Merder secret relationship

By hallibut189

140K 3.6K 6K

Derek and Meredith decide to date on the low and decide to hide it from everyone. More

The start of the beginning
What's with us
Where will it go from here?
How did it end up here?
Just the little things
Whats going on now?
Getting ready
We will be with each other i promise
Is it too late for us
Getting through it
Our home
Out of the blue
Breathing for you
Covid time
Its getting hot in here
Its go time
I want you no matter what
The wrong turn
Where do we go now
We are great at this
Always 2 sides of the story.
Whatever goes the way it goes
Baby names
Waters fun i guess
It did hurt
Moms coming
Guess who's coming to dinner
Where does the good go
Dylan Christopher Shepherd
Time jumps
We made a mistake
The time has come
Not again
I thought we were past this
Mistakes Mistakes Mistakes
Whats happening
It starts today
I thought we were past this
What happened to derek
And the search begins
Different circumstances
Wheres Meredith and Amelia now
I wonder how this will turn out
Oh no whats broken
Take it easy
The gender of the twins
Meredith whats going on
Time to prepare
I hate this ✈️
Whos in a coma
The bed is empty without him
Can we have a restart?
Will we ever be the same
Christmas in new york
Meredith and her twins
Stormy days
Back to normal
The wedding
Hawaii tsunami
Why did this have to happen now.
The phone call
Whos dead?
Another one
Will this ever happen again
We have to stop this
Chief Shepherd
Im sorry wont cut it
We have come so far to give this up
We are us and i love it
How to save a life
We're leaving home 
Is this working
Daddy Shepherd 😏
It happened again
Girls trip
Somethings happening to the plane
New york again
Is dereks mom okay?
She's barely okay
The days are going by too quick
The real thing that happened yesterday
I never thought this would happen to me
Baby shower
I have to get this done
Is this too fast?
The sickness
The aftermath
Back to work after
Perfect times
Off again
It just goes a long way
Daddy Derek 😙
You always hurt me
Hospital works
Oh how we have changed
I can't do this anymore
She can't die, my heart will die with her
What is Meredith talking about
The effects
Heart to heart
Our ending isn't ready yet
Date night
Its getting too hot
Is this really happening right now
Oh how i wish this was us
Is he okay or...
He's back YAY
This may be it
Chief Derek's back
City of love😏😏
Paris and Spain days
The plane
Long gone
The second before the trip
What happened to/in the car
The trip
Making my feelings
The new face of medicine
This guy
Illness is coming
Party time
What do we do
How do we deal
Fighting chance
The surgeons
Are we going anywhere?
Anger gets the best of us
Sweet dreams
Cali trip
The worst is yet to come
Oh no derek found it
The dinner
They're fixing their relationship😏
Halloween for parties and snacks
Birthdays, Birthdays, and more Birthdays
We're talking now
Back at it
Meredith oh no
Good things always come to an end

I did not just have my babies like this

651 19 40
By hallibut189

2 months later

I've been having these cramps lately. They're just Braxton Hicks so nothing to be worried about. Right?

I got out of bed and waddled to the bathroom. This little girls were much bigger than when I had the boys.

I waddled over and out of the bathroom.

"Derek wake up I think the babies are coming" I said shaking him at 5am

"What" he started freaking out slightly

He got up and helped me downstairs. He went upstairs and grabbed the kids. The twins have been walking a lot lately, and they all came down the steps. Derek stayed up there and grabbed the baby bag. The twins just turned 1 and Dylan will be 2 in 1 month. It's February.

I grabbed the children's hands and walked them outside. I grabbed the car keys and unlocked the car. The kids got in and I buckled them. I shut the door and started getting major contractions. Derek came outside with the baby bag. He came behind me and rubbed my back. We got into the car and drove off. We got to the hospital and Derek grabbed a wheelchair. He wheeled me in with the kids. He handed the kids to a social worker and we went to OB. I got into a room and took my clothes off. I got into a gown and laid on the exam table.

Addison walked in. She put her gloves on and put her hands down to check me.

"Meredith you aren't in labor yet, but you should be soon. Go home and get best rest ok" she said

"Ok" I said

She smiled and threw her gloves away. She left.

"Ugh Derek these contractions hurt sooo bad" I said getting up

I put my pants on.

"I know well I don't, but I can tell" I said smiling awkwardly

We got everything and went to grab our kids. We put them into the car and went home. I went straight to bed and Derek put the kids to bed. He came in and laid next to me. We fell asleep. I woke up and Derek was gone. I checked my phone.


I have not been asleep that long. Have I?

I got up and took a shower. I dried off and got my sweats on. I laid back down and Derek came in.

"Hey dear" he said holding a plate of food

"Ooo what is this" I smiled

He handed me it

"Shrimp Alfredo the way you like it" he smirked

"Thank you" I said

He handed me mango juice in a bottle. He left and I stuffed my face in the food along with the drink. I put it on the nightstand and fell asleep. I woke up with a pool of amniotic fluid. I started getting major cramps. Crap.

"DEREK" I yelled

No answer

"DEREK HELP ME" I yelled even louder.

"IM COMING" he yelled

He ran into the room out of breath.

"Meredith what's wrong. What happened" he said

"Im- I'm help. I'm in labor" I said

I pulled the blanket over and showed the pool of fluid

He took his his phone and called 911 immediately. He came over to me and bent down.

"Can you walk" he asked sympathetically

"No I can't even move it hurts" I said

He picked me up

"Owww" I yelled

"Do you want me to put you down" he asked

"No" I said in pain

He took my out of the room and downstairs. He laid me on a pillow that was on the floor.

"Derek you're going to have to check me" I said awkwardly smiling

"Mer I can't. I haven't done this since my residency" he said

"Derek you have to. I don't know how long I've been like this-" I got cut off by my screaming

"Contractions are 3 minutes Derek" I said yelling

He ran to the medical cabinet in the kitchen. He grabbed a pair of fresh gloves and 2 clamps. Along with a mask. He came over to me.

"Mer I'm taking your pants off" he said

I didn't even have time to say anything. He immediately slid my pants down. He put the mask on and gloves on after. He put his hand inside of me.

"Damn it you have to start pushing Meredith" he said

"What no" I said yelling in pain

"Meredith they can't wait. It's far enough. I can't tell anything Mer you have to" he said seriously

He put his hands down

"Push" he said.

I started pushing and stopped

"Good Mer good that was good" he said.

"Take a break for a second" he said

"Derek I'm going to kill you" I yelled

"Good take that anger out and push" he said

I pushed hard.

"Good Meredith I can see her head" he smiled.

"Ok push again hard. Give me your biggest push" he said

I held onto the pillow under me and pushed.

"Ahhhhhh" I yelled loud

The kids were with Amelia thank god

At that moment a baby started crying.

"Meredith she's so beautiful. She looks exactly like you" he said cutting the umbilical cord

He handed her to me bloody. I started playing with her little finger.

"Hey Ellie bell" I said

Derek smiled at me the whole time through his mask. We heard a knock at the door.

Bailey and Richard came in.

I started screaming in pain.

I forgot we were supposed to hang out with them today.

"Help" Derek said they all ran over.

Richard grabbed 2 baby blankets and 2 pacifiers from our baby bag. He came over and grabbed Ellis. He wrapped her in the blanket and put the pacifier in her mouth. Bailey ran to the kitchen and grabbed gloves.

"Derek Shepherd move go be with your wife" she said sitting down next to him and slapping his hand.

She put the gloves on

He got up and threw his gloves away. He came over to me and rubbed my hair. He held my hands and leaned down. He kissed my lips. He got off.

"I'm literally having my 2 little girls on my living room floor" I said staring in awe at him.

I felt another big contraction. I squeezed his hand tight.

"Okay Grey you can push" Bailey said

"Mer hold my hand as tight as you can ok" he said

Richard chimed in

"Not too tight grey he's one of the best neurosurgeons" he said

I rolled my eyes and started laughing slightly.

I started pushing hard.

"Okay grey here's your baby girl" she said holding her up.

She started crying.

"She looks just like Derek" I said

Bailey handed the baby to Derek. Richard handed the second blanket to Derek. He wrapped her. He held her next to us.

"Hey little Olivia" Derek said to her.

She had black hair like Dylan's and Derek. Ellis had blonde hair like me, but the twins had light brown.

"Ellis is a blonde like me" I said rubbing my hands threw Olivias little black curls

Derek laughed

"Ugh I love you so much" he said and kissed my lips.

We heard the ambulance sirens. They came in with a stretcher and put me on. I got into the ambulance with Derek. The girls went in another ambulance. Richard and Bailey followed in their car. I passed out from blood loss.

I woke up in a hospital bed dizzy. Derek was next to me.

"What happened" I said with my head spinning.

He looked like he'd been crying

"Um you lost a lot of blood and they fixed you and the girls are fine" he said standing up.

He kissed my forehead. A nurse came in with the girls. Derek laid next to me in the bed. The nurse handed us the girls and we held them.

"Wow she really does look like me" he said touching the little curls on Olivia's head

He went and played with Ellis's little wavy light blonde hair.

"Ugh they're so beautiful" i said watching them sleep

"It's because we both literally made them obviously" he smirked

We laughed silently trying not to wake them up.

Awww I kind of love this chapter though🥺 ELLIE BELL IM SORRY YALL I HAD TO DO IT 🥺😫😥

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