You Belong With Me (Completed)

By MaxinePhantom

36K 1.2K 1.9K

Amity is crushing hard on her bestfriend Luz. Too bad Luz is already dating the head cheerleader and is compl... More

Why Can't You See
You're On The Phone With Your Girlfriend She's Upset
She'll Never Know Your Story Like I Do
You've Got A Smile That Could Light Up This Whole Town
Hey, Whatcha Doing With a Girl Like That
Have You Ever Thought, Just Maybe
How Could You Not Know
Been Here All Along
All This Time

You Belong With Me (Finale)

3.2K 128 170
By MaxinePhantom

Last chapter :) also make sure to read the end notes!

Amity and Luz immediately leapt away from each other when the words escaped from Boscha's mouth.

Amity jumped up to her feet and stood just inches from Boscha's face, attempting to look hard, but looked more like a flustered mess. She felt her face burning up, she would have punched her if she wasn't so jumpy and embarrassed from being walked in on. Even if her and Luz weren't doing anything bad per say. "We weren't kissing," was all she managed to spit out.

Alexis cleared her throat beside Boscha. Amity didn't know how she didn't notice the blonde haired girl in the doorway along with Boscha. But something about her demeanor made a chill run through Amity's spine.

It wasn't the fact that Alexis was there, having heard what Boscha said. It wasn't because Alexis might have intimidated Amity from time to time. And it definitely wasn't because Amity was just caught in the bathroom with Alexis' girlfriend, even though nothing had gone on. It was because she was shockingly calm, too calm for the scenario. And that frightened Amity and Luz all the more.

Luz jumped up from where she was sitting and stood facing her girlfriend. Alexis seemed to have expected Luz to say something, but nothing came out. Alexis was standing with her arms crossed and her eyebrow raised. Waiting for her to speak first, but nothing coming out from the two.

Luz wrapped her arms behind her back, her hands clasping from behind.

Luz didn't want to say anything now, but she knew if she didn't, she may never.

"We need to talk."

Both Amity and Boscha watched the couple ever so closely. Boscha smiled just shortly after, satisfied with what she assumed was about to happen. Amity was a bit terrified of what may go down, assuming the worst but hoping for the best. But Alexis, she was a different story. After hearing that from Luz, she uncrossed her arms and grabbed a hold of Luz, dragging her past the two and into a room for more privacy.

Amity and Boscha watched as the two walked away and entering a room just a little ways down the hall. Amity trembled in fear as Boscha nudged her friend, wanting to ask the question since she found her.

"So, what were you two about to do?"



Alexis found one of the many rooms that Boscha kicked open just minutes before that wasn't occupied. She opened the door for the Latina and allowed her to enter first as she held the door open. Luz quickly walked past her and took a seat on the bed, hearing the door close as she looked down at the quilt. She played with the fabric and put all her attention on it. Hoping that the the situation would resolve if she didn't pay her girlfriend any attention.

Just then, she felt the bed shift and looked up to see her girlfriend staring at her with no emotion. Luz had never felt as terrified as she had right now.

Not even when Eda almost got the two arrested for ripping off a few suckers at the flea market. Or that one time her mom found out she was lying to her about attending a camp for an entire summer. This was a different type of fear, this was a type of guilt fear that made Luz more hesitant.

Luz sighed and managed to speak, "I can't do this anymore- I can't be with you and pretend everything is okay."

Alexis expression changed from a neutral expression to now a surprised one. She didn't quite understand why this was happening, just hours after homecoming. Hours after what she considered a perfect night with her perfect girlfriend.

Luz sighed, he hands trembling and her heart racing. She was afraid she would have another episode until she remembered why she was doing this. More specifically, who she was doing this for.

"I like Amity. More than I ever meant to." She finally said, clenching her fists and meeting Alexis' eyes.

Luz expected Alexis to be upset, to look angry. But all she could see on her face was hurt.


Alexis felt her eyes begin to water,

'No. Not this. Not now.'

Luz noticed her girlfriends- well, ex-girlfriend's(?) eyes gloss, the bedside table lamp gave it all away. She probably wouldn't have noticed, she had no break in her voice and her manners had it seem as though she were taking it well.

But Luz and Alexis knew it was far from it.

Luz grimaced, feeling her own pain in her words. Of course she shouldn't have done this now. "Alexis-"

Luz raised her hand, just inches away from it landing on the blonde's shoulder, but Alexis stopped it. She gently pushed it down and caught it in her own hand, laying it on the quilt and rubbing it as the tears fell.

Luz had no idea what to do. Her first relationship; three years, two homecomings and one girl. She felt a little lost, she didn't know if she should console her or give her the space she assumed she needed. But her question was answered soon enough when she realized Alexis released her hand. She gently pushed it away once more and wiped her cheek, careful not to ruin her makeup.

She looked up to Luz and said, "You don't have to stay. I'll see you at school." Luz watched her as she got up and walked towards the door, placing her hand on the doorknob and opening it just a crack. But before she walked out, she turned back towards Luz and said, "Goodbye, Luz."

And out the door she walked, slamming it shut behind her.


Willow felt her side pocket vibrate, stopping in her tracks and halting her search around the house. She looked at the caller ID and immediately answered it, pressing it to her ear and wasting no time asking any other questions. "Did you find her?"

Boscha smiled behind the phone, not that her girlfriend could see. "Hey Lo', I missed youuu-"

"Boscha! Not now!" Willow said, face palming and trying to calm her burning face. Her girlfriend was going to be the death of her, if Willow didn't get to her first.

Willow heard her girlfriend's laugh on the other end and a small sigh, "Yeah, her and Luz were in the middle of something though. Seemed kind of important too-"

"Boscha!" Willow heard the brunette from the other end. She let out a breath and held her chest in relief. "Please put Amity on the phone, Boscha."

Surprisingly Boscha was quick to remove the phone from her ear as Willow noticed her voice sound more distant than before. "Willow wants to talk to you, Little Miss Perfect."

"I told you to stop calling me that."

Willow heard a loud amount of shuffling from their end, she assumed Amity tore the phone away from Boscha in a form of pettiness. She really couldn't blame her though.

"Hey, Willow."

Willow let out another breath, relieved to see that her girlfriend wasn't lying, But then she ended up being more confused that relieved, "Wait, you were with Luz? Is she there now?"

Willow heard Amity take a sharp breath, then the cackle of her girlfriend near Amity.

Amity could only groan, "She's with Alexis now. They've been gone a while." Willow knew from the tremble in her voice that something was going on. But she knew better than to pry, especially considering Amity's mental state isn't in the best place right now.

"Where are you?"


Luz was finally able to step out, waiting moments until she felt she was ready. Her legs couldn't stop shaking as she lifted her body off the bed. Luz felt as though all her thoughts were running hundreds of miles per hour.

She couldn't help but notice her hand shake as soon as she made contact with the door knob, the rattling was echoing through her head.

Then Luz remembered why she did what she did. She had no reason to feel guilty. She like liked Amity. And she's known for a while, but she never recognized them as romantic feelings. Plus, she had Alexis.


Luz took a deep breath, "You're fine. You're fine. You're fine." She whispered softly and slowly to herself. Sometimes, you just needed reassurance from yourself too.

She gripped the door knob and pulled the door back, storming out and nearly knocking into someone.


Luz had almost forgotten she was near another panic attack moments ago the second she saw the familiar face.


Luz nearly tackled her friend in a hug.

Willow had some wind knocked out of her from the surprising embrace, but quickly returned the gesture. Squeezing back just as hard and pushing her away by the shoulders to meet her eyes.

"Where were you? Last I heard you were with Amity."

Luz grabbed Willow's hands and placed them in front of the two, holding them as she spoke, "Where'd you hear that from?"

Then they heard someone clear their throat from beside them.

"I told her." Amity spoke, looking at the two, looking a flustered mess as usual.

Boscha and Willow both noticed the tension between the two. And with some quick thinking, Boscha spoke, "Well, I'd love to stay and chat but-"

"Boscha promised my dads I'd be home by-"

"One." Boscha finished for her. Luz grabbed her cell phone and looked at the bold numbers.

"It's 11:47?"

Boscha nodded with confidence. "And I want to stay on their good side by getting her home an hour early. See you two later!" Boscha shouted, and then grabbed a hold of her girlfriend's hand and gently dragging her along as Willow waved a goodbye to the two.

Amity scowled as she knew what their game was. And as soon as they were out of view, she felt a pair of eyes on her.

Her heart beat like a drum as she turned to look into the pair of light brown eyes that were drawn to her.  And when she saw that look in her eyes, the look she had been longing for, the look of love, her stomach began to swarm with butterflies.

Because not only did Luz give her a gaze that was only reserved for her, but she gently reached for her hand and intertwined their hands. The warmth of her hands radiated throughout Amity's body as Luz dragged her downstairs and out the door.


Luz had agreed they take Amity's car since Alexis had provided her the ride to the Brooke's residence.

The two drove in a comfortable silence with the hum of radio static falling over the sound of the soft roar of the car. The two still continued, with their hands held tightly together, almost as though they were afraid of one slipping away.

Amity found the spot that the both had agreed was marked as their own. A spot that was only reserved for the two, a spot worthy of a moment like this.

Amity parked her car near the edge of the cliff (but not too close) and finally let go of Luz's hand. Her hand immediately longed for her touch as soon as it had left. But was met with it again as Luz rushed over to the driver door to open it for Amity.

The gesture was sweet and something that was very like Luz to do. Amity was afraid that if she cheesy smiled anymore, her face would be stuck in such a horrible expression. An expression she felt was only meant for Luz.

Their hands clasped together once more as they began their short, quiet walk to the tree. The same tree the two were at days before.

Amity took her seat with her back against the trunk of the tree. Luz took her seat soon after and looked at her, smiling and holding up the two hands. She pressed a soft kiss to the back of Amity's hand as Amity burned with a blush.

Finally, she spoke, "So, what does this mean?"

Luz shrugged and felt as though it were obvious. "Alexis ended it. And it was something that was a long time coming." Her face fell, but she continued. "I don't want you to think anything bad of this." Luz tried to find the right words as she stammered, "I- Just because she broke up with me. I've been wanting to be with you. For a while now. But I was so afraid of losing you, of losing my best friend, especially if you hadn't felt the same way."

Luz looked away and felt the guilt returning. She now felt like she wasted her time, time she could've been with Amity and not with someone who wasn't right for her. She loved Alexis, but not the same type of love she feels for Amity. With Amity, it was stronger, it was a comfortable feeling.

Then Luz felt Amity place her free hand on top of the two that were still held together. She raised them and pressed a similar kiss to Luz's.

"It's okay, I was the same."

Amity smiled and continued, "But we're here now, together. And I couldn't be happier, Luz. You're my person. And I can't imagine what I'd do without you."

Luz felt her heart warm at the kind words. The words that Alexis only spoke for show. The words she longed to hear. And now, she was. From her person.

Luz felt a tear slide down her cheek as Amity watched it fall in the pale moonlight. She reached up to wipe the tear from her lovers face as she held her by her cheek.

Luz smiled and let out a dry laugh, pulling her close, "And you're my person."

Luz grabbed a hold of the brunette's face and pulled her in, meeting their lips for a kiss. The two smiled into it as their hearts filled with joy.

They finally had each other in the way they always wanted.

1 Month Later

Luz and Amity walked down the school corridors as school let out. It was the first day back from winter break and the two spent the entire vacation joined at the hip. Amity agreed to spend Christmas Eve with Luz's family, since Luz has stated "Most Latinos celebrate the holiday on the Eve." Which Amity found odd but rather interesting. And she was more than happy to spend it with her girlfriend's family. Then Luz agreed to spend Christmas evening with the Blight's, much to the twin amusement. Having put on quite the show, which the Blight parents weren't too happy about.

Mashed potatoes on your kids head is cute when they're a year old, not when they're a year away from graduating college.

The two had their hands held tightly together. Luz wore a varsity jacket, but one that wasn't hers. It was that of her girlfriend's, who rejoined the rugby team after some talk with the coach and captains. One of the many perks of having the star player as your girlfriend.

Amity wore Luz's, feeling more comfort with the jacket. The two wore the same thing in a way, but found it better like this, something they couldn't quite explain.

The two had a practice free day since the field was frozen over. The two agreed to ride together to the Blight Manor and have a well deserved Azura book club to make up for many missed.

But before they could, as they walked out the large school doorway, they spotted a head of blonde near Amity's car, her arms crossed with her books pressed tightly to her chest. She shivered under the cold winter air.

The two looked at one another, confused. But walked over quickly, with Luz calling out.


The head cheerleader straightened when she heard her name. Her head turned in the direction of the voice and awkwardly waved at the couple.

"Hey, um- Luz. Amity"

Luz smiled, feeling better than Amity in this situation, her girlfriend felt awkward and uneasy. She shuffled in place and refused to meet her eyes. Alexis noticed and looked down as she let out a small sigh.

"I just wanted-" she spoke at first, softly. But then took another deep breath, catching the attention of Amity. "I wanted to apologize. For everything. For being such a shitty girlfriend and for being an even shittier person. I'm really happy for you two."

Alexis looked away for a moment and then continued, "I know that I shouldn't have forced something that wasn't there." Her eyes glistened but she refused to let them fall. She didn't want them to think she was upset at them. Alexis was just upset at herself.

"I just wish I can have something close to what you two have. You two understand each other in a way that every girl dreams to have with someone."

Alexis smiled Luz and held out her hand, not wanting to overstep with a hug. Luz let go of her girlfriend's hand and gave her a small smile.

Luz being Luz, pulled Alexis' hand in and gave her a small embrace. Alexis held on tightly to her textbooks as she felt the familiar warmth. 

But not too long after, Luz released. Amity smiled at her loving nature. Then she looked at Alexis and smiled. She was shocked to say the least but didn't show it.

Alexis was so genuine and she truly was apologetic for what had happened. Amity tried to look for a tell, anything that may seem like Alexis was doing this for show. But nothing, her body language and her attitude, it was that of a honest person.

Luz being Luz, spoke first after her small ramble.

"It's okay, we all do things that we never mean to do. I'm just happy that you're okay." Luz spotted the corner of her now ex-girlfriend's mouth curl into a small smile.

"And thanks, for the 'every girl dreams' compliment."

Alexis nodded, "I meant it, Luz."

Alexis saw this as her cue to leave, waving the happy couple a small goodbye.

Amity felt relieved, feeling an unknown guilt lifted. Then she felt her girlfriend's hands on her shoulder, giving them a reassuring squeeze. Amity turned to look at Luz and placed a small peck on her lips, smiling into it.

"Now come on! I heard they released the first chapter of the new Azura book! I want us to read it together before we get any spoiler off Tweeter!"

Luz flew past Amity and opened the passenger door throwing herself in.

Amity knew what she was feeling now. It was something she hadn't felt in a while. And as she looked at her girlfriend scroll through her cell phone and groan in annoyance when she realized she spoiled the first chapter for herself.

She realized she finally felt happy.

Amity was truly happy. She was where she always wanted to be.

Hello everyone! A big thank you to everyone who stuck around, even after my multiple writers block. I was thinking of making an extra small epilogue to where Alexis gets a true opportunity at redemption. But it all depends on who may want to see something like that. I have no problem doing either or! :))) Anyway, this chapter was actually supposed to be a tad bit longer but I messed up on my end. But that's okay because everything that was supposed to happen, happened.

Once again, a big fat thank you to everyone who supported this story. This is my first EVER finished story on Wattpad *cues audience applause* thank you, thank you.

And until next time!

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