Make Me Beg [BL]

By morgansluvbot

818K 39.4K 39.5K

Being in love with your roommate wasn't exactly ideal. Being in love with your roommate and a stranger you m... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Extra : Chapter 1

Chapter 23

18.8K 947 1K
By morgansluvbot

QOTD: what month were you born and your star sign?

When the three of us went to sleep, Chet had his arm around my waist so when I woke up in the middle of the night and saw both of his arms under a pillow, I looked over to Kyler instead.

He didn't look that accessible to slip myself under but I decided I'd make it work either way, too tired and cold to care if he woke up or not.

He did end up waking up. When I lifted his arm and fit myself into his side, his eyes opened. They were hooded with sleep and shut a few seconds later when I settled.

Though, he didn't go back to sleep right away. Instead, I felt his hand slowly start rubbing up and down my bare back, still naked from earlier.

The touch was nice and was quickly lulling me to sleep so I slid my arm over his torso and pressed my cheek into his chest. His steady heartbeat made me even more tired and only a minute later, I felt his hand come to a stop.

The next time I woke up, it was morning.

When my eyes opened, it took a few seconds to realize Kyler wasn't in bed and I was pressed firmly into Chet's side.

He was pushed to the edge of the bed and I felt a little bad when I saw I pretty much had the entire bed to myself. Instead of attempting to move him over, I let him sleep and got up.

After throwing on my boxers and a random shirt I found, I quietly clicked the door shut to search for Kyler. It wasn't hard to find him, not when I could faintly hear noise coming from down the hall.

Cracking the door open, I immediately noticed it was in fact Kyler and not Lucas. The chances of Lucas being up this early were extremely slim but I still felt relieved when I saw Kyler.

He didn't notice me at first.

I've never been in this room but wasn't that surprised to see all the gym equipment. Of course he'd be exercising first thing in the morning, I thought flatly.

When the door clicked shut and I walked further in, he finally noticed me. "Oh- hey." His voice was a little loud as he set down his weights but the headphones covering his ears explained it. "Was I too loud?" He asked after sliding them down on his neck.

"No, I couldn't hear you." I assured him. "Do you do this every morning?"

He shook his head while I made myself comfortable on the bench press. "Only sometimes, usually when Chet and I don't go on our runs."

"You're not going?"

"He should probably sleep, he's been working pretty late on this new art project he has."

I vaguely remember Chet telling me about it and looking at the unfamiliar sculptor in the corner of the room confirmed this. Chet's showed me all of his sculptures but this one wasn't done and was unfamiliar to me.

"Weird room combo." I commented, even if I found it a little cute. I could vividly picture Kyler working out while Chet cheered him on from the corner with clay all over his hands.

Kyler's eyes trailed over to Chet's mini work station. "Ah, yeah." His laugh was quiet and fond. "He was running out of space in his room."

Gesturing to the weights he set down, "Don't mind me."

He thought about it for a moment before finally giving in. Leaving the headphones off, he gave me his attention while curling the weights up and down. "I didn't think you'd be up for a while. You're not tired?"

"Nah." I waved off. "My ass is sore but that's it."

The weights faltered. "..Should I apologize?"

Head tilting, I gave him a smile. "Do you think you should?"

"..Sorry?" He guessed unsurely.

I was only trying to tease him but he actually looked apologetic. "It felt good, don't worry~"

We talked. We talked and talked until we ran out of things to talk about. And just as quick, we found something new to talk about. When we stopped talking about that, we talked about something else. We talked.

He was nice to talk to. He was lot less chatty than Chet but still carried a conversation well.

He wrapped up his workout quicker than expected, probably for my sake. "You're all sweaty." I poked his bare side as he fixed his messy ponytail. Afterwards, he scooped his shirt off the floor but didn't bother to put it back on. He just wiped his sweat off and then tossed it right back on the floor.

I was grateful. As much as I already eyed his naked torso greedily, it wasn't enough. He either didn't notice my very obvious staring or didn't care.

While he put his weights back on their holders, I examined the bench press I'd been sitting on for the past thirty minutes. "Are these things heavy?" I asked while poking the added weights hanging from the sides. "Like- could I lift it?"

"Are your feelings easily hurt?"

I rolled my eyes and let my hand fall back down. "A simple no would've been fine."

"You could try." He stood back up and came over to me. "There's not a lot of weight on them right now so you probably could."

He motioned for me to lay back so I cautiously did. "It's not gonna fall on me, is it?"

"It might." I immediately went to sit up but he clasped a hand on my shoulder with a laugh. "I'm kidding, I'm gonna spot you. Plus, you're not that weak."

"You'd be surprised." I laid back down and felt my hair spill over the sides. "I haven't exercised since high school and I was forced to do that."

"You went hiking." He pointed out.

"Mm." A soft hum. "Those few minutes before I got lost helped me shed pounds."

His lips quirked up, just slightly, as he grabbed my wrists and guided them up. "Maybe we'll go together next time."

"You might have to carry me down after I burn out."

"You're not heavy." He brushed off. I wanted to ask how he knew but last night was probably all he needed to find out. "You'll be like a little accessory."

A laugh bubbled up my throat. "An accessory?"

"Yeah." He stated, like it made perfect sense. "Y'know, instead of weighted bands, I could just use you. It's a much prettier option."

"I might not look so pretty after that hike. I'll be sweating buckets after minutes."

He made a tsking sound. "Impossible." After fixing my hand placement, he let his hands hover under the bar. "Alright, try lifting it."

Instead of staring at the bar, my eyes focused on the subtle curl of his fingers. They'd look nice with rings on them. They were long, slim, and would look perfect around my neck.

Instead of voicing this, I surprisingly lifted the bar easily and let it come down slowly. Doing it perfectly seemed boring so I let it falter and pretended it was too heavy.

His hands quickly latched on the bar before it could come down any further. "Wow~" I sang. "So fast."

His eyes flicked down to mine, silently inspecting me, before he let go. I actually did falter this time, not expecting the sudden weight to fall back in my hands. "Wow~" He mimicked. "Good reflexes."

After the bar was placed safely back in place, I sat up and swatted my hand out at his side. "What if it fell?" I complained.

"I would've caught it." He brushed off and laughed when I swatted at him again. "You didn't seem to need my help."

"I thought it'd be a lot heavier."

"There's only twenty pounds on there right now."

"...Is that not a lot?"

"Not to you, apparently."

A smile stretched across my lips. "Are you calling me strong?"

His hair swayed to the side as he glanced down at me. "I think you're good at lifting twenty pounds."

We talked and talked and somehow never ran out of things to talk about. Only a few beats of silence would go by before we were talking about something else.

"How's Lucas as a roommate?" I asked. "Don't tell him, but I miss him a little."

"Just come over more." He responded, like it was the easiest and most obvious solution. In a way, it was. "He's quieter than I thought he'd be. He talks about you a lot, so he probably misses you too, even if he mostly complains. He's cleaner than I thought he'd be too."

"Right?" I perked. "He seems like such a slob but he's a pretty clean person. He would get mad at me all the time for leaving my stuff around."

"Are you the messy type?"

"More the 'leave it for later' type."

He made a thoughtful noise. "Your place was so clean last time we went."

"I couldn't have you thinking I was a slob so soon." I flicked my hand. "But now you know so don't be surprised next to you come over."

"I'll pretend I don't see ants." He assured and my lips parted.

"Ants? I'm not that dirty. Lucas is just a tidier person than me."

"Is he bi?"

I blinked, completely caught off guard from the random question. "Hm? Oh, no. He's straight." I eyed him playfully. "Why? Thinking of taking him up on his foursome offer?"

A small puff of amusement, "My hands are plenty full with you two~" He assured. "I was just curious. He makes sexual comments all the time and I was starting to think he was serious."

"Who knows." I mused. "He could be a closeted bi and is secretly crushing on you."

"I'm pretty sure he says it just to piss Chet off." His voice held soft tones of amusement. "Chet's quickly stopped liking him as much as he used to."

"Yeah, Lucas has that effect on people." It's his charm.

As if sensing we were talking about him, I heard Kyler's bedroom door open. It wasn't faint like it should've been. No, it rang loud and clear and had us both going quiet in surprise. "Kyler?" Chet called throughout the halls, surely waking Lucas up if he wasn't already. His footsteps were heavy and hurried. "Kyler?!"

Hearing how alarmed he was, Kyler pushed himself off the bench press and called back for him, letting him know where he was.

Chet was quick to open the door and his eyes immediately settled on Kyler. His eyebrows were pinched and there was a frown permanently pulling at his lips. "I didn't know where you were." He sounded upset, very upset. "Where's-"

Too blinded by his urgency to find Kyler, he didn't even realize I was in the room until I stood up. His lips parted, almost in disbelief, before a bundle of emotions passed over his face.

I blinked in surprised when he suddenly engulfed me. I almost stumbled back when his weight leaned on me. If it weren't for the bench press behind me, I would've. "You're still here." He breathed out, sounding relieved and shocked all at once. "I thought you left."

The again went left unsaid.

Getting over the surprise, my hands found their way around his waist so I could hug him back. "I didn't." He seemed so distraught that I could've been gone, it made me feel bad. I wanted to apologize but I didn't do anything wrong so I kept silent, even as the words built in my throat. "Were you surprised?" I asked instead.

Was I surprised?

No, not surprised. When I first woke up and felt that the sheets were cold, I thought nothing of it. I thought I'd open my eyes and they'd be somewhere else in the room. Maybe getting dressed, maybe watching tv, it didn't matter.

When my eyes peeled open to see nobody, a quick panic grew in my stomach. Did he leave again? I thought as I hurriedly got up. His clothes are gone, I noticed with dread. Why did he leave without telling me?

It felt like a million different thoughts went through my head as I desperately started searching for Kyler. Kyler's smart, Kyler will know where he went. He'll tell me why he left again. He'll assure me he'll be right back, he'll calm me down and tell me Rylan didn't leave me.

"I thought you were gone." I repeated before pulling away. "You and Kyler.." My frown deepened. "I was alone so I thought you two left."

"We just wanted to let you sleep more." Kyler assured me. "We didn't leave."

Right, I calmed myself. They didn't leave, they're right here. Both of them, together, right here.

I chewed at my lip and nodded slowly. Why won't my heart stop racing? They were right there in front of me and yet, I could only think of what I'd do if they weren't. No- it doesn't matter.

"You okay?" Rylan reached up and brushed my hair from my eyes. My tail didn't wag and my ears stayed still. I only nodded and took a step back, and then two more.

"I'm.. going to get dressed." I mumbled, already turning on my heel. My stomach feels weird.

"I'm gonna go start breakfast, okay? So we'll be in the kitchen." Kyler told me and I would've felt extremely grateful that he told me beforehand but I couldn't focus.

I'm not sure what I responded with but next thing I knew, I was shoving my arms through a shirt while sitting on my bed. Rylan's not like that, I assured myself. He won't just use me for sex and leave.

I pulled it over my head and smoothed it out, all while staring at my carpet. But he could.. he could just be using me for sex and I don't know. I picked my jeans up from the floor. No- that doesn't make sense. He wouldn't. He likes me.

He said he likes me. We're dating.

It's different. It's not the same as Naomi. We're dating.

Yeah, I convinced myself as I stood up. We're dating so he must like me. And I like him. Leg after leg, I pushed them into my jeans and pulled them up. After zipping them up, the buttoned followed.

Releasing a breath I didn't know I was holding, I fixed my boxers and smoothed out my jeans.

Dating Rylan felt- tricker? than dating Kyler. Kyler was familiar, something I'm completely used to. He's engraved into my daily routine whether he likes it or not.

Rylan.. Rylan could leave any second he wanted. He had no other ties with me outside of our relationship. We didn't share friends, jobs, homes- we had nothing.

If he suddenly wanted to stop seeing me one day, he easily could. It could all be ended with a text and I would never see him again. With Kyler, I would see him at work and at home. He couldn't avoid me even if he wanted to.

Kyler felt safe. Rylan didn't.

I didn't have to worry about fitting myself into Kyler's daily life, I was already there. But not Rylan's. The realization had me pausing.

Yes, that's why. My head lifted when I heard their laughter filter through my closed door. That's why I was so nervous. I felt like I couldn't breathe and now I know why.

I just have to fit myself in his life more, until he can't forget about me. He'll have no choice, even if he wants to end things, to remember and think of me. It made perfect sense the more I thought about it. It started clicking why I didn't get nervous with Kyler like I did with Rylan.

Because Kyler is already mine.

Rylan could be mine too, I just needed to work harder.

Fully dressed, I left my room and joined them in the kitchen. Kyler's hand fell to my head when I was close enough and stroked my hair. "You feeling better?"

"Mhm." I assured while leaning into his touch. Because I did, I felt much better. "Sorry for getting upset."

"Don't be." When he leaned down and pecked my lips, my tail wagged. I even tilted my head up for another, which he happily gave me.

Rylan's lips pulled into a smile when I turned around and ducked my head, expecting the same treatment. He was generous with his pets and even more with his kisses.

He can be mine too, it's okay.


heyy besties. i just started another bxb story so sorry i didn't update for a few days 😗 it's called 'prince farley' and it's a historical/royalty bl

anyways, goodnight ily

maddie <3

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