Not Alone ~ Haikyu Omegaverse

By StarStruck_2018

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In a world where second genders seem to mean everything what will happen when a certain pair are not what the... More

Attention (Kagehina)
Parental Bonds (Daisuga)
No more secrets (Kagehina)
Fighting Love (Iwaoi)

Back to normal? (Kagehina)

337 15 0
By StarStruck_2018

No one was surprised that the duo had made up and showed up to morning practice. Although there seemed to be a different atmosphere surrounding the pair. Hinata had told Daichi right away that he had detention for the rest of the week and therefore would miss afternoon practice. Daichi of course understood but didn't really agree with the VP's decision to punish the small alpha since he only knocked a few knot-heads unconscious and no one else was harmed because of it.

Daichi decided that today's morning practice would be spent doing team building exercises and also just to destress since exams were next week and they would determine who would attend the training camp. Out of pretty much nowhere Suga pulled out blankets and tons of pillows. "Since we're pretty much of pack I thought that we could just calm down a bit with a puppy pile. But what's a puppy pile without somewhere comfortable? Plus I'm sure some of our omegas are a little touched deprived."

Now that everyone else's second genders were known most people's gazes were directed at Kageyama at the touch deprived part. Kageyama tried not to fidget with all the eyes on him. He wasn't used to being able to just relax around people since his parents didn't want others to know he was an omega so his scent remained suppressed for the most part. His instincts however told him that touch was needed or he would become unstable and have a risk of dropping.

The team were close to each other for the most part but at the same time divided into set pairs. All pairs were alpha omega except for the Kinoshita and Narita who were both beta and Tanaka and Ennoshita who were both alphas. The huge nest was constructed quite quickly and Kageyama was forced to the middle as if the omegas all thought he was the one who needed the most protecting. Once all the omegas were done scenting each other the betas and alphas came in and practically laid on top of them and surrounded them with their scents as well.

Kageyama felt so loved and yet he couldn't help but feel that this was all wrong. He shouldn't be seen as the most vulnerable or as the most needy. His scent that he was barely giving off became a little sour and he tried not the whine or squirm. 'Touch from pack mates is good there's no reason to feel like you're trapped in a body that's not your own' Kageyama told himself in his head. 'What would my family think of me acting like an omega?' A small uncomfortable whine leaves Kageyama's throat as his eyes start to blur with tears. Sugawara who was hugging him from behind, released a calming scent and he nuzzled his nape in comfort. "There's no need to hide Kageyama. We all love you for who you are including your omega side." he whispered softly.

A few moments later Kageyama was calm and simply just enjoying the familiar scents surrounding him. Everyone in the puppy pile seemed content and soon enough they needed to get up and get changed for classes. A couple of complaints came from some of the omegas at the lack of warmth after the pile was disassembled. Kageyama couldn't complain since his need to be touched had been fulfilled for the first time in a long time. To be honest he was a little surprised he hadn't dropped from what happened yesterday with how unstable he was.

Hinata and him were now aware of their mutual liking although neither were sure where that put them. We're they courting? Dating? Just having a bromance? They had held hands on the way to practice this morning but they didn't really talk all that much. "Kageyama, I want to court you." Hinata said into the bathroom mirror. He had told his teacher he needed to use the restroom when he really just wanted sometime to decide how to ask Kageyama to go out with him. "Ugh that's probably too straightforward. What you want to go out sometime? that's too vague. We hang out all the time."

"I would go with the first one. I like straightforward, then there's no room for misunderstanding." Hinata physically jumped at the voice of someone in the stall he didn't realize was even in there. His plans were ruined, well and truly. Kageyama stepped out of the stall and said "Are you sure you want to make that commitment to me Hinata? It will most likely be disapproved by my parents, knowing them, and they can be rather harsh..." Hinata simply nodded and asked if he could court the taller omega. Kageyama blushed a little before he replied with a yes.

Kageyama followed his instincts in that moment and kissed Hinata. He kissed him and tried to force the other against the wall before a low playful growl came out of Hinata and Kageyama was the one pinned to the wall. Kageyama submitted without hesitation knowing that the small alpha that was now his boyfriend would never hurt him. He let him explore his mouth with his tongue before they broke apart for air. Hinata started to kiss Kageyama's jaw and neck before he rested his forehead against Kageyama's chest. "You're so beautiful Kags." he whispered. The new nickname came as a surprise but Kageyama didn't mind it one bit. Both realized they needed to head back to class and quickly hugged before going their separate ways.

Hinata didn't like all the attention he got from being known as an alpha. All his alpha friends in his class interacted with him less and omega classmates were practically throwing themselves at him because he had protected an omega yesterday. Some people however seemed kind of scared of him and he assumed they must've seen him when he was pretty much feral. Not even he wants to know how he looked while baring his teeth. He could barely remember what he was doing considering one second the alphas were backing off and in the next they were unconscious. He still wore his scent suppressant patches because he felt more comfortable with them on. At least his scent couldn't affect anyone when it was being suppressed.

However he was starting to get annoyed with all the omegas leaving their scents on him through not so subtle touches to his muscles and chest. Sure they weren't strangers but they weren't part of his pack either. Near the end of the day he ending up snapping at the omegas following him around asking to mate with them. He asked them to nicely leave him alone, even said he was already courting someone else but they weren't listening. The growl rippled out of his throat before he could think and he was lucky that his scent was blocked or he was pretty sure that he would've scared the omegas even more than he just did. He felt horrible when they quickly apologized and scurried away, fear evident in their adverted gazes. 'Why am I like this?' Hinata thought as he hid his face in his hands. Knowing he was probably going to have a breakdown he quickly moved out of the hallways and behind the school where no one could see him.

The breeze outside helped to cool his temper down but he was now just angry at himself. His hands clenched and unclenched as he tried to ground himself not wanting to let his alpha take control. Suppressing his second gender all the time was quite taxing on his emotions and mental state and since he let it have free reign yesterday it was harder to shove it back down. Suppressants could only help with the scent but they couldn't stop the canines from sharping or his eyes from changing to gold. He debated knocking himself unconscious just so he knew he wouldn't go feral but he wasn't sure if he could hit himself hard enough to do that when he wasn't already feral. Stupid alphas and their stupid tendencies.

Hinata knew that his body was only having this reaction because he had suppressed his inner alpha for so long. Any normal alpha could easily control their emotions and the shift from normal to feral. Many would be able to even remember what they did while they were feral. He sunk down to the ground against the wall of the school. He took deep breathes and tried to think of happy thoughts where he was really proud of himself or when others showed love to him. His mind flittered back to Kageyama who agreed to go out with him. He felt his canines go back to normal however he still was a little on edge.

Footsteps slowly approached him after the last bell for classes rang throughout the school. Hinata was curled in on himself trying to keep himself calm. 'I'm just like him...I don't want to be like him.' he thought as his eyes transitioned from hazel to gold as he fought to have control over his alpha side. A hand softly touched his shoulder and Hinata immediately slapped it away growling at the person that dared to come close to him. When he looked over he saw Kageyama next to him with an expression of understanding as if he knew what he was feeling right now. Kageyama was a bit shocked by his eyes that were constantly changing in colour but he forced himself to not show any fear, afraid that it might unnerve the alpha even more.

He scooted closer to him and tentatively placed a hand over his, this time Hinata didn't swat it away but actually shifted to hold it properly. He buried his head back into his knees before mumbling out, "I growled and scared some omegas... but I didn't mean to... and now everyone will be scared of me... my alpha classmates can barely look me in the eye and now the omegas won't be able to either. I just... don't want to be like him. I don't want everyone to be scared of me... to feel that kind of fear... never ever knowing when they'll snap and hurt you." Although Kageyama didn't really know who the him Hinata was referring to he understood that it must've been a bad alpha in Hinata's life. He felt sorry for whatever Hinata had to experience even if it was all in the past now. He wasn't good with the whole talking about feelings thing so he decided to just trust his omega side for once.

Kageyama pulled Hinata's hand up and scented it gently because his instincts were screaming at him to get rid of the scents that were unfamiliar all over his boyfriend. Releasing more of his scent made Kageyama a bit uncomfortable but seeing Hinata visibly relax made it worth it.

"You smell like blueberries Kags." Hinata said quietly, his eyes fully hazel and remaining that way. Kageyama blushed a bit not entirely sure if that was a compliment or not. Kageyama only really smelled Hinata's scent yesterday and it was full of aggression so it kind of smelled like cinnamon hearts but as Kageyama inched closer to Hinata's scent glands he smelt more like an evergreen tree even if it was really subtle because of suppressants. "Well you remind me of how a forest would smell on a peaceful hike in the spring."

Hinata chuckled a little. 'When did you become poetic Bakayama?" "Who says I haven't always been, there's a lot that we probably don't know about each other considering hiding our secondary genders leads to hiding all the tendencies that come with them." Hinata sighs before nodding as he leaned his head on Kageyama's shoulder. "It's the end of the day right?" Kageyama nodded and Hinata gets up and lent a hand to help his boyfriend up. "Then I should really get to detention before I get another punishment, see you afterwards, k?" The smile that was directed at him was too bright for his small heart to handle so Kageyama just nodded and waved as Hinata went back inside the school.

I'll probably skip over to a different team for the next chapters to see the dynamics going on there before they all meet at the training camp. Let me know who you want to see first!

Thanks for reading this story!

~ StarStruck_2018

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