A Different Beginning // WM...

Von Diamaker

162K 4K 1.2K

What if, Athanasia and Jennette, had different lives? What if, Jennette was born in the woods but raised in t... Mehr

• Note •
CH. 1 - Young Jennette
CH. 2 - Young Athanasia
CH. 3 - Jewelled Eyes
CH. 4 - Capital
CH. 5 - Eye to Eye
CH. 6 - Hand in Hand
CH. 7 - Comfy bed
CH. 8 - Morning greetings
CH. 9 - Girl Talk
CH. 10 - Old and young
CH. 11 - Blackie
CH. 12 - People
CH. 13 - Unfair
CH. 14 - Lonely Princess
CH. 15 - How did you?!
CH. 16 - Concerned Wizard
CH. 18 - Arrival of response
CH. 19 - Approved...?
CH. 20 - Athanasia's
CH. 21 - A week away
CH. 22 - Party for a royal...?
CH. 23 - Nobles gossip
CH. 24 - A snitch
CH. 25 - Plan to ruin!
CH. 26 - The night before...
CH. 27 - Preparing and surprises!
CH. 28 - News and conclusions
CH. 29 - Penelope Judith
CH. 30 - A Debutante! (part 1)
CH. 31 - Overwhelming thoughts.. (part 2)

CH. 17 - In a distance

4.5K 112 23
Von Diamaker

A/N: A Different Beginning // 𝐖𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐏 𝐅𝐀𝐍𝐅𝐈𝐂 is back after a long hiatus. Why is it on hiatus? it's because missing fragments // wmmap was trying to catch up on chapter numbers, and since it has watched up now, updates will be dropping soon! Join the discord for future chapter sneak-peeks! (Info about the discord server is at the bottom of the chapter.)

In a distance

Time has passed but I was still unable to go outside my palace, I tried to go out through a window near the guest parlour, but a knight noticed me, and have pushed me back inside.

I guess Father found out and had put more knights around the palace, making me a prisoner.

I spent my time, just wandering around the Ruby Palace, then going back to my room. The maids avoid talking to me but still serve me appropriately.

However, I am bored. I cannot go outside, I can roam around the Ruby Palace, but I lived here since birth, so I've already memorized every room there is in the palace.

'Have Father received my letter yet?'

'I hope he answers quickly.'

I thought which made me smile while I stare out of my bedroom's huge window. Up until I saw something— no I saw someone.

Upon looking at it more, I saw them.

Athanasia grew up beautifully, I'll admit to that.

She was walking with father who looks like haven't aged a bit during the years.

She was wearing a white, lavender and light blue coloured dress with ribbons in the dress and in her hair.

While Father wears the same siodonna robes that he always wears before. Athanasia was also carrying a bundle of flowers in her arms.

If someone sees how she walks with confidence, laughs in a graceful and elegant manner and having that kind of smile, she really looks like a royal.

'Do I look like that too? Do I have the same look as her when I do that? I hope so!'

I had my fair hair of etiquette lessons, so I'm hoping I look elegant as her.

I tried really hard with my studies, making sure that I can have a high remark so that my tutors can say this when my father asked them.

But I never got any news about it. No one mentioned it.

I felt a pang of pain in my heart as I saw her and father together taking a stroll around her garden and with Sir. Robane also.

I removed my gaze and went to my bed to lay down. My hair was sprawled on the mattress and my arms stretched at my sides.

Looking up the ceiling, I only see the image of them after not being able to see them for years. There weren't any royal balls or gatherings around high society's noblewoman nor young girls.

The only thing that sometimes makes the whole royal palace alert and flustered is when she receives something from father.

I've heard from the maids gossiping that she has received two gardens that only belong to her, a whole lake that is much wider than any lakes inside the royal garden, and a huge greenhouse. Just for her only.

While I only receive a couple of dresses and jewels on my birthday. but she receives gifts anytime.

I need to calm down. As soon as my father sees my letter and reads it, I'm sure a lot of things will change.

My remarks in every subject have improved, but the tutors always mention that Athanasia does not need to re-take her exams, unlike me. 

Regardless, it's still good remarks. My debutante is coming up, I know father at least will acknowledge it. I just have to wait.




A/N: To read future chapter sneak peeks join the discord server (invite link is in my bio and message wall) or contact me in discord (UnknowingLee#9807) so I could invite you! Hope to see you there!! <3  


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