He's just different

By sway12xhype1stories

2.2K 34 0

"He's just different" "He seems like the right one" "I don't know I don't like it" More

Season 1 Intro
Chapter 1 Moving
Moving (pg2)
Moving (pg3)
Moving (pg4)
Moving (pg5)
Moving (pg6)
Moving (pg7)
Chapter 2 boys
Boys (pg2)
Boys (pg3)
Boys (pg4)
Boys (pg6)
Boys (pg7)
Josh? (Pg1)
Josh? (Pg2)
Josh? (Pg3)
Josh? (pg4)
Josh? (pg5)
Josh? (pg6)
Josh? (pg7)
Katherine fucking mikelson (pg1)
Katherine fucking mikelson (pg2)
Katherine fucking mikelson (pg3)
Katherine fucking mikelson (pg4)
Katherine fucking mikelson (pg5)
Katherine fucking mikelson (pg6)
Katherine fucking mikelson (pg7)
Wait what? (Pg1)
Wait what? (Pg2)
Wait what? (Pg3)
Wait what? (pg4)
Wait what? (pg5)
Wait what? (pg6)
Wait what? (pg7)
Wait what? (pg8)
FUN (pg1)
FUN (pg2)
Fun (pg3)
Fun (pg4)
FUN (pg5)
FUN (pg6)
FUN (pg7)
Fun (pg8)

Boys (pg5)

28 1 0
By sway12xhype1stories

You wake up and go downstairs to see Damon Stefan Bonnie klaus Tyler Caroline Hayley and Rebekah obviously you hug everyone
You: not to sound rude but why are you all here
Damon: well we want to be here
You: mk
Klaus: hey that guy didn't come over yesterday
You: right he was um we like I cut him off
Klaus: why
You: because you said I have to get along with josh and they hate each other for whatever reason
Caroline smirks and everyone gets the hint
You: why are you all smirking
Caroline: no reason
You all hang out for a few hours then they leave
You: wow that was pretty early that they were here
They agree
Damon: maybe we should all like go out with Anthony of course
You: maybe another time because well klaus
Stefan: agreed
Noah: are you still gonna try and kill me
You: I wouldn't mind
Noah: your lucky it wasn't klaus who died
You sit down calmly
Anthony: your lucky your still alive
He chuckles
Klaus: yea I'm surprised Katherine hasn't hurt you yet
Noah: can't wait till she does it gets me feeling a certain way
You: that's the effect I do on people
You smile
You go on Twitter and see kaden posting something about you
Kaden: we love when the Katherine mikelson breaks up with you for some random boy
Caroline is looking at your phone too you retweet his tweet with a comment
You: we were never dating
As soon as you tweet that your phone keeps on buzzing with people talking about how powerful you are and that
Klaus: are you gonna check your phone or should I
Caroline blurts: she will!
You open the phone to see he tweeted again
Kaden: we both liked each other
You retweet it and reply: I didn't like you I wanted to be friends
Kaden re tweets your tweet and reply's: so you ditched me for whoever that boy it
You re tweet it and reply: at least he doesn't force me to not hang out with people
Kaden re tweets it: I didn't want you to hang out with any boy
You retweet: but the thing is your acting like I even know you all I know is your name is kaden so obviously I wasn't gonna go of dating you
Kaden retweets: understandable
You then don't reply at all because it would be pointless
Caroline: hey who's that at the door
She asks you
You look and you know you have seen that face before
You: I don't know but I feel like I know him
Klaus: you willing to go check
You: sure
You go to the door and as soon as you get there someone knocks
You open the door and see a guy
You: do I know you
???: yes yes you do you and Caroline know me very well
You give him a confused face
You: I don't think we do
Your about to shut the door
???: I wouldn't do that if I were you
You open the door again
You: can I help you?
???: funny you ask
He pulls you outside
???: I'm surprised you don't remember me
You: I know your face because I swear iv seen it before but I can't remember you at all
???: maybe I'll remind you then
He comes close to you and whispers against your neck some words but you aren't paying attention because the feeling takes over you
His head is against your neck and he looks at your neck
???: can't wait to ruin your neck
You back away
You: I'm sorry but I really don't want to start anything and I don't exactly know you
???: I'll remind you two words delena klaroline
You take a second to remember him then you do
You nervously laugh
You: so what are you doing here
???: I'm making sure my favourite girls aren't dating anyone
You: can I go now
???: Katherine Katherine Katherine
You: whatever your name is x3
???: honestly I'm upset that you don't remember it's claudio
Your eyes widen and your speechless your also kind of scared
Caroline comes outside
Caroline: who is it
Claudio shuts the door
Claudio: Claudio
Her eyes widen
You: so what exactly do you need
Claudio: your friend Tyler has something I need
You: which is
Claudio: he has some cash and some rings of mine
You: does it really matter
He comes cm away from your face
Claudio: yes
You: what are we meant to do about it
Claudio: I want you both to get it ba-
You: but if it's with Tyler why don't you get it
He grabs your hand
Claudio: you see Katherine I like you not normal type of like I'm sorta of the person who would do anything to spend seconds with you and right now that's what I'm doing so I would prefer you guys get the things from Tyler now before I keep you with me forever
He lets go of your hand and walks away
You both get in the car drive to Tyler's house and get the stuff then come back
???: I'm assuming you have it
You turn around and see Claudio at your car your at the door
You: here
You hand him the stuff
Caroline: now please leave us alone
You both go in the house
Josh: wow I never knew it could take hours to answer a door
Caroline: haha very funny
Klaus: k-
Your phone rings
You: one sec
You answer the phone while walking into the kitchen
You: helloooo
???: are you the daughter of kate mikelson
You: yes
???: well can you just assure us
You: sure um I'm Katherine mikelson I can send you a picture of my birth certificate
???: when did you run away
You: august 27th
???: when did klaus run away
You: august 27
???: and Anthony
You: august 27
???: great now that we know your the daughter of late mikelson
You: yea I am her daughter
???: she's dead
You: h-how can she possibly be dead
You chuckle
???: we are going to give her body to the lab to check if she's really dead
You: wait! Can I see her
???: of course that's quite why we called you we want you to come only you
You: why only me she has three children
???: but there's something about you that we can't exactly figure out
You: I'll be on my way
???: thank you for your time
You: all good
You end the call and you start picking up all your stuff
Klaus: what's going on
You: I just have to go meet someone I'll be back in a hour or so
You leave and go visit your mum you feel extremely upset but you go faster and faster and get there in under 20 mins
You get in the hospital and rush straight to your mums room
Doctor: the chances in waking her up are 0 but how ever you can always try
You feel like crying right now and there are tears in your eyes
You: but she's my mum she can't die
The doctor hugs you and leaves
You: mum? Please wake up you know I love you and klaus loves you and Anthony loves you and we can't live without you dads finally gone it hurts but we know it was what's best. Your the only person who can relate to all of us mum you hold us together your like the glue to the puzzle, me klaus and Anthony are famous now right but who raised us you did you raised us and I want to grow up and have kids being raised the way you raised us. If you leave who's gonna protect klaus? I can always try and Anthony can aswell but we aren't enough to protect him you can! Mum without you what would we be? Without you I wouldn't have grew up with amazing siblings they can be extremely aggressive at times but they are the best and I don't want to have to tell them that mom died. They would be heart broken and we don't get upset mum we never get upset but family is important to us and your family I don't want you gone mom your the only one left dads gone everyone gone it's just you me klaus and Anthony. Or me klaus and Anthony.
You kiss her forehead

Then you go home and when your back home you see no one but josh
Josh: they went to get food
You: and klaus
Josh: sleeping
You: Caroline
Josh: food
You nod you sit down josh sits down next to you and pulls him onto your shoulder
You: I'm gonna go to bed
Josh: you can sleep here it's fine
He pulls you onto his lap and you put your arms around his neck your legs around his waist he covers the two of you because your on him and he holds you tight then you put your head on his shoulder and he puts his hand on the back of your head
Josh: sleep bubs
You instantly fall asleep like after a few minutes your sleeping

While your asleep:

Soon the boys and Caroline arrive
Caroline: is Katherine still not back
Josh: shhh
Caroline: why
Josh: she's asleep
Caroline: she's upstairs how's she gonna hear
You: she isn't
Caroline walks to josh and sees that your on him and both covered
Caroline: you guys have to come see this
Everyone awws
Damon: she's so gonna freak out when she wakes up
Stefan: let's take photos and annoy her with it they do exactly that
Klaus: what's all the fuss about
Bryce: come look at you bestie and your sister
Klaus looks at you asleep
Klaus: well she looks peaceful and tired and like she's just like died and came back to life.
Anthony: yeah I think she's having a bad dream
Quinton: about what
Anthony: I'm not sure
Josh: maybe she's just peacefully sleeping and you guys find it hard to believe
Everyone laughs and you move a little that makes josh groan
Everyone looks at him
Blake: dude what's she doing to you
Josh: nothing
Jaden: she probably just moved and moved in the wrong space
Josh: that's exactly what she done
You move again and josh groans again
Jaden: you should fix that
Josh: I dont want to wake her up
Klaus: she's a heavy sleeper she'll be fine
Josh stands up
Anthony: your taking her with you?
Josh: yea she's a heavy sleeper she won't notice?
Anthony: yea but not that much of a heavy sleeper
Josh: ok then I won't go
He sits back down
Jaden: just give her to me fix yourself then come back and hold her again
He gives you to Jaden carefully without waking you up and Jaden sits down carefully as josh goes and takes care of himself...
after 10 minutes he comes back
Klaus: are your hands clean
Josh: duh
He immediately takes you away from Jaden and holds you again in the same position as before with his hands around your waist as it's under the cover.
Soon later like a hour later you wake up and realise your on josh you don't want to do anything so you keep still with your eyes still shut after a few minutes they try waking you up and you act like your sleeping then suddenly wake up
You: whe- sorry for sleeping on you but thanks
You walk away and after your like already in the kitchen
Josh: your welcome
Bryce: you have to stop doing that
Josh: doing what
Caroline: answering extremely late
Stefan: yea she obviously won't like you if you don't reply to her
Damon: yea she's gonna think you don't like her
Josh starts freaking out
You walk back in
You: uhm
Damon: don't worry about it
You: ok?
Klaus: hey can you get me water
You: i guessed you would ask that
You throw a bottle of water at him
Klaus: well how nice of you
You: thank you
Josh: your welcome
You: I was- who's he- you kn- never mind
You look at josh funny and sit down
Josh: let's go out tonight to eat
Everyone agrees
Stefan: well here's the thing
Damon: we should get going because we're going on a road trip
Everyone's hugs them and they leave
Caroline: Katherine
You groans
Caroline: outfit time
You both walk upstairs and the boys laugh after a hour everyone is dressed and downstairs you all drive to the place when you get there your sitting beside Caroline and Josh
Caroline starts talking to you
Caroline: what are you gonna get
You open the menu and you both look at it
Caroline: should we get this or this
You: idrm tbh
Caroline: if we get nuggets it would be nice but we got those last time
You: true what about chicken wings
Caroline: yes fried chicken
You: agreeable should we share
Caroline: yes there's 12 pieces we can each have 6
You: I'll probably eat 2
Caroline: same
You both laugh
You: ok ok drinks
Caroline: I really want lemonade
You: it wouldn't match with the chicken
Caroline: we should get fizzy juice
You: yes I like that idea
Caroline: but should we order dessert
You: the things they have here are just basic things that we can make
You both gasp
Both: let's do it
You: when we get home
Caroline: ice cream
You: cake
Caroline: doughnuts
You: cup cakes
Caroline: Turkish delight
You: eeeek I'm so excited
You both quietly squeal


I keep staring at Katherine I don't know why but I can't keep my eyes of her lately
I then feel someone punch my arm
Me: for what
I punch his arm
Jaden: you should do something
Me: I just don't wanna distract her
Anthony: I mean there's two things you can do 1) not to do anything
Bryce: 2) do something that will catch her attention
Me: I know what to do but I'm scared she doesn't like it
Quinton: do it on me
I put my hand on his thigh
Quinton: she would find that cute
I slide my arm up higher to his ...
Me: that's what I want to do
Blake: I say go for it
Klaus: that will most likely get her feeling some type of way
Me: I know
Anthony: but she can be really different when she feels... what's the word
Jaden: h•rn¥
Anthony: yup
Me: well she can't be that aggressive when we are in a restaurant
Blake: josh most girls won't do anything in a restaurant but do something when they get home
Me: should I do it
All: yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
While Katherine and Caroline are talking out of no where I put my hand on her thigh and dosent do anything so I take it as a opportunity to go higher

End of POV

Josh puts his hand on your thigh you don't make anything of it then he puts his hand on your inner thighs and goes higher then starts rubbing his hand on your inner thigh
You ignore it and continue to talk with Caroline then josh puts his hand a little higher you grab his hand and put it back low and rest your hand on his Caroline notices and squeals
You both continue talking
Caroline: you know you really need to choose a boy there's so many that are after you and by that I mean so many that you see/talk to a lot
You instantly feel eyes on you but ignore it
You: I can't exactly talk to boys because klaus and Anthony wouldn't really allow it
She laughs
Caroline: but if you had to choose let's say 3 boys
You: mhm
Caroline: who would you choose
You: I'll tell you at home I feel like someone's watching me
Klaus: hey what are you guys gonna order
You: what did we say we were gonna get
Caroline: chicken
You: oh yea
You: chicken
Klaus: wings
You: yuh but we are gonna share
Caroline: the 8 set please
Klaus: drinks
Caroline: fizzy juice
Klaus: dessert
You: none

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