Beyond the King's Gate

By ElenaAlexandra10

8.1K 319 51

A servant's daughter befriends the prince and finds an unlikely friendship. One that would be greatly scrutin... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two

Chapter Seven

328 16 4
By ElenaAlexandra10

Ronald kept checking over his shoulder. He told the butler he wanted to see her outside, and so he stood there. The afternoon was drawing to a close, he still could ride his horse for a bit before the whole castle went mad in search of him.

Though they would be busy with preparations for the upcoming ball. It would work in his favor. Would his father be enraged again? Oh why did it matter, he would be locked up in the study learning about former kings before him, how to rule a kingdom, and how every choice he makes has to be well thought out.

All these thoughts brewed in his mind as he waited for her.

It took awhile but she appeared, the side gate used for the servants is where he stood in wait. She came near him, shoulders drawn closer to her chest in protection.

"Am I in trouble?" Her eyes were wide with worry. Her auburn hair was in a loose braid on her shoulder. She looked exhausted. And Ronald just wanted to give her a hug.

Quickly reassuring her, he said, "No." Smiling big, he walked over to her, and grasped her hand. "Come on, I want to go riding with you."

"But, but, your highness I am expected back in the castle no later than ten minutes." Her voice quivered in fear that she would be punished.

"Then I shall be blamed if anyone should say a thing to you." Ronald pulled her after him, she hitched her skirt and soon they were running towards the stables.

"Do you think anyone will know you are with me?" She asked, once more concerned.

"No. And even if they do, does it even matter? Forget about them, let's have fun." Bethany couldn't believe the words coming from his mouth. It was quite audacious.

"Am I truly going to ride with you?" He turned to her. His blonde hair fell in his eyes and he pushed it back behind his ears.

Grinning wide with excitement, he assured her. "Yes of course!"

Her lip quivered, "I'm afraid I don't know how to ride."

"Oh, don't worry, I will teach you. There's not much to it. All you got to know is which direction you want to steer the beast." Ronald was sure she was too nervous to ride herself and decided it was best to ride with her.

"I don't think I'll be able to ride." She fiddled with her hands. Confirming his decision.

"Then you shall ride with me." He marched toward a saddle on a rack, and pulled it off. Walking with it he asked her, "May you open the stable?"

"Yes." She ran towards a favorite horse of his. As if she read his mind.

"We..shall saddle this horse." He said with great effort, as he carried the heavy leather saddle. She tried helping him, which Ronald was most grateful for. "There." When he had successfully placed it on the horse. He huffed a breath, looking at each other they burst out laughing. Look at them both saddling a horse themselves. Tiny as they are.

"We did it!" He exclaimed.

He tightened the billet strap. They were ready to go. "Here, grab my hand." He guided her foot to the stirrup and hoisted her up. He heard a guard on the move. "We have to hurry." He warned.

Effortless, he swung himself onto the saddle behind her. "Cluck cluck." He said. The horse began to move when Ronald gave his command. The horse moved out of the barn and he heard Bethany squeal. Ronald couldn't help but laugh.

"This is so much fun!" Bethany exclaimed. Then the blessed moment came, that Ronald waited for. To hear her laugh.

"It sure is." Smiling to himself, he thought how wonderful it was to hear that sweet sound. They rode towards the meadows on the other side of the castle walls. Greenery and brush passed them. And ahead of them were beautiful trees that swayed in the warm breeze. He sat behind her holding the leash of his horse. Squeezing the horses flanks, they speed towards those trees until the guards could no longer see them. They wouldn't get a good look at who rode off, so Ronald wasn't worried.

Once they were out of sight, he commanded the horse to come to a slow walk.

Next part written by Alexandra Rain

He heard Bethany breath in deeply, the feeling of freedom coursing through her veins. As they trotted through the forest, the sound of birds and animals filled the air. Each step of the horse leaving a satisfying crunch, branches cracking beneath the horse's feet. Blending with the chirps and the wind.

They reached the end of the forest, standing on a hill that cascaded into fields of beautiful lavender.

Bethany breathed deeply, as she told him, "Lavender is my favorite flower." She didn't know why that came out. It was an unknown place in her heart that just wanted to tell him everything. Maybe it was because he was trustworthy.

Ronald knew what he must do next. They got off the horse and Ronald went a little ways over, and he plucked a single cluster of lavender, gently tucking it behind Bethany's ear. Bethany couldn't remove her gaze from his golden hazel eyes. Nor did she move out of place.

"You are my favorite person in this whole world."

"I am?" She asked her head just ever so slightly tilted towards her shoulder.

"You are. While everyone around me demands things of me, you do not. I feel like myself with you." Bethany's cheek grew a rosy shade.

"I'm more than honored to be your friend." Bethany smiled and then looked towards the sea. "Can we ride out to the sunset?" She asked him meekly.

Bethany watched a bird fly past them, and out to sea. To the right of the meadows a river passed and connected to the sea beyond.

Ronald could see the rays of sunshine turning to gold above the waves. He too wanted to go there. Amused Ronald looked into her eyes, seeing them flood with happiness and hope, "Of course my lady."

They got back onto the horse. "I've never been down by the sea before." She said quietly. But Ronald caught it before the wind blew it away. His heart squeezed. Maybe he didn't have it so bad. After all he still was allowed freedom. Bethany however? She was truly stuck inside those walls.

He was her only freedom.

A wicked idea came to his mind, he would show her the time of her life. Squeezing his calves and grabbing the reins in one hand, wrapping the other arm around Bethany's waist pulling her closer to him. He slapped the reins hard and gave the horse a command. He heard an audible gasp from Bethany when the horse began to speed up, he bit back the urge to chuckle.

The horse tore through the wind, speeding down the hill with such speed, it created a feeling of flight.

Bethany screamed in fear at first, continuing a second later in awe and joy. Bethany felt like the whole world was on the tips of her fingers, flying through fields of purple while the prince's arm held her securely.

When they reached level ground down by the beach they dismounted the horse. Both were both out of breath from giggling, while looking like children.
They continued walking until they reached the sandy shore, leaving the horse behind. Waves were rippling against the shore with greenery bursting in every direction. Rays of gold and pink hues spread across the sky, the water was sparkling.

Her heart felt full. Everything in that moment would be etched into her mind forever along with the presence of Ronald. She has never been treated like this before. She felt like a princess. The salty fresh air filled her lungs as she looked back at him. He was smiling cheek to cheek. Warmth spread across her. She swore to herself never to tell a soul of what transpired.

The prince befriended a servant's daughter. No one knew about them, and hoped that it would stay that way. The prince wouldn't tell his father, so she had that confidence at least.

They played in the sand, running, chasing butterflies. She felt the wind beneath her hair. Freedom at last.

Bethany stopped abruptly before the waves, and decided it was time. Bethany bent over and unlaced her shoes. Ronald looked at her in confusion. She giggled, "Don't you want to feel the water on your feet?"

He stared at her in wonder, she was so happy and content with such a small adventure. He quickly removed his shoes and walked after her into the waves reaching their ankles.

She gasped and grabbed his arm, "It's so cold!"
Ronalds eyes filled with a mischievous look, as he turned and picked up a handful of water. Bethany in that moment knew what he would do. Screaming she ran away from him. But he splashed her before she could run far enough. Turning to him, her eyes were aglow, "Oh it's on."

The next minutes were filled with screams and laughter as they both forgot the world behind them, engrossed with the moment surrounding them.

When the sun was half visible Ronald stopped and sat down on the sand. She joined him. Wondering at the sigh that escaped him. "We should head back, or it will be too dark."

He had enjoyed this more than he thought, with her the world melted away, everything replaced with a wondrous fulfillment. He didn't want to go back. To the judgment, the expectations. Everything that had sucked his childhood away forever.

They walked back to the horse who stood eating grass, mounting once again, they were wet and tired, as they rode back. Upon arriving at the stables he stopped the horse, dismounting him and Bethany.

She sighed with content, "Thank you so much. This has been possibly the best evening of my life."

He gazed at her for a while, then smiled big before responding, "It was my pleasure, Miss Bethany. I hope we can see each other again very soon." He lightly took her hand, raising it to his mouth as he placed a tender kiss on her hand. All the while maintaining eye contact, "Goodnight."

She shuddered at the feeling of warmth spreading in her stomach and across her cheeks as his lips pressed into her hand.

"Goodnight Ronald." She dared using his name. Bethany only received another smile from him. She smiled before walking away leaving him to give the horse to a stable boy. She hid before the stable boy peaked out.

Sneaking back into the quarters, she thought back to the evening. Everything about him confused her yet she felt more calm and content then ever. I hope we will become good friends, he seems like a wonderful person, she thought to herself as she wished
For more moments like today with him.

Today was the day she saw him, not as a prince, but as a friend. Bethany realized he was human with a feeling heart and soul. Not a stuck up prince that the castle made him out to be.

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