Guarded (Sugawara x OC)

By Crimsonfred1

35.5K 1.9K 2.1K

'Pain is just weakness leaving the body.' Or so that's what they say at least. Machi Harada is however, skept... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30-Epilogue

Chapter 16

1.1K 62 88
By Crimsonfred1

He held her hand more often after that. Ever the considerate sap though, Suga was careful not to make Machi uncomfortable or embarrassed, and only reached for her hand when it was just the two of them, which was becoming more often, and definitely never in front of the volleyball team. The last thing he needed right now was Daichi or anyone else asking too many prying questions, especially when neither knew exactly what this new development meant.

Saturdays quickly became a routine for the duo; a grueling workout in the morning, and ice cream or some other snack in the afternoon, which was almost always paid for by Suga, only because he still hadn't won their continued bet. There were a few times when Machi felt bad that he was spending all of his money on her sweet tooth, but instead of offering to pay, she returned the favor by sharing her butter pecan with him, until finally caving and they ended up splitting one bowl.

The first time they were sitting in the now familiar red and white stripped booth of the ice cream parlor and Suga had stretched an arm across the table to clasp her tiny hand in his, Machi had almost snatched hers away reflexively. Not that she didn't like the feeling, but this was different from all the other times he had shown her some sort of affection; this was more direct, and less about comforting, and she was scared how much she craved it. Machi had been uncharacteristically open with Suga lately, even sharing more about her parents and their nasty divorce; things that only Tadashi had known previously. If she wasn't so terrified of the repercussions they both would face if he found out, Machi would have gladly given in to her feelings after their cuddle session in the gym, because it was definitely becoming more difficult to pretend those feelings weren't there. But Machi knew what would happen if she did, and it wouldn't be pretty.

So when she felt his calloused fingers snake around hers, Machi had every intention of pulling away. But then she glanced up at him, and as soon as their eyes locked it was as if all the fears she kept hidden melted away entirely. There was just something about the boy that made Machi feel safe, like she really could share all of her deepest held secrets and never feel the biting snap of judgement. And then his eyes softened and nothing else mattered except squeezing his hand in return and savoring the way-too-adorable lopsided grin that now adorned his face.

It wasn't a monumental victory in any sense really, holding hands, but it sure felt like it for Suga. He thought for sure Machi was going to refuse and pull away, so when she not only allowed it, but returned the slight pressure, it damn well felt like he had just won the lottery. The moment wasn't planned; they were talking about their favorite books and Machi was describing the plot of Emma to him, her eyes glowing so brightly that she seemed to radiate an aura that warmed the entire space around them. Basking in her sunlight, his next move was entirely natural as his hand found hers and held on tightly, as if trying to catch the sun's rays. There had been a few seconds when Suga felt the muscles in her arm tense and he knew she was contemplating what to do next. Relief washed over him in waves though when Machi kept their hands entwined and then interlaced her fingers with his, the smallest hint of a blush dusting her face.

Her hand was warm, just like her smiles, and covered in callouses, just like his. A testament to the sports they both played. The longer they sat in that tiny corner of their universe, the harder Suga found it to keep from blurting out his true feelings. Everything about her drew him in like a magnet; her competitive spirit, that snarky attitude and quick wit that would melt away into a sweet sincerity when around people she cared about. He even liked the way she always wore her hair in a ponytail, a gentle curl present in the chocolate brown tresses, and the way her whole face seemed to light up when talking about something she loved. The more he was around her, the more Suga found to admire. And with her positive reactions to his subtle advances as of late, it seemed like she clearly felt the same. Yet it was that tiny hesitation that lingered behind her eyes that made Suga think that even if he did work up the courage to confess, it might not be as happily accepted. At least not yet. He'd have to plan something soon though, because she was growing cuter by the second.

Happily lost in each other's presence, they would have easily spent all afternoon together, like they had the previous two Saturdays, had Machi not made other plans that evening. 

"I thought you said your dad was gone again this weekend?" Suga asked innocently, swinging their still clasped hands back and forth casually as they walked, "What big plans need you home so early?" Not that he was complaining their time together had to be cut short, but he was definitely complaining.

"He is," Machi didn't miss the endearing pout in Suga's voice, "but Kaido and Nakagawa-San are stopping by to study. Kaido can't sit still longer than twenty minutes so we normally throw in some sparring in between subjects, and since I'm the only one with a home gym, it's the easiest place to study."

"That's really kind of you." The smile on Suga's face didn't quite reach his eyes this time. Machi would be studying with both third year boys; alone. Not that he didn't trust her to take care of herself, it just made him uneasy. Kaido was fine, and even appeared friendly in their classes together, but Nakagawa seemed to have a chip on his shoulder ever since Machi rejected him, and the thought of him spending any type of time with Machi was concerning. "I'm glad you're able to stay friends with Nakagawa, even after he was, you know..."

"A dickhead?"

Suga gave an exasperated sigh at her bluntness, but was also slightly relieved she hadn't forgotten about Nakagawa's previous actions, "Yeah, that."

"It hasn't exactly been easy, but I'm glad he's at least trying to make up for everything he said." She gave him a small laugh and swung their hands with extra enthusiasm, "Besides, holding grudges is bad for the skin."

And just like that they were laughing again, talking about nothing in particular for the remainder of their time together. As they neared Machi's house, Suga was the first to take notice of the two figures seated on the steps leading to the front door, and as much as he hated to do it, quickly released Machi's hand before either of the two boys noticed it.

"There you are Machi! We thought you forgot about us!" Naka's greeting was pleasant enough, but the questioning glare he shot towards Suga was unmistakable. Why is she always with him? Kaido had just been talking to him about their fellow third year, trying to convince him that there was nothing to worry about. But having seen the speed at which Suga had dropped Machi's hand when they approached made Nakagawa think either Kaido was wrong, or he was lying.

Something akin to jealousy ate at Suga's heart as he returned Nakagawa's glare with a frosty smile. "Sorry about that Nakagawa-San, we lost track of time." Wishing he hadn't been so quick to let go of Machi's hand, Suga impulsively reached for it again and leaned in to give her an innocent enough peck on the forehead. "Have fun studying Machi, I'll text you tomorrow, see if you're free?"

Embarrassed but not entirely opposed to this form of goodbye, Machi squeaked out a quiet "See you later Suga," before composing herself enough to unlock the door and invite the now very curious third years inside.

As soon as the door shut with a soft click, Suga had his phone out and dialed the familiar number as fast as possible. It only rang twice before the sound of his best friend's voice greeted him gruffly, "What's up Suga? Thought you'd be spending all of your time with Machi today? Or did she get tired of you?"

"I did, well, mostly." Talking as fast as his mind was racing, Suga cut Daichi off before he could make a joke about his 'definitely not a date' Saturday's, "It's a long story, but she's studying with those two guys from her club, and I don't know," he ran a frazzled hand through his hair, "I may have been a little jealous, and I think I did something stupid, and—I think I need your help." There was a garbled rustling on the line as Daichi was suddenly scrambling to sit up straight from his slouched spot on the couch. Suga didn't have to elaborate. Finally. He thought hurriedly. Punching a fist in the air, Daichi was already coming up with a plan, "About time, Romeo! Alright, here's what you're gonna do...."


"I'm guessing we should start with English, right? Kaido said he failed the last test." Machi rushed them both into the sitting room, heart hammering painfully loudly. She could feel both their curious gazes analyzing her, trying to figure out what they had just witnessed.

"Hold up, what was that about?" For someone so much smaller than them, Kaido had to really struggle against Machi's arm pushing against his back to try and look her in the eye, "Where did you and Sugawara walk back from? You both looked very—"

"Couply." Kaido winced as Nakagawa cut him off with a low growl. "You looked very comfortable around him. Almost like a couple." This was the confirmation he needed; it had been Machi in the gym the other day, when Kaido tried so hard to keep him away. With him; the one guy Naka couldn't stand, but everyone else seemed to like, and everyone he cared about seemed to gravitate to. His worst nightmare was coming true, and there was nothing he could do about it.

Shoving them onto the cushions around the low table, Machi elected to ignore their comments and rushed back into the kitchen for tea, barking over her shoulder, "It's not a big deal, so drop it. And you better have your books open ready to go before the tea is done or sparring is out of the question."

In the safety of the kitchen, Machi closed her eyes and took a few deep breaths to try and steady herself. She couldn't go back into the other room until everything was under control again and her face stopped burning. To keep her hands and mind busy, Machi hastily filled the kettle with water and place it on the stove to boil. But it wasn't enough. The previous scene outside replayed in her head like a beautifully broken record. Reaching a hand up to her forehead where Suga's lips had brushed so softly, Machi felt the blush on her face re-ignite.

"Damnit! Pull yourself together!" Trying to slap some sense into herself, Machi used her hands to shield her eyes and shook her head back and forth, trying to shake the thoughts from her mind. She wasn't the type of girl who swooned over a guy; Mr. Darcy was about as close as she had come to falling head over heels for someone, and he was fictional. But this, these feelings, were real and were directed towards someone who was also real. Petrified, and way too lost in her own swirling thoughts that definitely did not include the sweet, gray-haired boy, Machi didn't hear the tea kettle until it was screaming. Immediately she set to work filling three cups with hot water and tea leaves, but jumped out of her skin again when her phone chirped several times from her pocket.

To: Machi
Ok, I know I said I'd wait until tomorrow to text, but I lied.
Sent: 5:45pm

To: Machi
I just wanted to keep talking. Sorry. But also not sorry.
Sent: 5:45pm

To: Machi
Daichi and Asahi are coming by tomorrow to have a movie marathon. We were thinking either Disney or Lord of the Rings. You in?
Sent: 5:46pm

As if her miniature freak out had never happened, she was quickly composing a return text, biting her lip to keep from grinning too broadly.

To: Suga
I'll stop by after training. And I'll bring Tangled with me, it has some of the best songs.
Sent: 5:48pm

I should've known that would be your favorite. It's Flynn's smolder, isn't it?
Sent: 5:48pm

In the sitting room, Kaido had taken Machi's words to heart, fishing his English book from his bag and flicking through the pages for the correct chapter. When Naka was slow to follow suit, Kaido hissed at him quietly, "Don't push it dude, it's none of our business. Just be glad she's even talking to you again."

"The hell it is!" Naka hissed back, "She's our friend, and that...that guy can't just waltz in and steal her away!" But he had spread his English notes out on the table too, tossing Kaido a stack of notecards.

Catching the notecards before they slammed into his face, Kaido placed them carefully on the table in front of him. He could hear the steam of the tea kettle now, Machi would be back soon. Making sure to keep his voice at a whisper, Kaido's next words were precise and harsh, "He's not stealing her away if this is what she wants, man. Don't forget, your nose is barely healed."

Kaido's words stung worse than salt water on an open wound, and they did the job. Huffing, Nakagawa rested his head on his hand angrily, but he kept quiet when Machi returned with tea and rice cakes. A thick tension hung in the air for the first half hour as unsaid words clung in the back of their throats, daring to be said. Every time Machi's phone buzzed and she dropped her pencil to answer the incoming text, hiding a small smile in the process, Kaido had to kick Naka under the table before the boy said something he'd regret. The mini sparring matches in between seemed to help break the tension though, and by the end of the evening Kaido was dragging an only slightly disgruntled Naka out the door.

Finally alone, Machi was able to enjoy the peace and quiet as she slowly repacked her school supplies and cleaned up the mess of scrap paper Kaido always left behind. Despite the awkward start to their study group, it had ended on a high note, or at least she thought so. They had actually made progress on several subjects and Kaido had successfully landed a tricky grappling maneuver that pinned Nakagawa to the floor. Machi almost felt like a proud parent when the boy had run over to her looking for praise, which she had gladly provided by ruffling his hair. Nakagawa fed off of Kaido's enthusiasm a bit too, even though he was the one used as the guinea pig in the situation. It proved to be the perfect distraction though, because much to Machi's relief, there were no more awkward questions about Suga. Not even when he had continued to text her throughout the evening, and she'd break her concentration long enough to respond, even when in the middle of explaining a concept to them.

As if he somehow knew he was being thought of, Machi's phone chirped once more from its place on the table. The screen lit up with a final text from said distraction, and Machi found herself staring at it the rest of the evening, re-reading the words over and over again, grinning like a sap.

To: Machi
See you tomorrow, beautiful. Sweet dreams.
Sent: 10:37pm

Yup, she was a goner.

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