
By bettyboo125bo

111K 2.2K 230

Luna's been a trained fighter since she was five. She witnessed her first murder at age eight, and she killed... More

Luna [Ch. 1]
Luna [Ch. 2]
Luna [Ch. 3]
Luna [Ch. 5]
Luna [Ch. 6]
Luna [Ch. 7]
Luna [Ch. 8]
Luna [Ch. 9]
Luna [Ch. 10]
Luna [Ch. 11]
Luna [Ch. 12]
Luna [Ch. 13]
Luna [Ch. 14]
Luna [Ch. 15]
Luna [Ch. 16]
Luna [Ch.17]
Luna [Ch. 18]
Luna (Ch. 19)

Luna [Ch. 4]

6.8K 171 13
By bettyboo125bo

Luna: The Moon Goddess

 Previously: "Now, you have until the next full moon to locate her and bring her to me before she gets her full powers back. If you can't find her in the next four days...your mission is to kill her," father ordered them, ending the conversation. . I started down what seemed like a busy neighbor, considering the fact the every porch light was on...except one. The old lady looked to be in her early sixties, with her grayish white hair pulled back into a messy bun. Her face held wrinkles of the years gone by and wisdom of what's to come. I opened my mouth to speak but felt my body give out as I fell to the ground of exhaustion. The last thing I remember is hearing the woman say something like, "This wasn't how I pictured my first encounter with you."

Chapter 4

I woke up with a sense that I wasn't alone. My eyes popped open immediately due to this sense, causing me to jump from my laid down position. I got into a crouching position with my left arm out infront of me with my right to the side of me.

It didn't take long for me to find the intruder, seeing that she was sitting in a recliner chair facing me a few feet across the, what I now realized to be a living room. It was then I realized that I'm on a brown couch decorated with a thin white blanket and blue pillows.

I scanned the room, taking in my surrounding. There was a wooden coffee table infront front of the couch that had a tea set sitting stationery in the center. To my left was a television sitting on its stand. Next to it were end tables filled with pictures and other decorations.

To my right was another couch identical to the one I'm on now, next to that were end tables as well with tan lamps sitting on each one. I looked around at the walls that were stained with nothing my pictures of memories throughout the years. It wasn't until then I realized its morning outside.

When my eyes landing on the old lady, I suddenly remembered what happened yesterday, how I broke in under the impression that no one was home. She sat quickly, letting me scoop the area freely. I looked her over.

She was wearing a pair of black stretch pants and a white button down shirt, she looked young for her age. You could tell she likes to keep herself up. I still crouched on the couch as I looked at her, waiting for her to speak a word of reassurance that I wasn't in any particular danger of some sort.

Although I doubt she'd bring harm to me. "How are you feeling darling? You gave me quite a scare yesterday when you passed out," the woman spoke, her voice strained from age, yet it still had a aura of power and trust.

I turned my head a little while still looking at her, testing to see if she'd do something as soon as I turned my head from her.

But like before, she sat in the recliner chair with her hands on her lap, looking at me with a kind face. It was then I trusted that this woman isn't going to cause me and harm. I adjusted myself on her couch, sitting on my butt and allowing my arms to relax to my side.

As I got comfortable, the old woman smiled in appreciated that I found I could trust her. She suddenly leaned forward towards the coffee table. Her little wrinkled hands hovering over the tea set before pouring to small glasses of tea. She handed one to me.

I hesitated for a minute before grabbing the small glass from the handle and taking a sip. The warmness of the liquid brought a sly smile on my face. "Thank you," I told her softly. She waved it off.

"Oh, it's nothing dear. It's the least I can do," she said with a smile.

I finished the tea and sat the cup down on the table. I thanked the lady again for her kindness before standing up to leave. Due to my powers decreasing, I felt lightheaded. Damn it...I forgot how much of my speed I used yesterday while running from the mansion. The mansion, no doubt my father has everyone after me. Ugh, I still can't believe I heard those words come out of his mouth.

Well, actually I can, if he can order people to kill the innocent then he can definitely order them to kill me. And if they can't find me by then, then they're to kill me as he wishes. This always occurs when someone disobeys orders. To not be jeopardized by the traitor, we're to kill said person before they can begin work with our enemies...which sucks for me because...I don't even like our enemies.

Well, I guess I shouldn't say "ours" anymore. I wobbled before taking another step, trying to adjust to my sudden power drain. The old lady hopped up from her sit and came to me. She placed her left hand on my shoulder and her right on my right forearm.

"Dear sit down, you're not well," she instructed. I objected.

"I've stayed longer then needed," I assure her, which she waved off again.

"Nonsense, you stay as long as you need to. You're obviously not one hundred percent, at less not until the next full moon," she told me.

I froze at her words. I turned to her stiffly with a wondrous face. How does she know that? How can she possibly now that? "What? H-how..." I began but trailed off.

"Yes, I know all about you. You're mother use to tell me so much about her beautiful daughter. God rest her soul," she mumbled the last part sadly, as if talking about a lost friend. I stared at the stranger in complete and utter shock. She knew my mom?

"My mother?" I asked her suspiciously.

She nodded her head and stepped away from me, giving up on trying to make me sit. "Yes, Binara was a very good friend of mine. She use to come see me all the time. Your resemblance to her is uncanny, although I don't remember your name..."she trailed off into her memories for my name.

I stared at this woman in amazement. She knew my mom. My mother passed when I was eight years old, I only vaguely remember her. I opened my mouth to ask her more on the topic, until I felt a sense that someone was near. I straightened from my relaxed stance and looked around the room awaiting the third party.

As if on cue, a boy around my age came rushing down the staircase that was lined with the wall that the television was infront of. He had sandy brown hair that was swooped to one side and tanned skin that proved him to be outside a lot, maybe with sports. He stood approximately 6'2 inches tall.

I couldn't see his face, due to the fact that he was busy button up his shirt as he rushed down the stairs, clearly late for something. "Grandma! I'm heading to school now so--who are you?" he stopped his shouting when he finished buttoning his shirt and looked up.

I was a surprised by his good-looking features as he stared at me in confusion. He eased his way over to old woman, which I now presumed to be his grandmother. He stood protectively infront of her while still looking at me.

I smirked a little at his actions. Haha, he doesn't know how easily I could maneuver around him and kill the old lady and him if I wanted. His light brown hazel eyes stared intensely into mine while waiting for me to answer. "Oh! Stop it, she's not here to harm us," the old woman reassured her grandson as she pushed him aside.

She then looked apologetic at me. "Sorry dear, my grandson can be a little protective of me," she said as she hit her grandson on the back of his head, causing him to finally stop starring at me. He winced in pain as he rubbed the back of his head.

"I understand," I assure her before giving a friendly closed-mouth smile.

"Grandma, who is she?" he asked as he pointed a finger towards me.

"She is a guest. And she'll be staying with us for the time being," she told him. This caused me to look at her surprisingly. Letting me stay here isn't such a good idea.

I'm practically on the run from here on out, staying here will cause nothing but trouble for them and I don't need my father killing anymore innocent people. I was about to object when the grandson did instead. "What? She's staying here?" he asked her to clarification. The old woman nodding her head cheekily.

"Yes Travis, and you will treat Miss..." -she paused- "what was your name, dear?" she asked me innocently.

The grandson, Travis, through his hands in the air dramatically and let them loudly fall against his legs. "Are you kidding me Grandma? You're letting her stay here and you don't even know her name? Who are you letting rent the basement? The Manson Family?" Travis complained dramatically. I raised a questioning eyebrow at his statement. The Manson Family...really?

"Oh cut it out Travis, she's fine staying here. What's your name dear?" the grandmother told him before turning to me. I hesitated. Should I tell them my real name?

"Layla," I lied believably. Being a soldier, we were taught how to, in lack of better words, become excellent benders of the truth. But for some reason, the old woman didn't belief me.

"Layla's a pretty name dear, but what's your name?" she asked. I stared at her in disbelief. How'd she know I was lying? I shook my head.

"I don't want to cause any trouble," I warn her. If they knew my name, it'll make them eligible for actually knowing me, which would put them in more danger than they already are.

"How would knowing your name cause us trouble? It's just a name," Travis stated in a irritated tone that I decided to ignore. I looked at me with a blank face. He raised his eyebrows at me, awaiting my response, but got nothing. I turned back to the old woman, who nodded her head for me to admit my name. I sighed in defeat.

" name is Luna," I tell the two.

I could practically hear the smile appearing on the woman's face. "Aww Luna, meaning moon in Spanish. A beautiful name for a beautiful girl," she tells me in satisfaction. "I'm Martha Tate and this handsome young man is Travis, my grandson who," -she paused and looked at the clock hanging above the television- "happens to be late for school," she finished with a giggle. Travis, who'd been looking me over, eyes widen at her words.

"Damn it!" he cursed, causing him to take a smack to the back of his head from Martha.

"Watch you language in front of a lady," she instructs him. He turns, kisses her on her cheek and hugs her.

"Sorry Grandma, see you later," he waved before leaving, sparing me a wink before heading out the door. Ugh, he's one of those guys. Those guys who gets everything they want because of their looks...pathetic.

"Come one dear, let me show you to your room," Martha ushers me to follow her up the stairs. When we reach the top, she turns to her left and begins walking down the narrow hallway.

"How'd you know I was lying? About my name, I mean," I asked her curiously over her shoulder.

Martha laughs. "Because I knew your mother, dear. She was fascinated by the moon, so I knew your name had to have something to do with the moon itself. I mean, her name was Binara after all, like Binara Poya, meaning Fruit Moon. She loved eating fruit," she finishes when she stops infront of a white wooden closed door.

She opened the door with one swooshing motion that invited me to see inside the room. I took a step in and was immediately blinded by the brightness. The walls were bright pink and furnished with a white wooden vanity table, a dresser, and a queen sized bed.

The bed was decorated with multiple pillows of different colors and designs. There were pictures on the walls along with flower paintings. Yep, definitely a girls room. To my left, next to the window was a desk. It had a television sitting on top of it. "It's so...colorful," I finally speak as I turn to the Martha.

"This use to be Travis' sister's room before she left for college this year," she replied back.

I nodded my head. "Thanks for invited me to stay here but I have to refuse. I'm in a bit of a bind right now, and I don't want to get you or your grandson involved in my mess," I try to tell her again. But like before, she waved it off.

"I'm sure we'll be fine. You need a place to stay and we've got an extra room," she stated simply.

"Well, in that case, thank you," I tell her with a kind, friendly smile. She returned it. Suddenly I remember my motorcycle. I really need my motorcycle. It has all my...things that I need to protect myself hidden under the seat. I headed out of the room and started down the stairs. "I have to go get my bike," I tell Martha when I reached the living room with her behind me.

"It may take a while since it's a ways away," I assure her.

"Well, why not wait until Travis gets home from school and he can take you to it. I'm sure he won't mind. He'll be home in a few hours," she suggest. I pause as I reach the door. Having a ride would be so much better than having to walk that distance.

I nod my head and sit on the couch, awaiting a few hours for Travis to return...

[AN: did NOT proofread this! Sooooooooo....tell me whatcah think?

Oh and on the comment about the Mason Family, for those of you who don't know who they are; they were a group of "hippies" for better lack of word, who killed innocent and random people under the orders of a man named Charles Manson, who led them to believe that he was was a true tragic and historic act that accured in the 60's or 70's(can't rembr), and I only know this because I saw a movie called Helter Skelter and it talks about their only mentioned it in the story because I was thinking about, so sorry if you didn't catch Travis' heavy sarcasm when he mentioned]

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