Someone Like Me

By Sonlove17

214K 5.7K 1.3K

(STEVEN X MALE READER) Y/n moves to Beach city hoping to find a place to belong, and then he meet Steven univ... More

Training Thoughts
A Gem in Need
When it Rains
Kindergarten Insecurities
Steven's Birthday
It Could of Been Great
Message Received
Gem Drill
Hit the Diamond
Arcade Cake
Shell Monster
Lovely Nightmare
Gem Hunt
Crack the Whip
Back to the Moon
Beach Date
 Mindful Education
Gem Harvest
Steven's Dream
Gem Heist
The Zoo
Pain of a Rose
Jungle Temple
Lion 4: Alternate Ending
The Good Lars
Are You My Dad?
I am My Mom
The Trial
Homeworld Sacrifices
Kevin Party
Stone Geology
Metaphorical Blizzard 
Can't go Back
Now We're Only Falling Apart
What's Your Problem?
The Question
Made of Honor
Legs From Here to Homeworld
Together Alone
Sorry About the Wait

A Single Pale Rose

1.9K 64 19
By Sonlove17

"Steven you need to calm down". Y/n said garbing his boyfriend's warm hand.
"But, Y/n she.. we need answers from her"! Steven replied with sweat forming around his forehead.
"Babe we will but panicking over this isn't going to help". Y/n whispered while kissing his check and gave his Muffin a light smile. Steven gave Y/n a warm smile and rested his body on his shoulder.
"You're right I just need to breathe". Steven said nuzzling more into Y/n
"You know I'm always here for you Baby". Y/n replied kissing Steven on the head.
"Pearl you've had your phone for a month and haven't used it"? Amethyst asked as the two walked in the beach house.
"I have been using it to check the time". Pearl replied matter of factly as they sat down at the counter.
"Come on you haven't even changed your wallpaper; Let's do that first". Amethyst said.
"Pearl I need to ask you something important"! Steven yelled with a crack facial expression.
"Steven it has to wait; I'm doing an important demonstration". Amethyst replied as she took the white phone from Pearl and took a selfie with her tongue out.
"Now all you need is a case and you're good to go". Amethyst said as she handed the phone back to Pearl.
"Don't worry I have that part covered". Pearl said as her gem stated to glow white and a briefcase fell into her hands.
"Yeah there's a phone chase in my room somewhere I'll grab it". Amethyst said, jumping down off the counter and walked off to her room. Once the temple door opened and Amethyst went into her room Steven and Y/n got off the couch and went over to Pearl.
"Umm Pearl we have somet-hing to ask you". Steven asked as he grabbed Y/n's hand to claim himself down.
"Alright what is it Steven"? Pearl asked.
"Umm-was it you who shattered- Pink Diamond"? Steven asked as his grip got tighter around his boyfriend's hand. The two hybrids heard Pearl's phone drop to the ground and when they looked up they saw her hand was over her mouth.
"Pearl you have to tell us; you're shaking because of this". Y/n said as Pearl shaking got worse and what little sound that came out of her mouth wasn't words.
"Hey Pearl I found the phone case". Amethyst yelled while walking out of her door.
"Oh right the phone silly me I'll put it right where it belongs"! Pearl yelled as she picked up her phone and with sweaty hands shoved her phone back into her gem. Steven looked down at the ground while rubbing his right arm repeatedly. Y/n sighed and put his hand on Steven's shoulder.
"You haven't eaten anything today, let's go into town and get you some food". Y/n said with a small smile.
"But, Y/n".
"No buts you need to eat Muffin and you need to get some fresh air". Y/n said as he walked towards the door with Steven by his side. The two walked to Beach City and went to Peedee's new food truck, the Hot 2 Tot. Steven got some tots and he and Y/n shared them.
"Are you doing alright"? Y/n asked as he bit into a tot.
"Somewhat I'm just sick of this; why can't the gems tell us anything"? Steven said with a sigh.
"Hey they can't keep this stuff a secret forever Steven". Y/n replied while putting a hand on Steven's shoulder.
"Yeah but that doesn't really make me feel better". Steven said grabbing the last Tot from the basket. Steven's phone buzzed in his pocket so he put the basket down to grab his phone. He opened to find a text Pearl.
"I want to tell you but I can't"? Steven said, showing his phone to Y/n.
"Umm what's with the monkey covering their mouth"? Y/n asked.
"Let's go see Pearl"! Steven said as he garbed Y/n's hand and dashed back to the beach house.
"Pearl what do you mean by "I want to tell you but I can't"? Steven yelled as he and Y/n ran inside the house.
"Wait I've used my phone since I put it away this morning". Pearl replied.
"You just sent another one"! Steven said while showing his phone to Pearl. Pearl's eyes locked on the pink flower and sighed.
"Steven, Y/n I need you two to go inside my gem and get my phone". Pearl said as she bent down and put a hand on their shoulders.
"Wait what we can go inside your gem"! Y/n asked.
"Yes you can and I need you two to do it quickly". Pearl replied as she grabbed Steven and Y/n's hands and picked them up from the floor. A teal light shined on the two as they were flowing in the air. The two got sucked into Pearl's gem and then they found themselves on a white ground. The hybrids headed humming and they looked up to see Pearl organizing items.
"Pearl"!? Steven asked.
"Oh Steven, where can I put you; under ST"? Pearl asked herself.
"Wait don't file me"! Steven yelled while shaking to get out of Pearl's grip.
"Pearl um I do I put this... the Pearl from outside asked us to look for her phone". Y/n said, rubbing the back of his head.
"Oh my phone let's look under P". Pearl said while putting Steven down and swiped her hand to the left. All the items in Pearl gem dash to the left and it stopped under the P section of the file.
"It's not here; wait it's a cellar phone I must have put it under C ''. Pearl said, swiping her hand to the right. The file stopped and Pearl smiled.
"It should be right here". Pearl said, putting her hand under an empty space.
"It's not there". Y/n said while Pearl looked at the space to see no phone there.
"That doesn't make sense; unless some other me took it". Pearl said while sweat fell from her forehead.
"Wait there's more of you in here"? Steven asked.
"Oh yeah but it's a mess you don't want to see it. That's why I get to be on top. I'm the most sane and organize". Pearl replied while putting a hand in her chest.
"Pearl inside Pearl's pearl can you bring us to the Pearl's"? Steven asked.
"Of course you can somehow make this make sense". Y/n thought while putting a hand on his face.
"Like I said before it's a mess back there". Pearl replied.
"We can handle it". Steven said while grabbing Y/n's hand.
"Alright but don't say I didn't warn you". Pearl said while garbing Steven's hand and putting the two in the air with a teal light. The two got sucked into Pearl's gem and they felt sand?
"This doesn't look like a mess"? Steven asked himself.
"It looks more like the temple from 15 years ago". Y/n said looking around. The two boys heard crying from behind a rock and Y/n sighed.
"Oh that type of mess". Steven said as he grabbed Y/n's hand and they walked over to the rock.
"Hey Pearl from inside Pearl's Pearl Pearl you upset about the phone thing too"? Steven asked as the two sat down next to her.
"No it's Rose she can't be having a baby"! Past Pearl cried while more tears fell from her eyes.
"Well this is awkward". Steven mumbled.
"What am I going to do when she disappears I'm going to lose her like; what was it you said"? Past Pearl asked while wiping away tears.
"Um your cell phone"? Y/n replied with a crack smile.
"My cell phone"! Past Pearl cried while putting her head on her legs.
"It's going to be alright that's why you ask us to come here; we're going to find it". Steven replied, putting a hand on her shoulder.
"I think I know where it is. It's probably where I lost everything less. Past Pearl said while grabbing both of their hands. The two hybrids got sucked into the gem by a teal and the sky looked red. The two got up and Y/n grabbed his boyfriend's hand.
"Can we find Pearl quickly? This place gives me the creeps". Y/n said while getting closer to Steven.
"I was thinking the same thing-". Steven replied but fell to the ground and the force of Steven felling made Y/n fall to the ground as well. The two opened their eyes to see gems on the grounds and they jumped back.
"This is the gem war isn't it". Y/n asked as his pupil dilated looking around the battlefield.
"Won't it be funny if she left it on the counter, or dropped it in the toilet. It's more likely than it being in your suppressed war memories''. Steven said quickly as the two walked around the battlefield.
"Steven please take a breath and calm down ". Y/n said as his grip got tighter around Steven's hand.
"Wait Pearl inside; forget it, what's going on is this about your phone or what"! Steven yelled as the two walked over to war Pearl who was on an edge of a cliff.
"Everything is gone we thought we won but there was a bright light. Why did I do it everyone's gone because of this". War Pearl said while looking at the ground.
"Pearl you can tell us what's going on"? Y/n asked. War Pearl shook her head and grabbed both of their hands. A teal light formed her gem and the two hybrids got sucked into it.
"Ugh where are we now"? Y/n asked as they got up from the ground. Y/n looked down at Steven to see a pink shard in his hand.
"Wait is that". Y/n asked, putting a hand over his mouth.
"I think it is her ". Steven replied while looking down at the shard. The two heard a scream and looked over to see Rose Quartz with her sword in her hands.
"Mom, but I thought this was Pearl's memories''? Steven asked as they walked over to her to see her crying. When she opened her eyes they were teal.
"I knew it it's you who shattered her". Steven said with a sigh. Rose Pearl put out her hand to reveal Pink Diamond and Onyx gemstone
"Wait, you didn't shatter my mom so what's going on"? Y/n said as his face paled.
"Pearl you need to show us more". Steven said. Rose Pearl took out her hand as Steven grabbed it. Y/n grabbed Steven's hand as a teal light sucked them into Pearl's gem. The two hybrids opened their eyes to be sitting on a throne.
"The palanquin"? Steven asked. The two jumped off the throne but they heard whispering.
"Then it's going to be done it's going to be easy". A voice said.
"There has to be another way". A second voice said. The two boys looked from behind the throne to see Pearl, Rose, and another gem who was colored black. Pearl was wearing a light Pink mini dress with pink and orange top divided by a yellow diamond. The black gem had Wavy hair that was a side cut while wearing a black homeworld uniform with pink diamonds on the chest, arms, and legs of the uniform.
"Blue and Yellow don't care; they never have this Pink Diamonds colony. We can end it here right here right now". Rose said while giving the two soft eyes.
"You know this is crazy right your status our purpose it's not going to matter anymore". Pearl replied while looking down at the ground.
"This is going to change everything we've known all our lives". The black gem said with a sigh.
"I know isn't it exciting"! Rose said with a smile.
"It is". Pearl replied with a blush on her face.
"We can leave our old lives behind if this is really my world. I want to give it to the Crystal gem. I want to live here with human beings. I want to live here with the two of you". Rose said with a smile.
"Ok I'm ready". Pearl said while perking her head up.
"Pearl"! Rose said with a big smile on her face.
"I can't believe I'm going to do this". Pearl said with a sigh.
"I can't exactly shatter myself". Rose replied while giving the two a hug. When the three broke Rose started to glow pink and grew bigger while shaking left to right. Her gem flipped to an upside down diamond and what was in her place was Pink Diamond. Steven and Y/n stepped backwards and looked at each other with their pupils dilated. When they saw Pink Diamond walk their way there pressed their bodies back against the throne. Pearl and the black gem walked behind her and waited for their Diamond to come back. When she did she had dirt and a pink flower in her hand. She handed the pink flower to Pearl who put the flower in her hair and crashed the dirt in her hands. Pink Diamond put out her hands and showed them pink gem shards.
"Convincing"? Pink Diamond asked.
"Very much so my Diamond". Pearl replied while sweat formed on her forehead. Pearl was about to unleash Rose's sword but got cut off by Pink.
"There's one more thing I have to do". Pink Diamond said she got down to the two gems.
"Yes"? The black gem asked.
"We can't let anyone know we did this and I never want to turn back. So, my last order for you as a Diamond is never speck of this again". Pink Diamond said as she put her hands on Pearl's and the blacks gems mouth while they covered their mouths with their hands. Pink Diamond got up and started to walk outside the palanquin.
"Onyx ready to go"? Pink Diamond asked with a side glance.
"I'll be there in a second my Diamond". Onyx replied.
"Wait that's my mom"? Y/n whispered in Steven's ear.
"Yeah looks like it". Steven replied.
"Wait Pearl, just don't go too easy on me". Onyx said with a smirk.
"Don't worry Onyx I wouldn't ever give it a thought". Pearl replied with a smile. The two hugged and Onyx smiled at her.
"I'll see you later Pearl". Onyx said as she walked outside to meet Pink. Pearl smiled and looked down at the two hybrids.
"Sorry for making you come all this way". Pearl said with a soft smile as she handed Steven the white phone. Pearl shape shifted into Rose and the flower that was in her hair fell to the ground.Steven opened it and texted Pearl that they found it. A light hit them and they got sucked upwards and fell onto the beach house floor. The two looked up to see Pearl looking down at them crying
"We knew; we knew everything now". Steven looking up at Pearl.
"I've been wanting to let you for so long". Pearl replied as more tears fell from her eyes.
"Mom was Pink Diamond". Steven said while laying down on Y/n's chest. Y/n hugged him from behind and gave him a warm smile.
"We got a lot to talk about but I still can't believe I saw mom". Y/n said with few tears falling from his face.
"Whatttttttttt". Amethyst said with her mouth opened while Garnet had her hands over her mouth.

The chapter that y'all been waiting for is done! I've been planning the onyx reveal for a while now and I'm so happy that it out for y'all. Anyway that's all for now see y'all next time!

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