When clumsy meets rude (book...

By Fetygrace

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meet Sylvia dela Cruz and Raymond ocampo who crossed path in high school World apart to be exact but by fate... More

Chapter 1: (she is too clumsy)

288 20 10
By Fetygrace

Chapter 1.

"Welcome to San Sebastian High school" was written in the bold golden print above the school's brown gate.
A smile flickered across my face like a hologram and as I made to walk through the gate, I stumbled my leg on something. I landed on the floor, very hard.

" ouch!!" I groaned as I realized I had hurt my kneel cap. Just then I felt something like mud splashed on me. From the crown of my head to my feet.


I quickly looked up to see what just happened. First I saw a car moving slowly into the school compound. The car tire was painted with mud and then I need no one to tell me that this car just splashed mud on me. It has tinted glass so I could barely see who was inside the car. I was expecting the owner of the car to climb down and apologize to me but hell no, it kept moving. I stood up in rage and took a good look at myself. I wasn't only smelling like trash, I sure look like one.

"Hey, you!" I called on top of my voice and I found myself running after the vehicle.
"Hold up you pervert, Didn't you see someone here?" I kept on yelling. I so want to pounce on who ever that person is and rip his/her throat. So Maybe, just maybe the car would stop I chased after it like a lunatic.
It didn't occur to me before nor until car sped off sight.

What was I thinking when I decided to chase after a moving vehicle? I stopped to catch my breath and that was when I noticed the bunch of students gawking at me.
I definitely can't step into my first class With the way I am looking now, I may be that typical crazy bitch but I'm not stupid.


I decided to go to my dad's eatery which was a bad idea I guess. "What's that in your clothes?"

"What result to that fight?"

"When did you even came here?""Why did you came here? Why didn't you go to school"Dad rushed me with questions the moment he had dragged me into the bar.
Let's just say, I hadn't just gotten into a fight, not like I planned for it but I just couldn't help it.
Okay judge this,
minutes ago I had walked into dad's eatery exasperated barely noticing anyone around me.

I accidentally, keyword-Accident> bumped into a customer and in as much as I never wanted to, I apologized but the lady was being a bitch and slapped me.
Great, she slapped my lovely cheeks so I gave her a taste of her own medicine letting out my anger on her.

"Which one do want me to answer first.?" I battled my lashes, putting on an innocent facade. Dad sighed "Ok what happened why are you not in school?"

"Actually I went to school but
someone ruined my day. One sort of a jerk from no where"

"I know you must always have your way of defending yourself," he puffed driving his fingers into his hair. "But must you always get in trouble with everyone?"

"C'mon you didn't even hear me out first" I whined feigning annoyance and dad gave me the go ahead look, his gaze fixed on mine. "Ok how will You explain this, I was on my own when some Reckless driver intentionally splash mud on me" I defended, like it was the truth right?

"How did you know it was intentionally?" Dad make a quote sign for the 'intentionally'

"If What He did was a mistake, then what stop him from coming down and apologize to me?" I rolled my eyes.

"That's not a big deal. You learn to live with people" Dad retired back to the wine glasses he was arranging orderly.

"At least there's no harm in saying sorry" I don't know why I'm dragging this even, when infact dad isn't paying attention to me even. Well who am I kidding?? I know why I'm dragging this, it's the usual I don't ever like being on the wrong. I always make sure I proves my right and not like I'm bragging but I'm mostly on right just like now at least. Dad didn't bother to bicker words with me anymore. I dropped my school stuffs at safe place and
I helped dad to serve his customers while I just save him of the stress of moving about. We really had a long and tedious day at work.
We were both exhausted at the end of the day. I especially because I took the lion share in the work today.
the eatery was closed and so we went home. But not without visiting the grocery to get some stuff. My dad and I have also went to the park for a brief tour.
We pay regular visit to that place at our leisure. According to my dad that was where my mother died. (*)
But the nature of the death remains a mystery to me. I mean how can someone have a car accident in a park isn't that kind of weird??

Next day.

"Stop it, Dad..." I slapped dad hands off me as he had been hitting me since God knows when. Why can't I just sleep to my satisfaction for once?
Did I mention to you that I have a very unique way of sleeping? Like going to bed with my alarm set but waking up to dad's slap? I just glanced at the wall clock and it ticked 7: 45 Am.

"Jeez! I only have 5mins left to prepare for school dad" I immediately flung up and landed on the ground almost spraining my ankle.

"That's right. You have to hurry and don't forget to eat your meal. It's at the dining. I'm off to work. I just came to bid you goodbye" I gave dad a slight hug and he headed towards the door.

Food is ready!!

Wow! One advantage of having a chef for a dad.

"Alright then see you later." I had already flown into the restroom with my toothbrush.
In just 1 hour I was dressed for school.
Yeah I know you may think that one hour is a whole lot of time but Not for me, that's definitely the quickest shower I had ever had.
So I hung my backpack and ran off to the dining.
I stumbled twice at the stares.
All faults and glory to my new pair of big boots.
I didn't even bother to sit down I just hurried over the meal. I saw a bottle of drink on top of the refrigerator . Its content was yellow. It's a juice I guess.

I just thought of drinking it as a substitute for water. So I opened the drink and gulp some down my throat.
I intended to drink out of it and keep the remaining one. But now I just can't resist the urge. I emptied the can and threw it off.
I took a cab to school.
Throughout the long drive, I was battling with my stomach upset. I feel I might fart if care is not taken and the only solution for this now is to get a restroom. Minutes later, I had alighted from the cab even before the cab came to a halt, Almost forgetting to pay the cabman.

Having stepped down from the cab, I held my buttock awkwardly and ran into the school compound. I didn't even glance at my both side I was just looking straight. The school compound was so large and it had numerous buildings. So I was kind of confused about which building to go first.
The only place I know was the staff office because I have once been there before.

There were few students around the school compound carrying out different activities but my presence stoled their attention from what they were doing.
I guess it's probably because I am new. But I don't care, their stare is so annoying.

As I continued wandering around, I mistakenly stepped on something, that was someone's foot.
I had just bumped into someone it was a girl. the books she was holding fell off her hands.

OMG! Not again.

The girl gave me a deadly glare and I immediately said "I'm so sorry"

"You know what, the very word I hate most in this life is that word, sorry" She popped out her Shiny purple eyes Into my face.

"I didn't do it on purpose, right? I am sorry you have to accept it whether you like it or not" I said as calmly as I could as I made to leave.

"Hey wait. Sorry, won't fixed this up okay. Just bend down, Pack these books and take them along with me to my class. That's a pay for what you just did" she smirked acting all bossy and bitchy.

"I can't. Some other time" I just said any rubbish without thinking as I raced off.
I was finally able to locate the restroom with the direction I got from a young student.
There were numerous doors in rows.

wondering which door to take, I just barged into the first door at the right. behold I saw the greatest shock of the year.
I held the door firmly standing at the entrance with my eyes wide open. I felt a sudden shiver running down through my spine.
You know that moment when you've been dampened in ice-cold water?

My world had stopped!

Before me was a Greek God, I am literacy compelled by his sparkling emerald green eyes, his face looks as though he was framed by a different God, he was just beautiful and he was no other than...

"What?? You??" I exclaimed with eyes wide open reminiscing over what I just saw. You know that awkward moment when you just bumped into someone at the toilet doing his business and it's no one else but your crush.
At this moment, I was like crazy I don't even know whether to close the door back.

Chapter 2

"Holy crap!" He curses and jumps off the toilet seat, loses equilibrium, and flips back down.
"Who the heck are you?"
His deep voice booms in this big, empty toilet arena. He sounds a little embarrassed.
I open my mouth to say something, but my tongue is tied.
"Are you still standing there? Where the f**k did you come from? Get out!" he yells, trying to hide his little buddy.
Gosh. Why was I even staring at it?
"So, you can't even talk," he cuts in.
"I'm Silvia. Silvia dela Cruz."
I know, I know. I am so stupid for saying that. This is no time for introductions. But I don't feel like leaving this sight.
"Really now? Like I care about your name? Get lost!" he yells.
I come to my senses, slam the door shut, and storm out. I walk across to another column and read the inscription: Females Restroom.
Really? Why didn't I notice that? I enter and find a stall. I didn't feel stressed anymore. It's as if the tension of that weird moment was swallowed up by the dragons awakening in my stomach.
Why am I always like this? Clumsy!
Not once have I imagined meeting my Prince Charming in that situation.
I thought the world would smile on me when I met my dream crush. Now he is furious because of my stupidity.

Peering through the classroom window, I see a teacher lecturing. I reach for my map to check if I'm at the correct room. I glance at my watch. It's 11:30 already. Oh my god. I am so late. I slowly turn the doorknob, open the door and push in my head. All eyes turn to me.
"And who are you?" the teacher says, stopping the lesson.
"Good morning, ma'am," I say, slipping in.
"There's nothing good about this morning. Who are you?"
"I'm Silvia dela Cruz. I'm new."
"Wow! You are a newbie, and you are late on your first day. How cool."
"I promise this won't happen again."
That was one promise I was not going to keep.
"Now stand here." She grabs my shoulders and turns me toward the students. "Introduce yourself to the class."

I remain mute, trying to figure out where to start. I look around at all the faces.
My heart explodes, pounding in my chest. There sits my crush. He is an angel surrounded by bad boys.
I couldn't look away. We stare at each other. Even from this distance, I can see the flame in his emerald eyes as he glares. I glance around and land on the girl I had bumped into earlier. She's sitting next to him.
Really? I have clashed with two classmates in one day? On my first day at school?
Woah! Great, isn't it? Anyway, just my luck. First my classmate and then my dream crush. Amazing. Thanks, Dad, for enrolling me in this school.
"Silvia!" the teacher yells.
I startle. It's possible she has been calling my name ever since I became dumbstruck at the sight of my crush.
The class bursts out laughing.
"Yes, I... I'm..."
"Go get yourself a seat," she seethes.
I head toward My Prince Charming. (You'll have to forgive me for always calling him "My Prince Charming." I don't know his real name.)
"In a lady's seat!" the teacher says, correcting my direction.
I locate a girl's seat and sit down. I lean on my desktop and turn to swoon at my crush like he's a movie star, drifting off to an imaginary world, one where my crush and I are standing at the altar. Just as the priest is about to pronounce us man and wife, I hear my name. It's coming from somewhere outside the imaginary church in my head.

It was a female voice followed by roars of laughter.
I startle awake from my daydream. "Yes, I do," escapes my lips.
More laughter.
I look up to see my crush. He isn't in his seat. He's standing in front of the class by the blackboard.
Oh my God! What have I done? I was busy worrying about him when I have a class to pass.
"Come here," the teacher points at me. I run to the front and stand beside him. He shifts away from me a little. I notice and shift closer to him. We keep doing this until the teacher calls my name.
"Silvia, what did I just say?"
Oh my god. This is the problem. I don't even know the topic.
"Uhm... You... you ... the last question is... no, you said..." I tap my finger against my head while looking at the board. I spot a heading: Family Planning.
"Yes! You said family ... planning?" I offer.
The whole class bursts out laughing.
Now I know I have made a fool of myself.
"If you had been paying attention, you would see I am an English teacher. What you see written on the board is left from first period, which you missed."
"I'm sorry. I will be more attentive next time," I say, jamming my palms together.
"Of course, I will spare you because you are a freshman, but don't let this happen again."
I keep my eyes on My Prince Charming. Geez, I so badly want to know his name.
He concentrates on class. He doesn't give me a glance. A glance wouldn't have killed him.
"Now, go back to your seat," I think I hear the teacher say, but I stay planted in that spot. I don't want to leave this sight.
"How will you learn if you stay? I said go back to your seat," she repeats, this time in a higher pitch.
His husky voice rings through my head as he spins to face me. I get lost in those green eyes. I wander through them like they're a vast forest.

"Stop staring at me."
His voice is as calm, but it's as if he is talking from the chest, rather than his mouth. Did an angel just speak? Is his voice even cuter than his face? Whatever. He's beautiful.

"Raymond, don't talk to the new student that way," the teacher barks. "Be friendly. As for you, Silvia, remain standing until the end of class. That's your punishment for interrupting class."
As if that's a punishment.
"Raymond" I whisper to myself.
"Raymond!" I blurt out loud.
"Yes, that's my name. Not everyone is permitted to say it," he says.
Really now? What a pervert. I roll my eyes and look away. I keep my mouth shut and obey the teacher's instructions. I had considered formally apologizing to Raymond after class, but with his ugly attitude, I decide I won't.

During lunch, I see Raymond among a bunch of boys. I stop eating to admire him. Even his laugh is kind of sexy, revealing deep dimples. I become so lost I don't realize I'm spilling food on my uniform.
"Crap!" I curse, looking down to clean my dress. When I glance back up, Ray and his friends were gone. I go back to my meal. Eating with bare hands is the only way to keep me from spilling more food on my clothes.

"Yes, that is her, uhmmm... Silvia dela Cruz, the girl who was acting up today."
I raise my head to see who is talking. Three hot bitchy girls. I spot the one I had bumped into earlier. She isn't saying anything, just folding her arms across her chest and glaring at me.
"Oh my, she's really a drama queen. Just look at the way she eats. Her tonsils are showing. She must be from the country, eating lunch with her hands," says the first girl.
They burst out laughing.
She adds, "I bet you she's eating like that because she got close to Raymond. It's in her blood."
"No way! She should know her place," another one says. "Raymond is far too classy for her. I can't believe you guys are the ones saying this."
It was the girl I had bumped into.
"C'mon, we are just kidding. Can't you see she is no match for you?"
That does it. The girls come toward me, and I stop eating. I fold my hand into a fist as if to punch someone.
The girl I bumped into slams her hand down on the table, knocking my plate to the floor. I purse my lips.
"Feels good how the world turns 'round, right?" she says, smiling.
I stay quiet, trying to avoid trouble.
"Remember? I was the girl you stupidly ran into today. You think you escaped, right? Well, let's say I forgive you for that. By the way, I'm Antonia Salazar."
She extends her hand for a handshake. I stare at her. She drops it back down.
"Well, there's no need wasting spit on you. I just want you to get one thing clear. Stay away from Ray. He is mine and mine alone. I don't share him with anybody.
"There is a limit to how you look at him or even get close to him. If you go beyond those boundaries, you will have to deal with me. I easygoing. Stick to my rules, and we will get along fine."
"And why should I listen to you?" I pout.
The trio glance at each other, shock and anger on their faces.
"Well, it's obvious you like Ray, but just so you know, you are not his type. There are lots of dumb boys you can hook up with. Don't even look at Ray. I'm warning you," the girl said, laughing.
I hold up my fist.
"And I am sure Ray has the right to speak for himself," I reply, turning to leave.
Soft fingers grab my arm and drag me back. It was Antonia.
"If I ever see you with Ray, you will have to deal with me," she said, grabbing my hair.

Chapter 3

The scene attracts onlookers. Some take pictures.
She flings me to the ground by the hair, and that was when I decided to defend myself.
I get up and give her an ear-deafening slap. Then I grab a handful of hair and drag her. Her friends try to attack me from behind, but I knock them to the ground with my elbow. I push Antonia down, and she topples over the other girls, still struggling to get up.
"Woohoo... will you look at that?"
"It's like we have a mafia member in our school."
"Wow! She's a genius."
Everyone was cheering for me now.
"More like the human version of a trigger," I say.
Antonia gets up and staggers to the table, picks up an empty bottle, and breaks it. She swings to cut me with the jagged edge, but I skillfully knock it out of her hand. She falls to the ground. I pin her down, punching her face with several good blows. My self-defense training was coming in handy. She was lucky a student came to separate us.

Raymond's POV:

My friends and I stroll down the sidewalk, basketballs under our arms, after playing a good game. Everyone is talking happily and laughing, celebrating the win. Raphael, my closest friend, interrupts.
"Is that Antonia?" he says.
We all stop to look.
I see her, but not clearly. She looks angry. Her uniform is tattered, and her face and body are bleeding. She looks as if she has been attacked by a bull.
Antonia and I have been friends since kindergarten, and I really like her. She was born with a silver spoon in her mouth, just like me, and she's a close family friend.
She also is the most affluent and popular girl in school.
I run ahead to meet her. "What happened to you?"
I stroke her messy hair, and she responds with an ear-piercing cry. I cup her face with my hands and lift her chin, so she looks directly into my eyes. I can see she is faking tears to stir up drama, but I play along.

"Crying won't solve the problem, and you know that, right? So, f**king start talking," I command.
She wipes her tears and stares at me.
"Did you just come here to cry on me or what?" I ask, looking away from her as I try not to yell.
"OK, fine. She did this to me in front of everyone," Antonia says.
"Over there," she points at the restroom.
I see the newbie, that Silvia girl, running off in that direction.
"Oh, you mean another girl beat you up in front of everyone?" I tease.
"Is that all you have to say? If you are just going to laugh at me, then I should leave," she says. Antonia tries to walk away, but without thinking, I slip my hands around her waist to stop her. She looks down and smiles.
I hear my friends roaring behind me. Those jerks make fun of everything.
"I was just kidding, you know," I say. "But look at it way. You embarrassed yourself by letting that stupid girl to beat you up in front of the whole school."
"What was I supposed to do? She attacked me with those giant boys. I couldn't stand up to them, you know?" she says firmly, looking away.
I fold my hand into a fist. I feel blood rush through my veins. Although I can't bring myself to love Antonia, I also can't stand to see anyone hurt her.
"You mean that punk did this?" I say, laughing in disgust.
She nods.
"She's not getting away with this, I will deal with her," I assure Antonia, engulfing her in a hug.
"Please don't ever leave me" she cries on my shoulder.
I feel bewildered.
"Of course. You know I will always be here for you, right?" I say.
After that, I hunt for Silvia with the goal of knocking some sense into her, but she was nowhere to be found.

Silvia's POV:
I spend a long time in the restroom with that stupid stomachache. I can't go to class. Instead, I climb the stairs and sit on the balcony to wait for the school day to be over. Finally, I see students with book bags trooping out of the room. I run a 100-meter race to grab my backpack from class and head out.
As I walk past the lot, I see Ray from afar. He is wandering around, searching for something, I guess. The dragons in my stomach roar. I watch his slow, steady steps. He twirls, and the air around him dances to his stylish pace. My eyes are so fixed on him that everyone else becomes a dewdrop.
He alone stands out.
I snap out of my fog and notice him walking toward a dark-colored SUV. It's the same vehicle that splashed mud on me yesterday. Before I know it, he fires up the engine. My eyes study the car and land on the license plate number. That confirms it. He was the pervert! I swear I'm going to rip out his teeth.

Raymond's POV:

"Good afternoon, Mum!" I plop down on the couch and give her a hug.
"Good afternoon, dear. How was school?" she whispers, trying to muffle a sob. I can see she is not in a good mood. She looks somber.
"What's wrong, Mum?"
"Your dad," she says, trailing off.
I had grown up in an environment where I was given anything I could want, except love and peace. My childhood had been filled with violence. My dad can't take care of my mom. He mistreats her. He was my role model and raised me to be cold-hearted. I'm just like him.
I try to cheer up Mum and promise to talk to Dad. We talk about the day, and I leave to freshen up and take a nap. I call my maid to my room, and in no time, she knocks at my door.
"Get inside!" I yell, giving her the anger and frustration that I wanted to give to my dad.
She darts inside and bows, standing by the entrance, waiting for me to say something.
"Don't you know why you are here?" I bark.
"OK sir, may I?" She motions toward my bed, urging me to lay down.
A message pops into my phone, but I don't bother to look. I just collapse on the bed and crash.
When I wake up, that phone is the first thing on my mind. I dial my friend Raphael's number. Maybe he can help me plan how to deal with that Silvia girl tomorrow.
Ring! Ring! Ring! I get up and head to the door.
"Hello?" Raphael answers.
"Hi Raph! How was your day?"
I walk downstairs to the wine bar in the living room.
"My day? Pretty good. What's up bro?"
I pour some juice into a tumbler.
"I'm cool. Where are Jack and Daniel?"
"Oh, I just left them. We were training."
"OK, then. Let's have fun tomorrow," I say, smiling naughtily.
"What do you mean by that?" Raph asks.
"You know that new girl, right? Umm... Si... yeah Silvia?" I say.
There was a moment of silence. I could guess what he was thinking.
"Yeah, you have the hots for her, huh?"
I guessed right. I could imagine the cocky look on his face.
"Hell, no! Raphael, seriously, you should know she's obviously not anybody's type of girl."
That was the truth. She is ugly and stupid.
"I want us to put her in her place."

Chapter 4

Silvia's POV:
I lay on my bed, trying to catch some sleep so I could wake up on time in the morning, and a message pops into my phone screen. It said it was from the school's website, but something was puzzling.
"The date of the school concert has been changed. The new date will be tomorrow. You are welcome to attend."
Concert? Tomorrow? What's that?
I fall asleep.

I wake up early and dress for school with no need to rush. I decide not to risk drinking anything from the fridge this time, eat breakfast and zip off to school.
When I get to campus and try the elevator to my third-floor class, something isn't working. I push buttons and try to pry open the doors, but nothing helps. Frustrated, I dash up the stairs.

Raymond's POV:

I left home very early this morning and gave my parents the impression I was heading straight to school.
My pals and I had hatched a plan about how to deal with that Silvia dela Cruz, but I had thought up a better idea. I was in a hurry to meet everyone and tell them about this new development.
But sadly, I don't see them. I end up on campus, standing with a group of students on an elevator. When it stops, we all try to exit at once, bumping into each other.
Someone running across the balcony steps on my toe, and our heads crash together.
"Ouch" I wince, rubbing my hand on my head.
"I'm so sorry," she blurts.
I raise my eyes to see that nameless girl again, Silvia. She is rubbing her head, too.
"Oh, you? I take it back," she pouts.
I chuckle. Like I would ever want her apology.
"As if I would accept."
"That's because you are such a jerk," she spits.
She really needs to learn how to get angry cause she looks like a cute little puppy. OK, that was a slip and an insult to dogs. I don't quite know how to describe her face, but she and "cute" don't belong in the same sentence.
"I'm a jerk. I know," I smirk. I don't know why, but I was enjoying her drama.
"Very well then..." she pushes her fingers into her ears, and, for a split second, I wonder what she will do next.
"Raymond is an arrogant jerk!" she screams, her tiny voice so high-pitched and loud that it bursts my eardrums.
Now everyone is looking at us.
Seriously? Where the hell is this girl from? She hits a nerve, doesn't she? I want to punch her teeth out.
"If you knew what I'm capable of doing to you, you wouldn't have the guts to look into my eyes or scream my name," I roar.
Then she throws me off balance. She moves in closer, sticking out her neck, and stares into my eyes, inspecting me like an optician.
"How funny? No rather, how stupid!"
"What now?" I say, puzzled.
"I'm just trying to see if you have fire in your eyes, so I will know my limits."
"Oh really," I say. "Well, there's more than that, so if I were you, I would keep my distance. Stay away from me." I lean closer and whisper in her ear: "For your own good."
I already know she's going to be in real trouble later. I pull away and smirk.
She is struck mute. She can't say anything. I leave her frozen in place and head to class.

Silvia POV:

I sit down but can't concentrate on what the teacher is saying. Raymond's words keep echoing in my head: "Stay away from me -- for your own good."
It wasn't just the statement, but the way he said it, like he was implying something. It gave me a queasy feeling. He also had been stealing glances at me during class.
How do I know? Well, you know me, I'm kind of obsessed with this arrogant jerk. I never stop looking at him, and each time I do, I catch him staring back at me. He quickly looks away. I want to pretend he has the hots for me, but that mysterious expression on his face spells trouble.
When the teacher asks everyone to get out their books, I open my locker and am surprised to see an envelope. I unseal it and pull out a note.
It said:
Silvia dela Cruz,
Meet me it the attic of the school building now. There is something you must know urgently. If delayed, it might endanger you and your family's lives. I will be waiting.
Warning: No one must know about this letter.

I was perplexed. I read it over and over, wondering who sent it. The letter was not signed. Theories circled through my mind. Who could this be? What if this is a setup or a prank? What If I choose not to go and endanger my life? What if I go, and it turns out to be the other way round?"
I wave off each negative thought and don the badge of courage. As soon as the teacher leaves the class, I head to the attic.
Wait a minute, I think. I once read in the school handbook that the attic is a restricted area. Students could be molested up there. We can suffer severe punishment if we get caught. But right now, I'm so desperate that I proceed to climb to the attic. The closer I get, the more silent and terrifying it becomes.
I reach a thatched roof. I have no choice but to jump, and I land on some gravel, stumbling and staggering to the edge, almost falling off the building. I reach out and grab a pillar, holding tight.
Just as I regain my balance, someone grabs me from behind, covering my mouth with his hand, and his arms wrap around my neck. I freeze.
I could see a student wearing a mask. I wanted to scream, but the other one was holding my mouth. I couldn't breathe.
The guy in front of me blindfolds my eyes, and they both drag me into a scary, dark room. I struggle and scream, but the hand muffles my voice.
They push me down hard, and I fall to the ground, grazing my knees.
"Please don't hurt me," I plea in a shaky voice, meekly raising my hands above my head.
But they don't say anything. They mumble to each other. I guess they are deciding my fate.
"Let's do it now," I hear one say.
My heart sinks. What do they mean?
"Please don't hurt me. I will do whatever you want. Please..." I plea, my thoughts racing.
They don't say a word, but I feel a strong hand grab my leg and pull me across the bare floor. The hand parts my legs.
I feel another hand lift my skirt and slip up my thigh. I freeze. Are they trying to rape me? Even the thought scares the hell out of me. I realize I have no way out.
Fear runs up my spine, and I feel a hand envelope into my singlet and then another joins it, kneading my b**bs. I spring up, throwing the hands off my body.
"Whoever you are, quit whatever it is you want to do. You have no right to my body!" I yell.
Someone slaps my face, knocking me back to the floor. He pins my neck to the ground.
"Shut up and don't make things difficult. You know what we want, right? So don't play stupid."
I can't say anything. I cough and grab his hand, trying to free myself from his grip.
"Count me out of this. We came here to strip her, not have s*x with her. Let's do what we came here for and leave," the other one intervenes.
Ah, thank good ...Wait a minute. Strip me naked?
Me? Silvia dela Cruz?
The jerk holding my neck lets go and turns to face his accomplice. They argue while I try to think of a way to escape. I certainly cannot allow these fools to see me naked. What would they get out of that?

Chapter 5

Raymond POV: 
I have been looking for my friends ever since I saw Silvia dart out of the class. I knew they must have had a hand in it. 
But they weren't answering their phones, and I couldn't climb the stairs or Silvia might get suspicious.
I feel upset but don't know why. I mean I have done worse things to people without shame.
I had ordered Raphael to pull off Silvia's uniform and throw it down the stairs, leaving her in her underwear. The idea was that she would be humiliated by walking half-naked downstairs in public to pick up her clothes. That would be embarrassing enough, but Raphael also thought of taking nude photos to paste on the school walls. 
I continued trying to get Raphael, my mind racing. Maybe she is too innocent to face that kind of punishment. I had to end this and punish her in an easier way.

Silvia's POV: 

"Do it now!"
The guy who had tried to rape me grunted while uncovering my eyes. 
I placed my finger at the top button of my shirt, hands shivering and tears streaming down my face. 
These monsters have been torturing me for refusing to pull off my uniform. 
So, am I really going to do this? Oh my God! Where is my hero?
"Who are you waiting for, or do you need me to help you out?"
The other lifted a long stick as if to hit me again.
"Are you taking it off or not?" yelled the guy who had tried to rape me. He was holding my neck. 
"Yes, I—I will," I stuttered, running my hands down the buttons of my uniform. 
I pull off the shirt and hand it to one of them, leaving me with just undies. 
Really now? I stripped? 
I curl into a ball, covering myself, and wait to see what will happen next. 

The guy who had tried to rape me hands my uniform to the other boy.
"Throw it off the roof. Let's get out of here now!"
"What? No way!" I yell, his words still ringing in my head.
"Will you keep quiet?" whispers the guy holding my dress.
"Bastards! I won't let you do that! No way!" 
But the guy who tried to rape me slaps my face, and that shuts me up.
"You know what to do with that," he says, nodding toward his friend with the uniform.  
I hold my cheeks and cry as the guy walks out the door toward the far end of the balcony to fling my uniform. His phone rings. He stops to take the call, but I can't hear what he is saying.

Raymond's POV: 

After not getting through to Raphael, I decide to call Jack. He picks up right away.
"Hey, stop whatever you are doing and leave," I tell him. "The campus guards are on the way. You have to run. Tell Raphael. Escape. Don't leave any clues. Forget about Silvia. I don't give a damn about her."
I say it all in one breath and hang up without letting him answer.
I made up the part about school security climbing into the attic. The guards typically monitor the outside of campus after school close. They only go up there if they think something dangerous is happening.
Lying was the only way I knew to stop them. They aren't easily distracted from these kinds of things. 

Silvia's POV:

The minute he hangs up, I see a frightening look cross the guy''s face. He drops the uniform to the floor.
He then signals to his accomplice, and they flee through the window. 
I was baffled. What made them do that? 
Anyway, I decide not to worry about it because I am overwhelmed with joy that these guys have stopped, thanks to whomever just called. That caller doesn't know he just saved me from the greatest embarrassment of the year. He is my hero. Whoever he is, I owe him gratitude.
I jump up and head to the door and quickly put on my uniform. I walk back to the main building along the same route I had taken there.
It was all a setup. 
It's a good thing I was saved. 
I swear never to disobey the school rulebook again, no matter the situation. 
I arrive at an area crowded with students all heading in the same direction. 
A girl behind me says "Let's hurry, so we'll get a good seat! The concert is about to start, and people are flooding into the hall!"
"What? Concert?" I exclaim, glancing at my wrist as though I have a watch. Then I remember the message about the concert that had popped onto my phone screen.
"Oh my God! This is my first time to attend a concert. I can't be late!" I hasten my step.
I follow the students. Many are just finding their seats, and I join them. I see a lady on stage holding a microphone. 
"The show will begin in 10 minutes," announces the lady. She drops the microphone and looks for a seat.
Soon, the hall is filled with people. I eagerly wait for the production to begin.
Ten minutes later, the lady climbs onto the stage again.
"Thank you all for honoring the school's invitation. Please give us your undivided attention as we welcome Raymond Ocampo to the stage."
She drops the boom, smiling, her eyes glued in one direction.
"Let's join our hands together and give him a round of applause," she adds. I could see my Raymond climbing up to the stage. 
He is wearing a dark suit. His smile shows his dimples. 
He is... he was... I don't know how to describe his look. He was my knight in shining armor. 
I hear a girl behind me say "Wow! How I wish I were Antonia. She is so lucky to have Raymond as her boyfriend."
They all keep clapping and clapping. I turn around to glare at the girl.
"Raymond, our best artist, has prepared a wonderful song for us," the lady says, distracting me from the girl. She hands the microphone to Raymond. 
Raymond beams, smiling at the faces in the crowd.
His smile launches another loud ovation throughout the hall. 
He looks around. His eyes fall on me. 
I can't breathe. It was as if the world is smiling at me when Ray smiles at me. 
I can't hold back a grin. This could be my only chance. Did he know who I was?
Then I look closer. Something behind his smile is hard to explain. It doesn't look real.
After a long silence, he drops a bomb.
"Hello everyone! I am pleased to welcome Silvia dela Cruz to the stage! She will join me to debut a new song I have for you."
The sentence hits me like a thunderbolt. Did he say me? 
Maybe someone else has the same name? What could be the basis for pretending we planned a song together? We aren't even friends. If this is his way of humiliating me in front of everyone, then he should just go ahead and kill me. 
Everybody stares, and Raymond keeps smiling.
I glare at him and stay sitting down, not knowing what to do. I wish the ground would open and swallow me. His stare is too much to bear.

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