Zodiac Highschool

By lynncisco

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In a universe called Zodea, these twelve individually different teenagers had been accepted into a "normal" h... More

°• Character Descriptions•°
Chapter 1- New School
Background characters
Chapter 2- Adult drama
Chapter 3- Sleepover time
Chapter 4- Caught
Chapter 5- Library Of Secrets
Chapter 6- Sports day out
Chapter 7- Familliar face
Chapter 8- Bittersweet
Chapter 9- News
Chapter 10- Practice
Chapter 11- Costumes
Chapter 12- We Meet Again
Chapter 13- Hacking Help
Chapter 14- The life of a teacher
Chapter 15- Day Out
Chapter 16- Suspicion & Reveals
Chapter 17- Newfound grudges
~☆The Halloween Special☆~
Chapter 18- Mystery
Chapter 19- The Play
Chapter 20- The 4th Galaxy
~☆The Christmas Special☆~
~☆New Years Special☆~
~♡Valentine's Special♡~
Chapter 22- Who?
Chapter 23- Amusement Adventures
Chapter 24- Only For You
Chapter 25- Near demise
Chapter 26- The Unknown
Chapter 27- Insignificance
Chapter 28- Ambivalence
Chapter 29- Evanescence

Chapter 21- Attempts

3.3K 60 88
By lynncisco

Hi all! I'm sorry for not updating much, I was working on a video for my channel which I finally finished! Anyways, I won't talk too much, let's get onto the chapter!

Chapter's song:

~Where we started~

Scorpio's POV

We were still in the 4th Galaxy of Bangladesh on our class trip, not that it mattered much. I didn't mind this trip which may be shocking to people as they see me as someone who wouldn't be intrested in sunny weather, beaches and marine life but then again, there's more to me that meets the eye. I'm not someone that would open up easily to people like Cancer would, Infact, I'm the exact opposite, I've got trust issues. Why would I trust these little pieces of shit that are my so-called 'classmates'? They're insane, and they know it.

I'll state what I think of each of them, starting with Aries. Aries isn't that bad, she doesn't bother me and minds her own business. Taurus, I slightly dislike her. Gemini I find plain annoying, pranking people isn't necessary 'fun' to the victims. Gemina.. don't even get me started on her, she's blinded by her obsession for me. No matter how many attempts I've tried to nicely tell her to leave me alone, she'd stick onto me like a gluestick, hell, she even looks like a gluestick. Moving onto Cancer, I guess I don't mind her much, she's the least idiotic one out of the bunch. Tho she could be quite näive at times, which is bad at times as she could get herself into malicious situations without knowing herself, being completely oblivious to everything around her.

I don't have to explain my thoughts on Leo, she's a bitch and she knows it. She has a fucking shopping obsession, it's not that hard to not go inside a shop and spend almost all of your money on useless shit. Not to mention, she's a fucking narcissist, which makes me despise her even more. Virgo I don't talk to, so I wouldn't have an opinion on her although Capricorn has told me of how much of a bitch she is. Thinking about it, she's Leo's bestfriend afterall and if Leo is a fucking deluded bitch, Virgo might aswell be too. Libra I don't mind him either, he only ever speaks to me when needed, other than that, he's always either talking with Gemini & Aquarius, his fangirls, or blankly annoying Aries by flirting with her.

Sagittarius I find annoying aswell. She's just like Gemini, always laughing and pranking people. She has a loudmouth and talks way too much about her past adventures and storytimes. Capricorn I find the least annoying along Cancer, as for Aquarius and Pisces, they're quite okay.

That brings me to Ophiuchus. I'd like to have a word with that snake-stealing bastard, knowing he stole from me. That's where he messed up. Nobody steals from me, I'm bound to make him regret his decision, make him fume in rage, anger, and agony, making him instantly regret taking what's mine and mine only. I was truly pissed off that day, knowing that constipated shithead had the nerve to even touch what's mine. I'll make sure to make him suffer, worser than Libra's rage towards him.

That's why today I've planned on skipping the class activities to meet up with Cancer, Gemini, Capricorn and Virgo in an attempt to get the book back, or atleast think of a solution, a plan without getting noticed by the rest of our class, or should I say, librarian Salemn. Sure, we 'stole' his property, his book, but words can't describe the mystery and philosophy behind it. It gave off a peculiar aura off when it had caught my attention in the library that day, I couldn't put my finger on it but I was instantly drawn towards it. It must be special considering it having atleast two of our classmates' name's written on the first few pages, which shocked us. Who wouldn't be? Seeing the name's of the people you know engraved onto an old mystical book is hysterical. Especially if we weren't allowed to touch or pick up the book, it was all sketchy.

"Scorpio, get into a group, we're going surfing." Jupiter crossed her arms, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"I don't want to participate" I muttered

"Coward!" Leo laughed

"I'm not a coward, I just don't want to include myself in this activity, you pathetic bitch." I rolled my eyes

"Yeah! Not everyone wants to go surfing Leo" Gemina defended

"Girl shut up, you're only saying that because you want to get onto depressing guy's good side" Leo pointed out

"Ooo! Gemina she called you out!" Aquarius laughed

"I want a catfight!" Taurus chanted

"Leo come on, you're really going to waste your time on this bitch?" Libra asked

"Oh I fucking am! There hasn't been any fights recently and this sounds exciting" She grinned

"Wouldn't you ruin your outfit or anything?" Pisces asked

"Yeah, don't you care about your appearance?" Gemini chimed in

"Whatever, you're right. I guess I wasn't really that bothered"

"That's the spirit! I'm glad you're not going to fight her afterall, we're in my home galaxy and I'm not sure of how the citizens would react to seeing a foreigner try to demise their classmate" Cancer said

"Cancer, nobody cares if we're in your home galaxy. You've said that over five times now" Gemina commented

"I'm sorry if it bothers you, I'll try to lessen it" Cancer apologised

"Shut up, I don't care dummkopf." Gemina harshly said

"Dummkopf" means "dumbhead" in German

"Gemina, that was kind of rude.." Aries pointed out

"What? She is one. Ich bin ehrlich" She shrugged

"Ich bin ehrlich" is supposed to mean "I'm being honest" sorry I used a translator

"Aber sie hat nichts getan" Aries said

"Aber sie hat nichts getan" means "But she didn't do anything"

"English please" Sagittarius coughed

"The point is, we're not participating" Capricorn stated

"We? You're not doing it either Capri?" Aquarius raised a brow as Capricorn shook his head

"Neither am I, sorry not sorry!" Gemini grinned

"You little lying shit! You said we'd have a surfboarding fight!" Sagittarius exclaimed

"Maybe tomorrow, we still have a few days here you know." He suggested

"Just a heads up, I'm not doing it either" Virgo said

"Wow, you're all copying Aries' behaviour in skipping sports" Taurus laughed

"Yeah, and now they're the ones not wanting to participate" Pisces chuckled

"Oh how the tables have turned" Libra smirked

"Pft, I know right!" Aquarius agreed

"We all have reasonable reasons, so I'd fuck off if I were you." I glared, walking away as the four others turned to follow me.

"That was kind of harsh Scorpio" Cancer said, looking up at me

"It shuts them up either way." I commented

"I'm assuming we're all here for the same reason?" Capricorn asked as we all nodded

"Wait, why is Gemini here?!" Virgo exclaimed

"The real question is, why are you here? Same goes to you, Capricorn" Gemini crossed his arms

"They know about the book" Cancer explained

"And none of you told me?!" He over exaggareted as he gasped, causing me to facepalm.

"Yeah and uh.. Scorpio lost the book aswell" She added

"You're all un-be-lievable! I thought we could trust you, mr machoman Scorpio, but I guess even the most secretive person can't keep one little piece of paper safe" He laughed

"Hey, it was that Ophiu-shit that stole it, I'm not the one to blame" I glared

"You couldn't even keep it a secret! How are you called secretive" Gemini laughed even more. I stuck my middle finger at him in annoyance, Gemini immediately gulped as he shut up in fear

"Can't take a joke?" He sheepishly smiled

"But it wasn't his fault, the pessimist Capricorn over here got into an argument with me and that lead us to finding out by accident" Virgo huffed

"As if it weren't you starting the argument, imperfect imbecile" Capricorn glared

"You always blame me for everything! It was your fault that we got into an argument" She glared back

"How was it my fault? You were the one that 'kindly' decided to criticise me, bitch!" He argued

"Shut up you two! You're causing another argument, we're not here to third wheel to your conversation" Gemini said as they rolled their eyes, mumbling a 'whatever'

"Alright. We're going to try and steal that book back now, understood?" I announced as everyone nodded their heads.

We all searched for Ophiuchus' apartment, as it was part 1 of the plan: distraction. I know for a fact that Ophiuchus isn't dumb, he knows what he's doing. Or atleast, I think he is. You never know, what if he isn't as sneaky as he puts himself out to be? We can't be sure if he really meant to steal the book, but then again, nobody trusts him except for one person.We decided to select Cancer as a distraction, as she got along with almost everyone. We hid behind a wall as she nervously walked up to him.

"Ophiuchus! I need to talk to you" Cancer said as he turned around

"About what?" He raised a brow

"Ah uh.. I need a little help from you.. come, this way!" She grabbed his wrist and headed to the complete opposite direction from us, making safe and clear for us to enter and go inside.

We examined the place carefully in attempt to find the book, as we did, I stumbled across a picture of me. I scrunched my face in disgust until the thought stroke me; Gemina shares this apartment with Ophiuchus. Meaning that the picture most likely belonged to her, knowing her fetish for me. She could've atleast bothered trying to hide it, it would've been better hidden than seen by me.

"Where do you think his room is?" Capricorn asked

"Probably the left. Gemina is kinda superstitious, and because of that she always chooses anything on the right" Gemini explained

"Is she right handed or something?" I questioned

"No actually, she's left handed" Virgo said

"Then why the fuck would she choose everything on the right if she's a lefty" Capricorn commented

"I'm not her, I wouldn't obviously know you dimwit." She rolled her eyes

"She's the only left handed one in our entire class aswell" Gemini pointed out

"It's rare being left han- hold up. We're not here to have a conversation about Gemina's view of life, get back to focus." I instructed. Gemini was known to get carried away into talking about almost everything. It was no help in our current situation, we were here to take back what's mine.

"I found his bag!" Virgo shouted

"Lower down your fucking tone or we'll be caught 'Mrs. Facts'" Capricorn coldly glared as she huffed.

"Well then, open it" Gemini said

Virgo carefully did as she was told, unzipping the bag but much to her dismay, the zipper got stuck halfway through as we all heavily sighed in annoyance. She tried to zip it back up, instead of helping, it worsened as it got more stuck. Capricorn irritatedly got up and walked to her and the bag, yanking it away from her.

"Let me handle this since you can't do a simple task, delusional bitch" he rolled his eyes whereas Virgo glared at him, looking away in anger. Capricorn attempted to take the book even though the zipper was still stuck halfway through, he didn't care as there was no use trying to unzip the zipper considering it was really stuck and unfixable at this point, it wouldn't even move no matter how much effort he'd put into trying to open it.

"Great job Virgo, you got it stuck. And you call yourself intelligent? Pathetic." Capricorn smirked

"Shut the fuck up and just get the book out already!" She exclaimed in rage

As Capricorn had gotten the book halfway through, muffled voices could be heard outside the door causing everyone to panic as they tensed up.

"Quick! Capri get it out!" Gemini said in a hurry

"I'm trying, can't you see?" He sarcastically responded

"Well try harder!" Virgo attempted to grab the corner of the book. As she did, accidentally brushed through Capricorn's hand, causing it to touch hers. She quickly placed her hands on the other corner of the book, the two attempting to pull it out before the raven-haired boy made it back to the apartments.

"Ophi wait! You need to help me with another thing!" A voice belonging to Cancer had hurriedly said

"Why? I've already wasted my time" Ophiuchus sighed. This caused Virgo and Capricorn to rip half of the book, as we were all getting eager to leave knowing that Ophiuchus was near

"You ripped it in hal-"

"Shut up, it's either taking a piece of it or leaving empty handed" He whispered, interrupting Virgo. They got up, running through the back door. The door knob was twisted open right as I left, Ophiuchus standing there confused, blankly staring as the apartment looked just fine.

"Oh uh.. I'm going to ask Scorpio for help now! Thank you for your time Ophiuchus, you really helped me." Cancer hugged him as she then left to find us.

"Did you guys get it?" She asked in hope

"Uh.. sort of?" Gemini mumbled

"What do you mean by that?" She raised a brow. I slowly held up the ripped piece of the book as she gasped at the sight of it, the piece being in a horrible state.

"What happened?!"

"The zipper got stuck and we ran out of time. It's better than nothing..?" Virgo sighed

"Whatever. We'll get the rest some other day, but for now, we have this to examine" I stated, pointing at the book piece.

And that's the end of this chapter! I hope you all enjoyed reading it, it was really time for me to get into the purpose of the story! Now I'll get to work on my next video and all.

-Your Sagittarius friend♐

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