She might change her mind and leave again!

Gus was right. Allen looked at the girl straight in the eye, and said,

"Fine. We'll start by introducing ourselves first." After Allen took a deep breath and smiled at the girl in front of them, he began to speak, gesturing at Elli.

"This is Elli Fugino. Sorry if she did anything that might've disturbed you," Elli looked at Allen with one of her famous whining expressions, those I-didn't-do-anything-wrong! kind of expressions. Ignoring this, Allen took Gus in his hands, emitting a small laugh. He loved introducing Gus; it finally took some tension off this conversation.

"And this . . . Named after one of the youngest conductors ever to lead the orchestra of the L.A. Philharmonic seventy or so years ago, meet the famous Gustavo Dudamel!" The mouse looked up, his chest puffing out to show how superior he was. Oh, I just love introductions. Thanks, man!

"Or just Gus . . ." Elli muttered. Allen glared back at her, only to be faced with those "innocent" bright eyes.

"And call me Allen," he continued as he held the girl's gaze. "Allen Stradwood."

He looked at the girl whose name he still hadn't known, saw her stare at him intently. Allen didn't know whether she wanted to suddenly punch him in the gut (please no . . .) or run away again. But when he saw that defiant expression return again, he wasn't sure if she was going to run away any time soon. Then . . .

"You know nothing about me. Just leave me alone!" she said, sounding irritated and furious. Turning around, she shoved past them and stormed away. Allen called out in protest.

"Come on! Just-"

"No! You aren't like me!"

"But you don't-"

"Just stop it! Go away!" she continued to leave.

So rebellious . . . Allen thought, getting slightly impatient and annoyed with her.

She might even be worse than Elli! Gus squeaked out.

Allen sighed in frustration as he ran up to block her way once again.

"Look," he said, glaring at her fiercely. "We came here all this way, just to get you back to camp safely, and you wouldn't even bother to listen to me." The most annoying thing about her was that she glared back at him with just as much stubbornness as before, impervious to the tone he put into his voice.

Allen rarely got angry, but this was just too much.

"What do you know about me?" she asked. Allen's expression momentarily relaxed. He had to let her know now.

"More than what you know, at least," Allen said. "Please - just tell me your name."

A look of irritation suddenly spread across the girl's face, then finally, she looked as though she had given in. If she didn't tell him who she was, he might have a hard time with this.

"Gladhart." she muttered, still shooting a furious glare at Allen. "Kalley Gladhart."

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