Can We Learn To Love Again ?

By timelordofasgard

24.7K 585 55

After the stealing, saving the tablet and meeting Ahk and fell in love with him, 3 years after that Larry qui... More

The Last Night
The Smithsonian
The power
Pharaoh's Tomb
The Combination
The battle part 1
The Battle part 2
The break up
Can We Learn To Love Again
Sequel !!!!


1.4K 42 2
By timelordofasgard

A/n This chapter will be in two POV, I will start with Ahk's POV then continue back with Eliza's POV


Ahk's POV

I know it is mean and heartless to be happy when Kahmunrah is sucked to the Underworld but one thinng you should know. He is not the REAL Kahmunrah, he is the wax version.

(A/n Remember the first time Larry see Kahmunrah freeze infront of the crate ? Its not the mummy version)

I can help myself but cheer alittle inside. I feel a smirk creeping to my face but quickly fade as I hear Eliza gasp beside me. And all hell break lose (I learn that phrase from Larry). I try to reach her as Kahmunrah grab her jacket. He drag her into the Underworld as I jump to catch her hand.

I grab her arm and try to pull her out. She didn't fight back, she is limp and her eyes is close. Its processing, the power in the Underworld is sucking her soul. Larry help me pull her and we manage to slowly pull her. But we realize that if we pull Eliza inside then Kahmunrah wil be pulled inside too.

Finally, after a few agonizing minutes that feels like hours, Atilla draw one of his arrows and shoot it to Kahmunrah's shoulder.

It works, he grasp his shoulder that make him take his hand off from Eliza. We see that as a chance and pull her in. Her body slam to me and I catch my self wrapping my arms around her.

Slowly, I sit up and put her head on my lap gently. Cold, thats the first thing I feel when I touch her hand. Larry scrambled and kneel next to her. He check her pulse and her breathing.

She is fine, but she doesn't wake up yet. "Why she is unconcious ?" Larry ask.

I sigh "Once you are in the Underworld, your soul will start to be taken. Especially if you goes in alive". Suddenly, Larry's face become serious "I know what happen between you and her". I look at him "I know I'm sorry, I don't know what got into me back there" I pause "I'll try to apologize but she ignore me".

He semi-glare at me "When someone you love nearly kill you, its hard to forgive them"

Suddenly, Eliza start moving and her eyes fluttered open as she suck in a heavy gasp. "Eliza ?" I call.


Eliza's POV

I open my eyes and squint it alittle as I see everything white. 'Where the heck am I ?' I raise myself on my elbow and as far as I see is...white. I sit up and slowly stand. "Eliz ? What are you doing here ?" a voice call from behind. I turn around to see my best friend, Sean. My eyes get wider as I spot him.

I run to him and embrace him in a big hug "I miss you so much" I pull away slowly "Am I dead ?" I ask. He smile "No, you are in the choosing world" I frown.

Anyway, Sean was my best friend when I'm in senior year in high school. We were walking back from school when a crazy man start shooting brutally. Three dead and 2 injured, including Sean. He got hit on his chest which kill him instantly. I remember tackling the guy down with the cops. And from that day, I swear I will help the civilian and thats why I want to be a cop.

"Choosing world ?" I ask "so I'm not dead yet ?". He take my hand and hold it "You can choose, detective" I smile at the nickname he give me "You can choose between going back to your life or you will leave and choose death". I look down and remember everyone.

Sean chuckle "You have a nice boyfriend". I look up "You know ?" He throw his hands up "I'm dead, I could see everything" he wink. I hit him playfully "You don't see me naked, do you ?" He grin "We also have limit, Eliz".

I smirk "So you know what happen in the museum ?" He nod "Yeah, and I would like to punch your Pharaoh boyfriend there". I smile and sigh "I choose to go back there".

He hug me "Be careful, Eliza" I hug him back and didnt want to release him but I have to "Yeah I will". He fade out and everything went black again.


I feel warmness sip into my body and I gasp heavily. My eyes flutter open and see two blurry faces above me.

"Eliza ?" I hear a familiar voice called. I try to sit up and found that my head is on Ahkmenrah's lap. He moved away and Larry suddenly hug me tightly. "You scared us" he say cupping my cheek.

I smile "Yeah, I'm sorry" and everybody start cheering. Sacagawea hug me and I crouch down as Jed and Oct run to me. "You do scared us, Warrior girl" Jed say. "Indeed, Jed nearlly cried" tease Oct. Jed exclaim "I aint a crier". I roll my eyes and laugh "Oh you two"

And I hear Custer announce "The Battle of Smithsonian" he pause "perhaps, the battle the world we'll never know". Larry say "We know" then he check his watch "Oh shit, I only got an hour to sunrise" he turn to Amelia "can you hitch us a ride ?" Which she answer with a fast "My pleasure"

I hear Larry mumble "but first, I need to handle something". I pick up my dagger, which I drop on the floor. Amelia whisper to me "So, hows you with the Pharaoh ?" I sigh "I don't know" and she went to take her plane.

"Come on guys" I lead them outside.
I take Jed and Oct and put them in my breast pocket. "Shit !" I exclaim as I remember something. "I need to get something from the crate, can you take them outside and wait for me ?" I ask Sacagawea and she nod. "Hey girl ! What do ya have to take at the crate ?" Jed ask.

I sigh "Ahkmenrah's cape" I pause "Not because I care for him but because I don't want to explain why the Pharaoh's cape is missing"

I hear Jed chuckle and "Tha's my girl". I walk back to storage and peek from behind a crate, checking whether there is someone or no. "The coast is clear" I whisper and I pull the door open and snatch the cape. I run back outside, despite Oct and Jed protest.

I shout a quick bye to the exhibits at Smithsonian and I climb up.
I seat near the window and rest my head on it. I glance at Jed and Oct and found them arguing about God-knows-what. I glance back at the Smithsonian and "Goodbye" I whisper.

I shove the cape to Ahkmenrah and lean on the window and close my eyes to sleep, ignoring something smooth and soft drape on me.


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