She (harry potter x female re...

By elliedunn1

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"Father won't be pleased with you y/n." Draco said sternly. "Well daddy dearest isn't here right now is he?"... More

Year 3 Chapter 1 - Leaving Malfoy Manor
Year 3 Chapter 3 - The Grim
Year 3 Chapter 4 - Brotherly Love
Year 3 Chapter 5 - Bloody Dementors
Year 3 Chapter 6 - Happy Christmas
Year 3 Chapter 7 - He Was Their Friend
Year 3 Chapter 8 - The Map Lies?
Year 3 Chapter 9 - A Picnic I Suppose
Year 3 Chapter 10 - Goodbye Buckbeak, Hello Moonlight
Year 3 Chapter 11 - Rewind
Year 3 Chapter 12 - Saving The Innocent
Year 3 Chapter 13 - The Dreaded Goodbye And Return
Year 4 Chapter 1 - Back To Malfoy Manor

Year 3 Chapter 2 - Train Ride Talks

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By elliedunn1

Pottah! Pottah! Is it true you fainted? Like you actually fainted?!


Molly made everyone go to bed early since we had to get to the Hogwarts Express the next morning.

y/n was quite excited to finally be able to go back to Hogwarts after being with her awful father and annoying brother all summer.

Harry, Ron, Hermione and y/n all went into y/n's room to talk before going to bed.

"There were so many pyramids." Ron said while talking about his trip to Egypt.

Hermione was holding Crookshanks, Ron was holding scabbers, o/n was in his cage sleeping and Hedwig was in Harry's room.

Hermione sat admiring Crookshanks.

"Can you quit admiring that bloody menace?" Ron said to her as she was still staring at him petting his fur.

"Ronald, Crookshanks has done nothing to you or Scabbers now stop calling him a menace." she said not looking up from the orange cat once.

Harry and y/n exchanged glances and burst into laughter.

"What are you two on about?" Ron asked as Harry and y/n simply shrugged and burst into laughter once again.

This left Hermione confused as she finally had looked up from Crookshanks.

"Alright, Alright off to bed... now! Go on!" Molly said as Ron rolled his eyes and walked out of the room. Hermione and Harry both said goodnight to y/n before also exiting her room.

Once they had left she flopped down on her bed and began to think,

Harry did look quite good today... hold on... I have never thought of that before, he's my best friend.

With that she shrugged and got up to put on her bed clothes.


The next morning y/n woke up to the sound of Molly knocking on her door to wake her up. She had breakfast ready and told her to get dressed because they had to leave for the train in an hour.

y/n jumped out of bed she was so excited to be going back home. She god dressed and skipped downstairs for breakfast.

Everyone was already down and eating at the long table. Fred and George were in a fired conversation about quidditch which she thought of joining and sat down in between Fred and Harry.

"Good Morning y/n" the twins chorused in unison.

"Morning y/n." Harry said with a soft smile "Morning!" She replied.

"So are you trying for quidditch again this year, Miss Malfoy?" George asked. y/n had been chaser since first year.


"Give it here Malfoy or I'll knock you off your broom!" Harry said.

"No y/n don't you dare go up there, you don't even know how to fly!"

Oh yes I do y/n thought as she kicked off the ground her and Draco both knew how to fly quite well but y/n always thought she was better.

She quickly went after him as Draco threw the remembrall passed both Harry and y/n. Harry quickly went to grab it and caught it right outside Mcgonagall's office everyone cheered as Harry threw it to y/n and they both flew down.

Draco was furious.

Mcgonagall had called them both to come inside and made y/n chaser and Harry seeker of the Gryffindor house team, youngest players in a century.


She smiled at the memory "Definitely." She stated before pouring her cereal.

"What about you Mr Potter?" Fred asked

"Oh... yeah yeah for sure" he said. "Alright then it's settled-" "-our team will pretty much be the same." Fred and George said connecting sentences.

Once everyone had finished eating they loaded everyones stuff and headed off to Kings Cross station and Platform 9¾.

Ron nudged Harry for they hadn't taken the train last year. Ron had saved him from the Dursleys but Dobby closed the barrier so they couldn't get through so Ron and Harry took Arthurs flying car.

He received a howler for that.




They made it to the wall in between platforms 9 and 10 and they all took turns running through the barrier starting with Percy and ending with y/n.

y/n hoped she wouldn't run into her family before boarding the train but just as she turned she crashed carts with her twin brother Draco.

"Father is not pleased with you y/n." She stared back at him not saying a word.

"You need to start steering clear of that Potter y/n"

she simply smirked and said "I can be friends with whoever I want" in a fake proper voice before walking off to catch up with her friends.

Draco rolled his eyes and continued to board the train.

Once she caught up, they boarded the train and the quartet started looking for a place to sit. "Come on, everywhere else is full." Hermione said tilting her head to a compartment not entirely empty.

There was a man there that they have never seen before. "Who is that?" Ron asked.

"Professor R.J. Lupin." Hermione answered with no hesitation.

"How did you know that? How is it she knows everything?" He asked.

"It's on his bag Ronald." She replied in a kind of annoyed tone.

"Do you think he's really asleep?" Harry quickly asked.

"He seems to be." y/n said.

"Good, I need to tell you guys something" Harry said as he shut the compartment door.


"So Sirius Black escaped Azkaban to kill you?!" Ron asked in a worried tone.

"Yeah and Ron your dad told me to watch y/n and keep her safe-"

"Why?" y/n quickly shot. She was a bit taken aback by this.

"I can look after myself, thank you." She said with her nose in the air.

"I don't know." Harry said "It may have something to do with your father."

Of course everything that happens to me is always my fathers fault. She thought.

For some time they all sat quietly. y/n was reading a muggle book about these people who were in a game where they had to kill everyone and be the last one to survive. Hermione was reading Hogwarts: A History like she always did. Ron was eating and Harry was lost in his thoughts. I few times y/n caught him staring at her but each time he quickly turned away and he felt his face grow hot.

What is going on with me? He thought until suddenly the train came to a halt.

"We can't be there yet. Maybe we've broken down?" Hermione said as the light went off.

"Ouch Ron, that's my foot!" She yelped.

"Something's moving out there." Ron said with both of his hands on the window. The window started to slowly freeze. The train jolted again making Rons hands fall from the window leaving handprints from the cold.

"What's going on?" y/n asked in a worried tone.

"I don't know." Harry answered flatly.

All of a sudden a dark hooded figure approached their compartment.

Scabbers squeaked, Crookshanks hissed and o/n and Hedwig screeched from their cages.

The figure opened the compartment door and went right for Harry.

The professor stood up and said some sort of spell none of them recognized and they saw silver wisps come out of his wand and the creacher went away.

After that Harry heard a woman's scream and passed out pulling y/n down with him causing her to hit her head and fall to the ground letting out a groan.

She rubbed her head and not long after Harry sat up and realized that him and y/n were both on the ground.

He quickly asked what happened and if she was okay.

"Yeah I'm fine." She said still rubbing the back of her head.

"Are you?" She asked "Yeah I think so... did any of you guys uhh pass out?" He asked.

"No Harry." Hermione said flatly.

"Yeah we thought you were having a fit or something!" Ron said. y/n nodded in agreement and let out a small ouch when she moved her neck.

"Must have nicked it." She said turning to Harry. "It's your fault you just had to drag me down with you" she said with a smirk.

He rolled his eyes and helped her back up onto the seat. "Here I'll rub it for you." She let out a small thanks as he rubbed her hurting neck.

"Here eat this," said Professor Lupin, "you'll feel better... I will be right back, I need to go have a word with the driver."

The quartet nodded as he left the compartment.


Once the train started up again they continued their journey to Hogwarts. Once they arrived they grabbed their trunks and pets and headed toward the carriages.

Harry offered to carry y/n's trunk for her because of her neck but she kindly declined.

At this Ron and Hermione looked at each other and smirked. Harry noticed this and rolled his eyes.

The ride to the castle was short but nice.

This ride would be so much nicer if Ron and Hermione would stop arguing over their pets. Harry thought.

As if reading his mind y/n whispered "They sound like an old married couple." and they both tried not to laugh but failed, Ron and Hermione were too busy arguing to even notice.

Once they made it to the castle everyone went into the great hall. Their trunks were always in their dorms already after the feast.

Mcgonagall stopped them at the entrance of the hall and made Harry and y/n stay back to get checked out by Madam Pomfrey to make sure they were alright before they could go to the feast.

This meant Harry would miss yet another sorting because he missed it second year when he took the flying car with Ron. y/n remembered when she was sorted like it was yesterday.


"Malfoy, y/n?" She got up and walked slowly over to the three legged stool shaking furiously.

Draco was already smirking from the Slytherin table with his awful Slytherin friends.

"Hmmmmmm very interesting." the hat said from on top of her head. That hat was hesitating and the hat never hesitates.

"I see your twin was with no doubt put in Slytherin but I don't feel the same for you Miss Malfoy"

The hat went on, "I feel a kind heart, will always be there for her friends, I sense bravery and loyalty... maybe Hufflepuff? No. You are bold. Ravenclaw? You seem to have some wit. " he continued. "

Now Slytherin, Slytherin would guide you to your family's wishes, maybe I should make it easier for them to control you?"

"Anything but Slytherin." She whispered so only the hat could hear.

"Not Slytherin? GRYFFINDOR" everyone burst into applause as she trotted over to the Gryffindor table and sat herself in between the Weasley twins and Harry across from Ron and Hermione.

All of them smiling at her, that's when she found her real family. She turned to find Draco and he just shook his head at her in disappointment and mouthed "Father won't be happy with this."

She ignored him and turned back around to smile at her friends.


They went to the hospital wing while Madam Pomfrey fussed over the both of them.

She forced another bit of chocolate down Harry's throat and she made y/n  put ice on her neck and advised care until it didn't hurt anymore.

They were sent back to the great hall just as the sorting ended and the feast began.

There was the Hogwarts Choir singing Double Trouble as everyone was eating. Everyone applauded when they finished the song.

"Perfect timing, I'm starving!" y/n said while sitting down.

Ron already had a plate full of food and was eating a drumstick. Hermione shook her head at him while she helped herself to some mashed potatoes.

Dumbledore tapped his glass with his spoon to get everyone's attention.

"Welcome! Welcome to another year at Hogwarts. Now, I'd like to say a few words...before we all become too befuddled by our excellent feast." He continued.

"First, I'm pleased to welcome Professor R.J. Lupin...who's kindly consented to fill the post...of Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. Good luck, professor." Dumbledor announced.

"Pottah! Pottah! Is it true you fainted? Like you actually fainted?!" Draco sneered as we all turned to him.

"Oh shove off Malfoy." Ron said while turning Harry back to face the table.

"Ignore him," y/n said, "he's a git."

"No kidding" Harry replied

Dumbledore continued, "Our Care of Magical Creatures teacher...has decided to order to spend more time with his remaining limbs."

"Fortunately, I'm delighted to announce...that his place will be taken by none other...than our own Rubeus Hagrid. "

Harry, y/n, Ron and Hermione all clapped the loudest for their friend and now their teacher, they clapped with huge smiles on their faces.

"Finally, on a more disquieting the request of the Ministry of Magic...Hogwarts will, until further notice, play host to the dementors of Azkaban...until such a time as Sirius Black is captured." Dumbledore said.

"The dementors will be stationed at every entrance to the grounds. Now whilst I've been assured...that their presence will not disrupt our day-to-day activities...a word of caution."

He continued..."Dementors are vicious creatures. They'll not distinguish...between the one they hunt and the one who gets in their way. Therefore, I must warn each and every one of give them no reason to harm you. It is not in the nature of a dementor to be forgiving."

"But you know, happiness can be found...even in the darkest of times...if one only remembers to turn on the light." He finished with a smile.


After the feast everyone head back to their common rooms to go to bed. Harry was quite nervous about the dementors being at Hogwarts but he decided not to say anything to the others.

He went to bed that night with a feeling that this would be a long and hard year.


Hey guys! This chapter is a bit longer than the last one I am hoping to write longer chapters in the future but since I am a knew writer I will only be improving, right? I am going to be updating faster for a few days to get this story started up so you guys have something to work with then I will switch to writing once or twice a week maybe more? But never less!

I am very excited for whats up ahead!

Please don't be afraid to comment and give feedback and also if you guys could vote on the chapters and share this story with your friends that would be great!

Also I hope you guys like the images as a little pop of color and some visuals <3

My tiktok is _ellie.dunn but thats all I have to say for now!

Until next chapter!


(2549 words)

(published on January 31st 2021)


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