Double Blessing (Nepgear And Uni)

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Time for my first attempt at a love triangle featuring Nepgear and Uni, a ship I support too. So with that in mind, I hope you enjoy this one.

About you: You're one of Gamindustri's strongest warriors who likes Nepgear and Uni a lot and have access to speak with the CPUs and their nation's oracles. When you learn that the CPU Candidates have been captured, you're determined to rescue them at all costs and perhaps tell Nepgear and Uni how you feel.


Quietly crouching down by the rocks and overlooking the entrance to the Senmuu Labyrinth, you sit down and waited for your friends to join you. You and these guys would be working together on a dangerous rescue mission. 

The situation was complicated and the details provided were vague at best. The CPU candidates were on a monster hunt at this dungeon in the far south corner of Heart Dimension and to put it simply, although they got to the end, their last words were that they found something big and dragon-like before all contact was lost with them.

Obviously, this worried the CPUs and the oracles to no end, but neither of them could leave their nations at this time. That's when you were contacted by Histoire to join with a group of volunteers who would team up to work together with one objective. 

Rescue the CPU Candidates and if possible, bring down the monster that captured them in the first place. So here you were, currently waiting for the others to arrive. You decided to recap on the day you first met the CPU candidates during a tough mission when you were working with IF as part of a favor from the guild.

When the CPU candidates saw you in action, their reactions varied from jaws dropping to sparkles in their eyes. You then got to know Nepgear, Uni, Rom and Ram before you started meeting up with Nepgear on some days and Uni on other days. 

As time progressed, you began to have feelings that you wouldn't boast about willingly. You liked Nepgear for her purity, her fondness for tinkling with mechanics and being a wonderful girl. But you also liked Uni for her cute appearance, her fascination with guns and acting like a tsundere, much like her sister, Noire.

You were going to one day meet up with them and have a long discussion with how you felt about both of them until this situation happened. You swore to yourself that you were going to spend the day with both of them together as soon as they're rescued, but they would need time to recover which you understood. 

As things continued to remain quiet, you sighed and looked up, seeing all the stars and crystals that shine around the entire dimension. Since the dimensions fused, a bright pathway was created in this dimension so brave fighters like you could enter here and hunt for monsters and find rare items.

Just then, you began to hear flight noises coming your way, you looked to your left to see your friends arriving and you stood up to see each of them dressed like armed soldiers and they each had a badge displaying a code name which you all agreed to before accepting the mission in order to keep your real names a secret.

"Hey there, friends." You greeted. "About time you got here, Ghost Two"

"Hey, give us a break, (Y/N)." Ghost Two replied. "I had to receive a good luck kiss from Neptune."

"And I assured Uzume that I would be cool when we do the fighting." Ghost Three added. "Anyways, you ready to do this?"

"Sure am." You answered. "Let's go in gentleman and prove to the monsters why we're known as Ghosts."

The three of you checked your weapons before entering the most challenging and dangerous dungeon. The first floor wasn't challenging, most of the monsters weren't much of a threat and you found the downstairs to the second area. The monsters were the same, so once you went downwards to the third area, you found a safe place to take a breather with your two allies.

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