The Angriest Angel

By ChrisHalt

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Chase Madison had a tough childhood. Raised in a broken home and struggling with undiagnosed ADHD, he was co... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Glossary of Terms

Glossary of Characters

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By ChrisHalt

Chase - A dysfunctional childhood led Chase Madison to juvenile delinquency and little to no education.  As an adult, every attempt to stay straight seemed to unravel as trouble inevitably found him again and again.  His recent diagnosis showing that he had ADHD provided some clues to his problems, but it wasn't until he met the Caelans that his life would really change for the better.

Avery - Embodying Caelan virtues of kindness and peace, she is an example of why anger has been non-existent on Caelus for so long.  Like most Caelans, Avery was chosen to come to Earth for her skills as a scientist—particularly, the study of Earth's plant life.  She works at Moretti Research Lab as Director of Research.

Nathan - A high ranking Caelan living on Earth with the title of auxiliator.  He has a critical role among his people of overseeing all matters—both big and small—as they relate to interaction with the people of Earth.  Despite his important role, nothing is as important to him as proposing marriage to his girlfriend Avery.

Cadence - Wife of Gavin and older sister to Avery, Cadence's skills as a doctor are secondary to her skills as a genetic research scientist.  A perfectionist and over-achiever, she is often critical of Avery's choices, both in her personal and professional life. 

Gavin - The brightest Caelan research scientist living on Earth.  His job is to study indigena DNA in order to better understand the similarities and differences between the people of Earth and the people of Caelus.  His life changed dramatically, however, after the car accident when he witnessed Regulus Lafaye losing his temper.

Lafaye - The last remaining Regulus (leader) of the Caelan people on Earth.  Some have witnessed him periodically becoming angry—which is a problem for many reasons: his position of leadership, his powerful psy, and the Caelan's virtue to uphold kindness and peace.  It is widely believed that the tragic death of his wife a year ago is responsible for his slide into anger.


Isaac- With the title of medius, he handles allcommunications between Earth and Caelus.  He also performs the function of an operator/information gatherer, and is a quick phone call away from assisting any Caelan with questions or problems. 

Volk- Lafaye's right hand man.  Exercises often and is very strong/fit.  Has shown anger many times and has even been known to be physically violent.

Valerie - An expert at helping diffuse situations of exposure, where the news or police get too close to any of the Caelan people.  She is also the supply manager—arranging for the shipping of goods both to and from Caelus.  

Elliot- Was nearly killed in car accident when his car was struck by Pete McClouth.  He was saved by Caelan medical technology which arrived on the scene via carina.  But in the process, the carina was spotted and video recorded by Pete McClouth.

Claudia- Regulus Lafaye's deceased wife.  She was an ornithologist, studying Earth's bird life, until she was killed by a drunk driver.

Regulus Nayyar- Was a co-leader of the Caelans living on Earth along with Regulus Lafaye.  But when Elliot was nearly killed in the crash and video of the carina was uploaded to the internet, he and Regulus Lafaye disagreed about the protocols.  They had a heated argument which eventually turned violent, upsetting and confusing all Caelans who witness the display of anger.  Nayyar returned to Caelus and hasn't been heard from since.

Theo- Caelan security administrator and member of the Magister Assembly.

Juliet - Friend of Avery and coworker at Moretti Research Lab.

Fletcher- Geneticist, works for Gavin

Jared - Geneticist, works for Gavin

Bristol- Geologist and member of the Magister Assembly.

Quinn- Chief physicist and member of the Magister Assembly.

Darcia- One of the religious figureheads on Caelus.  Her title is Dharma Praeceptor.


Pete McClouth- Was texting and driving and accidentally crashed into a car containing Caelan passengers.  He recorded video of their carina as it arrived on the scene and uploaded it before the Caelans could properly psy him.  The Caelans were forced to cover up the entire incident by destroying Pete's character.

Jay- Chase's cousin and the only real family Chase has left.  3 years older, Jay has often been there to bail Chase out of trouble, but ever since he started a family of his own he has been less willing to help.

Sarah- Chase's ex-wife. 

Mark- Sarah's new husband.

Austin Foxworth- College football player who Chase injured in a brawl.

Dr. Chandrian- Chase's psychiatrist.

Marshall- Avery's boss at Moretti Research Lab

Tre- Chase's boss

Francesca- Avery's next-door neighbor

Dr. Giovanni ("Shaky")- Physicist at Argonne National Lab.  Hired by the government to study and reverse engineer a piece of alien technology which was recently found.

Eddie- Engineer, assistant to Shaky

Vick- Drug buyer at the college

Paulie- Bartender at Brody's tavern

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