
By pli_play

143 1 0

The Scarlet Moon Empire has been peaceful since the Succession Wars, 15 years earlier, at least in the capita... More

Struggles with Kooluk
Infrastructure and Development
War of Succession
Kalekka and Corruption
Audience with the Emperor
To Magician's Island

Rockland and Mt. Seifu

10 0 0
By pli_play

Upon reaching Rockland, the party makes their way inside the largest building in the town, a mansion that belongs to the military commander of Rockland, Grady.

Guard: "Hey, who are you fellows? This is Master Grady's mansion. You're not allowed in here. What do you want?"

Kanaan: "What did you say?! I'm Kanaan, assistant to Imperial Guard Commander Kraze! Tell Grady to get out here!"

Guard: "What! Y-yes sir, right away. Please wait a moment." The guard enters Grady's office.

Kanaan and the others enter to meet Grady.

Grady: "What is it? Those villagers come to complain again? Get them out of here."

Guard: "No sir. They say they're the Imperial Guard."

Grady: "Whatever they are, I'm busy! Hurry up and...What? Imperial Guard? Did you say Imperial Guard? Why didn't you tell me sooner, you fool! "

Grady leaves his office to meet with Kanaan.

Grady: "Welcome, welcome, members of the Imperial Guard. What brings you to this poor country town? Please come in."

The groups following Grady to his office.

Kanaan: "Humph. Looks like you're doing very well here."

Grady: "Oh no, not at all, sir."

Kanaan: "Forget it. You know why we're here, don't you?"

Grady: "Indeed, sir. About the taxes, right? We've been troubled about that too. You see, some bandits have settled on nearby Mt. Seifu, and have been pillaging the local villages. That's why we've been unable to collect taxes and deliver them to you. But I'm glad there's nothing to be worried about now."

Kanaan: "What do you mean by that?"

Grady: "I speak, of course, of your arrival. The arrival of the courageous National Guard. Getting rid of country bandits should be an easy task for you. You're not afraid of them, I'm sure."

Kanaan: "Ho ho! Of course not. Hmmm, bandits, eh? Ummm...well. We should be okay. We'll crush them like flies. Ho ho ho!"

Cleo: "That's ridiculous. Our mission is to..."

Pahn: "Ha ha! I can't wait. I've been waiting for a good fight."

Ted: "Me too. Let's teach the bandits a lesson. Right, Tir?"

Tir: "We should return home first. draw up plans and make preparations."

Kanaan: "What? I'm the leader of this party, and I say we go fight. Just shut up and follow me, you cowards."

Tir: "Whatever." While patting his forehead.

Gremio: "Young Master, we mustn't."

Tir: "There is no other choice."

Cleo: "Boys will be boys."

Kanaan: "Fine, let's get going. Don't fall back now."

Gremio: "I'm glad of your decision, but do you know where Mt. Seifu is?"

Kanaan: "Sh-shut up. I was just about to ask you."

Grady: "Mt. Seifu is east of Rockland."

Kanaan: "Fine. Now let's go!"

And they travel to Mt. Seifu. Enough distance that they decided to spend the night on the trip.

Cleo: "My feet hurt, like killing me."

Pahn: "I am very hungry."

Ted: "Are we going to have more dried meat for dinner?"

Kanaan: "You idiots and amateurs, let's spend the night here. You kid McDohl get firewood and you Pahn go hunting, and the others go collect something to find for dinner. I'll be waiting here."

Cleo: "How dare you order me and young master, while you are lazing around here."

Ted: "Calm down. Let's go Cleo.". Ted grabbed Cleo's arm.

After doing what Kanaan told them to do, the others went to sleep, while Cleo was still awake.

Gremio: "What are you doing, Cleo."

Cleo: "Lady Leknaat gave me the Fire Rune to look after the young master. She said that it would be useful one day."

Gremio: " Among us only you are using the Magic Rune right now. Pahn's Boar Rune is only an enhancer."

Cleo: "Maybe we should just rest. tomorrow we have to climb the mountain."

Gremio: "Good idea, good night Cleo."

The sun has risen, it's time to continue the journey Climbing Mt. Seifu.

Ted: "How much longer do we have to climb? lots of Ant Soldiers here."

Kanaan: "Can you stop talking. annoying."

The party makes their way to Mt. Seifu. At the cave, they take a breathe.

Kanaan: "Phew! Finally, Mt. Seifu. All of you, don't chicken out because of the bandits. "

Pahn: "And you too."

Kanaan: "Here we go! Pahn, you take the lead."

Pahn: "Why me?"

Kanaan: "Just shut up and go. I'm the leader, so I'll go last."

Pahn: "Pshaw!"

Ted: "This is exciting, isn't it, Tir?"

Tir: "It's tiring."

Gremio: "Ted! Please don't say such things. Young Master, don't put yourself in danger. I Gremio, will be protecting you."

Kanaan: "Hey, let's go!"

The party enters a cave in the side of Mt. Seifu and fights their way through it. After some time they come to a large circular room where a giant monster, a Queen Ant, is waiting.

Gremio: "What is that?"

Pahn: "Watch out she's attacking."

Queen Ant is very strong, Tir's tricks and the other powers are not strong enough to defeat her.

Pahn: "Oh Boar Rune, lend me your strength."

Pahn attacked very hard but had no effect.

Gremio: "Cleo, burn her."

Cleo: "Fire Arrows." That fire burned Queen Ant.

The fire arrow immediately burned Queen Ant, but Queen Ant soon brushed it off. like there was no effect at all.

Tir: "Her magic is too weak."

Cleo:"No! She's too strong."

Pahn: "Damn, she's powerful! We'll never beat her!"

Cleo: "At this rate we'll get wiped out."

Kanaan: "Fools! What are you saying! You must protect me."

Gremio: "Young Master, let's run. I'll protect you."

Cleo: "I don't know if we can make it."

Kanaan: "Do something!"

The others were exhausted, while
Kanaan was not helping at all. seeing that Tir was already exhausted, Ted ventured to do something.

Ted: "Tir, everybody, stand back. I have an idea." While stepping forward doubtfully.

Tir: "Don't be reckless, Ted."

Ted: "Don't worry, Tir. Let me handle this. But... Thanks for being considerate, Tir."

Tir: "What are you doing, let's get out of here."Tir grabbed Ted's arm to try to run away

Ted: "Let me handle this. Did I ever let you down?"

Ted engages the Queen Ant and uses the third level spell of the Soul Eater rune, Hell.

Ted: "Oh, Soul Eater Rune. As your master I cast you to eliminate this monster. Hell!"

The Queen Ant vanishes.

Kanaan: "What the hell??"

Gremio: "Ted! How did you do that?"

Ted:" Sorry, but I can't explain right now. Tir, I'll tell you when we get home. But don't ask now. Anyway, let's get rid of the bandits and go back to Gregminster."

Kanaan: "Hmmm, this must be what Commander Kraze was talking about."
He said to himself.

The party continued it's treck through the mountain, eventually exiting onto the summit and approaching the bandit's fort. Two men are standing in front of the fort when they approach it.

Varkas: "Well well, we have visitors. How unusual. What do you want?"

Kanaan: "Listen up, you bandits. I, Kanaan, Assistant Commander of the Imperial Guard of the Golden Emperor Barbarosa, have come here to teach you a lesson. Turn yourselves in, you tax thieves. "

Varkas: "Did you hear that? He says we're the tax thieves. Listen here, you petty clerk. I'm Varkas the Whirlwind Axe. Sydonia, you introduce yourself too."

Sydonia: "Heh, why bother?" While looking away.

Varkas: "Affable fellow. Anyway, that there is Marksman Sydonia. You Imperial tax robbers better get out of here before you get hurt."

Pahn: "I'm the renowned Imperial hero...''

Cleo: "Shut up! Don't you join in their games." Cleo covered Pahn's mouth with her arm.

Kanaan: "Listen, bandits. If you don't give yourselves up, you'll be sorry. "

Varkas: "You wanna fight? Fellas, go get 'em!"

From inside the fort, several bandits rush out to engage Tir and the party.

Kanaan: "Whoaaaaaa! These guys are serious! W-what are you doing? Hurry up and fight! Fight!"

Kanaan panicked.The six bandits against each of the party members, Kannan could only take cover and panic, not helping at all.

Cleo: "I think the bandit leader is very serious, be careful."

Pahn: "A snob like this is nothing, it's just a waste of time."

Gremio: "Young Master, i Gremio will help you."

The party engages the bandits and emerges the victor.

Varkas: "You guys are hopeless. I'll take you on myself. Sydonia, give me a

Sydonia: "Heh."

Varkas and Sydonia engage the party, Sydonia throwing his weapon and damage Cleo and Pahn as well. Varkas encounter Gremio and Tir as Well, while Ted exhausted.

Ted: "Damn, i ran out arrow, i also get weaker because of effect of Rune."

Tir:"Don't push yourself Ted, you need to retreat, me and the other can handle this." Tir attack Varkas blind spot.

Varkas: "Still readable, young boy." Varkas block Tir's attack.

Gremio: "Young master!"

Sydonia keep throwing his dart, and keep damaging Cleo.

Cleo: "Tch, Water elements darts." Cleo exhausted

Sydonia: "Heh.!" Throwing his darts and hit Pahn's leg.

Pahn: "This is nothing. Cowards."

Varkas: "You guys are weak, especially the captain, he's coward letting you fight while he hiding."

Gremio: "such a nonsense."

Varkas: "Even you two can't beat me, my Hatchet still can hit you."

Gremio: "Elements? Huh."

Varkas: "Good eyes, man. My hatchet wearing two runes, Earth Rune and Lighting Rune. Haha."

Tir: "no it's not two Runes, Gremio get back!"

Varkas dash. Varkas pushed Gremio with speed.

Gremio: "So, another Runes, i guess this one is Holy Rune."

Varkas: " You observed it well, but it's a shame that you guys are such a weak opponent."

Tir smiling.

Tir: "You're good fighter, but sadly your blindspot is too open. Pahn hit him!"

Pahn: "My Boar Rune will end you now." Pahn hit Varkas multiple times, but causing him unbalanced.

Sydonia: "Heh, fools!" Throwing his darts to Pahn. But blocked by Tir.

Pahn: "Young master, I'm so sorry."

Tir: "You read my strategy very well Pahn. Good job."

Kanaan: "Give up, idiot.  you've lost.  catch them."

Varkas and Sydonia defeated as well.

Pahn: "Give up? Ha ha!"

Gremio: "Phew! Are you alright, Young Master?"

Kanaan: "Heh heh heh. That's what you get for defying me."

Cleo: "You didn't do a thing."

Varkas: "Damn. How can I be defeated by Imperial dogs."

Kanaan: "Capture the bandits."

Tir and the others tied the bandits' arms.

Kanaan: "OK, our work is done! Let's get the hell out of here!"

The group makes it's way to the base of the mountain, prisoners in tow.

Pahn: "Phew. That idiot sure moves fast on the way down."

Kanaan: "Hurry it up, you all. We're off to a hero's welcome in Rockland! Ha ha!"

The group makes it's way back to Rockland and to Grady's mansion.

Guard: "Welcome back, Master Kanaan. What happened with the bandits? What, you captured them? I'll get Master Grady right away. Please wait a moment."

The guard heads into the mansion, then Grady emerges to meet the group.

Grady: "You're back so soon. I'm very impressed, Imperial Guardsmen. You didn't waste any time capturing the tax thieves."

Varkas: "What do you mean, tax thieves? You're the tax thief!"

Grady: "We'll place them in this dungeon here. Guards! Take them!"

The guards leads Varkas and Sydonia and also other bandits away.

Grady: "Master Kanaan."

Kanaan: "What?"

Grady: "Please take this. A small gift from the villagers."

Kanaan: "Well, thank you very much."

Grady hands the party a reward of 10,000 potch.

Kanaan: "This is dangerous, so I'll hold on to it."

Kanaan confiscates the reward.

Kanaan: "Thanks to my efforts, the bandits have been captured. Let's get back to Gregminster. I want to report my success to Commander Kraze right away."

The party takes their leave of Rockland and returns to Gregminster, stopping at the front gate.

Kanaan: "This is as far as you have to come. I will report to Commander
Kraze. You can all go home and rest. I'm such a nice guy."

Pahn: "Yeah, so nice it makes me cry. He's planning to take all the credit
for himself."

Cleo: "Let it go Pahn. It wasn't such a big accomplishment anyway. I'm
exhausted. I want to go home and rest."

Tir: "I want to take a shower and then rest."

Gremio: "Young Master, we've been away from home for a long time. I'll fix something special to eat."

Ted: "Great. Gremio, your cooking's terrific."

Kanaan: "Ted, you come with me."

Ted: "What's this about?"

Kanaan: "Oh, nothing much. It'll be over soon. Come along now."

Ted: "OK then. Tir, go on home. I'll see you later. Besides, I have something to tell you."

Kanaan: "Let's go, Ted."

Kanaan and Ted leave the party and go to the Imperial Palace, while the remainder of the group head back to the McDohl mansion.


Keywords :

- Varkas

He is a bandit from Mt. Seifu and is usually seen working with his near-silent partner, Sydonia.

- Sydonia

He is a quiet, yet swift bandit from Mt. Seifu and is usually seen working with his partner, Varkas.

- Soul Eater Rune

The Soul Eater represents life and death. It grants outstanding powers to its bearer over the energies of Life and Death, and like the other True Runes, as well as ageless immortality. However, it's "cursed" title and nickname have a reason to exist. The rune is known to seek people close to its bearer in order to eat their souls.

- Lighting Rune

It allows the user to cast lightning magic, which can attack single targets or multiple targets. Unlike the Fire Rune, the Lightning Rune has no chance of accidentally hitting allies. 

- Water Rune

Its primary use is healing, although there are a few other attacks.

- Earth Rune

It allows the user to cast earth magic, which is mostly support magic but also has some attack spells. 

- Holy Rune

When a runemaster attaches a Holy crystal to a character, it becomes a Holy Rune, which makes it possible to dash.

- Boar Rune

It is a melee rune for bare-fisted fighters that increases normal damage for one turn, but causes Unbalanced.

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