Ocean Storm (Queen of Piracy...

By VictoriaLachac

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[10x Featured] Eva did everything but follow the rules. No one seemed to understand her. Suffering domestic v... More

Chapter 1: A new adventure
Chapter 2: Rum? Seriously?
Chapter 3: Sailing away... kind of
Chapter 4: The weirdest family reunion
Chapter 5: A surprise and a goodbye
Chapter 6: It all makes sense now!
Chapter 7: What's going on?
Chapter 8: When my life changed forever
Chapter 9: Time to fight!
Chapter 10: You never forget your first
Chapter 11: What the hell?
Chapter 12: It can always get worse
Chapter 13: Pure uncertainty
Chapter 14: Waiting for a miracle
Chapter 15: A bad day becomes good
Chapter 16: An interesting night
Chapter 17: Now or never
Chapter 18: Storm versus Monster
Chapter 19: Can't ask the captain anymore
Chapter 20: Success or failure?
Chapter 21: The Caribbean is ours
Chapter 22: Run, pirates, run!
Chapter 23: How did they find us?
Chapter 24: Not them again!
Chapter 25: Welcome to Jamaica!
Chapter 26: Mr. Boredom is back
Chapter 27: Too bad to be true
Chapter 28: How will we survive?
Chapter 29: Seeing an old friend again
Chapter 30: Life can always get crazier
Chapter 32: Invading a prison! What could go wrong?
Chapter 33: No more hiding the truth
Chapter 34: The battle approaches
Chapter 35: Is this how I end?
Chapter 36: The final confrontation
Chapter 37: My problems ended... Right?
Chapter 38: Life is funny
Chapter 39: Is this love great enough?
Chapter 40: Triple trouble
Character Aesthetics & GIFs
Special Questions
Winners & Heart Thieves
Book 2 released!

Chapter 31: The British can't defeat us... I hope

508 77 653
By VictoriaLachac

Dirk and I were no longer alone in our fight against the Navy. Our fleet increased significantly two weeks after the weird encounter with Miguel and uncle Ruben. Gálvez indeed knew many pirates. The Spaniard was essential to help us find more allies to face the British. Besides sailing with four other ships, Miguel knew ten other captains that accepted our mutual protection deal. His allies knew various pirates as well. In a short amount of time, we managed to convince sixty-one pirates to join our fleet. Of course, it wasn't a lot compared to what the Navy had, but at least our chance to win had increased. Although I believed in my allies' capacity and mine to beat our enemies, I knew we weren't likely to survive a Navy massacre. I'd been training my gunners to be faster, practicing sword fighting daily, discussing strategy with my crew... and yet I wasn't sure if that would be enough. The only advantage of that frightening situation was that neither Bosch nor Gálvez had mentioned my possible miscarriage after leaving San Francisco de Campeche. Deep down, I knew it was only a matter of time until one of them did it. Thinking of a possible conversation about that subject made me nauseous.

The sun was going down and Ocean Storm had docked at the Cayman Islands a few minutes ago. As usual, we'd stay on the island for one night. After so much fighting and heartbreaks, I deserved to relax. It wasn't exactly easy to almost get killed by the Navy, meet my presumably dead uncle and Miguel on the same day, have my secret exposed and be betrayed by my best friend. Everything happened extremely fast. I felt dizzy while drinking some ale at a tavern. Also, I was so hungry that I wanted to eat a shark. Stress made me feel so weird sometimes... I wondered why a large meal was everything I needed at that moment. 

Miguel approached me, "Do you need someone to talk to, guapa?"

My eyes bulged as I saw him. I didn't expect El Dorado to show up at that moment. I was so distracted with my own thoughts that I didn't notice him coming.

"I didn't mean to scare you," Gálvez bit his lower lip. "Also, we never really discussed what your cousin mentioned in San Francisco de Campeche."

Please, anything but this. 

The Spaniard sat on my right as he observed me. I wanted to change the subject but had no idea how. I'd probably fail if I tried to make him forget that matter.

"There's nothing to talk about. The baby's gone, so you're free from the burden of being a father," I took a long sip of my ale to decrease my stress. "Besides, I intended to raise the child on my own anyway."

Gálvez scowled, "Who said it would've been a burden?"

Although I hate to admit it, I blushed. I controlled myself not to smile. Had I gone crazy, or was the Spaniard really saying he would've liked to be a father? That was the last thing I expected to hear from Miguel. He didn't seem like the family type of guy at all. Perhaps uncle Ruben was right about Gálvez genuinely caring about people... After all, he did save my uncle. I just never expected that the Spaniard would care about me.

"Do you think it's easy being a parent? Many things would have to change!" I chuckled and raised my brows. "Also, you'd be stuck with me forever."

Miguel sighed and put an arm around my back. His touch was pleasant and comforting, but definitely not the same as Dirk's. It wasn't better or worse, just warmer and less possessive. Although I enjoyed spending time with Dirk and trusted him, Gálvez made me feel protected and relaxed in ways that no one else could. Maybe uncle Ruben was right and the Spaniard had indeed fallen for me... No, that would be insane.

"I love kids," his lips curled into a sweet smile. "Besides, I wouldn't mind being stuck with you at all. You're funny, beautiful, smart... simply amazing."

I laughed softly, "Thank you, but do you really mean that?"

El Dorado chuckled as he got even closer. God, his smell of roses... I almost closed my eyes to feel it with more intensity. My heart was beating extremely fast and I couldn't understand why.

"I do, Eva. From the bottom of my heart," Miguel raised his brows and slid his hand down my back. "We should go on a real date. I want to know more about you."

I gawked. What the hell was going on? Blinking fast, I started thinking about his offer. I felt stupid for it, but I wanted to go on a date with Gálvez. We hadn't had a real conversation since our encounter in San Francisco de Campeche anyway, so why not? However, a part of me wasn't sure whether that was a good idea. What if my uncle was wrong and the Spaniard didn't really fall in love with me? I didn't want to end up broken-hearted... or perhaps I was just afraid to feel something.

"Hello, Eva... and Miguel," Dirk said from behind me. "I need to talk to Eva in private. It's urgent."

Gawking, I almost fell off my chair. Where had Bosch come from? He was the second person to startle me already! 

"Alright," I stood up from my chair. "We'll talk later, Miguel."

"No problem," Gálvez forced a smile. "I'll wait as long as I have to."

Dirk and I soon left the tavern. I looked back, feeling a little guilty for leaving the Spaniard there. The redhead chewed on his lip, which worried me even more. He never showed up suddenly like that. I got closer to him as we walked.

I raised a brow, "What did you want to tell me?"

"Absolutely nothing," Dirk glanced away for an instant. "I just had to save you from him."

I laughed so much that I thought I'd have shortness of breath. Bosch was unbelievable, wasn't he? The one time I was alone with Miguel he'd magically showed up... God, I couldn't believe it. Either Dirk was a fortune teller, or he'd been spying on me.

"Really?" I smirked and raised my brows. "What terrible thing could he do? Compliment me too much?"

"Gálvez just wants to use you as he did before," Dirk pursed his lips. "You shouldn't be anywhere near him."

I scowled since I wasn't sure if Miguel's only wish was to use me. Besides, Bosch had become angrier since that day in San Francisco de Campeche. He did everything to keep me away from the Spaniard. Was Dirk indeed jealous, or he simply didn't like El Dorado? Sometimes the answer seemed to be clear, sometimes I had no idea what was going on...

"You've been acting strange since Miguel became our ally," I crossed my arms and frowned. "Also, were you following me?"

Dirk gazed downward and pressed his lips together. That seemed like an admission of guilt to me. Even though I'd never dated anyone, his attitude screamed jealously. Since I couldn't read Bosch's thoughts, the only way to find out the truth was by asking him directly.

I grinned mischievously, "Are you jealous, Dirk?"

Bosch's eyes bulged and he blushed like never before. The redhead tried to talk, but nothing came out. I gawked. The angry guy I threw out a ship had feelings for me? How did that happen? Speechless, I chuckled. My heartbeat got even faster since I was shocked... or excited? I had no idea.

"Jealous? Of course not! It's just... it's..." he let out a pronounced sigh. "I just don't like the way he looks at you."

I scowled, "What do you mean?"

"Miguel wants you! Can't you see it?" Dirk glared at the wall as if he imagined Gálvez standing there. "We both know he didn't slide his hand down your back to be friendly."

Yeah, Dirk, you aren't jealous at all...

"Why does it bother you?" I smiled provocatively. "Besides, you know I can take care of myself."

"It... It doesn't!" Dirk glanced away. "You're free to date whomever you want."

I laughed, "You're a terrible liar!"

Dirk blushed instantly. He kept looking at me as if it was the last time. I closed my eyes as I felt his soft hand on my cheek. When he was about to say something, I heard a gunshot. I winced and sighed in relief once I saw no injuries on me... but things can always get worse, can't they? Bosch grimaced as he touched his left leg.

"Dirk! My God... You're hurt!" I approached him while breathing faster. "We must go to my vessel! I'll take care of your wound."

"It's just a scratch," Bosch looked at something behind me. "Besides, we need to get rid of them first."

When I turned back, I almost screamed. It couldn't be the idiots again... I didn't deserve it. Hendrika got in the way of my happiness enough, now the British wouldn't leave me alone as well? Sometimes I wondered if I would ever be truly happy.

"Aren't you two adorable?" Sven said, laughing cruelly. "Let's get them, fellas!"

At that instant, three Navy men walked towards Dirk and me. Without thinking twice, I pulled him by the arm and ran for my life. Breathing faster, I sped up before the British had the chance to shoot us again. Unfortunately, there were no fruits for me to throw on our enemies' way that time. There was so much sweat on my body that it appeared I'd dived into the ocean. I calmed down once Bosch and I found an alley to hide.

"I think drinking too much tea gives the power of invisibility to the British. They become invisible and follow us!" I chewed on my lips as my eyes widened. "How else could they find us so many times?"

"I don't know," Bosch narrowed his eyes. "What if that Spanish jerk is working with our enemies?"

I gulped. Sven had betrayed my trust already. What if Gálvez had done the same? God, I had enough problems! I didn't need another one. Although I was usually paranoid, I'd never suspected Miguel. He was smooth, but not evil... at least apparently.

I scowled, "Miguel doesn't seem like a bad guy to me."

Why would Miguel seem like a bad guy to you, Eva? You like him!

At that same instant, the Navy men found us again. I ran so fast that I put a hand on my head to stop my cocked from falling. Don't judge me, I loved that hat too much to lose it! As I got further from my enemies, I wondered why I hadn't brought Francis with me that day. He would've bitten those guys in seconds... God, if regret could kill, I would've died at that very instant.

At least they didn't tear my coat like last time.

When I found an empty street to hide, I closed my eyes and sighed in relief. Apparently, the British were gone since I didn't hear any noises or saw any shadows.

"Since I don't know if the Navy will end up killing me, there's something I need to tell you, Dirk," I gazed downward and smiled. "Something I never thought I'd tell anyone."

I gawked when I looked ahead. Dirk wasn't there. Since we'd ran a lot, he probably lost me on the way. I looked to the left, then to the right... nothing. Breathing much faster than before, I walked quickly to another alley.

I increased my tone of voice, "This isn't funny, Dirk. Where are you?"

Reaching for my cutlass, I gulped. My eyes bulged when I found a trail of blood. With my hands shaking, I followed it slowly.

Please, let that blood not be Dirk's...

I took a deep breath while entering a more crowded street. To avoid scaring other people, I put down my cutlass... but they were frightened already. I gaped as I saw Dirk severely wounded being dragged by the Navy men. A massive amount of people was between him and me, which made me even more nervous. Many men were whispering. A second ago, Bosch and I were running from the English, so when did we miss each other? I wanted to punch myself in the face for not seeing how that happened.

I pushed everyone out of my way, "No! I won't let that happen to him!"

Although I knew it was too late, I tried to reach Dirk as fast as I could. Some people looked at me as if I was crazy and I couldn't care less. Bosch gazed at me, appearing to be exhausted. His left eye was swollen and his nose dripped blood. I couldn't control my tears.

Dirk could barely breathe, "Run, Eva... Save yourself..."

A Navy officer glared at me, "We'll deal with her later."

The men got further away at each second that passed by. Even though I walked faster, I wouldn't reach them. There were too many people on my way... It was too late. I sobbed as I remembered the British always executed pirates. They would take Bosch to jail and it was only a matter of time until they killed him.

"Dirk! No! Why?" my throat burned since I shouted very loudly. "No! No! No!"

I put both hands on my face as my voice faded like an echo. That was one of the few times I couldn't stop myself from crying at all. When I thought I'd finally found someone I truly cared about, destiny chose to take him from me. I sobbed my heart out, hoping no one from my crew was watching.

"I will rescue him," I pressed my lips together. "Even if it's the last thing I do!"

After taking several deep breaths, I walked away. There was no way I'd let Bosch be executed. I couldn't care less about danger at that moment. The British could shoot me ten times if they wanted to, but I wouldn't go down without a fight. Even if I had to face a thousand Captain Monsters, I wouldn't let Dirk be killed. In fact, I didn't care if I died in the process. Not even the largest cannonball ever would stop me from rescuing the man I deeply cared about. I was determined to save Dirk Bosch, whatever the cost.


Author's note: Hey, everyone! Thanks again for reading! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. Please vote and comment if you liked it! Also, please share this story with your friends if you're enjoying it! :-) Follow the "Ocean Storm" playlist on Spotify if you haven't done so yet. The link is on my main page. Will Eva be able to rescue Dirk? Keep reading and you'll find out... :-) I didn't add translations for words/expressions in Spanish this time because I'd already translated them in previous chapters. Also, don't forget to answer my quick question below. Have a great day/evening/night. ;-)

Quick question: Who do you think Eva is going to choose as her partner?

I dedicate this chapter to my dear friend akiimarvelous

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