Neptunia x Male Reader Scenar...

Bởi StevieBond

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A collection of one shot reader stories involving (some of) the Neptunia girls. These were moved from my Devi... Xem Thêm

Gaming Time (Neptune)
Seven Minutes In CPU Heaven (Noire)
The Love In One's Voice (Blanc)
Chatting With A Goddess (Vert)
Fighting With Coolness (Uzume)
Slouching Around (Plutia)
A New Love (Compa)

Double Blessing (Nepgear And Uni)

898 4 0
Bởi StevieBond

Time for my first attempt at a love triangle featuring Nepgear and Uni, a ship I support too. So with that in mind, I hope you enjoy this one.

About you: You're one of Gamindustri's strongest warriors who likes Nepgear and Uni a lot and have access to speak with the CPUs and their nation's oracles. When you learn that the CPU Candidates have been captured, you're determined to rescue them at all costs and perhaps tell Nepgear and Uni how you feel.


Quietly crouching down by the rocks and overlooking the entrance to the Senmuu Labyrinth, you sit down and waited for your friends to join you. You and these guys would be working together on a dangerous rescue mission. 

The situation was complicated and the details provided were vague at best. The CPU candidates were on a monster hunt at this dungeon in the far south corner of Heart Dimension and to put it simply, although they got to the end, their last words were that they found something big and dragon-like before all contact was lost with them.

Obviously, this worried the CPUs and the oracles to no end, but neither of them could leave their nations at this time. That's when you were contacted by Histoire to join with a group of volunteers who would team up to work together with one objective. 

Rescue the CPU Candidates and if possible, bring down the monster that captured them in the first place. So here you were, currently waiting for the others to arrive. You decided to recap on the day you first met the CPU candidates during a tough mission when you were working with IF as part of a favor from the guild.

When the CPU candidates saw you in action, their reactions varied from jaws dropping to sparkles in their eyes. You then got to know Nepgear, Uni, Rom and Ram before you started meeting up with Nepgear on some days and Uni on other days. 

As time progressed, you began to have feelings that you wouldn't boast about willingly. You liked Nepgear for her purity, her fondness for tinkling with mechanics and being a wonderful girl. But you also liked Uni for her cute appearance, her fascination with guns and acting like a tsundere, much like her sister, Noire.

You were going to one day meet up with them and have a long discussion with how you felt about both of them until this situation happened. You swore to yourself that you were going to spend the day with both of them together as soon as they're rescued, but they would need time to recover which you understood. 

As things continued to remain quiet, you sighed and looked up, seeing all the stars and crystals that shine around the entire dimension. Since the dimensions fused, a bright pathway was created in this dimension so brave fighters like you could enter here and hunt for monsters and find rare items.

Just then, you began to hear flight noises coming your way, you looked to your left to see your friends arriving and you stood up to see each of them dressed like armed soldiers and they each had a badge displaying a code name which you all agreed to before accepting the mission in order to keep your real names a secret.

"Hey there, friends." You greeted. "About time you got here, Ghost Two"

"Hey, give us a break, (Y/N)." Ghost Two replied. "I had to receive a good luck kiss from Neptune."

"And I assured Uzume that I would be cool when we do the fighting." Ghost Three added. "Anyways, you ready to do this?"

"Sure am." You answered. "Let's go in gentleman and prove to the monsters why we're known as Ghosts."

The three of you checked your weapons before entering the most challenging and dangerous dungeon. The first floor wasn't challenging, most of the monsters weren't much of a threat and you found the downstairs to the second area. The monsters were the same, so once you went downwards to the third area, you found a safe place to take a breather with your two allies.

"So it's really just us, huh?" You asked.

"Yeah, IF and Compa were not available to help." Ghost Two answered.

"What about Big Neptune?"

"She's currently on a cruise with some lucky man in another dimension." Ghost Three replied. "Who knows when they might return."

"Right..." You nodded. "...I do hope they're alright."

"Oooh, you falling for the candidates?" Ghost Two smirked.

You looked away. "I'm a warrior, why would I have time for sappy stuff like that?"

"I wouldn't be so sure." Ghost Three said. "You've had your eye on Nepgear and Uni for a while, haven't you?"

You blinked. " did you know that?!"

"Aha, so you do like them that way. Well in that case, you better lead the charge."

You shook your head. "O-of course, I'm the strong one after all. There's no way I plan to lose this easily."

The other two got up after taking a rest and you resumed with pushing through the third area and finding the stairs going down to the fourth area. Going through the labyrinth itself was a struggle enough since there was no telling which way was which and the radar that showed the current position was useless here. During exploring the fourth area, you were in a big open space where you found a giant grey dogoo.

"Woah, check that one out." Ghost Two said. "That's a giant metal dogoo."

"Dude! Uzume said that those are extremely rare." Ghost Three added. "If we beat it, we'll get TONS of EXP."

"Don't bother." You intervened, turning away. "We're strong enough as it is and-"

You didn't get the chance to finish your sentence when you heard the noises of weapons clashing, you turned back to see them both trying to take down the giant metal dogoo. You sighed in annoyance before deciding to help them out. 

Joining in the fray, the battle began to turn in your favor before you eventually finished it off. Your two friends received a lot of EXP as expected and they leveled up by quite a lot. You on the other hand didn't level up, that was because you were already at a very high level.

"Huh? Why haven't you gotten stronger?" Ghost Three asked.

"Wait, don't tell me you're already at the max level." Ghost Two added. "How long have you been doing this?"

"Since the day I got to fight for the first time." You boasted. "Now come on, we've wasted enough time here."

The three of you resumed with going through the fourth area until you found the stairway and as soon as you were about to go down, you heard distant voices.

"Heeeeeeeeelp us!" A faint girl voice yelled from the next area.

"Dude, that sounded like one of the CPU candidates." Ghost Three said. "But who was it?"

"Does it matter?" Ghost Two responded. "We have to hurry."

"Already on it." You said as you rushed down the stairs.

You arrived at the fifth area and judging by how short this area was compared to the previous four, this was the last area of the dungeon. As first, it was all dark and quiet...perhaps too quiet which made it suspicious. 

As you walked further in with your two friends, you then started seeing a dark light shining on a wall, you saw to your left and gasped loudly. Hanging on the wall were the very four girls that were captured, they were all in thier HDD forms and some of them looked like they had taken a huge beating.

"Nepgear! Uni!" You exclaimed. "We're here, I'll get you all down!"

"He didn't mention Rom or Ram." Ghost Two muttered.

"Yeah, he really must like Nepgear and Uni a lot." Ghost Three added.

"Well, not like it matters, we gotta get them down."

You rushed over to the wall and tried to get them down, only to find that they were all cuffed to the wall, meaning that a key was required to get them off there.

"Ngh...mmmm..." One of them began to stir and open her eyes. "Huh? Is that you, (Y/N)?"

"Yes, it's me, Nepgear." You answered. "I'm so glad you're still here."

"Huh...I hear...(Y/N)'s voice." Uni then stirred and looked to her right to see you. "It"

"Yeah and I'm gonna save you too, Uni." You then corrected yourself. "No, we're here to save you all."


You then had something you wanted to say. "When we get out of here, there's something I want to tell you and Nepgear in private. Can you meet me for that when you both get better?"

Nepgear and Uni nodded and this made you smile.

Suddenly, the warm moment was stopped when you heard the faint growl from the far corner of the area. Followed by several loud stomps coming from over there.

"Uhhh, we've got company!" Ghost Two exclaimed.

"It's gotta be that monster who took these girls." Ghost Three added.

You turned around and drew your weapon out. "Brace yourselves, guys!"

The source of the giant monster revealed itself to be a giant dragon, but it wasn't like the usual dragons you saw in other dungeons, this was a different one. It looked bigger meaner and perhaps more powerful. It growled and roared loudly as if it identified you and your friends as threats. It proceeded to swipe at you, but you dodged it.

"Ghost One, we need to eliminate this giant dragon before we can rescue them." Ghost Three said. "The rescue part will have to wait."

"Good thing we took down that metal dogoo earlier, cause I feel much stronger than before." Ghost Two added. "I see a key around its collar as well."

"That key will be ours soon." You declared. "Both of you, get ready to fight! Go all out!" You rushed and jumped into the air. "COME AT ME YOU BASTARD!"

The toughest battle had begun, the three of you attacked on all sides, diverting the giant dragon's attention every few seconds, causing it to roar and attack back with its claws and you each had to dodge them whenever you could. 

As the battle raged on, the CPU candidates had fully awakened and were watching as you and your friends were trying to bring the dragon down. Then in an instant, the giant dragon began swiping its tail in a circle to try and throw you three off. You jumped to avoid it, but your two guys weren't as fortunate to see it coming and they took some damage.

"Friends!" You exclaimed. "Dammit, this dragon's not going down easily."


It swiped it you with its claws and the tail as a follow up, you dodged the claws, but you avoid the tail in time and you tripped up, falling down.


"(Y/N)!" Nepgear and Uni called.

"Don't let that meany dragon beat you." Ram said.

"Defeat him for us, mister (Y/N)." Rom added.

You sidestepped to avoid its attack.

"That's what I'm trying to do right now." You responded. "Come on you guys, you need to get up."

The other two had regrouped and attacked the giant dragon, giving you a second to stand back up and get back into the fight. The battle continued again for longer than planned and the giant dragon was starting to get weak and sluggish as it tried to unleash its powerful attacks. You had it on the ropes, but it wasn't over yet.


"Guys, we need to finish it off!" Ghost Two exclaimed.

"Just a little more, come on!" Ghost Three added. "We've got this!"

"'s the time to finish it off." You declared. "You two go for the arms, I plan to end it by striking it where it hurts."

"Alright, here we go!"

The two men went for the arms whilst you, although beginning to get tired, went for one last charge and with your weapon ready, you aimed it right at the chest of the giant dragon...and stabbed it right in the heart of perhaps the most dangerous and toughest monster you ever encountered.


It roared at its loudest in pain before it started struggling and then falling to its side and a violent shaking of the ground was the result. You took a moment to catch your breath as you pulled out your weapon whilst the two guys yanked the collar off to get the key and unlock the cuffs, freeing the CPU candidates who were shocked and amazed at how strong you three guys were.

"Hah...hah...hah...that...was one...mighty...son of a...hah..." You panted in exhaustion before looking at Nepgear and Uni who were smiling at you. "Hey you two...did you see that...I beat it."

You suddenly began to feel faint, it seemed that your body was too tired to keep you awake. You then began to lose consciousness and then fall to the side with faint distant voices calling out your name before you went into a slumber.

*Time skip, brought to you by a chibi Nepgear and a chibi Uni exchanging flowers.*

Silence was your companion for goddess knows how long, but it soon faded as you began to stir slightly and regain your consciousness before opening your eyes. When you were awake, you slowly sat up and looked around to find yourself no longer at the dungeon you were in, instead, you were inside a hospital room. 

You then saw a table that had a small gift and a card beside it. You grabbed it and opened the gift to find a platinum colored medallion. You then read the card to see who wrote it.

"Hey (Y/N), Uni and I want to thank you so much for saving us. Rom and Ram also appreciate it. Your two guys explained everything when we got back to Hyper Dimension and our sisters were very impressed with what you did. As for the gift, we found it once you defeated the giant dragon, you deserve it.

We're also recovering at the moment, but Nepgear and I remembered what you told us back at the dungeon. We promise to meet up with you as soon as we can, don't push yourself too hard. It wouldn't do your warrior reputation good. Just teasing ya. Rest well, (Y/N)."

Nepgear and Uni

You put the card down and smiled, knowing that they were getting better too and it wouldn't be long before you could see them soon, you sat back to rest more.

*Time skip, brought to you by a chibi Nepgear and chibi Uni pulling your arms in a game of tug of war.*

After a day of recovering, you were able to leave Planeptune's hospital with Compa advising you to take it easy for a while. You also heard that Nepgear and Uni had also recovered and were waiting for you at a nearby park. 

You took your time to go there and when you arrived at the park, you looked around until you spotted them by one of the benches. You went over and they got up as soon as they you saw you. You put your arms around them both as you went for a group hug.

"I'm glad to see you both doing well." You said. "Because I wanna tell you both something."

"I see, well we have something to tell you as well." Nepgear replied.

"Yeah, you should sit down for this." Uni added.

You sat down with Nepgear and Uni sitting on either side of you.

"Shall I go first or you two?" You asked.

"Yeah, I'd like to start." Uni answered. "Me and Nepgear have been wondering. Who do you like the most out of us two?"

You were surprised by the sudden honest question. "Well...that's a tough one, because..." You gulped. "...I think you're beautiful, Uni."

Uni blushed. "I'm b-b-beautiful?"

"But Nepgear, I think you're also beautiful." You said, looking at her.

Nepgear blushed. "Oh, goodness..."

"It's true though, you're both beautiful girls and when I'm with either one of you or both, I just feel like we could have something in common. A very close bond that we could fill with happiness, teamwork, support and perhaps some affection on the side." You continued. "So for me, I can't choose between either of you, you both deserve to have someone and do I phrase this?"

"Awww and you were doing so well." Nepgear said.

"I get it, you want to ask us out at the same time, right?" Uni asked.

"Yeah, that's what I meant." You answered. "I understand that this may be selfish of me to want you both and I also understand that you like each other as well. But I don't think it should matter, if having a love triangle relationship with you two means we can all be happy together. As long as we can understand each others needs when we're in love, we can find a way to work it out. I'm sure your sisters will understand."

"Oh, so you know about Uni and me?" Nepgear asked.

"Well, he is right." Uni added. "I mean, I do like you a lot, Nepgear, but I also like (Y/N) too."

"Yeah, I feel the same way, Uni. I also feel the same with him, so maybe this could be good for us."

"So does this mean that you like me back as well?" You asked.

"Yeah, why don't we give it a shot." Uni replied. "I mean, it's not like I'm doing this just to keep Nepgear happy or anything."

"Oh, Uni, you never change, do you?" Nepgear responded.

Uni blushed. "Well come on, I can't change who I am."

"And I don't ever wanna see that." You agreed. "Now how about you two come closer, eh?"

With that, Uni and Nepgear sat closer to you before you held thier hands which made you blush slightly. As you closed your eyes and sighed whilst sitting back on the bench, you received a pair of kisses on your cheeks from both Uni and Nepgear. Your eyes opened wide and now all three of you were blushing together.

"We like you a lot, (Y/N)." Nepgear said. "We'll treat you well as long as you care for us."

"And you better keep us happy, got it?" Uni added.

"Of course, I will do all I can to share the happiness and love between the three of us." You answered. "Thank you and I like you both a lot too."

You three snuggled up close and rested for a while, leaving you with some time to think about all that had happened. From rescuing them to forming a triangle relationship seems like one heck of a roller coaster, but it was a ride that you wouldn't mind going on again. 

You had Nepgear and Uni and that was something you wanted to keep hold of in the years to come. A warrior who's strong but has love to come home to and that alone is enough to make you feel happy for a very long time.



I think that this will be the only time I'll do a love triangle story like this, but it was fun to write all the same.

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