Beautiful Joy

By ChapterT

291 17 2

Fifteen year old Joy just went through the worst months of her life after the unexpected death of her mother... More



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By ChapterT

Joy's POV

After a late night I rolled out of bed a little later, not too worried because it was Saturday and Dad would still be at home. Not bothering to change from my jammies yet I made my way downstairs. I grunted a 'hello' as I passed Sean heading straight for the coffee pot. I poured a cup and took a sip, feeling more awake and happy with each drop.

"I'm starting to think your coffee addiction is a real problem" Sean said refilling his own cup and smiling. "My precious" I teased holding my cup tightly, causing him to laugh.

Out of nowhere Paul walked into the kitchen like a zombie handing me his phone silently and then turning away before collapsing on the couch. I heard a distant voice from the phone. Looking at the number on the screen I realized it belonged to my dad. "Hello, dad, Is everything ok?"

"Hey sweetie, we're good I was actually worried about you. I called yesterday but you didn't answer and this morning your phone went straight to voicemail. The girls told me you called the house phone last night so I looked at the caller ID."

"I'm sorry I worried you dad, this is Paul's phone. He let me use it last night to call the girls."

"Did you lose your phone, remember I have insurance on it if so."

"No..." I was hesitant to tell him even though I was up set with David. I didn't want to be the cause of more drama. ".... uh David has it."

Dad was quiet for a moment waiting for me to explain but growing impatient. "Why does David have your phone". His voice held a suspicious tone, that left no room for evading the truth.

He couldn't see me but I closed my eyes as if to hide, I felt like a tattletale. "Something about not following the rules. But the guys thinks I should have it back soon, until then you can call this number". I said nonchalantly, not wanting to cause more drama.

"He took your phone, what rule did you possibly break" dad asked in disbelief.

I explained the events of yesterday morning to dad, to say he was angry was an understatement. He mentioned he had another lawyer meeting with the lawyer this Wednesday. We said our bye's and hung up.

During my call with dad Sean never left the kitchen. He sat typing away on his computer. When I ended the call he closed his computer.

"Today's gonna be a hot one, it is already 83 degrees out. Pool day?"

Thankful for his distraction, "Sounds great".

"Good, I already blew up your float, go get ready".

Running up to my room I grabbed one of my new swim suits.

It was a modest tikini, the bottoms had blue and white stripes with a high waist that ended above my belly button. The top was a mustard yellow with blue and white flowers. The straps had little ruffles on my shoulders, the top was fitted except for the bottom that flared out. Though modest it was very girly and cute, I loved it! Before leaving my room I grabbed my comfy cover up throwing it on.

Hoping Paul didn't mind I sent a quick text to Kent and Kate.

Me: hey guys I don't have my phone right now but if you need me you can call this number. I didn't want you to worry :)

010-400-030303(Kate): OMG, your dad just told us why you haven't been answering, seriously messed up! Are you ok?

Me: everything's ok, I will try to call tonight! Miss you

010-410-020202(Max):he pulls this stuff again let me know, I will drive down there. We miss you

Me: thanks, I know you would. call tonight!

Walking into the living room I toss Paul's phone at him and it lands with a thud on his stomach, he doesn't even flinch. I grab a pillow and throw it at his face. He grunts this time, but makes no movement. Sean walks into the living room and I hold up a finger in a symbol to give me one second as I run up to Paul's room grabbing a nerf gun. After a few shots to the face he springs up confused. He rubs his forehead where I shot him, and than looks down to see the nerf bullets scattered around him on the floor.

I put the gun behind my back and give him a sweet smile. "Morning, want to have a pool day with me and Sean". Paul narrows his eyes at me and Sean. I see Sean silently laughing as his finger points to me in a sign of betrayal. I try my best to look innocent, but seeing the little red circle forming on his forehead causes me to laugh out loud.

Paul stands up stalking towards me. "Little, sweet Joy", he shakes his head in disappointment. But I'm to busy laughing to see the intent in his eyes.

"I'm sorry, but you brought this on yourself" he says as he plucks the gun from behind my back throwing it on the couch. Then with lighting speed he swoops down quickly throwing me over his shoulder and I squeal. He turns going outside standing in front of the pool. His plan dawns on me and I start to struggle and beg.

"Paul I'm sorry, really really sorry. Don't Do This"
His only response is laughter.

I look towards a laughing Sean in the doorway,            "Sean help me!"

Sean shakes his head,"I'm staying out of this one, it's between you and Paul".

"Sorry baby sis, you gotta learn not to start what you can't finish" and with that he tosses me in the water.
It's still morning and the water is cold. I shoot up quickly and climbing out, "So cold, your the worst brother" I say pointedly at him. Paul has a satisfied grin on his face when he brings me a towel. "Worst brother? You wound me! Can you ever forgive me"?

A sneaky idea forms, "I guess", but instead of grabbing the towel I pull Paul into a tight wet hug. "If you forgive me" I say with a laugh.

Eventually we learn that it is way more fun to team up against Sean. Our afternoon continues on like that, with us swimming and playing pranks on one another.

Sean left late afternoon, saying he wouldn't be back til late, leaving just me and Paul poolside. It was easy spending time with Paul, the more time I spent with him the more he reminded me of a male Kate. They both share an energetic personality and the ability to always have something to say. Between that and being so close in age it explains why I feel the most comfortable around him.

Hearing a noise me and Paul both sit up looking towards the house. Kent and a few others guys come out the back door carrying pizza boxes and drinks. 

"Dinner" Kent says as he lays the boxes down on the patio table. Paul hops up quickly greeting the the other guys, which a mix of a high five and shoulder bumps. All the guys are large....... and fully dressed, I feel out a place in my swim suit. Wishing I could get to my coverup, without being noticed I look around and see it on the patio chair by the guys.

"Joy, come meet the guys" Paul said interrupting my dilemma. Causing all the guys to look in my direction. Walking over with all eyes on me, trying my best to not make eye contact. Paul pulls me to him, tucking me into his side. "Guys meet our baby sister, Joy".  I give a small smile and a wave, receiving a few muffled 'heys' in return.
Paul continues "this is Tyler, Brandon, Henry, and Ronnie". He points to each boy but all I can think about was getting up to my room.

"Nice to meet all of you" turning towards Paul " I'm going to head in the house and change". He looked down just now realizing I was in my swimsuit. Shrugging his shoulder  "Sure, I'll save you some pizza."

I walk past the guys to get into the house. I hear Paul say 'shut up, eyes on me' but I don't turn around to see what is happening. Just as I walk up the steps Kent comes out of his room, "Dad won't be home tonight, he said he will be back first thing in the morning."

"Ok thanks" disappointed I have to go another night without my phone. I turn to head into my room before Kent voice stops me again.

"Tonight we're gonna have a few people over, they'll all be gone before morning. So keep it to yourself, ok".

"Yeah, sure"  I nodded before escaping into my room closing the door. Kent tolerates me at best, but I can hardly blame him. I was forced on him just as he and his family was forced on me. So if keeping a few secrets for him kept him from hating me, my lips are sealed.

I showered and changed my clothes making my way back down for some pizza. I already made my mind up I would be heading back up as soon as I eat. However, when I stepped outside I was surprised to find the group had grown, a lot! Music was on, there was at least a dozen people in the pool and more around it. Most people were holding a red cup, and I was guessing it wasn't apple juice.

I looked through the crowd trying to spot Paul, finally finding him semi blocked with a girl on his lap. I walk up, but before he notices me the pretty girl on his lap does. I smile awkwardly at her and tap Pauls shoulder, "can we help you"? The girl ask, eyeing me like I'm dog poop on her shoe.

Thankfully Paul notices me "Hey joy, I put your pizza in the microwave".

"Thanks, I'm gonna eat and call it a night, I'm tired from being in the sun all day". Paul nods as if he understands. In truth I just want to escape to my room, I'm way out of my element. I'm in comfy pair of sweats and T-shirt and I have zero intention of drinking. Most of the girls her are dressed in their swim suits or booty shorts. I try not to judge people before I meet them but the looks I'm getting from the girls make it hard.

I walk as quickly as I can into the kitchen to grab my pizza and retreat up to my room for the night. I'm so thankful that no ones in here, but just as that though crosses my mind Kent walks in with a group of kids behind him.

His eyes are red and hazy and a bruise is starting to form on his cheek. His walk is less sturdy making me think he has been drinking too much.
"Here" is all he says. He's close enough now that I can smell beer and cigarette smoke coming from him.  I look down seeing Paul's phone, taking it from him, he says "You had a call". I look at the phone seeing whoever did call isn't currently on the phone.

Pointing to his face, "Thanks, are you ok"?

A girl walk up beside Kent, casually placing her hand on his arm and flashing a kind smile towards me "Hi I'm Rose, I don't think I've seen you before. What's your name"?

I return her smile with my own" Hi, I'm Kent's si-"

"No"! He cuts me off " she nobody".

He leans down so that only I can hear, "Your just a product of 'Dear O Dads' infidelity. Your an accident, not my sister." His words holds so much venom, I flinch as if he struck me.

He leans back up, sending me a look of pure indifference before raising his voice so everyone around can hear. "I don't want you here and you don't belong here. Why are you here?"

I have been disliked before, but I don't think I have ever been hated. I am too shocked and embarrassed to have any reply. The girl beside him gives me a sympathetic look but says nothing, making it that much worse. Forgetting the pizza and Paul's phone I run to my room.

Once in the safety of my room, tears pour down my face from both hurt and embarrassment. But it's the truth in his words that hurts the most. Why am I here?

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