mcyt [self insert] || oneshots

By kirintea

161K 3.5K 1.4K

[gender neutral, female, and male] mostly platonic shit for y'all. might spontaneously combust and delete eve... More

i n t r o
ghostbur / i want to remember
techno • tommy | recovery
techno • tommy [] recovery (pt. 2)
tommy • tubbo | bath water
sapnap [] blood for the throne
tommy | manipulation
dream || clingy
dream team | road trip
fundy / look what you've done
tommy • tubbo | far-fetched
l'manberg / all i have left
tubbo • tommy | a humble shop
techno / my fate
sleepy bois inc • ? [] wings
tubbo / useless useless useless
ranboo | rain
ranboo / flowers (pt. 1)
tommy / flowers (pt. 2)
tubbo • ranboo • tommy • philza | it's the bomb
techno / denial
feral boys | wasps

sbi • dream [] wings (pt. 2)

3.7K 212 70
By kirintea

wc: 3533
hey you, see that star button again? i think you wanna press it

"Ey, call me topical." Tommy shrugged as Wilbur buried his face in his palm.

"That—what? You literally just praised the queen for the fifth time today, how is that topical in any way?" Wilbur said rather more confused than displeased.

"Well, depends on which queen he's talking about," you remarked, taking a slow sip from your green tea.

"Thee queen, of course—who else?!" Tommy exclaimed as he threw his hands in the air.

"That didn't clarify anything, Tommy..." sighed Wilbur.

"He's lost it." You shook your head jokingly, for Queen Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor, matriarch of the British Royal Family, was not canon in this universe.

The front door creaked loudly as a fourth party entered Tommy's home. You, then Tommy, then Wilbur all turned your attention to the entrance in an animated manner.

"Hey, Phil." Wilbur was the first to greet him.

"Hey guys, is Tubbo in 'ere? I wanted to get back the shovel I lent him," said Phil. He surveyed the unorganized living room where several red and white t-shirts littered the floor and furniture around you.

Displeased, Tommy furrowed his brows, knowing damn well Phil was judging his cluttered living habits.

"No, it's just us," you answered, "but he's probably back at the treehouse. Want me to grab him?"

"If you don't mind, that'd be great." Philza smiled.

"Sure thing." You briefly exchanged goodbyes with your brothers and gently closed the door upon your exit.

Tommy, Wilbur, and Techno were not related to you nor Tubbo by blood, and despite the two of you being the same species as Phil, neither was he. Phil just happened to take you all under his wing, and you were eternally grateful.

You and Tubbo practically grew up alone with no one else except each other—that is until Phil came along when you were both eight years old. It's a surprise you made it that far.

The family Phil created by being so considerate as to take you all under his care was the only one you'd ever love, for your biological parents were nothing but complete and utter strangers.

Now that I think of it, I didn't even see Tubbo this morning. You thought as you instinctively opened your wings—or wing—for take off, only to be mocked by your forgetfulness.

Oh right... I can't fly.

You let out a despondent sigh and began up the beaten path Wilbur, Techno, and Tommy normally took.

Ever since the incident three months ago, you still haven't adjusted to traveling by foot. The spot where your left wing once stood was replaced by a short stub. Phil was right about it growing back.

Though you had to admit, traveling by foot allowed you to appreciate the nature and its surroundings more. You began to study the different species of wildlife that resided in the valley, especially the birds.

It was a new, interesting perspective.

A few moments passed and you notice something off as the treehouse comes into view.

The front door is wide open.

"That's odd," you muttered under your breath and jogged to the entrance, curious of the cause.

Passing under the askew, wooden doorframe, you call out, "Tubbo?"

Your voice resonates against the thick walls of the tree trunk only to receive silence in response. "Tubbo, are you home?" you try again.

Now slightly worried, you hurry up the stairs—not too fast—but not too slow either. The carved door to his room was left open as well, and you could have sworn you smelled the subtlest trace of metal.

You furrowed your brows and slowly pushed the door back to reveal your brother's room.


Dark grey feathers were strewn across the floor, a few on his furniture as well. You swallowed nervously, hoping the assumption forming in your head wasn't true.

His books were scattered across the ground, and the plants he normally cared for were spilled from their clay pots as they lied broken and shattered.

"Oh nonono..." you mumbled frantically, rummaging through the mess on your knees, hopeful to find an explanation for his absence.

Your eyes widened as you caught a glimpse of something you wished you hadn't.


A half-dried trail of smeared blood soaked into his wooden floor. There were subtle traces of footsteps in the dark liquid as well.

A nauseous feeling rooted in your stomach as your hand flew to your mouth. Stumbling up from the ground, you ran into a note written in deep, black ink.

Meet me at The Ruins before midnight or the boy's dead."

Then, at the very bottom in slightly smeared ink:


You felt your blood boil with rage, forming a slight assumption of who kidnapped your brother. First, he had tried to hurt you, and now Tubbo?

What did Dream want from the man so desperately?

You folded the paper and aggressively shoved it in your pocket. You had to tell Techno.

• • •

Your pink haired brother furrowed his brows in thought as you finished reading the note to him. A long silence filled the air, and you stared at him, patiently awaiting his response.

"We can't tell Phil," he said shortly as he stood up and started directly to his horse stable.

You quickly scurried behind his lead and asked, "Why not? Wouldn't it be best if he knew that we're putting ourselves in danger?"

Technoblade abruptly stopped in his tracks and whipped his head towards you. "We? You're not coming," he spat coldly.

Surprisingly, you stood your ground to the assertive man. "What do you mean 'I'm not coming'—Tubbo is my brother. I can't just sit around knowing his life is in danger."

Techno scowled. "Yes, (y/n), but this is my problem. I have to fix it... alone... or—or Tubbo dies, okay!" he emphasized the last few words, the distress in his voice prominent.

You bit your bottom lip until a small bead of blood formed upon its skin. He was correct, but it just didn't sit right with you knowing Tubbo's life was in the hands of Dream.

Techno exhaled sharply and continued towards his horse stable once again, preparing the saddle and his usual set of lustrous, gold weapons.

Just as he was about to take leave, you stopped him.

"Techno, look, it'll be safer to take another person. What if something happens and you can't get back home? Nobody's going to be able to help you," you asserted. "It's too risky to go alone."

The male was still hesitant, but his composure maintained stern.

"I can fight—I can defend myself. You don't have to worry about me."

His eyes shifted to your missing wing, then back to you. "Fine, but take this when we get there."

He tossed you a miniature flask filled with an iridescent, periwinkle substance. You caught it with both your hands and turned it over in your palm.

"Invisibility," he grunted. "Now get on."

Techno outstretched his arm to you, and without a moment to waste, you grabbed it. A second later, the two of you disappeared into the thick woods.

• • •

The steady bouncing of the horse only fueled your anxiousness as it galloped. Techno could practically feel your distress creep upon his back.

"...I'm sure he's safe, (y/n). Worrying won't help ya."

"I can't help it..." you sighed apologetically.

A long, uncomfortable silence filled the air.

"Hey, remember that time Wilbur poured a jar of honey on Tommy's head?" Techno chuckled lightly, keeping his eyes straight ahead.

You smiled weakly and said, "Yeah... yeah... and it was too sticky to wash out, so Phil—"

"—Had to cut it all off," he finished retelling the story.

A quiet laugh slipped from your lips, causing Technoblade to smile with satisfaction.

"We'll never let him live that down." You shook your head lightheartedly.

"He looked like he was getting drafted," joked Techno.

As the two of you shared a final moment of peace, a gut-wrenching feeling formed in your stomach once again—similar to the one you felt upon discovering Tubbo's spilled blood.

Ancient Roman pillars circled a vast concrete floor far ahead of you. Few of the pillars seemed to stand at their full height, many were run down into half—or even a third—of their original size.

The deep, orange sun aligned with the center pillar, creating an illusion that made it appear like it was holding the bright star.

"Drink the potion," commanded Techno without breaking eye contact with The Ruins.

You obeyed his command and gulped down the liquid. A bone chilling sensation washed from your head to toes as you shivered violently. You held your transparent palm in front of your face, having lost all feeling in your limbs and body.

The horse slowed to an easy pace, for even she was uneasy.

"Don't do anything rash." Techno whispered over his shoulder, and you nodded in response, despite being entirely invisible.

The horse neared a set of about fifteen cracked, marble stairs. Techno pulled the leather reins back, and the horse stopped before the steps.

He gracefully dismounted the saddle and began towards the circular, concrete floor. You took one last glance at the horse before following.

An anonymous silhouette came into view. The evening sun beamed behind the form, veiling its face in pure darkness.

As you approached the center of The Ruins, the silhouette's features became more prominent; and his identity was revealed.

Your expression twisted with anger upon seeing the man again. In his right arm, he held your brother in a choke hold. Tubbo did not struggle beneath Dream's grasp, for he knew it would only result in worse injury.

A deep cut bled from the brunette's cheek, and his grey wings were bounded behind his back with a thick, steel chain.

Your chest heaved with quick, furious breaths, but you stood far behind Techno just as he advised.

"It's been a while, Technoblade." Dream's lips curled into a thin, faux smile, Tubbo still in his hold.

"Wish it had been longer," responded Techno as his eyes brushed over Tubbo's helpless ones with great sympathy.

"I still remember training with you here like it was yesterday. What a lovely spot."

"That was an entire decade ago, they're empty memories, Dream."

"But don't you miss it? We had so much fun!" He spoke in quick, hysteric blurts. "Remember—remember taking down that 'high and mighty king' those years ago? What was his name..." Dream held his fingers to his chin in thought. "Eret—King Eret!" His closed fist landed in his palm as he recalled. "We fought... side by side... freeing kingdom after kingdom from their cruel dictatorships."

"Dream, you killed civilians... innocents. You went too far," said Techno in a sad tone so subtle only you'd notice.

"Yes, but they were worth the sacrifice to save thousands of others—"

"You saved no one... the bloodlust got to your head after our third mission." Techno took a step towards him.

You watched in silence as the two feuded, carefully shifting positions so you were at Techno's 10 o'clock.

They continued to banter—Dream smiling coyly the entire time and Techno, immune to his façade. You noticed your older brother's hand slowly wrap around his throwing dagger behind his back.

"Look, Techno..." Dream finally cut the chase. "I need you."

Techno rose a brow and tightened his grip on the dagger's golden handle.

"I need your help—just like the old days!" Dream laughed, concealing his fear of rejection.

"What about your friends? The ones you'd boast about—the ones you claimed were 'just like you'?" Techno spat venomously.

"George and Sapnap," Dream mumbled under his breath, "They... they've changed."

"Changed? You told me they were stronger than me because they didn't hesitate to take innocent. Human. Lives." Techno's voice shook with anger.

It was only once in a blue moon that Techno would reveal this outspoken half. You liked this side of him—the side where he stood up for himself—the side where he truly spoke.

There was a deafening silence.

Then, Dream lifted his head up and looked Technoblade in the eyes.

"You fucking coward." He breathed.

And with that, Techno hurled the engraved dagger directly at Dream's heart.

It all happened in slow motion. The sun's reflection blinded you for a millisecond, flashing upon the blade's polished surface. It flipped through the air over, and over, and over again until it was halfway to its victim.

Your eyes instantly widened with fear as Dream pushed your twin brother in front of his body.

Your knees weakened beneath you and you cried out. "NO!"

With all of your strength, you propelled yourself towards the two and threw your body into Tubbo's side. The two of you tumbled all the way to the edge of The Ruins, your back violently slamming into a concrete pillar.

Everything froze.

Slightly disoriented, you carefully held Tubbo by the shoulders and pushed him onto his back as the potion effects began to wear off.

Your heart skipped a beat.

"No.... no, no, no!" You pulled his body over your lap, supporting his back with your forearms. "Tubbo? Tubbo—can you answer me?"

Your voice trembled as the blood from his chest seeped into his button down shirt. His honey brown eyes were fading into a greyish puddle, and the golden dagger stuck out just above his heart.

"Please... anything, say anything. Speak to me," your voice now nothing but a whisper.

You felt his icy hand weakly squeeze your own as he turned his head slightly to meet your tearful eyes. "Don't go, Tubbo... y-you're fine. I-It'll be fine... you'll be okay."

Your sorrowful words failed to comfort you as grief stricken sobs spilled from your lips. Tears flowed from your eyes the most they ever have in your life.

You weeped upon your brother's warm body as you held him in your arms. It was excruciating to see him, so you tightly shut your eyes to save yourself the pain.

As your mournful sobs filled the air, you felt a cold finger slowly wipe the running tears from your cheek. Your tearful eyelids fluttered open to meet your brother's gaze.

"You're here," he said.

Your face twisted in disbelief. How was he alive?

Then, you recalled a memory from a few months ago—just after the incident.

"...Phoenix blood works wonders with its healing perks" were the words Phil told you after losing your left wing to the same man currently threatening your brother.

"Tubbo." You grinned, an indescribable joy washing over as you embraced him in a tight hug. Your brother wrapped his arms around you in return, resting his chin on your shoulder.

As the two of you released one another, Tubbo reached for the dagger in his upper chest and carefully removed it.

"Wait! You're gonna cause more blee... ding..."You trailed off as you witnessed his wound magically heal until the skin looked untouched.

Jesus christ, Phil was right...

He dropped the blood-stained dagger beside him, and it loudly clattered against the ground.

Dream's voice interrupted your shared, brief moment of peace with Tubbo as he spoke in a low, threatening tone, "You..." He began towards you, his shoulders heaving with each step. "You sneaky little bastard."

You quickly grabbed Techno's dagger and picked yourself. You've been waiting for this reunion.

Dream violently tore his mask from his face, exposing the evident burn that covered half his skin. His emerald green eyes stared daggers through your own.

"You did this to me!" he shrieked, his voice shaking hysterically as one of his hands disappeared behind his back.

You sealed your lips shut, only tightening your hold on the gold plated knife.

His strong lust for blood was impossible to ignore—and once again—you were faced with the same diamond axe he once used to sever your wing.

"Oh, you dirty son of a bitch." You flapped your right wing to set it ablaze, and the bright red flames reflected in Dream's toxic eyes. The steel blade in your hand glowed a bright orange as it heated up in your grip.

Dream took the initiative, rushing towards you with his axe in his right hand, but before he could even get close, Techno sent him to the floor with a powerful kick.

Dream propped himself up with his palms on the ground as he coughed violently. Drops of blood sprayed the concrete.

"Don't touch them." Techno unsheathed his sword and peered over Dream's weak form, his shadow overcasting his body.

Dream slowly looked up, his messy hair covering his eyes as a bitter smile formed on his lips. "You've gotten stronger."

"And I see you haven't," said Techno snidely. "Leave. It's pathetic to see you plead for my help."

Dream scoffed and stood up. "Fine, but I'll be waiting for you to reconsider."

Techno huffed and maintained his stern expression despite being slightly confused. He knew Dream was stronger than that—much stronger; so why did he back down so quickly?

The three of you watched the defeated man exit The Ruins, sharing a relieving moment of silence.

You were the first to snap out of your trance. "That's it?"

"I guess so," said Tubbo.

Technoblade hurried to the two of you and grabbed Tubbo by the shoulders. "Did he do anything to you?"

Tubbo held his arms up in attempts to push his worried brother back. "N-no, I'm fine... just my wings are sore from the chains." He turned his back to Techno to reveal his bounded wings.

"Ah! I forgot to cut them!" You ignited your wing once again and rose it upwards. Tubbo instinctively cowered below it.

"Hold still."

In one swift chop, the chains clattered on the ground. The links where your wing made contact glowed a bright, scarlet color.

Tubbo winced as he slowly spread his bruised wings. "Ow!" he breathed out sharply.

"Hey, hey, be careful. Don't force them," you said.

"If they're not broken, I think you'll be fine, but we can always ask Phil," said Techno, his attention focused in an entirely different direction than your brother.

You nodded and turned the same way as him, confused to what he was so interested in. The faintest rustle in the trees caused Techno to squint his eyes and prepare his sword.

The tense atmosphere was broken by what seemed to be the forest spitting out a person.

"TECHNO!" a voice boomed furiously.

Uh oh.

Philza dashed in front of you three and landed on the concrete abruptly. "WHERE THE HELL DID YOU GUYS GO?!"

For a second, you were more scared of Phil than Dream.

Techno seemed to swallow his words for being put on the spot so instantaneously, so Phil's eyes drifted to Tubbo.

Upon noticing the brunette's frightened demeanor and injured body, he embraced the boy without skipping a beat. "I'm so glad you're okay."

Tubbo held onto Phil's arm that stroke his head, assuring the man that he was alright.

"Sorry, Phil... we should have told you," you apologized.

The blonde turned his attention to you and let out a long sigh. "Yeah, you should have... Just—if something like this ever happens again—make sure to let me know. Please. When I came across Tubbo's room and the three of you missing, it was like torture trying to find you all."

Techno mumbled quietly, "Sorry..."

Philza shook his head in a lighthearted manner and patted him on the back. "Let's get you three home."

As the four of you arrived back at the valley, Wilbur and Tommy were anxious for your reunion. Phil chose to carry Tubbo back while you and Techno rode on the horse.

Upon your well awaited arrival, Wilbur tackled all four of you into a group hug. Tommy stood awkwardly apart from the group with his hands in his pockets until Will pulled him in as well.

Technoblade, Tubbo, and you presented the story, but you all consciously agreed to exclude the parts that would cause Phil any more stress than he already had.

Although Tommy tried to hide it, you and Tubbo could clearly tell he felt left out for not being involved in the rescue mission, so you both promised him you'd embark on your own journeys that didn't involve someone's life being at stake. He was thrilled.

"I have an idea for our first adventure!" exclaimed Tommy. His palms slammed on the table as he stood up ecstatically.

You and Tubbo both leaned in to listen.

"A few days back, I found this weird library place—it was kinda old and run down, but not at the same time... if that makes sense," he explained, somewhat confused himself. "I can show you guys! It'll be cool."

"Sounds sick," said Tubbo, and you hummed in agreement. It wasn't often you'd find other structures close to the valley, it was an isolated place.

The plan was set. Your next destination: a mysterious library.

i wrote this a while ago, so not sure if i'll actually continue it from where i left off. i do wanna write some karl stuff tho. i've just now realized how much i hate romance, so don't expect it here. this book's for my action/lore enjoyers :)

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