True Love's Kiss

By victoriarowlands

23.9K 330 124

when princess (Y/N) was born, maleficent placed a curse on her to be his queen on her 16th birthday, but one... More

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planning a book two
book two is now out.


2.5K 43 9
By victoriarowlands

Meanwhile back at the cottage, things were not going to plan. flora's dress she was making was falling apart, there were bows everywhere and it was too big for anyone to wear, even for Merryweather who was the dummy for the dress who had her arms crossed with a look of anger on her face. while fauna finished making the cake, it was about to fall over but she quickly grabs the broom and used it to hold the cake up, but the icing on the cake started to slide down the broom handle with the candles following, she turned to flora for her opinion " well, what do think of it?" she asked flora. flora turned to face fauna and had a shocked look on her face when she saw the cake, but changed it to a fake smile. " why it's ..... it's a very unusual cake, isn't it?" fauna smiles " yes. Of course, it'll be much stiffer after it's baked" she said as kept on putting the candles back on top of the cake as they kept sliding down the broom handle.

"Of course, dear. um, what do you think of the dress?" flora asked, fauna walks over to look at the dress that was on Merryweather who had her arms crossed in anger. " well, it's... it's no exactly the way it is in the book, is it?" fauna asked. flora gave a proud smile, " oh, I improved it. but perhaps if I added a few more ruffles .... what do you think?" she asked. " um, I think so. what do you think, Merryweather?" fauna asked. Merryweather shakes her head and started to get angry, "I think we've had enough of this nonsense! I think we ought to think of rose and what she'll think of this mess." Merryweather got off the stool she was standing on and started making her way up the stairs as the dress came apart. " I still think what I  think before. I'm going to get those wands"

flora and fauna looked around them at the mess they made, they both looked at each other realizing that Merryweather was right. then Merryweather came back downstairs with three wands in her hands, " here they are, good as new" she said with a smile. but then flora crabs them out of her hands, " careful, Merryweather. Quick, lock the doors" she said, Merryweather closed the doors while fauna and flora closed the windows and plugged up any holes in the wall with cloths and handtowels. once all the doors, windows and holes were closed flora handed the wands to fauna and Merryweather as she gave them their tasks. " " now fauna, you take care of the cake. " she said as fauna went to work, Merryweather was about to say she was going to work the dress, but flora beat her to it as she handed her want to her, " while i- " "clean the room, dear. while I'll make the dress" flora said as she got to work. Merryweather sighs in frustration but went with it anyway. she zapped her magic on the mop, bucket, and broom making them come to life as they started cleaning the cottage. meanwhile, fauna started making the cake, the ingredients mixed themselves in the mixing bowl before continuing to make the base of the cake. flora started making a pink princess dress for (Y/N), the sawing needle and threat started sawing the two fabrics together.

while Merryweather was cleaning the room she saw the dress was pink," oh no not pink. make it blue" she said as she zapped blue magic on the dress making it pink, flora gasps and looks at Merryweather, " Merryweather!. make it pink" flora said making the dress pink again.  Merryweather kept cleaning the room but then smiled as she made the dress blue again," make it blue". the dress turned into blue again making flora angrier, " PINK!" she said as she made the dress pink again. Merryweather saw the reflection of the dress in a frying pan hanging on the wall and then zapped blue magic on the dress again. but flora blocked the dress with her body making her outfit blue, Merryweather giggled but then her outfit was turned pink by flora. a magic battle started between flora and Merryweather. they kept zapping magic at each other while fauna was still making the cake. 

meanwhile, in the forest sky, Diaval was flying around the sky in his crow form searching for the princess. but then he saw some flashing lights ahead of pink and blue. he flies towards it and saw magic coming out the chimney of a cottage. he flies over to investigate but as he looked in the chimney but only to be hit by the magic two times. he flies down to the ground and forms into his human form and sees himself covered in a magic bust coloured of pink and blue. he scoffs as he tries to dust himself off but then he heard footsteps. he looked and saw a woman running towards the cottage with a deem of happiness in her eyes. he wonders if this was the princess his master had specks of. he watched as the woman walks in calling out for three women, " Aunt flora, fauna, Merryweather. where are you?" she asked as she looked around the room for them. diaval looks through the doorway still in his human form but he kept quiet as he listened.  (Y/N) then spotted a lovely blue princess dress sitting on a chair next to the table where a birthday cake sat with 16 candles of it. Then the three fairies jumped out in surprise, " surprise! happy birthday!" they all yelled out. 

(Y/N) beamed with delight at this amazing day, " oh thank you. this is the happiest day of my life. everything's so wonderful. just wait till you meet him" she said. but then everything went quiet and the fairies looked in shock. " you... you've met some stranger?" flora asked in worrie. (Y/N) cheekily rolled her eyes, " oh, he's not a stranger, we've met before" " you have?" flora asked, Merryweather, stood beside flora and calms her down " where?" she asked kindly. (Y/N) smiled " once upon a dream". (Y/N) started to sing as she grabs fauna's hands and started to dance with her. fauna looked at the other fairies, " she's in love" she said. Merryweather and flora both looked at each other I worrie, " no, we can't have this, you are already betrothed to prince Arour. we must take her back to her farther before...." this made (Y/N) stop in her track and turn to face flora as she lets go of fauna's hands and started walking towards her. " my father?" she asked. there was silence in the room. " you told me my parents were dead and how can I marry a prince? I would have to be a..... a princess " fauna takes (Y/N)'s hands into hers gently and said, "I think you might want to sit down, my dear". 

the three fairies sat down with (Y/N) and explained everything to her, outside the house, Diaval turned away from the door and gave an evil smile. he had found her, the princess. as he was about to leave he heard the front door slam open, it was (Y/N). she ran out of the cottage crying about what she was told, Diaval watched as she ran into the forest. he turns into his crow form and follows her till she stopped at a lake and sat there in sadness. he watched from the treetops after a while he flew down and turned into his human form scaring (Y/N). she looked at him in fear, " I'm sorry, fair maiden. I didn't mean to scare you" he said as he walks up to her, he knelt to look at her. " who are you?" she asked but then she turned to look around her to find herself in part of the forest she doesn't know. " and where am I?" she asked. Diaval smiled as he stood up and looked at the lake, " I'm diaval and this is the enchanted forest" as he finished his sentence, the lake started to sparkle and everything around her began to light up like it was magic. (Y/N) gasps in aw as she sat up, diaval held out his hand to help her up, she takes it and was up on her feet. " this is beautiful" she said. Diaval nodded, " it is. my master has looked after this forest from a young age. he never lets its beauty fade away," he said. 

" and who is your master?" she asked, diaval walks up to her and takes her hand in his, and gives it a gentle kiss " in time my dear. my master has been searching for you for many years. but for now run on home. I'm sure your aunties are worried about you" (Y/N) nodded before taking off home. Diaval gave an evil chuckle before turning into his crow form and returning to his master. back at the forbidden mountain, maleficent was in his bed-chamber when he heard the sound of wings flying in, he turned as waved his hand making diaval turn to his human form. " well?" maleficent asked, diaval smiled as he bowed "I have found her my lord." maleficent walks up to him, " where?" he asked. " in a cottage in the forest. the three fairies have been raising her. she's returning to the castle tomorrow tonight" diaval said, " why are covered in that?" the dark lord asked as he pointed to diaval who was still covered in the magic dust, diaval sighs and said "I wish not to speak of that". maleficent turned around to have his back turned to him as he thinks of the next step, that when an idea came to his head, " oh there is something else my lord" diaval remembered. maleficent turns to face him " what do you mean?" he asked in a dark tone, " there was a prince. I saw him talking to the princess but I didn't realize it was her till I found the cottage. I believe it was prince Arour". 

maleficent looked at diaval in rage and anger at that name, " what did you say?" he asked. " it's prince Arour, son of King Stefan". maleficent couldn't believe it, he knows who this prince was and knew that if he got in the way of his plan then the princess will not be his. " what's our next move, my lord?" diaval asked. maleficent turned to his trusted friend and smiled, " we kill him, he will get in the way of my plan" he said. " but we don't know where he is, my lord. he could be anywhere" diaval said. maleficent smiled at him and waved his fingers to diaval to follow him. maleficent makes his way to the throne room where there was a Hugh fireplace in the middle of the room, maleficent snaps his fingers, and a stairway formed in the middle of the fireplace. they walk down the stairs to a room where a pool of water sat in the middle of the room. " what is this?" diaval asked his master. maleficent walks to the pool and placed his hand in it like he was reaching for something. " something I have been saving for a long time, dear friend." he takes his hand out and he was holding a glass vile of green magic. " this is very special magic I have been saving. this will help us find our prince". he opens it and three green dragon spirits flew out. " these spirits will find him, and I will be able to see through their eyes when they do". diaval looked in awe as the spirits flew around the room making the room glow. " I have a task for your spirits. fine me prince Arour. and once he is found, return to me and lead me to him. NOW GO!" the spirits flew out of the castle as maleficent gave out an evil laugh. 

meanwhile, prince Arour rode into the courtyard of king (F/n), where the king invited his family to stay for the return of the princess. he jumps off of Samson and ran into the castle and into the king's office where he saw the king and queen talking with his father. " Arour didn't think you would be back this early." Stefan said to his son, Arour had a beam of pride on his face as he walked up to his father, " farther I have wonderful news" he said but his father stops him as he leads his son to another room, " not right now boy, you need to change into something suitable. can't meet your future bride looking like that". Arour stops his farther in his tracks, " but I have met her, farther"  he said. stafen turned in confusion " you have? where?" he asked. Arour smiled " once upon a dream," he said as he started to dance his farther as he started humming, stafen try's to stops him. " Arour, stop it. let go of me!" he got out of Arour's grasp and looked at him in confusion. he takes Arour's arm and drags him into a room. " now, what's all this dream nascence?" the king asks. " it wasn't a dream, farther I really did meet her". Stefan didn't know what to say, " princess (Y/N)?" he asked but didn't give him some time to answer, " we must tell (F/N). why this is the most wonder-" but before he could walk out the door, Arour shuts it in front of his father. " I didn't say it was (Y/N). I said I met the girl I was going to marry. I don't know who she was. a peasant girl, I suppose". 

" a peasant girl?" stafen asked as Arour nodded. "you're going to marry a .. why, Arour. you're joking?" he asked as he gave out nervous laugh. Arour shakes his head, stafen became angry " I won't have it!" he yelled out as he was about to throw his crown but Arour catches it as it nearly hit the wall. " you're a prince, and you're going to marry a princess" stafen yelled out. Arour sighs as he placed the crown back on his fighter's head " now, father you're living in the past. this is the 14th century, nowadays..." Arour said but his father cut him off, " nowadays, I'm still the king and I command you to come to your senses!" Arour scoffs as he started making his way to the door, " and marry the girl I love?" he asked as he walked out the door. " exactly-, wait no!" stafen said and gave chase. he saw Arour running down the stairs and catches up to him. he stood in front of him and stopped him in the middle of the stairs. " dad, please I need you to move" Arour said as he tries to go past his father but he kept getting in the way.

 " This is ridiculous. I forbid you to take another step down these stairs!" he yelled out. Arour saw an open window before looking back at his father with a smile, " okay". he then jumps out the window and landed on Samson who was waiting below for him.

 " son come back!" Stefan yelled out from the window before making it to the courtyard where he saw his son ride off towards the town, " stop my son!" Stefan yelled out. then as the yelling continued king (F/N) and the queen came running out, " what the hell is going on?" (F/N) asked his friend, " it's Arour, he's gone mad" Stefan yelled as guards chased after Arour on horseback. the prince rode through the town as the village people moved out of the way in shock. the prince came close to the town gate as it was closing, he smiled as he rose faster and made it past the gate. he looked back at the kingdom and smiled in victory before he rode off into the forest.  (F/N) turned to his friend and looked in confusion, before walking into the castle. " what am I going to tell (F/N)" stafen asked himself. As Arour was riding through the forest, the dark spirits that maleficent sent out were watching from afar. 

the spirits flew back to the dark castle and into the library where the dark lord was looking through some books before he saw the bright glow of the dragon spirits. he smiled as the spirits moved around him as he saw what the spirits saw. his eyes glowed and he saw Arour riding in the forest. maleficent looked out the window and saw the sunset, it was time for him to get his queen. 

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