How To Save Your Trapper [An...

By Funnygirl_thatBelle

39.7K 1K 165

It's been five years since Hiccup changed the minds of Berk, and everyone is happier for it. It's a more peac... More

Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve

Chapter One

3.2K 79 2
By Funnygirl_thatBelle

The Dragon Race was underway and the crowds were unrelenting in their excited outcries. It was a racing tradition for each rider and their dragon to adorn matching face paint designs and since Revna and Amethyst didn't participate in the races, Astrid let the ravenette paint her face. If nothing else, Revna enjoyed watching the races and cheering all her friends on. She stood by her Uncle while he sat in his grand chair and Gobber occupied his opposite side. They watched on in excited anticipation as Meatlug carried a painted sheep in her claws while holding Fishlegs' immense weight on her back. The heavy-weight rider cheered in victory, unaware of Snotlout and Hookfang, a Monstrous Nightmare, approaching from the side. Cheers erupted when the pair side-checked Fishlegs and Meatlug, stealing their prize.

Snotlout laughed as he held the sheep close to his chest. "Oh, I'm sorry, Fishlegs! Did you want that?"

"No, Snotlout! That was mine!" Revna rolled her eyes at the boys' childish antics. They haven't grown at all in the last five years. Confusion and growing annoyance overtook the crowd as they watched Snotlout toss the sheep to Ruffnut- again. She sneered at something Snotlout said before moving Barf, one part of a Hideous Zippleback, away as he spewed flammable gas from his mouth. As they rode away, Tuffnut rode forward on Belch, the other half of the twins' dragon, and Belch ignited the flame. An explosion sounded, shaking the stands and Snotlout was left in the cloud of smoke. Each rider had a designated basket with pictures of their dragon on the backboard, and as the Zippleback soared past the main bleachers Ruffnut dropped her sheep into their basket. Unsurprisingly yet annoyingly, the Barf/Belch basket was nearly filled with sheep. 

Chief Stoick stood from his chair and joyously bellowed, "Haha! That's nine for the twins, Astrid lags at three, and Fishlegs and Snotlout trail with none!" The crowds cheered and Revna was no different. As she clapped, she gazed over at Hiccup's empty basket and realized that he wasn't in the race. In fact, she hadn't even seen him today.

Stoick noticed this as well. "And Hiccup is... nowhere to be found." Despite this realization, the race continued and the people of Berk paid no mind to the young man's absence.

Gobber, Stoick's best friend, chortled, "Scared him off with the big talk, didn't ya, Stoick?"

Revna's brows drew at Gobber's words. "What talk, Uncle?"

"Becoming Chief," Stoick answered his niece. He was a man of very few words, but Revna understood perfectly and her eyes grew wide. She knew her uncle wanted to retire, but she didn't think it would be so soon. Revna wondered if Hiccup was ready for such a responsibility. Though she believed in him immensely, she feared he didn't want to be chief, which only made Uncle Stoick's worry increase. Deciding it best not to dwell on something she had no control over, Revna brought her attention back to the race, watching her friends search the village aggressively for sheep. Sometimes she wished she could race with them, but knew it would be futile since Amethyst didn't quite get the concept.

"It's time, Gobber," Stoick declared with a nod. Gobber nodded and moved forward for his announcement. Revna clapped excitedly, silently hoping that Astrid caught the black sheep that's worth ten points so she could win.

Gobber inhaled before announcing loudly, "Last lap!" A horn blared, signaling the black sheep being readied into the launcher. Revna loaded the sheep into the catapult that she helped Hiccup build. Gobber was stationed at the lever, waiting for the perfect time while the black sheep chewed a piece of grass, none the wiser.

"This is your big moment," Gobber said to the sheep, "Have a nice flight!" As if realizing his predicament, the sheep's eyes widened and his body tensed. But before anything else, Gobber pulled the lever and the sheep flew into the air. Revna cheered, watching Astrid and Stormfly close in on the winning prize. But out of nowhere, Meatlug and Fishlegs snatched the sheep at the last second. Revna huffed but became confused once again when Fishlegs threw his prize to Ruffnut. What was happening?

Still thrown off, Revna ran back to where her uncle still sat. She joined him just in time to see Ruffnut slam Barf into Meatlug, sending Fishlegs into a tailspin. The crowd went crazy as Mealug rammed into Hookfang, sending both dragons and riders tumbling out of the race. After watching to ensure they were unscathed, Revna turned back to the race, seeing Ruffnut and Tuffnut in the middle of a tug-of-war with the sheep- fighting like usual. Then, she noticed Astrid and Stormfly right on their tale. Astrid stood on Stormfly's back, careful to keep her balance, as they advanced on the unsuspecting twins.

"Get 'em, Astrid!" Revna shared her uncle's enthusiasm as she cheered her best friend on. Astrid jumped off of Stormfly, landing on Belch's neck and running towards the sheep. She snatched the Black Sheep out of the twins' hands before flipping through the air and expertly landing on Stormfly once more.

"Well played," Stoick bellowed proudly before addressing his cheering followers, "That's my future daughter-in-law!" Stoick playfully shoved Snotlout's father only to receive an annoyed eye roll. Astrid was quickly approaching the finish line, but she was unaware of Fishlegs approach until Meatlug rammed Stormfly, forcing Astrid off-course. Recovering quickly, Astrid spies Snotlout coming for her head-on with his stone war hammer ready to strike. As Snotlout threw his hammer, Astrid ducked, rolling Stormfly out of the way, and the hammer struck Fishlegs in the face. A loud clang sounded and the crowd cringed and let out a chorus of 'oohs' at Fishlegs' unfortunate injury. Straightening out, Astrid flew Stormfly into a loop over the water before they zoomed past the finish line, dunking the Black Sheep into the basket.

Stoick jumped out of his seat. "That's thirteen! Astrid takes the game!" Everyone nearly fell out of the stands as they cheered louder than ever for Astrid and Stormfly. The victorious duo flew over the crowd, high-fiving a few fans before flying towards Revna who was hollering happily for her friend. Leaning Stormfly sideways, Astrid reached out her arm allowing Revna to grab hold and hoist herself behind Astrid. They laughed at the familiar stunt and flew towards the stables, leaving the crowd cheering in their wake. Once they arrived, Astrid encouraged Stormfly to land and they descended off her back.

Revna was still laughing as she exclaimed, "That was amazing, Astrid! You've really outdone yourself!"

"Ha! It was nothing," Astrid replied, "And that isn't even the best part!"

Subconsciously, Revna's brows scrunched together. "What do you mean? You won despite the twins' best efforts."

"That's exactly what I'm talking about, and I can't wait to tell you all about it. But first, saddle up. We're going to find Hiccup."

The raven-haired girl rolled her violet eyes. Placing her hands on her hips, Revna stated, "No way. Just tell me now and then be on your way. I don't want to be the third wheel again."

Astrid scoffed, "Come on. You're not a third wheel. And besides, you wouldn't feel that way if you had a boyfriend."

Despite her arguments, Revna began to prepare Amethyst for the flight, which was proving to be difficult with how excited and jumpy the purple-scaled dragon was. "We've been through this Astrid," she huffed, "I don't need a boyfriend."

"Denial, my dear Revna,"  Astrid declared confidently, mounting Stormfly. Shaking her head, Revna finished tightening Amethyst's saddle before mounting. There was no convincing either girl otherwise, so they dropped the topic and took off, soaring through the sky.

After enjoying the feeling of the wind on her face, Revna, being sure she can be heard over the said wind, shouted, "So what did you want to tell me?"

"Oh right!" Astrid yelled. "You'll never guess who has a crush on Ruffnut!"

Revna ran the possibilities through her head. Based on Astrid's enthusiasm, it would have to be someone close to them. But that rules out Tuffnut for obvious reasons. It could be Fishlegs, but he doesn't talk about her. Fitting the pieces together, Revna's eyes widened in realization. "No", she drew out, "No wonder Snotlout stopped his advances. Thank the Gods!"

"Ha! You got that right! But that's not all," Astrid trailed off in a sing-song voice. For what seemed like the millionth time, Revna's eyebrows furrowed as she tried to think of what else Astrid would have to say.

Noticing Revna's confusion, Astrid revealed, "Fishlegs and Snotlout are competing for Ruffnut's heart!"

"What?!" Amethyst startled at her rider's loud shriek faltered before recovering with a shake of her head.

"Oh, sorry, Amethyst," Revna soothed before turning her attention on Astrid. "What does Ruffnut have to say about this?"

Astrid shrugged. "No idea. But as far as I can tell, she wants nothing to do with either of them."

"Oh, my Gods! That's why they both gave Ruffnut most of the sheep during the race!"

Astrid laughed at her friend's reaction. "Yup! Your power of observation never ceases to amaze me!" Revna tipped her head back, laughing happily at Astrid's joke. Still reeling from the ridiculous news, Revna and Astrid kept their Deadly Naders on course through the thick, unrelenting fog. They caught glimpses of massive cliffs that they'd never seen before. After sharing a knowing look, the beautiful young ladies steered their dragons towards the ginormous cliff-filled land. Stormfly and Amethyst screeched, confirming their riders' suspicions- Toothless and Hiccup were here.

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