Heart Breaker ~Bobby Drake

By Lax_Walker

2.2K 67 6

16-year-old Tristen Gage Lehnsherr is finding her voice in the world, literally, when she discovers her bone... More

Mutant High
The Wailing Woman
It Was An Accident!


492 15 2
By Lax_Walker

Tristen's POV:

Nightmares haven't been an uncommon thing for me, I've had night terrors since I was 6 years old. They seemed to disappear for a while but they came back shortly after. The worst part is, I can never remember what's happening, I have to scream myself awake almost nightly.

However, tonight was different than most, I woke up screaming and there was glass all over the floor. When I was able to catch my breath, I looked around and tried to turn my light on, the light bulb must have shattered. I then looked at the window with blurred vision, the breeze was enough confirmation that the window was broken. I tried to wake my half-sister up but noticed that her ears were bleeding. "Iris!" I yelled.

My bedroom door was pushed up, by my mother. I looked at her and her ears were bleeding too. I felt for a pulse on Iris, my heart was being squeezed and I couldn't catch my breath. "Tristen?" My mother called, "What happened? Your scream, it projected, it was everywhere. What happened to your window?"

I couldn't answer her. Did I kill my sister? I started crying, "Iris," I whispered. "Wake up, please wake up."

"What the hell was all that about?" My stepdad asked. His eyes landed on me and he narrowed his eyes. "Iris?"

My mother carefully walked over to me and wrapped her arms around me, "What did you do?"

I looked around, "What did you say?"

"I didn't say anything." My mother replied.

I drew my eyebrows together. "Iris?" I whispered.

"I love you, Tristen,"

I gasped for air, so many voices clouded my head and the only way I could escape was through a scream. My mother and stepfather covered their ears and I covered my mouth with both of my hands. "I-I'm sorry!"

"What the hell did you do to your sister?!" My stepfather screamed as he held Iris in his arms.

My mom looked at me with fear in her eyes. "Mommy,"

"You aren't my daughter,"

I couldn't control my tears, "What the hell are you?!" He screamed.

He got up and grabbed my arms, he threw me across the room and into my desk, "Davis!" My mother screamed. I pushed myself off the ground and took off. I ran out the front door in my tank top and shorts. "Tristen!" My mother called after me but I was already gone. I killed my sister, I don't know how but it was my fault.

I took a couple of turns before finding a pickup truck, I climbed in the back and laid down, I tried to keep myself comfortable but how could I ever live with myself knowing what I did to Iris.


It seemed like it had been days before the truck finally stopped, I think I was in North Dakota, but I wasn't sure. I could never go back to Oregon, it just wasn't an option, not for me.

I got out of the back of the truck and continued my quest to anywhere but Oregon. As I was walking, it had felt like someone was watching me. I kept looking over my shoulder while I walked, but I never saw anyone. I saw these strange markings on trees, the more I looked at them, the more they looked like claw marks. My eyes widened when I heard a growl, I took off running and saw a human-like figure running on all fours next to me, he tackled me and was staring down at me. He had brown hair and sharp nails, he went to slash me but I screamed at the top of my lungs, my hands released the energy and it threw him back into a tree. I got up and ran again but was completely ambushed by a figure that looked exactly like Iris. "Iris?"

"Why did you leave me?"

"I-I didn't mean to, I'm so sorry." I walked up next to her and was about to hug her when I noticed her birthmark wasn't there. I drew my eyebrows together and backed away slowly. "You're not my sister."

Iris turned into a tall, blue-skinned, woman. I gasped but before I could go anywhere else, a blast of lightning struck in front of the blue lady. Fog covered the terrain and I started panicking. A figure ran over to me wearing a leather suit, "Are you alright?"


"Come with us, we will keep you safe."

One of the figures had long, white, hair. It appeared that she was causing the weather to shift. The other figure had red hair, like me. I followed the two women onto a jet, while the one with white hair piloted the jet, the other stayed in the back with me. "What's your name?"


"I'm Jean, I am a doctor. I'm going to check for injuries, okay?"


"Breath in for me, did you feel any discomfort?"

I took in a deep breath and started coughing. "Something in my rib cage hurts."

"Alright, just lay back and I'll take x-rays when we get to the school."


"Yes, a special school for children like you,"

"Like me?"

"Yes, you're a very gifted young lady,"

I looked around and Jean smiled at me, "That's my gift."

"You have telekinesis and telepathy?"

"That's right,"

I smiled, "That's awesome, I don't even know what I am,"

"The professor will help you figure it out and he will teach you how to control your abilities. I promise."

"Thank you, Jean," I said with my eyes getting heavy, I saw her smile at me before I fell asleep.


I woke up screaming again, I immediately covered my mouth and looked around, no one was there thankfully, I couldn't imagine hurting someone else. "Hello?" I called out, "Is anyone there?"

I heard footsteps down the hallway. I was in a white room that was spotless, the table I laid on was a silver color and I was still in my previous clothing. I sat up and winced at the pain in my ribs. The doors opened and I looked to see who it was, "Don't move, you could hurt yourself further."


"Tristen it's okay,"

I saw a small amount of blood at her ears, "What did I do?!"

"Tristen, it's nothing, I was the only one affected."

"I'm so sorry," I said and started crying. "I didn't mean to,"

"Hey, I'm alright. The professor will help you learn how to control this."

"I can't stay here if this is a school, I could kill someone else."

"What are you talking about?" Jean whispered.

"My sister, she's dead because of me."

"I'm sure that's not true-"

"Look inside my head,"

Jean sighed and set her hands above my temples and shut her eyes. When they opened, she looked at me with confusion. "You're a banshee?"

"A what?"

The door opened again and in came three more figures. One was the white-haired lady. The other two were men and I didn't recognize them. "She's the most powerful banshee I've ever seen." The man in the wheelchair said.

"Tristen, this is professor Charles Xavier, Scott Summers, and Storm."

I looked at each of them and felt like crying. "Please find a way to help me,"

"You don't need help," The professor said. "You need guidance." His smile was kind and I felt hope, I think I might be able to call this place home.

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