Arrows, Swords and a Little B...

By meow_meow_135

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Prince Seokjin, accompanied by the most arrogant and cold person he has ever met in his life, is forced to tr... More

The Kim Clan's Princes
Death in place of Marriage
The Moon Village
The first ally
The Faerie Convoy
Black and White
Of Bonds, New Meetings and False Tranquility
Red eyes, Blue eyes
Dead land and Happy Mates
Hoseok : Part 1
Hoseok : Part 2
Alpha Voice
The Hybrid : Part 1
The Hybrid : Part 2
Blood and War
Epilogue : The Happy Version
Epilogue : The Original Version

Faerie Secrets

40 2 0
By meow_meow_135

Seokjin may have always hated heats and most alphas but he loves pups with all his heart. They are these cute little creatures who run around you, smiling and giggling with glee, looking for attention, getting into all sorts of trouble.

Some of the prince's fondest memories are those of taking care of the pups in the castle's nursery and looking after a much younger and rowdier Jungkook.

When he was with children, Jin could momentarily forget all his troubles and bask in the happy atmosphere as he played with the pups. Most of all, he loved how the pups' faces would light up with the brightest of smiles whenever he got them new toys to play with.

That was exactly how the prince was feeling now – all soft and happy on the inside. Except, what he got wasn't a toy but a person he could lay his deepest feelings bare to, a person he could love and care for and receive the same kind of unconditional love in return.

The old pain and hurt was still there, not forgotten but mostly forgiven because he now knew the reasons behind Namjoon's harsh words and actions. He wasn't going to let it go – the alpha needed to learn his lesson and deal with things the right way. But Jin was also not going to let the past spoil a chance at an amazing future. Namjoon had his own ways – however wrong they were – to protect his heart and Seokjin had his own too. But now the two of them could confide in each other and deal with things together – in a proper way that wouldn't lead to more heart break, misunderstandings and uncalled hatred.

Seokjin and Namjoon spent most of the day outside, wandering the nearby meadows and the small stretch of lush forest. Jin was careful not to lead Namjoon in too deep as he and Taehyung still hadn't had a chance to speak to the others and he didn't want Namjoon to pressure the hybrid with questions if the alpha were to see the vast barren landscapes beyond.

Hoseok was still stuck to a slumbering Yoongi's side, the omega having woken up only briefly the previous night after downing the numerous medicinal concoctions Taehyung and Jimin had brewed. Jimin was still mostly avoiding Taehyung at all times except when the two went to check up on Yoongi. Seokjin's hunch had apparently been correct in that Jimin hadn't known the full extent of the hybrid's powers and the healer made it a point to glare at his young lover and avoid him like the plague. Taehyung, however, wasn't one to give up easily and spent the time he wasn't by Yoongi's side by clinging to Jimin, his mouth set in an almost permanent pout.

He and Namjoon had decided to put off withdrawing the Alpha's command until after Yoongi was able to stand on his own two feet again. After all, if Seokjin were to go into heat now it would leave both him and Namjoon out of commission and that meant less protection for the others. Sure, Taehyung could literally incinerate their enemies at will and Hoseok is sure to slice through anyone who dared approach his already hurt intended but it was still better if they had more people around – even if Jin's body is practically on the verge of giving up on him.

The prince and his bonded alpha were walking hand in hand now, thick fur robes draped over their shoulders - courtesy of Taehyung. Well, Jimin actually, since it was the blonde alpha who'd gone on so many hunts to get his future mate the best furs. Jin hoped Jimin would talk to Taehyung soon, especially since he knew that the young alpha wasn't really angry at Taehyung for hiding things from him.

Still being in awe of the bridge the hybrid had whipped up using his magic, Jin stepped onto the slightly curving deck. He ran his hand over the railings as he walked across it, fingertips brushing petals of flowers that surprisingly still didn't show any sign of wilting even after three days. Behind him Namjoon huffed, but the alpha still followed him across the bridge.

On the other side of the river, the one that belonged to the Land of the Lupus, Seokjin wandered along the shore with Namjoon by his side. At one point, he was drawn in by the clear waters and crouched by the riverbank to dip his hand in. He immediately regretted it though, because the water was ice cold and sent a visible shiver through his body. It had snowed heavily the previous night, painting the trees and the ground beneath their feet in pure white.

"Was it really necessary to come out right after the snowstorm has passed? You are going to freeze." Namjoon complained but the alpha took Jin's hand in his and tucked it inside his furs to warm it.

Seokjin sighed, almost purring. The alphas' raging body heat sure comes handy during winter, huh.

"Well, you can just warm me up then." The omega teased. Jin's other hand wandered beneath the material of the alpha's furs and he wrapped his hands around Namjoon, coming closer to the alpha to savor the welcoming heat. Namjoon stiffened in his hold merely for a fleeting second before his hands tentatively came to rest on Seokjin's waist, pulling Jin even closer.

They stand like that for a while, breathing calm as they bask in each other's scents, their wolves singing in approval at the closeness. Seokjin lets out a little squeak when Namjoon's cold nose brushes against his neck, inhaling the omega's scent. The alpha sighs.

"I just wish we had more time. I wanted to at least court you properly before... doing anything too intimate."

Seokjin chuckles at how Namjoon's scent spikes just a bit at the intimate part. "Sheesh, aren't you courting me right now, Namjoon-ah?"

"Not like this~!" the alpha grumbles, still not pulling away from Seokjin's neck. "You are a prince and I sure as hell know that any courting gifts I would've given would still be below your stature but it would've been better than me right now, having nothing to present to you."

Seokjin nose scrunches as he leans back just a little so he could look up into Namjoon's face. "Do you think I would value all that material stuff over our feelings?" He tries to sound chastising but it's impossible with how intently the alpha is looking at him.

"Of course not, Jin-ah." The tips of Seokjin's ears are red, but not from the cold. It's as though Namjoon is trying to pour all his feelings into uttering the prince's name. "But nonetheless, I can't help but want to shower you with all sorts of gifts. It is the wolf's nature – wanting to please our mate."

And Seokjin doesn't say anything to that. They might not be mates right now, being just at the beginning of the courting stage, but deep inside Seokjin knows there isn't going to be anyone after Namjoon even if things between them don't work out. It's silly to think this way – to assume that he won't feel for any other alpha the way he does for Namjoon – but Seokjin just knows.

A bit of fear creeps up on him as he wonders what the alpha's reaction would be like if Seokjin were to tell him of the fact that he might have faerie blood. But it's gone almost as soon as it comes. After all, Namjoon wasn't such a shallow person so as to think of mixed bloodlines as something erroneous or bad.

His arms tighten around the alpha's torso and a shudder runs through him when Namjoon buries his nose deeper in Jin's neck, close to his scent gland.

The two of them have been stuck together ever since the conversation about the heat. They held hands most of the time, sat and slept practically glued to each other as they tried to get accustomed to a more intimate kind of physical touch between them. Sometimes, Seokjin would catch himself thinking about how easily he goes into Namjoon's arms now, as though it were becoming second nature.

They've kept the touches mostly platonic for now because Namjoon didn't want to rush anything. But Seokjin felt himself wanting more. One might think that Jin was overstepping and moving way too fast – especially what with the heat and everything – but with Namjoon it just felt natural and not rushed at all.

At this instant, however, safe and enveloped in the warm cage of Namjoon's strong arms, all Seokjin kept thinking about was how he wants Namjoon to kiss him already. The alpha's breath on his sensitive neck was just making it that much harder to think straight...but wait...who said Seokjin couldn't be the one to initiate the kiss?

He feels the hard layer of muscle underneath the alpha's shirt as his hands glide upwards to settle on Namjoon's shoulders. Namjoon draws back from Seokjin's neck to look at him and Jin sees the beginning of a smirk on the alpha's lips when the other catches the prince's gaze flitting between his eyes and lips.

Maybe Seokjin need not be the one to initiate their first kiss after all...

But the fates apparently think that it's still too early for them to know each other's taste.

Seokjin's always had exceptional hearing, even for a wolf. The screams from outside was what had alerted him during the attack on Mircea. And his ears warn him again now as they pick up the sound of feet and paws crushing the snow underneath, the rustle of clothes and the brushing of soft fur against the branches and leaves.

He jumps back, disentangling himself from Namjoon's hold and in the process, startling the alpha.

"What's wrong?" Namjoon's worried voice asks from beside him but Jin is busy staring daggers at the line of trees that give way to the Whispering Woods.

One, two, three...fifty, sixty...He loses count.

Wolves – shifters. There were so many of them, heading right in their direction.

Seokjin doesn't need to respond to Namjoon's question. The great numbers produce so much sound that Namjoon can hear them too as they get closer and closer. A few birds take off into the almost white winter sky, startled by the commotion. The ground seems to shake slightly from all the stomping.

Namjoon pushes the prince behind him, standing tall and stoic, ready to protect Jin at all cost.

The smell hits them then – a mixture of so many different scents that it makes Jin dizzy and he clutches at the alpha's robes for extra support.

Only the sight of a familiar beta, riding in human form atop the silhouette of another familiar wolf, stops Namjoon from going feral to protect his bonded pair as hundreds of omegas, betas and alphas emerge from the forest, collapsing onto the ground before them.

The alpha sounds as shocked and anxious as Seokjin is feeling.



Seokjin was adjusting the blankets of his nest when Namjoon walks in, stopping by the curtain that separated the cave room from the rest of the narrow tunnel.

They had made sure to air the cave out well in the last two days but the room still faintly smelled of Jimin since the alpha had apparently spent his last rut here and the rut scent of an alpha who was not Namjoon was already making his inner wolf uneasy, despite Namjoon still not withdrawing his command that would send Jin into a full-blown heat.

At this point, Jin just hoped that he wouldn't blabber anything too indecent. Well, it's practically a given since it was heat sex but still...he wanted to maintain at least a semblance of dignity in front of Namjoon, instead of behaving like a bitch who just wanted an alpha's knot.

Jin would've definitely preferred their first time to be more special and romantic. But alas, maybe Luna has predestined it to happen this way just like she did with their bond. He's heard rumors that heat or rut sex with your bonded pair was supposed to be slightly different from the normal kind but he'd never bothered to look into it further. The unknown makes him even more anxious than he already is.

Seokjin huffs, moving away from the nest of blankets and mats, finally satisfied, but it was still missing something – or someone. "How long are you going to stand there like a statue At least come here and sit down."

The alpha was lost in his own head and startles at the sound of the prince's voice, blinking sheepishly at Seokjin.

"Um, what?"

Seokjin sighs. He takes the few steps that separate them and wraps his hand around Namjoon's wrist, about to pull him along towards the nest. He stops, however, as a thought strikes him and he slowly looks over his shoulder. " are still okay with this aren't you? You haven't changed your mind or anything?"

On one hand Jin wants Namjoon to say that yes, he's changed his mind. Then his hopes of having that romantic first time together would still have a chance to come true. But he is also afraid the alpha will say no and he would have to go through his heat alone. He knows the risks well enough, knows that a truly difficult heat spent without a partner might sometimes result in the body's permanent damage or worse – death.

When Namjoon shakes his head and sends him a tentative smile Jin doesn't know if he should be happy or sad. "No, I haven't changed my mind."


The cave doesn't have a proper bed. The nest is made on the floor, several blankets laid on top and around sturdy mats. He steps into the warm cocoon of messily laid out sheets, padding into the middle and pulling Namjoon with him. The alpha is careful not to knock off any of the blankets that Seokjin had stacked on the sides but he was clearly nervous, looking anywhere but Jin's eyes as they settled down on top of the sheets. Surprisingly, the alpha's nervousness made Seokjin relax a little, knowing that he wasn't the only one who was tensed because of this.

They sit like that for a few minutes, cross-legged and trying to avoid each other's gaze, catching the other's glance when one tries to discretely catch a glimpse of the other. Despite their mutual agreement regarding this, they haven't exactly talked as to how they were going to proceed about this.

Suddenly Seokjin is too aware that they hadn't even kissed each other until today...the closest they had come to it was the quick peck a few days ago- which certainly didn't count as a proper kiss. His eyes drift to Namjoon's face, to the alpha's full lips. He's imagined what it would be like to kiss those lips before. His hands twist together in his lap nervously.

Seokjin finally raises his head when he smells something other than the breezy scent in the air. Namjoon had been watching Seokjin all this time and it makes the omega flush. The slight headiness to Namjoon's scent lets loose the butterflies in his belly.

He's been wanted by alphas before. Betas too. He's seen many lustful gazes follow him around the castle – wanting to have him but knowing they never could because he was the prince. He hated their eyes on his body.

Namjoon's eyes say the alpha wants him too. But it's different this time because Seokjin sees all the other emotions in the alpha's eyes that almost drown out the lust. Softness, warmth, The feelings coming in through the bond make the younger's heart swell.

He closes his eyes as the different emotions overtake him. He takes a deep breath, steeling his nerves and when he opens them again he shuffles forward until his knees knock against Namjoon's. The alpha's hands reflexively shift to Seokjin's thighs to steady him but he tries to withdraw almost immediately when he realizes this.

Seokjin doesn't let him. He catches him by the wrists and moves Namjoon's hands to where they had been moments prior. The heat of Namjoon's palms seeps in through the thin material of his pants and into his skin, making a shiver run down his back. The cave is cold from the winter air and his clothes are thin – why would he dress up in so many layers when he knew they won't be staying on his body for much longer?- and the warmth of Namjoon's hands is a startling contrast to the cold.

"What do you want me to do?" the alpha asks, his smooth voice low.

"Anything is good as long as we don't mate. But first-" He adds when he sees Namjoon nod at his words. Seokjin's not a virgin. If he could kiss and have sex with an almost complete stranger during his heat before then he could do it with Namjoon – with someone he actually liked and wanted – without acting like a clueless child on his first heat. "Kiss me." He breathes out and watches as Namjoon scans his face one last time before slowly cupping the side of his face and leaning in.

The first feel of the alpha's lips against his draws a gasp from within him. Just a simple kiss has goose bumps rising across the expanse of skin and his omega once more clawing at him to be let out.

Seokjin melts into the kiss, chases the glide of Namjoon's firm mouth against his own.

He puts every worry in his mind aside for now, senses focusing solely on the man before him. The prince smiles against the alpha's lips as he realizes that Namjoon not only smells but also tastes like the sea. The brief chuckle that escapes his lips confuses the alpha for an instant but Namjoon doesn't stop, only reconnects their mouths with more fervor as he feels Seokjin's inner emotions through the bond.

When Namjoon's large hands find their way to his waist, Seokjin shuffles onto his knees and then tentatively, into the alpha's lap. Their scents have long gone haywire – turning heady and not doing anything to cover up their mutual arousal.

"Whenever you are ready." The alpha says between kisses and Jin whines.

"Not yet. I don't want to lose myself in the mindlessness of it all just yet." Seokjin wants to remember as much of this as possible. He's of half a mind with wanting to ask the alpha to knot him once before withdrawing the command. He's aware, though, of how much strain this particular heat would be on both of their bodies so he keeps quiet.

"'s okay. I will take care of you, Jin-ah."

"I know you will." The prince replies and the alpha takes this chance to deepen the kiss. Seokjin's mouth parts willingly, making way for the alpha's pink tongue. The kiss turns wet and messy, the omega whimpering softly. "Mmhm~"

The small cave is filled with the sounds of panting and gasping, both of them barely getting any air between kisses. The gasps turn to moans as Namjoon nips and sucks on the prince's plush lips, now bitten raw and a shade of an even more alluring red than they normally are.

Seokjin's arms wrap around Namjoon's neck as he finally disconnects their lips, forehead on the alpha's shoulder as he gasps in lungfuls of air and tries to calm the wild racing of his heart.

He doesn't think he's ever been this aroused. The feeling of the alpha's hardness beneath him almost makes a wanton moan escape him but he bites down on his lip. There's a slight wetness between his legs, some slick having started to leak already.

Seokjin's cheeks heat up. This is it, he thinks. He tilts his head to press a last chaste kiss to Namjoon's mouth, now moist with both of their spit, and nods. "I'm ready."

"Tell me now, if there's anything you are uncomfortable with doing."

Jin shrugs lightly. "Anything aside from mating is fine." Seokjin repeats his earlier statement. It's not as though he really had a chance to explore any of his sexual preferences before. The sex with his heat partners has always been basic – just the necessary things to ease up the pain the omega felt during the cycle.

The next kiss is no longer just sloppy. It's filled with desire, a primitive want. Seokjin gasps and moans at the feeling of Namjoon growing to full hardness, the hard length pressed against the prince's supple bottom.

The alpha litters kisses along his jaw, sucks small love bites into the sensitive skin of his pale neck. Namjoon's warm breath ghosts against his neck and the side of his face when the alpha leans in to hotly whisper in his ear - the words Seokjin both dreaded and was waiting to hear.

"You can go into heat now, omega."

Seokjin gasps as the alpha's powerful hold on his inner wolf is broken. It doesn't happen at once, creeps up little by little. But when the effect of the alpha's command fades completely, the pain Seokjin feels is so immense that he doesn't even comprehend it when his mouth drops open and he screams and screams, thrashing in the brunette's arms as Namjoon tries to hold him still, massaging his sides and back.

"Rest for now, my prince." Are the last words he hears as he passes out from the pain.


His eyes open slowly, glued together with sleep and sweat, his vision hazy at the edges.

Seokjin feels someone's arms wrapped tight around his middle, holding him against a sturdy and very much naked chest. The arms around him are Namjoon's – he's familiar with the shape and feel of them by now.

He feels so tired despite the fact that he'd just been asleep moments prior and his muscles are sore.

"Mhgmm!" A startled moan slips past his kiss-swollen lips as he shifts in the alpha's hold, realizing that they were locked together by Namjoon's knot. "Oh Luna..."

The prince hides his face in his hands. Just how much time has passed already? How many times have they fucked? He can't believe that he isn't able to recollect even a single event – the last of his memories being the agonizing pain that shot through his body as Namjoon withdrew the alpha command.

A loving kiss is pressed to the nape of his neck and a deep, rumbling voice asks, "Are you awake?"

"Mhm." Behind him, Namjoon lifts himself up on one elbow and leans down to press another kiss to Jin's temple. The prince tilts his head just enough to look up at the alpha. Namjoon's gaze is soft but his eyes are a deep alpha red, surprising the prince. "Your eyes..."

Namjoon chuckles and Jin can feel the vibration in his chest against his back. "They've been like this ever since your heat started. Your's were blue too, at least until now. And in case you were wondering – it's the fourth day. I'm not sure how much of what's happen you can recollect." Seokjin whines at that. Sometimes he wonders if Namjoon can actually read his mind because of the bond but the idea is silly, mostly because if it were so then he expected it to at least be a two way thing. But - Four whole days and not a single memory! The disappointed pout must give him away because Namjoon sighs, "I'm guessing you remember nothing then?"

Seokjin shakes his head and the alpha nods in understanding.

They lay together in quiet conversation while waiting for Namjoon's knot to go down. The alpha constantly runs a comforting hand up and down Jin's side, long fingers brushing against the omega's still tingling skin.

Namjoon tells him that Tae has been checking up on them, bringing them food and water. Seokjin inquires about the situation outside and thankfully, Namjoon tells him that everything has been quiet – for now.

His nose scrunches up at the smell of sex, slick and cum. He must look hideous right now – sweaty and sticky. He knows it's only natural to end up like this during cycles but he still feels off put, wanting to be at his best for his alpha. Oh Luna! His alpha.

"What's going through that little, walking library brain of yours?" Namjoon asks, prompting a snort from the other. He wonders what everyone will call Taehyung's brain once they know how any books the hybrid has read.


"Speak up, Jin-ah."

"I smell." The prince whines.

Namjoon laughs. "I think we both do, at this point. Taehyung said that he'd placed a basin of water outside, for us to clean up with, but you wouldn't let me leave the nest while you were awake and you only slept after getting knotted – and well, I can't exactly leave when I'm like this, can I?" As if to prove his point, the alpha shifts a little, eliciting another moan from the prince, who blushes deeply at the sound he'd made.

"Yah! Don't move around." Namjoon kisses the side of his face, making Jin relax against him.

His body is still burning up, the heat and prickling under his skin not having subsided. Four days was an extended heat already but even now it didn't seem like it will be over soon.

Namjoon's knot finally goes down after a few minutes and the alpha gives him a heads up before slowly pulling out. Seokjin winces at the sensitivity and shakes his head when Namjoon apologizes.

The prince sits up and turns around, eyes going wide as he takes in Namjoon's naked form for the first time – at least while being of a conscious mind, that is. He watches as Namjoon wraps a stray blanket around his lower half and pads across the room towards the entrance of the cave, returning with the previously mentioned basin of clean water and a washcloth. The alpha is a sight to see – shoulders just a little less broad than the prince's own; hard muscled chest and abdomen, strong thighs. He clenches his eyes at the sudden embarrassment he feels as his mind wanders to the alpha's hot hardness that had been inside the prince.

It's only at the sound of dripping water that his eyes flutter open and he watches as the alpha soaks the washcloth and wrings it to remove the excess liquid. "Let me?" the alpha asks, bringing the cloth closer to Seokjin's face, and after hesitating momentarily Jin acquiesces, letting the alpha slowly and gently clean his skin.

Namjoon's eyes have returned to their normal color, his light brown hair messy, neck and chest littered with bites and scratches that make Seokjin's face heat up at the thought of him being the one to put them there.

He's too busy staring at the patterns of red and purple on tanned skin that he startles when Namjoon gently tugs at the sheet covering his lower half, needing access to Jin's legs to wipe them.

He clutches at the blanket, suddenly feeling shy for no reason. Namjoon rolls his eyes at him, saying, "Haven't I seen it all already?" and slowly Jin lets go. Namjoon is even more careful than before, watching him for any signs of discomfort as the alpha cleans between his legs, wiping the soft cloth over Jin's semi-hard cock and pink opening, which twitches in interest and oozes some more slick when Namjoon's fingertips accidentally brush against it.

Finished, Namjoon leans in to place a quick, chaste kiss to his lips and then saunters away to change the water and clean up himself. He comes back with a plate of food – fruit and roasted meat. It's gone cold already but the both of them are too hungry to have the patience to wait until Namjoon could go and heat it up. And honestly, Seokjin thinks he wouldn't let the alpha leave even if it was he – and not his inner wolf – in control right now.

"The boys are here." Namjoon says as Jin gulps down some water. "Soobin stayed behind to help Jungkook and Jiwoo look after the castle and the wolves who've sought shelter in Yoongi's kingdom but the rest of them arrived at nightfall yesterday."

"Has there been any news from Yule? Was there an attack on the city?" Deep down, Jin knows that Jungkook and Jiwoo could hold their own against the fey, especially with Soobin's support. But Jungkook was his little brother and he couldn't help but worry for him.

Namjoon nods his head, swallows the slice of green apple he'd been chewing. "There was an attempt at an attack, though it was unsuccessful. Also, Taehyung says he'd sighted faerie scouts not far from here. He thinks that the next target would be here – because all three omegas of the prophecy are in one place and the Fae King wouldn't want to miss this chance."

The prince thinks back to his conversation with the hybrid. Of course the Fae King would want to send his armies here first – if not to kill the omegas of the prophecy then to kill Taehyung. At this point, it was probably just an incredible coincidence that Tae was part of the prophecy.

The King was out for the hybrid's head anyway.


Their limbs were tangled together, space non-existent between their bodies as Namjoon kissed and sucked at his neck, three of his long, nimble fingers plunged deep into Seokjin's warm opening. The prince's moans and whimpers fill the room as the alpha fucks him with his fingers despite not needing to stretch him. The copious amount of slick leaking from Jin's hole was more than enough for a smooth slide but Namjoon seemed to love the pleasured expressions on Seokjin's face when he did this, at least that is what Jin gathers from the groans and growls coming from Namjoon. Also, Namjoon had apparently already done this many times in the last four days because the alpha manages to hit all the good spots inside him, drawing out more whines and whimpers from the omega.

Namjoon's eyes are red again – a reaction to the omega's increasing pheromones as the heat burns within Jin with a newfound passion - Seokjin's vision is also tinted blue, a sign that his inner wolf was fighting to take over completely.


Seokjin struggles to keep the haziness away, wills himself to not get lost in his own pleasure and give up control. His omega had Namjoon for four days, now it was his turn. He doesn't want to lose any more moments with Namjoon to his inner wolf, he needs to remember this time, to be aware of what transpired between them.

Please, let me have this. Don't we always agree on everything? You are supposed to be a part of me, not something that tries to control me.

Surprisingly, his inner wolf acquiesces when it realizes that Seokjin has no intention of sending the alpha away and there is no further resistance. He still feels lightheaded and hazy, but he's more aware of his actions and surroundings than he'd ever previously been during his heats. He silently prays to Luna to thank her for granting his wish.

Seokjin falls apart under the alpha's ministrations, his body trembling from the overload of sensations. The alpha's fingers inside him, his hot, wet mouth on Jin's skin, sharp teeth nipping at his collarbone.

"So perfect, so beautiful." The alpha exhales praises into his skin. "My omega is so good - smart and perfect."

The prince hides behind his palms. His body is already flushed and red all over so the new blush that creeps onto his face doesn't really make any noticeable difference. "I-I'm not t-that-ah!, y-you know."

Namjoon's head shoots up, eyes wide as he stares at the prince's blissed out face. Seokjin can tell the exact moment when Namjoon realizes that it's Seokjin and not the omega's wolf that has spoken. The fact seems to please Namjoon tremendously. The alpha growls hungrily, fingers slipping out of Jin's heat. He wipes them on the messy sheets before bringing both of his hands to cup Jin's face, kissing him deeply.

His hands wander the expanse of Namjoon's back, feeling the shift of muscles under the skin. The kisses are sloppy, Namjoon's mouth on his eager and demanding. It was as though Namjoon has lost a little of self control after realizing that Jin has enough presence of mind to consent and make decisions. Seokjin feels a bit guilty for making the alpha hold back.

"Namjoon-ah, t-that's enough-" When the alpha's teeth graze the spot just shy of the prince's scent gland, Jin almost loses it. The words mate me almost slip past his quivering lips. "I need y-you...alpha."

Namjoon's hands on him tighten and the alpha bites down hard, teeth piercing skin.


It hurts a little but Namjoon licks the bite wound, hot tongue lapping at the puncture marks. He didn't bite over the scent gland but just above it so it doesn't count as a mating mark.

The prince's mouth falls open on a soundless gasp as Namjoon finally pushes in. His insides throb around the hard length as more slick trickles out.

The alpha is breathing heavily above him. "You okay?"


"Is this going to last?" Namjoon questions. He supports himself on his forearms over Jin's form. His eyes look hopeful. "Are you going to be aware for the rest of your heat?"

"I think so." The alpha sighs, smiling as he leans down to press a soft kiss to Jin's forehead. "Move, please...alpha."

The alpha answers with a low grunt. He pulls out to the tip before thrusting back in, starting up a pace that has Jin squirming and crying out in pleasure.

The nest is falling apart around them, the blankets and mats shifting on the ground from all the movement.

He hisses when Namjoon takes a perky nipple into his mouth, tongue swirling around it. He finds it a little amusing, how Namjoon now seems to know more of his sexual kinks and quirks than Seokjin himself does.

His hands tangle in the alpha's soft, brown hair and he tugs harshly at the first sensation of Namjoon's expanding knot pressing against his hole. He comes untouched between their bodies just as Namjoon finally pushes his knot completely inside, fucking Seokjin through his orgasm as much as he could with the little give for movement that the knot provided.

Seokjin almost feels overwhelmed as Namjoon stills and comes inside him with a groan, knot locking in the alpha's cum.

Namjoon's hands grip him tightly around the waist and he swiftly but carefully maneuvers them such that Seokjin now lay on his chest, face tucked away in Namjoon's neck.

"How are you feeling?" the brunette asks after a moment.

"Tired." Jin mumbles into tan skin. "But great. Heat sex isn't all that bad when I know what is happening to my body and can actually feel the pleasure that comes with an orgasm - instead of just waking up with sore muscles at the end of it all." He finishes with a chuckle that turns into a lazy yawn.

Thankfully, Seokjin does remain in control for the next two days – the time it took for his heat to finally end. Namjoon caters to his needs like a lost puppy, feeding Jin, fucking him hard when the heat was too much and making soft love to him at other times.

On the last day, Seokjin wakes up with his nose tucked into the alpha's defined chest. Namjoon is already awake and the heat is over, but they still spend the whole day lazily cuddling among the sheets that smelled like the both of them – after receiving word from Taehyung that the coast was still clear of fey armies, of course.

There were no confessions of love but it was okay. Seokjin knew how Namjoon felt about him, and with almost complete certainty the prince too knew that he was in love with the alpha.

It just wasn't the right time yet - for them to say the words out loud. So instead, Jin settled for soft kisses, warm cuddles and Namjoon's hands and mouth worshipping his body one last time before they would have to return to the harsh reality of an impending war.


"You are the most reckless person I've ever met in my entire life!" A raspy voice marvels as soon as Seokjin enters the room. The prince stops in his tracks for merely a second before launching himself onto the petite male.

"Yoongi! You are awake!"

"Goodness gracious, let me breathe."

Seokjin retracts his arms from around the red-head, stumbling over his apologies as he looks the elder omega over. Yoongi's skin is as pale as ever but there is a healthy glow to his cheeks and a sparkle in his eyes that had been absent while he was in a comatose state.

"I'm so happy you are feeling better, Yoongi."

"I heard what you did, back in Yule. Thank you, Seokjin." The Pale King bows slightly. "If it weren't for you, none of us might've made it here alive."

Seokjin waves his hands in front of him, visibly flustered. "No, no, I didn't do much at all. It was just luck."

The red head levels him with a hard stare. Yoongi doesn't break eye contact for a tense moment but then the male startles Seokjin when he huffs and envelopes the younger in a hug.

Sure, the prince was hugging the elder omega just a few minutes ago but that was Seokjin's initiative. They did form a sorts of friendship the first time they met but still, Yoongi didn't look like someone who would hug just anyone.

He lifts his eyes to look in the direction of the noise when he hears an amused snort. Hoseok stands a few steps to the side, one side of his mouth lifted in a smirk. "What did you bribe my mate with, Kim Seokjin?" He playfully questions.

Yoongi scoffs before turning to look at his intended. "What, now I can't even hug my friend?" he pouts, padding across the small space between them to stand beside Hoseok. He then leans in towards Hoseok's ear and pretends to whisper in his ear while actually speaking in a normal tone that can be heard by all the occupants of the room. "Although, I better refrain from hugging him too much right now because he reeks of Namjoon."

Everyone bursts out in boisterous laughter. Meanwhile, Seokjin rolls his eyes upon seeing how proud Namjoon looks at Yoongi's declaration.

Hoseok leads Yoongi to sit back on the bed, both grinning ear to ear. Jimin is laughing in the corner, bodily leaning into Taehyung. They seem to have successfully made up, the couple clinging to each other.

Yeonjun and the boys are rolling on the floor and slapping each other's backs and arms as though they've just heard the funniest joke ever.

In his periphery, Seokjin sees Namjoon incline his head and follows the alpha's line of sight to spot Chanyeol, Irene and Seulgi huddled together. Seulgi was trying her best to mask her laugh while Irene watched on fondly.

Even damn Claw seemed right at home, perched on one of the shelves. Whoever let the bird in the cave is crazy, if you ask Jin.

Seokjin wished this happy mood could last forever but he knows that it would be impossible unless and until they retake their land from the Royals.

On their short walk between the caves Seokjin had glimpsed the immense numbers of shifters that gathered in the area. There were mostly alphas and betas, with some omegas in the mix. Some looked unharmed albeit exhausted and scared, while most had injuries ranging from simple scratches to broken or missing limbs and deep, bleeding gashes.

Namjoon had managed to fill him in on the situation a bit – holding productive conversations whenever they were able to take a break from the fucking and Seokjin's desperate pleas.

The Royals had launched simultaneous and consecutive attacks on all the kingdoms and independent packs, killing thousands, gravely injuring hundreds. A larger part of the omega population had taken refuge in the city of Yule while Jungkook rallied everyone to help protect the city and those who could not fight – children, pregnant shifters, the elderly and the disabled. The walls of Yule, though not completely finished, were the saving grace amidst the surprise attacks.

Seokjin hears the sound of feet on stone and turns just in time to see Lady Jiwon descend into the slightly crowded cave. She had been the one to lead the shifters to Yule, having assumed that Seokjin was still in the Pale King's Realm. The beta was clad in full armor, a combination of leather and metal. She looked ready for battle.

She bows deep to Seokjin and then Yoongi before approaching the Kim prince.

"Lady Jiwon." Seokjin greets her politely. "You've done our kingdom and your ancestors proud by saving so many lives."

Jiwon smiles, shaking her head. "Just doing my duty, Your Highness. After all, I did promise to help you take back the kingdom."

Some small talk is exchanged. Seokjin slips away from Namjoon's side to greet Seulgi, Irene and Chanyeol. Sometime later, he sees Namjoon, Hoseok, Jiwon and Yoongi huddled over a table, deep in discussion.

The prince scans the room, looking for a particular face – a boy with elven ears. When he finally finds him, Taehyung is already looking at him. They nod at each other and stand, walking towards the center of the room.

Jimin stares after Taehyung with a confused expression which turns even more perplexed as the two omegas stand in the middle of the cave and wait for the others to take notice. Slowly, the chatter and discussion die down as head after head turns to inquisitively look their way.

"I have something to confess." Taehyung starts after clearing his throat.

There is silence in the cave as everyone waits for Taehyung to speak and Seokjin encourages the hybrid to continue. "Go on, Tae. It will be fine."

"I t-think I might know why the Fae King started the war." The hybrid says, making everyone perk up with interest. Taehyung is nervous, his hands becoming fidgety, and Seokjin moves closer to him in silent support.

"Tae if you know something that might help us, then please do tell." Hoseok encourages with Yoongi nodding his head in agreement.

Taehyung sighs and gives Seokjin one last look before taking a deep breath and proceeding to reveal the secret he's been hiding for the past couple of years.

"Jimin, remember how I explained to you how all my different powers came to me gradually over the span of several years?" He receives a nod from the blonde alpha. "Well, the last element that I gained was teleportation magic. As you all might know, it is very rare for faeries to possess this type of magic so I didn't really have anyone around to learn from. Even now, I have no control of when I might accidentally teleport myself somewhere."

"When I was fifteen, I once unintentionally teleported myself somewhere I was never supposed to be – the Faerie Courts."

Seokjin watches as Jimin's brows shoot up, eyes going wide at the revelation. Everyone's faces are colored in various degrees of shock and disbelief. It was a well known fact all over the Ancestral lands that no one but the ruling King and his closest guards and advisors knew of the location of the fabled Faerie Palace and the magic entrance to it. This made Taehyung's accidental visit to the mysterious sanctuary a very big deal.

Although the prince already knew everything Taehyung has said until now and of all that the young hybrid was going to say henceforth, he too was still a little in denial about the truth of everything. Seokjin bore witness to all the death and destruction caused by the war but it wasn't until his late night conversation with Taehyung that he'd come to know the true extent of the horrors committed by the current Faerie King who has become a slave to greed and power.

"Does anyone know why hybrids are so rare?" Taehyung addresses the occupants of the room.

"Because faeries consider wolves as beings beyond their stature and hence, relations between shifters and faeries have always been forbidden and considered as taboo." Seulgi supplies to which everyone but Seokjin and Taehyung nod in agreement.

"That's a myth." Taehyung refutes, further confusing everyone. "It was something that was instilled in people to cover up the truth."

"Then what is this truth that they so desperately wanted to hide?" Chanyeol barks angrily. Some of his pack had perished during the fey's attack on their settlement and the loss was still fresh. First he had lost Baekhyun and now, years later, his pack was still suffering and losing family members.

"A hybrid pup almost never survives long past childbirth and the parent who gives birth always dies. Some believe that the deaths are a result of a curse, others think that it's because the faerie and wolf bloodlines are incompatible. But in reality, they die because their body can't sustain the magic. A hybrid has faerie powers and magic in their blood and not all can be a vessel for the magic - especially if the hybrid child is of Royal birth."

" you mean?" It's Jimin again. The alpha had been getting more restless by the second.

"A hybrid having Royal blood is special. Or more like, their blood is. It's akin to an elixir of immortality for other hybrids. Generally, full-blooded faeries are immortal unless they die by choice or from serious injury. But hybrids aren't immortal – their lifespan is longer than an ordinary shifter but not as long as a true faerie. And since the current Faerie King is a hybrid, he needed to find another way to survive and mask his true nature. The King needed to extend his life to prevent the other fey folk from questioning his lineage because he wouldn't be able to stay in power otherwise."

" are saying...the Faerie King is a hybrid and he drinks the blood of other hybrids to prolong his life?" Hoseok demands.

Taehyung shakes his head. "Not just any hybrids but a hybrid who is a descendant of the King's bloodline."

"That's preposterous!" Irene exclaims, fist banging against the top of the little wooden table in front of her. "Doesn't that mean he would be killing and drinking the blood of his own progeny?"

"It does." The hybrid confirms.

"Oh My Luna! That is so fucked up..." the black-haired beta covers her face with her hands while Seulgi gently pats her mate on the arm.

All throughout Taehyung's narration, Seokjin had been waiting to hear one voice in particular. Yoongi was too smart to not catch on and just as expected, the Pale King's voice interrupts Irene's litany of muffled profanities.

"Taehyung," the hybrid turns to face the eldest omega, Seokjin mirroring the action. "By how much does one hybrid's blood extend the Fae King's lifespan?"

"From my research, I would say about fifteen to twenty years. You might feel perplexed as to how he has so many children who are hybrids given that our kind is so rare, but that's where most of the war prisoner omegas and those who end up in slave trade end up. As his breeders, with the sole purpose to bear and birth a healthy hybrid of Royal Faerie blood only for the child to be killed once they've reached an age when the magic in their blood is the most profound. "

"And how many sons does the King currently have?" Yoongi presses, knowing that there is more. Seokjin doesn't miss the disgusted expression on Yoongi's face, but more than disgust, the omega king looks furious.

"Excluding those drained of blood and buried deep under the earth?" Taehyung chuckles darkly and Seokjin catches a spark of green in his eyes. It can't be...the dream...his dream had something to do with Taehyung. "Only one. Me."

Everything is pure chaos as the young hybrid tries to explain what he overheard in the Faerie Courts that one fateful day but Seokjin's mind and heart are full of fear as he realizes that Taehyung might not only be a powerful Royal, Heir to the Faerie King's throne but also a dangerous creature who, in unforeseen future, might inflict on them more harm than good.


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