Rainbow Six Siege OC Book

By Ronin141

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Title pretty much speaks for itself, this book is about my R6 OC's and their bios, my friend devoncruz19 said... More

Anthony "Oni" Riley
Justin "Panther" Bennett
Angela "Fantoom" Wolfe
Kyle "Kelpie" Ferguson
Logan "Otter" Pierre
Richard "Delta" Murdock
Scott "Mirage" Murdock
Naomi "Athena" Espinoza
Emil "Bruin" Wagner
Sebastian "Lucifer" Butler
Ramil "Fury" Villanueva
Cedric "Scorch" McIntyre


82 2 0
By Ronin141

"burned, waterboarded, electrocuted... I've experienced it all so nothing surprises me anymore."



Callsign: Gwisin

Nationality: Korean

Birthdate: 11-5-82

Birthplace: North Korea

Residence: Seoul South Korea

Age: 39

Height: 5ft10

Weight: 165

Blood type: O-

Family: [REDACTED]

Role: Attack/Hard breach

Romance options: Dokkaebi

VA: Johnny Young





Secondary gadgets
Flash bangs

Krav maga
Mauy Thai
Wing chun
Combat shooting
Underwater demolitions
Hostage rescue
Direct action
Stealth Reconnaissance
High value target
Counter terrorism
Counter insurgency
Personnel extraction
Clandestine operations

Operation Drowning Blade (South Korea)


Gadget Evaluation

Gadget: MK III Gravedigger

User: Gwisin

Lead Specialist
Jordan "thermite" Trace

Description: "I'll be honest, being in the same room as Gwisin was... Uncomfortable to say the least but the gadget was fun to work with at least. The MK III Gravedigger is somewhat of a new take on hard breaching as it doesn't explode like most, it instead rips metal apart. This had a lot of similarities to Mira's mirrors but minus the actual mirror, this is simply placed on a hard wall and will proceed to drill into the wall and then rip the metal apart. Gwisin stated this is often used for underwater demolitions such as the one he and a team raided an oil rig.

Born in North Korea, Gwisin had a very rough childhood along with his little brother who he loved dearly but for many years they were barely getting by when their parents had enough and brought them along to immigrate to South Korea. Gwisin and his brother were forced to stay quiet as so much was on the line so Gwisin and his brother learned to basically become emotionless. The journey had taken a severe toll on Gwisin's mental state as he grew to be highly paranoid and began hallucinating but he kept silent for the sake of his family.

Gwisin unfortunately had a near death experience where his family were forced to leave him thinking he had died but Gwisin barely survived the experience. Now separated Gwisin tried his best to reunite with his family but didn't get far as he was founded and taken by North Korean soldiers. Gwisin was taken to a concentration where he was regularly abused and barely fed.

Gwisin would be held prisoner at this concentration camp for over five years till he turned 13 and had escaped with fellow prisoners as they eventually made it to South Korea, Gwisin didn't try looking for his family as he believed they were either dead or they had forgotten about him but he was eventually adopted by a military family who were very strict but they tried their best to not overwhelm Gwisin due to his past.

Gwisin growing up had never made any friends as he couldn't relate nor would they understand him, when he had turned 17 began referring himself as Gwisin as he believed the old him died during the 5 years at the concentration camps and wanted to forget the past. To help him grieve, Gwisin enlisted in the South Korean Navy and would serve there for about 5 years until he was recruited into the
UDT/SEALS and powered through the grueling training becoming an official member of the unit.

Gwisin was highly respected in the unit for his professionalism, tough exterior and leadership skills as he never messed around but this also meant he didn't grow close with anyone still preferring to be a loner afraid of getting attached again. Gwisin during his many years of service would work with a variety of international counter-terrorism units such as the Navy Seals, Delta Force, SAS, Sayeret Matkal, and Jaeger Corps.

Gwisin in 2016 would work with a the South Korean 707 division or White Tigers meeting operatives Vigil and Dokkaebi tasked with raiding an oil rig. Gwisin was indifferent to both operatives but did butt heads with them due to him taking the role of leader but no further problems arose. Gwisin nowadays trains recruits for the Korean SEALS while doing the occasional operation and is still a loner to this day.

"Gwisin much like I had to do with vigil, be very careful with my questions as I could tell right away Gwisin hates talking about his past by him dismissing my questions about the subject. I started by asking his likes which he stated were solitude, his job as an operator and surprisingly has a bit of a sweet tooth as he joked saying he always snuck skittles in whenever he could. He is very passionate about his work as an operator but prefers not to show it, but I asked why he's so passionate about it. He reluctantly said his job being an operator helps him sleep with a clear mind and heart without worry which is very unorthodox compared to the other operators here.

I asked if he has any hobbies but he said he just trains keeping his skills and maybe watches a movie or two if he's in the mood which I find concerning as it's vital to have hobbies outside the job. I then asked if he ever wanted to learn or do something, he admitted that he's grown an interest for diving due to his time in the Korean SEALS but he also stated that there's an orphanage in his neighborhood that he's always wanted to help manage but it also reminds him of his childhood.

Once I felt Gwisin was opening up, I finally began asking about his past which was slow but I was patient. Gwisin admits that he just wants to forget those events as they're nothing but hellish reminders of his failure to stick to his family as the unknown factor of if his family is still haunts him from time to time. He added on that this is also the reason why he refuses to socialize with any of the operators on a personal level as he fears that he may relive those past events all over again.

Despite this I believe Gwisin can possibly recover and hopefully become a better person in the end."
~Harvisha Pandey

Author's note: if you wish to use Gwisin in some capacity, do ask for my permission first

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