Blind Instincts

By _Serza

1.6M 43.8K 3K

*COMPLETED* My head bowed in a heavy mannor, not in respect, but in trepidation. I discern his unwavering gaz... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Authors Note

Chapter Four

76.1K 2K 98
By _Serza


"You're blind." Of course he noticed. He isn't stupid. He's an alpha, you can't just fool an alpha.

His slight movements startle the air back into my lungs, not daring myself to take another breath. I hear his wrinkled clothes flatten, as he stands upright to saunter in my direction. My muscles tense at his doing so, bulbous eyes staring straight ahead. I'm not sure how close he is anymore. All of my senses are going wild, I'm not even sure if I could smell the air if I wished to. I feel useless with my bodies inability to quit twitching in fear, or even take back my ability to control my breathing.

A hand grabs my chin, making me flinch out of reflex. As his skin makes contact with my own, signals go off in my brain, an explosion of electric shocks between my chin and his three fingers, he forces his hand away. The quick stimulation travels through my chin and into my entire body, elating my perception. I'm not sure what this means, but the feeling is unique to anything I have felt before.

He grabs me again, harder this time. The sensation is back but multiplied by two, forcing me to go limp in his hold. It is wiser to obey this incredibly powerful, evil man in front of me.

"Who the hell are you?" He scalds, his voice unfaltering, but I'm sure he feels what I feel.

"M-Monet," I squeeze out, through fear and through pleasure. I cauterize myself for liking the sparks that his painfully tight hand is giving me. I don't dare ask his name, nor do I have to. Alpha Alaric stands before me, ready to gruesomly attack my bare neck with his teeth. This is it. He's going to kill me. Here, surrounded by the true hearted howls of my wolf pack, I will be murdered by Alpha Alaric.

I make no further move, no attempt at escape. Even if I wanted to, it would be impossible.

The moments I believe to be my final, I tune in to the frequencies of the earth around me, one last time. Passionate hyms are sang by the SilverHeart Pack, expressing their whole hearted desire to please the Moon. Howls of the young and old appear everywhere, high pitched songs of love and appreciation, it strikes a serenity in my soul. The smell of freshly trimmed grass, prepared for today's event. A sweet, yet bitter fragrance of fresh vegetation. Crickets residing within the blades of grass chip woeful melodies, along with the pack. The vibrations under my bare feet of wolves tramping and singing, the technical waves they omit through the ground, to be absorbed my the soles of my feet.

I listen to everything around me, awaiting the inevitable death to come. His calloused hand still pried to my chin, he grips tighter. I wince, though he doesn't let ago. I expect claws inches long to protrude from his fingers, and pierce my skull. Daggers of teeth will sink deep into my neck, violently tearing away at my poor, poor life. Nothing happens, though. Not for while.

He daintily lets loose my probably now bruised skull, allowing me room to tremor. His proximity caused his rich scent to mix with my own, and before I know it, I'm on a high. Exaggerated breaths deflate my lungs wholly, deep heaves of air travelling in and out of my body. Breathing of his own has changed as well, and I thought to myself, embrace yourself. This is it.

And I did just that, squeezing my eyes, cowering over and into myself just like I'm used to, ready for the excruciating pain to inflame my body-

"Mate," a low, hoarse growl emits from the alpha. Mate? I didn't hear that right. Mate?

A thick slashing of air appears close to my being, my failure to react pushes me into my downfall. A blunt force of blackness numbs my body, lower, lower, lower. My body falls into an unconsciousness.


My eyes open dryly, blinking moisture to the surface. Unaware, I move my hand, finding the edge of the bedding. My fingers curl along the frame, recognizing the splintered corners and oval knots. I'm in my own bed, in my own room.

I try and rework what conspired the night before, remembering only the overwhelming feeling of anxiety that had taken over my body. I remember falling to the ground in a fog of sensory overload, and being talked back up by a gentle woman. I remember the songs of the elderly wolves harmonized with the young. I remember a scent, a hand, a sound, and a feeling; then I remember nothing.

I anathemize myself for being so debilitated by anxiety. My mind slips away in fear and I'm gone entirely, my stomach and throat swell and my body lets go. My mind is at ease, until I later wakeup. This is what happened previously, and what happened last night.

I lie in the same position as I woke up in, unknowing of what to feel. Did what I remember even happen? I ring my hand around the bottom corner of the frame, letting the dull edge press hard against my palm. Could I have dreamt it all? I feel the ridges of the wood as I glide my forearm and hand against the wood. I suppose I could have dreamt it.

After awhile, I turn restless. My hand uncups the frame, leaving a warmth in the wood where my precense had been. I push up with my palms to sit, feeling am inpelasant scratch over my skin, realizing the dress from the ceremony is still tight to my body.

I lift one leg over the bed, and then another. I let the fabric drag behind me in a probably wrinkled mess. I don't care and keep going, pushing to a weary stand. My head feels light in a sleepish daze, spinning.

I pull at the shoulders of the dress, unbinding my limbs of the itchy cuffs around the thick part of my arms. I stretch my arms back in an awkward manner, attempting to unzip the dress clad to my skin. After a few tries I finally got it, delicately sliding the fabric down my hips, dropping around my ankles. Using the wall for leverage, I step out of the sunken dress.

I leave it behind, dragging my body to move forward, despite its faintness. I move to the far corner of the room, the cold wooden floor feeling comforting on the bottom of my feet. So many times have my feet gone numb to the cold here.

I stand before the small, cornered wardrobe, leaning into the closed surface. I let my bare chest, shoulders and stomach feel the material, my right cheek just barely pressed.

With a sigh, I grab the metal handal and slowly tug it open, creating a long, exaggerated creak of the hinges. I do the same with the left wardrobe door, the creak longing through the empty room. I feel everything from left to right, the five or so items hanging on the short rack. I pick at one thing in particular, a material soft on my hands. I hand the hanger and remove the nightgown, intenting to cover my unadorned body.

I close the left door but pause, an unwavering feeling of being scrutinized, something unfamiliar, not often felt. I glace my body around the room, not to look, but to feel if a presence exists. No one is thought to be around, though my brain is telling me that I'm being observed.

I slip the gown easily over my head, the wide body of it falling around my knees. An uneasiness settles in, knowing nothing is around, yet intuitive pit in my stomach tells me someone sees.

I stand in an uncomfortable heap, an eerie quietness that makes me feel unsafe. It's never anything but quiet, but this time it doesn't feel right.

I close myself off, sitting in the feeling and mulling it over and over. I sit in a corner, hands around my knees. I want nothing but to feel normal in my small, empty room. Something in my gut tells me in unsafe in a different way than I ever was before.

Staying in my position for so long, I couldn't hold myself any longer. My body became weak and my mind numb. I had though the situation over and over more times than I care to remember. My head mods off, falling stop my knees.

My mind is asleep at ease, unbeknownst to what is truly happening.


Word Count: 1443

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