Angel Unknown ~ Kuroshitsuji...

By animeandmusic

174K 6.7K 2.3K

A girl is sent to Earth. The first to find her in a forest should take care of her. Not aware of what love is... More

An Angel to Earth
To Play A Game
Is This Bad?
Nightmare to Reality
Lady Elizabeth
Jewel & Robin
Half of the Case Closed
Air, to Draw or Repel?
Tiger Loves Dogs
Ring of Hope
Ciel's P.O.V
Birthday Present
Ria's Betrothed
Gift and Conditions
Visiting Her Betrothed
Mother's Orders
Ria to Aria
Revenge Successful
Meeting the Parents
The Queen's Court
Fight to the Death
Always Waking Alone
Trained to Fight
Dagger to Gun
Preview: Waking to a Different Prospective

One Battle Won

3.6K 170 27
By animeandmusic

I growl and aim my claws at his chest, he manages to kick me off of him. He tackles me instead and aims the dagger at my stomach. I gasp and throw my arm in the way, he stabs my arm deeply and I feel some type of rupture in myself as another wave of colorful light emits from the cut.

I hold onto my arm and kick him off of me, a mix of gold and red dripping down my arm. I glare and hiss at the boy. Ignoring my hurt arm, I lunge at him and grab him by his neck. He hadn't seen me move because of how quickly I attacked. He drops the dagger in surprise and claws at my hands that are once more, digging into his neck.

"S-Sebastian!" He coughs and I tighten my grip, knowing my mother was keeping his demon busy. "I've had enough of you, you irritating human!" I pull my arm back and get ready to stab him in the stomach. "Just die al-!" I stop when a dagger cuts into my stomach, my hand went through someone but not the boy.

"F-Father...?" I stutter in surprise and shock. Before another word can be said, I feel a searing pain in my stomach. "No! Aria!" I hear Mother faintly and drop to the floor. The strange colors stream out of my stomach.

"Ria!" Ciel shouts and I look towards him blearily, the man is holding him back. "Milord, you cannot touch her at this time or she may die." I hear an annoying screaming and its irritating my ears.

My mind may be haze but hadn't he just said I'm not dying? "Sebastian she is screaming in hysterics!" I look at the ceiling, 'so that noise is me...?' I look around once more, my eyes landing on my Father.

He smiles at me and mouths something to me, knowing my hearing is starting to fade before my vision is going to fade soon as well. I read his lips slowly, I'm proud of you, love.

Ciel's P.O.V

When Sebastian releases my arm, I rush over to Ria. Her features are back to normal. Her face is pale though, "Sebastian! Why does she looks so horrible?!" Sebastian gives me a blank look. "Milord, would you like me to fuse you with two personalities and then stab one of the personalities out of you, leaving you alone to battle your evil personality in your head?"

I blink at him for a moment, "so you're telling me we left Ria alone with her inner insanity to fight for her body?!" Sebastian gives me a look as if to say, 'I just explained all of that and that's the only thing you've gotten out of it'. He sighs but answers anyway, "yes Milord."

I growl and pick Ria up, "we head back to the manor now Sebastian." He nods and is about to respond but is cut off. "I don't think so, that is my daughter you have in your hands and I don't approve of you taking her." I roll my eyes, "Sebastian finish this woman off. That's an order."

Sebastian bows and places a hand to his chest, " lord." I walk out as Sebastian deals with Ria's former mother. "Don't worry, once you wake up Ria, I promise I won't let anything else happen to you." I whispered softly in her ear, pressing my lips to her forehead.

3rd P.O.V

The young bluenette carried the girl he loved, resting a little from the battle he just fought with her. Though, his part was complete, Ria still had her own battle to fight.

'Wh-Where am I-I...? What's going on...?' Ria thought silently and looked around the white room. "Ria, Ria, Ria." Air takes and walked to Ria, hugging her and caressing her face with her hand. "A-Air? What's going on?" Air frowns at the scared tone in Ria's voice. "We're in your mind of course." Ria looked at Air strangely due to her answer.

"Then why are you here?" Her voice was calm to the point of ignorance. "So I can kill you." Air's answer was so blunt that Ria flinched and moved out of the other girl's grasp. "Wh-What? Why do you want to kill me?!" She hissed, her ears and tail stiff from her fright. "If I don't, I'll be banished to the underworld and you'll be free to be innocent once more."

Air's tail flicked and she smirked, her nails turning into claws. "Face it Ria, you can't beat me and you sure as hell are too afraid to try."


I'm a total bitch, I know and I'm so sorry. This chapter is dedicated to Elizabeth_quirks because I said I'd update and totally flipped shit when I realized I forgot about this book.

Reaper- In my opinion, I say we start the hunt.

In my opinion, I say we shove a stick up your-

Alois- *grabs chin and pulls our faces close* A Lady should never speak that way to a mongrel.

Reaper- Hey I'm not a mongrel I'm a unic-!

Ciel- *wraps arms around my waist and nuzzles my neck* As much as I'd hate to say it, Trancy is correct.

I-I u-um I-I h-have t-to g-go feed my p-pet urm....bear!

Ciel & Alois- Really~? *smirks*

*nosebleed death*

Reaper- *shaking his unicorn head* You people.



^Pic is the colors that came from Aria's wounds>

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