The Unexpected

By GladysVanessa

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Book Two of The Guy Who Gave Up HIs Jersey. Juliana life has completely changed since she confessed she loved... More

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The Unexpected
The Unexpected(1)
The Unexpected(2)
The Unexpected(3)
The Unexpected(4)
The Unexpected(5)
The Unexpected(7)
The Unexpected(8)
The Unexpected(9)
The Unexpected(10)
The Unexpected(11)
The Unexpected(12)
The Unexpected(13)
The Unexpected(14)
The Unexpected(15)
The Unexpected(16)
The Unexpected(17)

The Unexpected(6)

17.7K 692 238
By GladysVanessa

Jaydon frowned at me as I protested that I wasn’t going to go in the restaurant. Very secretly he made me believe we were going to go eat, but we were really going to meet up with Ale and Arianna. Jaydon had said Arianna wanted to speak to me but she knew I wouldn’t listen to her unless someone forced me too. She wasn’t as stupid as I thought she was, so what I didn’t understand was why was she still trying to talk to me?

                “You have to act like an adult here Julie, I know you don’t like her but common at least try too.” He spoke out seriously.

                I shook my head, “You’re sister and I don’t get along, and every time I see her she is always rubbing something in my face, so no!” I argued back with him. He knew how Arianna was, he knew exactly that Arianna hates me more than I hate her. And even knowing that he still drags me to go eat dinner with her.

                “Please, for me.” He begged me grabbing onto my arm.

                I sighed, when he putted like that how could I say no? Jaydon’s done a lot for me and when he gives me his puppy face and pleads, I can’t deny him.  I walked in front of him dragging my feet on the ground. He should feel lucky that I agreed because I would’ve left when he said her name.

                Jaydon pulls me back to him making my back hit his hard chest. “Thank you.” I heard him whisper in my ear. His warm lips touched my cheeks and instantly I was blushing.

                We walked hand in hand inside the fancy restaurant, the waiter escorted us to the table and Arianna were sitting at. Ale glanced at me before his eyes landed on our hands, at this point Jaydon and I weren’t dating, but it felt like it. We acted like a couple but he never brought up the question, and the longer he waits to ask me the better.

                Jaydon pulled out a chair for me before sitting next to me. Arianna looked at us happily. “I’m happy you two came!”

                Jaydon flashed her warm smile. “I hardly see you so it felt nice when you asked me to have dinner with you.” He told her kindly.

                Arianna giggled. “So I see you and Julie are dating,” She flashed me a smile.

                I felt a lump form inside my throat, before he could respond the waiter came asking us for our drinks. I kept my eyes glued onto the table not wanting to look at any of them in the eyes. I was wishing the faster this dinner was through the faster I could get out of here.

                “So how long have you two been dating?” Ale asked us keeping his eyes glued on me.

                Jaydon glanced at me and chuckled quietly to himself. “About a month or two, we haven’t really popped out the question and made it official.” He simply said.

                “So you aren’t dating?” Ale questioned him suspiciously.

Arianna punched him in the arm. “Stop asking them questions! Can’t you see that they don’t want anyone to know yet!” She exclaimed.

Ale rolled his eyes. “He’s your brother don’t you think he should tell you who he is dating?”

“She didn’t tell me she was dating and I was perfectly fine with that.” Jaydon smirked at Ale.

Quickly the air dense, it was just the matter of time before something goes wrong. Ale reclined back at his chair giving me a angry glare. I looked away from him looking straight at Arianna who had noticed the hint of jealousy in her fiancé’s face.

Arianna cleared her throat plastering a fake smile on her face. “Okay, well-even if you are or not dating each other I wish you both the best.”

“Thanks,” I muttered.

The waiter came back placing the crystal clear cups on our table, before opening a bottle of wine. He poured each of us a little before asking us what to order. Arianna ordered a salad, and Ale chicken Alfred. Jaydon told the waiter he would have fried fish with mash potatoes on the side. Finally the waiter looked at patiently.

“I’m not eating anything,” I told him kindly handing him the menu.

“What do you mean you aren’t eating?” Arianna asked me.

I looked at her and sighed. “I’m not hungry, my stomach is upset.” I told her truthfully. Having to put up with a person you hate, and then having the guy you were once madly in love with in the same air space made you upset.

Jaydon looked straight into my eyes and he half-smiled at me. “She’ll have the cream soup, no garlic, and a cup of water please.” He told the waiter.

Arianna awed quietly but it was loud enough for us to hear. “That is so cute!” She squeaked.

I took in a deep breathe controlling my urges to slam her face on the table. I felt Jaydon grab onto my arm giving it a tight squeeze. He knew I wasn’t enjoying this and so wasn’t he. But I knew although he didn’t like his sister, she was still family.  

“You act like couples never do that.” Ale scoffed.

“I know they do Ale, but they are just too cute!” She smiled.

I wondered if it was hard faking being nice, because she was trying too hard. I just wished she would just tell me straight up she didn’t like me, that way we could get the hell out of here. For a while Jaydon and Arianna held the conversation while under the table I played with Jaydons fingers. We were playing thumb war when the waiter came with our food.

We were eating quietly when Arianna wiped her lips and smiled at me. “So Julie,” She said suddenly.


She looked at Ale before paying attention back at me. “So you know that every bride needs a wedding dress right?” She asked me.

I nodded slowly trying to figure out where this was going. “Well I know when Mindy passed away Ale’s mom gave you her wedding dress.” She said. “And because she was like a sister to me I want to ask you if I can have her wedding dress.” She smiled.

I let go of my spoon dropping it back in the bowl. “You want Mindy’s wedding dress?” I asked her carefully.

She nodded. “You aren’t getting married yet and I really want to wear it for my wedding, it would feel right if you gave it to me.”

I shook my head in disagreement, “Mindy left that dress for me, not you. I can’t give you something that means a lot to me.” I protested.

Arianna frowned. “I understand it means a lot to you but it means a lot to me too, I want to honor Mindy by wearing her wedding dress” She began raising her voice at me.

“Well good luck finding a replica because I’m not giving you mines,” I responded firmly.

Arianna stayed quiet for a moment before eating again. I don’t know what made her think I would give her Mindy’s wedding dress, that dress is meant to be worn by someone who is getting married because she truly is in love. Not because she has managed to steal someone else’s true love.

“You should give her the dress.” Alejandro suddenly said.

I snapped my eyes at him. “Why?”

“Because Mindy’s was my sister and I want to see Arianna in that dress.” He snapped at me.

I chuckled amusedly. “Well I’m not giving it to you,” I told him angrily,

“But it isn’t yours, you aren’t getting married so let her use it, and when you get married you can use it.” He said smartly.

I stood up slamming the napkin on the table. “Excuse me, I can’t take any more bullshit from you too,” I growled, storming out of the restaurant.

I glanced around figuring out which way I was going to go, I wasn’t far from home but it would still be a long walk. The doors to the restaurant open and Ale came out, glaring at me angrily. His hands were bawled up into fist, and the main artery in his neck was popping out.

“You are going to give her that dress understood?” He yelled at me.

I pushed him away from me. “I don’t know who in the hell you think you are but if you scream at me one more time ill punch you!” I shrieked.

“That dress belongs to my family not you, and if Arianna wants to wear it then you have to give me what is rightfully mine!” He snarled.

I put my hands on my hips laughing dryly at him. “So if she wants you to jump off a fucking bridge you will?” I mocked him, “Since when do you kiss her ass Ale?”

My blood was boiling by the second; I knew something like this would happen. I didn’t think it would be Ale and I fighting, but I expected something bad to happen.  Just when things calm down they just take a toll for the worst, and since I found out Ale is marring Arianna it’s only going to go downhill.

He was mad and upset, it was his fault. He chose to marry someone who makes him unhappy and now that he sees I just don’t care he wants to care. He decided to open his brown eyes a little bit too late.

“Why do you want a dress you won’t use anytime soon?” He questioned me stupidly.

“Because letting Arianna use that dress is a disgrace, your sister would be twisting and turning in her tomb if she saw her in that dress.”

“Maybe it’s you who doesn’t want to see her in that dress, you wish it was you.” He mocked me.

 “Go to hell Alejandro,” I whispered, walking away from him.

“You’re going to give me that dress one way or another!” I heard him yell at me.

Jaydon’s Point of View:

“Real mature Arianna,” I snapped at her angrily.

She glared at me. “What? I deserve that dress she doesn’t!” She protested.

There was a reason why I never spoke to my mother and Arianna, they had turned bitter cold. My dad and I never understood why, or how, but they did. First my mom turned into a heartless woman and slowly she changed Arianna. Before my mother had a changed to brain wash her she was nice, and sweet, but now she’s someone I feel sorry for.

“She doesn’t deserve to keep having you tormenting her.” I told her seriously,

She rolled her eyes at me scoffing. “She tried stealing Alejandro from me; trust me this time she’ll be kissing the pavement I walk on before she gets a chance to be with him.”

I shook my head solemnly; she was talking like my mother. She was always looking down at people as if they thought they were better than everyone else. If it weren’t for my dad they weren’t have anything. My mom came from a poor family, a family she doesn’t have any contact with, what made her think she was better than anyone.

“You make me sick,” I muttered standing up, giving her one last look I walked away.

I had stepped out of the restaurant to Alejandro screaming at Juliana. “You’re going to give me that dress one way or another!”

He looked at me frustrated. “She’s fucking stubborn,” He yelled loud enough for her to hear.

I walked down the steps keeping my eyes on him. I had no clue what made Julie fall for a asshole like Alejandro, he treated her like crap. Even when she told me her story with him, I never thought he would be exactly like she explained him to be.

Alejandro was too blind to see that while he was getting settled with a rotting flower, he had a beautiful rose blossoming in front of him. He was an idiot, even if I loved Arianna and I had Julie waiting for me, I wouldn’t think twice about who I wanted. I would rather have someone I might fight with all the time, instead of someone who doesn’t care about anyone else but herself.

“She stands up for what she believes wouldn’t you?” I asked him sitting down on the rail.

Alejandro looked at me stupidly. “Seriously right now is not the time to act like a smartass with me,” He responded running his hands through his hair.

I looked down at the sidewalk and Julie stood there trying to calm herself. When she’s with me she never acts this way, she’s so calm and funny. But then Ale or Arianna show up and she automatically changes personalities, almost as if she doesn’t have the patience to go through anymore crap from them.

“I’m not, the dress belongs to her. If Mindy gave it to her than you don’t have the right to take it from her.” I told her calmly.

“She’ll never use that wedding dress, trust me I know,”

“What makes you think that?” I questioned confusedly. Who wouldn’t want to marry Julie? Yeah, she had her flaws but who didn’t. But other than that she’s a girl that’s stands for herself, she has to screw up to know what she did wrong. And at times she seems like the most fragile thing known to mankind, but something that made her special was her heart. Juliana’s heart could’ve been shattered but she has enough love to heal it all.

“No one is ever going to put up with her.” He told me confidently.

“Just because you couldn’t put with her doesn’t mean someone else can’t,” I walked past him, making my way towards her.

Julie stood by the car breathing as calmly as she could. Her brown eyes watered and she tried stopping herself from crying, but whenever those beautiful eyes water that’s it, she’ll cry. I touched her shoulder giving it a tight squeeze.

Tears rolled down her eyes making trails through her white skin. She looked at me bury her face in my chest.  I have learned when Julie cries, the best comfort you can give her is just to hold her until she just gets through it.

It’s funny how in just a couple of weeks I was able to find out almost everything about her, and her ways. I didn’t spend much time with her but when I did I learned a lot. She was a type of girl you wouldn’t meet twice.

“I hate them.” She muttered.

I pulled her away from me, wiping away her tears with my thumb. “I know, I’m sorry I force you to come.” I apologized.

“No, it’s fine. It was better to know what Arianna had up her sleeve now than finding it out by someone else.” She assured me. “But I’m not giving her that dress; it’s the only thing I have left of Mindy.”

I nodded. “Then you hold on tight to it babe, understood?”  I cupped her face with my hands giving her a gentle kiss on her lips. “Just stop crying,”

                She wrapped her arms around my torso sobbing quietly. “They’ll find a way to take that dress Jaydon.” I heard her say. “And I don’t want them too, it would only disgrace Mindy.”

                You ever had those moments where you know what you’re thinking but you never expect to say it out loud? I didn’t want to see the girl that I liked so much hurting and I didn’t want to see those two jerks win either. I cared about Juliana so much to see her suffering and without any other thought it just blurted out of my mouth.

                “Marry me.”


I had to make you all wait because I was waiting for the right idea to appear lol. I must tell you at this point I have no idea where this story is going. But I have the idea of the ending. SO just sit back and enjoy it.





Merry Christmas Guys!

One more thing if you could pretty please go che4c out Six Stages of Separation it would mean a lot to me. Because that’s my new project and the more feedback I get on it the faster these updates will be!!

Love you guys!


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